Rainy Night

By Tom Sims

Published on Jul 10, 2015


The characters and events in this story are fictional and any resemblance to real people is purely co-incidental. The following story may contain sexual or reference to sexual situations. If this is illegal in your area, you are underage or you find it objectionable, do not read any farther and exit now! tomsims563@yahoo.com Have you made a donation to Nifty? If you have thank you! http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Rainy Night

Chapter 1

It was a rainy, stormy night and I was still one hundred fifty miles from home. I decided to get a motel room and spend the night and continue home the next day. I had ten miles to go before I came to a town. For some unknown reason, my car?s motor quite working. However, I was able to coast to a wide spot on the side of the road. I got the car completely beyond the fog line out of the path of traffic. Lady Luck hadn?t completely deserted me I tried my cell phone and discovered that I was in a dead area and had no service. Oh crap! I knew one thing, I wasn?t getting out of the car and get soaking wet. The way my luck was running tonight, I was sure to catch my death of pneumonia. I lowered the back of my seat to a comfortable positing and closed my eyes. I would just sleep in the car until morning or the rain stopped. I had just dropped off to sleep, when someone woke me by tapping on my window. I was surprised to see a young policeman standing there. ?Come around and get in on the other side. No reason for you to stand out there and get all wet.? ?Iam sorry Sir, that is against the rules. I have a raincoat and hat so I will be fine and won?t get wet. Are you having car troubles or are you just trying to catch a nap?? ?My car is completely dead and I don?t have any cell service. I was just going to sleep in the car and wait until morning before I tried to fix it.? ?Ican call Dispatch and have them send out a tow truck if you would like.? ?That would be absolutely great. I have AAA. Do you need my name and number?? ?That would speed things up considerably.? I gave my information to him and he returned to his car to call for a tow truck. Soon he returned, There?s a tow truck on its way and will be here in about half an hour or so.? ?If there is nothing more that I can do for you, I?ll be on my way. I?m sure that I can find plenty to do. Good Luck! Find a nice warm dry place with a good bed when you get into town. There is a very nice little motel just as you come into town and it is next door to the best garage in town called Top Notice Auto Repair. The owner knows his stuff and will get you on your way. Just tell him that Officer Ron sent you and he?ll put you on the top of his repair list.? ?Thanks Officer, Maybe someday I?ll be back this way and I can buy you lunch. That is the least I can do! Now I can just wait for the tow truck.? Officer Ron left and I was just sitting playing the waiting game and dozed off again. I don?t remember getting a motel. I wonder how long I have been asleep? I must be in a hospital since I have all these tubes and machines attached to me! What is going on? I thought to myself. ?Hey, I am glad to see you join the world of the living. You were involved in very bad accident. Your car was hit in the rear by a driver who was under the influence and was traveling a very high rate of speed. He was a DOA. You have been in a coma for three days. I am Clark, your nurse. You are in the ICU unit of the local hospital. I have just come on shift and I will be here for several hours. I need to get busy and give you a complete check up???.? I woke again and Clark was still in the room. ?Man, you gave me a big scare. You have been out for the last 16 hours. I went off shift and came back on. Are you going to stay with us this time. I am tired of playing this silly game .?Chuckled Clark. ?Hey, that is what I plan on doing. I think I?m back to stay. I need to have you bring me up to date with what is going on with me. I can?t feel my lower body. I know that I have two broken arms because they are both in a cast. So tell me what else is wrong with me!? ?Herb, you are lucky to be alive. Your body has taken one hell-of-a-beating and will probably take a long time to heal. Just don?t give up. Stay in there and fight. You have a broken leg to go along with your arms, two broken ribs, and lots of internal bruising. Fortunately, you have no internal bleeding. You have a head injury which is probably causing your blackout spells and maybe some of you other problems. We used a large number of stitches and sutures for your cuts all over you body. Now for the bad part. You are paralyzed from the waist down. The doctor thinks this may be just temporary and with intense physical therapy you could have a full recovery. Your sisters are both here. I sent them to the cafeteria to get something to eat. They should be back in a few minutes. They have been by your side the whole time. You had all the necessary information in you wallet, so informing the family was an easy task.? "Clark, I want the truth. Just what are my chances of survival?? ?Iwould say that you have a 95% chance. I would give you 100% but something unforeseen could enter into the picture.? ?If I do survive, what are my chances of getting my whole body to function properly in other words getting rid of my paralysis?? ?Probably 50-50. I wish I could give you a higher percentage but that is something that we?ll have to wait as see how you progress.? ?Thanks, Clark. I hate playing guessing games.? ?Knowing you, Herb ,and how stubborn you are, I would say that you have about 99% of walking again! It is so good to see you talking. I thought you were a goner for sure!? Carol said between sobs. ?Iwant to just hold you but I can?t so I will just lay my hand on your shoulder,? cried Mary. Just seeing my two sisters boosted my survival percentage. ?Are the kids here with you?? ?No, they are at home with their dads. We will give them a call and they will be here tomorrow,? said Carol. ?We have just been waiting for you to come out of your coma. It is sure is nice to hear your voice again. Mary and I never did give up hope and we have spent a lot of time in the chapel.? ?Ithink our prayers have been answered. We knew that you were a survivor!? Exclaimed Mary. ?Ithink we need to find you a good woman for a wife so she can take care of you. It is plain to see, you?ll be needing someone.? ?Maybe, I don?t want a woman and would like a good man instead. Have you ever considered that?? ?Nothing you do actually surprises us anymore,? chuckled Carol. ?What ever!? You will need someone be it man or woman.? ?Iam certainly glad that you are giving me a choice. I can just see the old hag that you two would choose for me. I told you before that I a confirmed bachelor and will raise all my children to do the same.? ?Clark, you see what we have to put up with. Just think! He is here on his death bed and he still has no respect for his elders. Carol, I think it is time to go motel and get some sleep. Herb will still be here when we return in the morning.? ?Iagree,? said Carol and leaned over and kiss Herb on the forehead. ?Love you!? ?Love you back, Sis!? This procedure was repeated again with Mary and they were gone. ?Clark, those two are the best sisters that anyone could ever ask for. Just don?t take the three of us seriously. We are actually thicker than glue.? ?Herb, you are lucky. You have those two and I can feel all the love passing between you. I was an only child and I really missed not having someone go grow up with. So I had to go with the kid next door. He was really a jerk at times, but he was all that I had and we became very close. We are still the best of friends. We even married sisters. I didn?t even have any cousins my age. They were all about fifteen plus years older than me.? ?How long will I have to stay in here before they kick me out?? ?Ithink the insurance company will probably have something to say about that, plus a lot will depend on how fast you heal. Of course your insurance company is going after the other guy?s insurance. My advice for you is get a good lawyer and let him do all the work. That is why you will be paying him fancy fees.? ?Not a problem, I own a molding manufacturing plant and I have a team of the best on the payroll. I was on a company business trip, so they have probably already started working on the case.? ?Do you need to call your company and let them know what is going on with you?? ?Already taken care of. Both Carol and Mary?s husbands are on the management payroll. The girls and I inherited the family business. I bought them out with what money I had and profit producing shares in the company but I have controlling interest. Part of the deal was that their husbands be placed on the payroll. .??It looks like all that is left for you to do is concentrate on getting well and back to normal. Here is something else for you to think about. After you leave the hospital you will probably be sent to a health care facility, ie a nursing home unless you make other arrangements. I would recommend an individual to come as a live-in-care giver, preferably a male since you will need a lot of private personal attention. Might save a little embracement for both of you. You have a little time before you have to make a decision.? ?Clark, I think you are in the wrong profession. You should be a counselor and deal with severe trauma cases like me. Just the last few minutes we have been talking, you have relaxed me a tremendous amount and have lifted a big load off my shoulders. I even forgot that I was supposed to be hurting all over. Half of me is hurting like hell. The other half has no feeling at all. Now if you would only take care of the hurting half, I would be ready to go home,? I said laughing. ?Ithink I need to give you a pain killer and a sleeping pill so you can get some much needed rest. I will be going off shift shortly and we can talk all day tomorrow.? Don?t you have other patients to care for? I don?t want to take all your time.? ?Herb, you have round-the-clock care. You are in the ICU unit and there are 3 of us monitoring you, 24/7. We will be doing this until you start stabilizing a little. Then you will become one of the regulars and will have to share us with the rest of the ward.? ?Ithink it is time for you to get some sleep. You know sleep is one of the best medicine and it does wonders for the body and helps it to heal. We have all day tomorrow to talk and probably several more. The kids will be here tomorrow.?

??? ***** The room suddenly became alive. Five little people came running into the room and formed a semi-circle around the bed. Arms were outstretch and touching me all over. It was more than I could handle. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. ?Uncle Herb, are you in pain. You want Mom to kiss the ouches and make them all better. That is what she does when we hurt ourselves. Then she puts a band-aid on and this makes the ouches all better,? said Lori, the oldest girl of five. ?Ijust wish that it were all that simple. I am crying because I am so glad to see all of my favorite nieces and nephews! See that man standing over there. He takes care of all my pain.? ?Ibet when he kisses your hurts, it really makes them feel better. He is real cute and can kiss my hurts anytime he wants,? said Lori. All the adults in the room started laughing. ?Lori, Clark takes care of pain in another way. He gives me a shot and that takes care of all the pain.? ?When the nurse at school gives me a shot, it hurts a lot and I cry. I would rather have a kiss!? Lori said wrinkling up her nose and making a horrible face. ?I?ll remember that the next time, Clark starts to give me a shot!? ?Won?t do any good, Buster, I?ll just use an extra large needle. I have a couple of horse needles that I save for special occasions. I wonder how loud you can yell. I don?t think I will use the big needles with the little ones in here. It might make them afraid of a needle and give them nightmares.? ?Carol and Mary, you had better start looking for a adult foster care or health care facility. The hospital is going to kick me out one of these days and I?ll need a place to go. And no, I won?t consider moving in with one of you. You both have your hands full and I?d be too much for you and besides you have a families to care for. You can?t devote all your strength and energy taking care of me. Case closed and not open for discussion.? ?Herb, have you considered having a full time live in care giver?? asked Mary. ?Ihave and I have ruled out a woman. I will need to have a man that is strong enough to help me in and out of bed., attend to all my personal needs, be my chauffeur, cook, housekeeper and who know what else. I challenge you to find me a man who can satisfy all my needs and demands.? ?Ithink we will start looking. There should be someone out there, somewhere,? said Carol. ?Ihave a friend who will be graduating soon. He?ll get his degree in physical therapy and I know he is big and very strong. He played college football for all fours years of college and had a full ride scholarship. Therefore, he won?t have a lot of student?s loans.? said Clark. ?I?ll give him a call and see if he is interested. ?Your doctor has ordered more test for you tomorrow. He wants you to have another MRI and cat scan. He wasn?t satisfied with ones you had when you came into the hospital. He is trying to find a cause of you paralysis. Let?s hope that he is successful!? More to come! Have you made a donation to Nifty? ?

Next: Chapter 2

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