Ralph the Tailor

By David Auslander

Published on Jun 14, 2023




They were over the "hump." All the various uniforms, costumes and dresses had been fitted and distributed. Now all they had to be concerned with was the cleaning of the various garments, and fair wear and tear. They arrived at the sewing room at 7:30 AM. they repaired rips and pre-treated spot remover before taking garments to the laundry or dry cleaners. They had to know what they could do with the various fabrics: how to work with them and how to clean them! Between the two of them, the fabric and cleaning fluids were not mixed up.

After the mandatory clean up session, they were free for the rest of the day! Tom gravitated to Ralph. It was a question of the new-by following the experienced one. That is how it started. Completely nonsexual. It started that way. It didn't stay that way for long.

The first time sexual thoughts entered the picture was when Ralph and Tom met to go swimming in one of the topside swimming pools. Ralph was in his "Broad Shorts" but Tom was in a "Speedo-type" swim suit. He was wearing a "Swimmer Jock" under the swim suit, so his genitals did not distort (too much) the front of the suit; but the crotch of the suit bulged enticingly. Aside from that, Tom had a young, well shaped, but hairless body. Ralph noticed! He was attracted, but the difference in their ages caused him to pause. Ralph was in his 40s while Tom was in his 20s. Ralph was old enough to be Tom's father. Tom was young and sexy, but should his close association in the workplace, prevent their getting together sexually. Shouldn't Tom be with someone his own age? Ralph decided that he should not pursue the sexual side of their relationship, although he wanted to. He would bite his lip and "grin and bare it."

They "frolicked" poolside. Ralph was very aware of the presence of Tom. Although he did not erect, he was stimulated by the nearness of the sexy body of the Young man; but because of the difference in their ages, Ralph made no move.

Things got very tense the morning Tom handed a container of "Sun protector" (SP-50) to Ralph and asked him to "do" his back. They were in poolside lounge chairs, side by side. Tom got off his chair and moved between Ralph's legs. Ralph put some lotion on his hands, and started rubbing it all over Tom's back. The feeling in Ralph's hands was electric.

Ralph wrestled with himself! He wanted Tom, but was held back by his consideration of other factors. He did not consider himself an old man who wanted a "mercy fuck."

That day, he made another conscious decision to not pursue Tom. He tapped on Tom's back. Tom twisted around and said: "What about You?"

Ralph resolved himself to the situation, and said: "I could probably use a re-coating!" Trying to be nonchalant Ralph changed positions with Tom. He now sat between Tom's spread legs. Ralph was very conscious of the bulge in Tom's swimsuit that was pushing into his rear. and Tom began spreading the "sun cream" on Ralph's back.

Ralph endured the torture of the nearness of Tom. As much as he concentrated on other things, he lost control and erected. Ralph panicked! He rapidly rose to his feet and jumped into the water, hoping the water would hide his erection.

Tom also jumped into the water, "cannon balling" his mentor. They "Frolicked" in the waters for several hours, then Ralph suggested they have dinner at "Franks" Franks was a division of "Francois'," a world famous French restaurant. Tom went to his compartment, showered, and dressed'. Tom was not upset for the choice of restaurant as it was not the one he was hired for.

Ralph went to his compartment, showered, and dressed for dinner. Ralph called Franks and made reservations for dinner.

They met in front of the French Restaurant, and strolled through "Times Square" including window shopping in some of the expensive shops. After a long stroll, they went back to "Frank's" and went in. The "Major D," dressed in formal tails, recognized them and led them to a table for two, leaving two menus. They sat and pursued the menu. Tom was amazed at the prices.

Ralph, under his breath, said: "Don't be anxious about the prices. We get a staff discount."

Tom looked at the menu and was amazed, it was in French, and only listed the main dish: beef, chicken, pork or fish. Vegetables and starches were not listed. The waiter came to the table. It was kind of a "bus-man's holiday." They visually examined the costume the waiter was wearing. His dress was deemed acceptable.

Tom whispered to Ralph and asked: "How do you say beef in French? "

Ralph answered: "Boef."

The waiter took their orders and disappeared.

Tom commented: "This is the first time I have seen such a sparse menu!"

Ralph answered: "The chief will choose the appropriate vegetable and starch to go with the main course."

After they had ordered, a "Sommelier" came to the table with a wine menu. On board was a wine cellar that any stateside restaurant would be proud of! Tom watched in wonder. (Being gay did not affect the pallet.) Ralph addressed the Sommelier in French. The sommelier disappeared but returned in a few minutes with a bottle of wine. With great ceremony, he uncorked the bottle, he then removed a special cup/saucer from around his neck and poured a small amount of the wine into it. He then presented it to Ralph who first sniffed it, then sampled it. Ralph raised his head and nodded. The sommelier then poured wine into the glasses. He left the bottle on the table, and left.

Tom laughed! He said: "Trust the French to make a ceremony out of eating and drinking!"

The dinner was fabulous. The salad was the right size, the steak was properly aged and cooked to perfection and the desert was fitting. The baked potato had been baked, not "Steamed" and no aluminum foil! The fancy wine was just right. Ralph signed the bill and listed his compartment number. They left the restaurant.

Outside Tom said to Ralph: "That was unbelievable!''

Over the next few weeks, Tom, together with Ralph, explored the ship and made use of the many facilities on a cruise ship. They swam in pools, lounged around, and played shuffleboard. With the exception of sex, they acted like a couple. They got through the next change over, together! They worked "Hand in Glove"! Their actions were almost automatic.

One day, they were in the sewing shop, and Ralph was at the sewing machine repairing a seam, when Tim walked in back of Ralph, and kissed him on the neck. Ralph froze! After a period of time, Ralph mumbled:"Tom, you kissed me!"

Tom answered: "Yes I did! I got tired of waiting for you to make the first move, and I decided it was up to me."

Ralph continued to stare at the sewing machine and said: "Tom, I am old enough to be your father!"

Tom replied: "It's a good thing I like older men, then."

Ralph turned around and looked at Tom, Finally he said: "Tom, I have developed feelings for you. I was afraid the differences in our ages would be an unconquerable obstacle. I have deliberately not come on to you or made any other move. I do not want a "mercy fuck" and I was hoping for more than that."

Tom answered: "I too want more than a roll in the hay. I was hoping for a long term relationship. I was attracted to you the first day I saw you. Since then, I have developed strong feelings for you. I was hoping you would have those feelings towards me. I am a retiring personality, so I was hoping you would make a move. Today's action came to be because you did not make the move that I wanted.

Ralph, I have developed feelings for you and I want to be with you, and engender pleasure in you."

Ralph rose and stepped toward Tom. he embraced him tightly, and kissed him, passionately. Tom returned the kiss with equal passion. Ralph broke the kiss saying: "I don't even know what you like sexually."

To said: "I think we will be compatible in bed. I am a bottom, and returning waiters clued me in that you are a top. The returning waiters also clued me in to the fact that you are a very dominant personality but that you always engendered pleasure in your partner. I am looking forward to being in bed with you!"

Ralph said: "Let's finish here and retire to my compartment, and see how we are together."

Next: Chapter 4

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