Ramsay Street Boys

By Joe Bloggs

Published on Nov 19, 2009


This is a CELEBRITY PARODY involving characters of the Australian TV show Neighbours. The characters referred to remain the property of Fremantle Media and Ten Digital.

It depicts homosexual acts between minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 21 years old and over. This story in no way intends to insinuate that the characters or any associated real life actors, in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content.

Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal in the state/country/area where you live.

If you want to comment or give productive and/or constructive advice, I welcome it. Please send all feedback to niftystory@hotmail.co.uk

Ramsay Street Boys - Chapter 1

Number 30 Ramsay Street awoke to another argument. Ben and Callum were at each other again!

"God! Your trainers stink Callum, why didn't you put them out like your sposed too?!" moaned Ben Kirk, holding onto his little scrunched up nose.

"It's my house you little twerp, if you don't like the smell why don't you move out" retorted Callum.

"You can't say that, it's my house too, my Mum said so!" Ben whined.

"Your such a mummy's boy Ben, it's my house, your just the little homeless tramp that we let share it!" Callum bellowed at Ben, getting frustrated with the younger boy.

"That not true! were not tramps!" Ben called out, running off into the hallway in a huff.

Things had been tense since Ben, his Mum Libby and new Step Dad Dan had moved into Number 30. Now that Lucas, Dan's brother, was also living at the house it had meant that Ben and Callum had been forced into sharing a bedroom, something neither had done before due to both being an only child. And with boys being boys, the arguments and ribbing carried on relentlessly, neither boy wanting to back down.

"Callum!" Toadie, Callum's guardian, called out from the living room "Come here right now".

Here we go again thought Callum, the little twerp has gone crying to Mummy as always. Callum left his room where he had been getting his school uniform ready and went out into the hallway of the brightly coloured house and into the living room, where Toadie was stood with his arms crossed and his best stern look on his face. As Callum had thought, Ben was sat on his Mum's lap looking hard done by. He had been on a crying trip to mummy all right.

"What have you been saying to Ben? I thought we talked about you having to make an extra effort to get along with each other?" Toadie enquired.

"I didn't say anything to him, he was moaning about my trainers again. I can have them in there if I want to, it's my room!" Callum blurted out, frustrated at always being made out to be the bad kid no matter what seemed to happen in the house.

"He said you told him this wasn't his house, that he was a tramp and that he should leave, is that true?" the lawyer in Toadie coming at as was often the case.

"Yeah well he should go if he doesn't like it; it's not his house is it!" Callum snapped back, the frustration boiling over.

"You know you shouldn't say things like that Callum, I'm really disappointed in you, now you apologise to Ben" Toadie had raised his voice a notch and Callum knew there was no point in carrying on with any argument; Toadie was even more stubborn than he was.

"I'm sorry, ok?! Can I go get ready for school now or are you gonna lecture me some more?!" Callum's customary cheek on show, as always.

"You need to learn to be grateful for what you have and to stop being so nasty to Ben. He's younger than you so you should know better Callum, now go get ready for school. Oh and I'm banning you from the Wii until further notice for that little cheeky remark, how's that for a lecture!" Toadie knew where to hurt him; playing on the Wii was one of the few things Callum really liked doing. With that Callum stormed off to his room, spying the little smirk on Ben's face at the punishment he had just received as he left.

"I'm really sorry Lib; you know you're all more than welcome here. He's being such a brat at the moment, I don't know what I am going to do with him, he's got a cheek on him all right" Toadie said to Libby, staring after Callum.

"Hey Benny boy, go get changed for school, and brush your teeth" Libby pushed Ben off her lap gently, giving him a gentle pat on the behind as he went.

"Ok Mum, I'll go so you can talk about me and Callum" smirked Ben; he never seemed to miss a trick.

"Just hurry up, we have to leave in 20 minutes!" Libby called after him.

Once Ben was gone, Libby set to consoling Toadie "Hey don't worry about it. Callum has had a tough year remember, and us lot moving in can't have helped. He was just getting used to having a settled life and now having to suddenly share his house and his space with more new people can't be easy. Just be patient with him, he'll come good. You were much worse if I remember!" said Libby, giving Toadie a hug, seeing that he needed it.

"Yeah I know, but I just don't ever know if what I am doing is right. If I'm too hard or too soft, I don't how you do it Lib, you make it look so easy"

"Hey don't be fooled by the little angel act that Ben puts on. Odds on he had a fair share in annoying Callum to say what he did. But that's kids for you. You'll get used to it!" with that Libby left to go and join Dan in the Kitchen to sort out the lunches for the day ahead, leaving Toadie to think.

Back in the boy's room there was a frosty silence as Ben walked back in just as Callum was taking his Spiderman pyjama bottoms off. He didn't have any underwear on underneath them so was now naked from the waist down. Ben stood just inside the doorway staring at Callum's dick, as he had done a few times now. Callum had been circumcised as a baby so looked different from Ben down there; Ben couldn't help but look whenever he saw Callum without his clothes on.

"What you staring at you little perv" Callum glared, breaking the silence as he pulled on his boxer shorts, having noticed Ben absentmindedly staring at him.

"Nothing, I weren't looking at anything" Ben sheepishly replied, embarrassed at being caught looking, heading over to his bed where his Mum Libby had laid out his school uniform for him.

"Yeah right Benny boy! Maybe I should tell Mummy that her little angle likes looking at naked guys?!" Callum chuckled to himself. In truth he didn't mind Ben looking. It made him feel funny in his stomach whenever he caught Ben staring at him, and he usually didn't say anything so that Ben didn't know he had been seen. Callum could feel his dick getting a bit stiffer, but luckily he now had his school shorts on too so it wasn't obvious looking at him.

"No don't do that, I wasn't looking at you honest, I was looking at the clock to see how long I had to get ready" Ben did his best to lie, pointing to the alarm clock that was on the table next to where Callum had been changing. His now increasingly red cheeks gave away the lie all too easily.

"Yeah sure you were, if you say so Ben!" Callum chuckled, sitting down on his bed to sort out his shoes and socks.

Ben had decided it was best not to say anything back and had started to get changed out of his blue and black spotted pyjama shorts and t-shirt. Like Callum he didn't wear any underwear underneath them and was soon naked, fiddling with the buttons on his school shirt that his Mum had buttoned up when she had ironed it.

Callum was untangling one of Toadies double knots on his shoelace on one of his shoes, and had looked over to where Ben stood. Ben was 9 years old and really couldn't look any more different from Callum. He was short, very slim and pale skinned with dark brown hair, blue eyes and a freckled face. By comparison Callum was 12, slightly taller with lighter brown hair, brown eyes and was a bit tubby by comparison, most of which was puppy fat that he would soon grow out of, at least that's what Toadie had told him. Ben also had something that Callum did not, skin on the end of his dick. Like Callum, Ben didn't have any hair on his small balls, which hugged close to his body, or above his dick, which was about 2 inches long and poked out slightly from his flat pubic area.

Callum felt his dick get completely stiff as he watched Ben continue to fiddle with his shirt as he finally managed to untie the tight collar button, grateful that he was sitting down so that Ben would not see his predicament.

Ben had looked up just as Callum had looked away, and always didn't miss a thing. "You were looking at me naked too weren't ya?!" Ben grinned, still standing there naked with his shirt in his hand, just beginning to put it on.

"Yeah so what, you looked at me, it's my room, I can do what I want Ben!" Callum did his best to sound not fussed about it, though he was kicking himself that Ben had caught him looking too.

"It's ok; it can be our secret can't it!" Ben replied, flashing his usual cheesy grin at Callum, knowing that Callum wouldn't say anything about catching Ben looking now.

"Yeah, whatever Ben" Callum sighed as he finished tying his shoelace, looking up to see Ben's face sink as he pulled up his blue briefs, tucking his shirt into them. Callum felt a bit bad all of a sudden, Ben had a way of making you feel sorry for him. "Yeah it's our secret Ben, it's our room so we can do what we like cant we" Callum sighed, giving in somewhat.

"Cool, does that mean we can look at each other naked whenever we want Cal?" Ben asked, suddenly excited.

"Sure if we want to some time, just us guys here aint it" Callum didn't really expect anything to happen, Ben was younger than him and seemed easily excited about the smallest thing, forgetting it just as soon as it happened. With that he got up to leave, grabbing his school bag as he did and heading out to the kitchen to get his lunch, leaving Ben to finish getting dressed.

Ben on the other hand was really excited about this; Callum had said they could look at each other naked now, so he was going to try when they got home. He really wanted to see Callum's dick up close if he would let him, but they had school first.

Ben ran out the room shortly after Callum, coming back in a few seconds later to grab the school bag he had forgotten in his excitement, the earlier argument between the two boys now forgotten. School was going to be so long today, Ben just couldn't wait for it to be over.

I may write more chapters if there is any demand, possibly involving a visit from Mickey Gannon or maybe even Sophie Ramsay or some of the older teenagers. Comments and suggestions welcome.

Next: Chapter 2

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