Rap Mash Ups

By Urban

Published on Feb 18, 2005


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of erotic gay fiction. By reading this material you affirm that you are acting within the limits of your local laws and ordnances. No inference is made as to the sexual preference of any actual person appearing in this story, nor should the reader make any such inferences. This story is not meant to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned.


Copyright 2005

The release party for Usher's latest album was a swarm of famous faces. The singer's record label had spared no expense in donning the celebration with all the extravagance fit for royalty. He was, after all, their golden child whose latest works had still not stopped collecting award after award.

The money was flowing.

Usher paused in the master bathroom of the estate the label had rented for the event. Nestled high in the California mountains, it was an oasis cut off from anyone not on the exclusive guest list.

He looked in the mirror and grinned, the youthful face smiling back at him with confidence. He had come a long way from an inexperienced teenage fighting pimples. Now he was the man. He was in control.

And they all wanted him.

Usher brushed his hair, smoothing it until everything was perfect. He adjusted the diamond necklace that hung long around his neck, the bright "U" shining from the glow of the vanity.

He had come a long way, that was for sure. He no longer noticed the opulence around him, the white marble countertop of the double vanity; the oversized Jacuzzi overlooking the green valley below from massive windows. His eyes drifted over the gold fixtures with boredom. None of the details held his attention anymore.

His hand absently straightened a non-existent crease in his suit jacket while he surveyed his appearance one last time before making his show. With everything to his satisfaction, he passed through the doors, leaving only distant echoes of his steps against the tiled floor.

The air was thick with mingled conversations and music from the crowds below as Usher paused on the landing of the balcony. Most of the people he saw he didn't know. Even though the guest list had been entirely left up to him, there were rules to follow. Half of the guests would be executives or friends of executives. The financers. The ones who existed just outside the lights but made everything happen.

Another portion of the guest list was reserved for the trendy. Those who would ensure the party made ever society page listing, every entertainment magazine. They were the ones who held the eye of the press, however fleeting their attraction may be. The much smaller group of guests was those he had specifically invited. Even these, however, were often more to build business relationships than genuine friends. They were other artists with which he hoped to work. Other producers. Connections.

The business never stopped.

Usher slowly descended the curved staircase, his movements graceful as if in the middle of one of his dance routines.

A wave of murmurs swept through the crowd below giving way to cheers and claps as the star of the evening made his entrance. Glasses of half-emptied champagne were raised high in the air and Usher absorbed the admiration with a grin. "I'm glad you all could make it," he said as the room grew quiet in anticipation. "This album is a very personal one for me and I hope it's a personal one for you, too."

There were beautiful people as far as the eye could see. He let his eyes drift over them, pausing only slightly at each one to watch the gleam in their eye when they felt him look their way. There was hopefulness in some of the women's eyes, hope that before they night was up, he would choose them for the evening.

"I want everybody to have a good time tonight," he said, returning his attention to the crowd. "So let's turn the music back up and do this right."

Usher sat back in the oversized chair, the arm of some pretty young girl draped casually over his shoulder while she chatted about her summer to a group of spectators that had surrounded them. She was attractive enough. Some daughter of a producer's friend, or something like that. He had not paid much attention to her when she introduced herself. But she seemed eager enough to please.

He was bored at his own party.

Movement in the crowd parted just long enough for him to spot someone he didn't think would have shown. He nudged the girl at his side to let him get up, then made his way quickly to the guest.

Redman was shaking his head while talking into the ear of one of his friends.

Usher approached, his sly grin instantly on his face as he waited for the rapper to take notice of him.

Redman glanced at him, but never broke his train of thought as he finished his comment. His words were lost in the clamor of the partygoers around him.

"I didn't think you'd be able to make it, but I'm glad you did," Usher said.

Redman's face was stone, his gray and white bandanna tied around his afro partly obscured one eye. He was dressed in white, crisp but much more casual than the other guests. Completely at ease, Redman was a presence that needed no introductions.

"My boy here wanted to come," he said, his voice raspy as though he had just woken. "I don't get into this shit."

"There are two hot tubs on the back terrace," he offered, looking for something that would spark interest in the rapper.

"Nah, I'm gonna bounce." He turned to his companion, pounded fists and brushed shoulders in greeting. "I'll holla."

With that Redman began parting the crowd as he made his way toward the door. Usher followed quickly behind, finding the only opportunity to be heard when Redman had a hand on the doorknob.

"Wait," he said, now glad at least that no entourage from either camp was around them. "Don't leave yet, we've got plenty of food and drinks."

Redman's eyes were cold and he was obviously unimpressed. "No disrespect but this shit ain't me. I told my boy I'd bring him cuz he wanted to check things out, but this party is one of the shittiest I've ever been to."

Usher's face dropped like someone had deflated all the air from it. For a moment, he remembered what it had felt like before he was famous. Having to earn someone's respect before having it freely given to him. He felt small and exposed.


Redman frowned, the door now half open, and sighed. Something in his demeanor changed slightly, as if the frustration had changed to pity.

"Aiight, you want me to show you how to have a slammin party? Follow me."

He didn't know why it was so important for him to get Redman's approval, but Usher knew it was. But he couldn't just leave his own release party.

"How about tomorrow night, man," Usher offered. "I can make time then."

The frown was back on Redman's face. "Nah, forget it. I'm headed back to NY tomorrow. Later, dude."

He didn't know what to say to counter the rapper, so he just stood there and watched Redman leave. He wasn't going to go chasing after him. Who the fuck did he think he was, anyway.

Usher sulked back into the heart of the party, his mood now too dark from even being consoled by the throng of single women eager to ease his troubles.

Weeks had passed since his release party but his encounter with Redman was still fresh on his mind. At first he tried to play it off. Another jealous rapper pissed that he wasn't getting the recognition. But the truth always came back to gnaw at him like a tiny nagging voice. An itch that wouldn't go away.

He had even gotten angry and ranted to his crew. Of course they all agreed with him that Redman had been a dick, but none of it eased his mind. He still wanted another chance. A chance to prove himself.

So he had finally resigned himself to getting his agent involved. He had tried to get word through Redman's people that he was interested in talking to him, but word from the Redman camp never arrived. Another week passed without any progress and Usher was on the verge of giving up.

Then the phone rang.

"Ey, my people say you been tryin to hit me up." The voice was like ice water.

"Yeah," Usher said, his voice suddenly faltering. "I thought since we were both in New York you could show me what a real party is like."

There was silence on the other end until Usher felt his anger rise, but at last a response came. "I'm in Staten. Let me set some shit up and call you back with the directions."

Redman's idea of the perfect party turned out to be a private show at a local strip club, only a few blocks from the rapper's house. The interior was dark and seedy and the faint scent of stale desperation hung in the air. The club was empty save for about six female strippers who had all started out in various elaborate costumes that deteriorated quickly into only a thong.

Usher sat back and took a sip of wine.

The women were not overly attractive, especially compared to the crowd he usually associated with, but they put everything into their performance. Redman's face was a constant grin as he teased the girls with dollars. Occasionally one of the strippers would approach Usher and give him a lap dance, but for the most part they focused on the rapper who knew how to work the girls as much as they knew how to work him.

Redman raised Usher's half-empty glass of wine in the air while two strippers dangled from his neck. "Yo, get this shit out of here and bring this nigga what I'm drinking."

In no time a waitress had retrieved his glass and replaced it with something that looked vaguely like scotch but wasn't.

He took a hit of it and winced as the liquid burned down his throat. He wasn't used to hard liquor and he knew he would be on the floor after a few more of these.

But he had to admit, Redman's party had something to it. It was bare, without frills or ego. Just raw like a primal lust. He watched in fascination as the strippers slinked their bodies into a hypnotic rhythm to the booming music. They knew what a man wanted and teased Redman with ever movement.

Though as time went on, he found himself watching Redman more than the girls. He watched the lust in the man's eyes, the distinct outline of his dick noticeable through his black jeans. As Redman licked his lips, Usher felt his own erection stiffen, and secretly hoped the strippers would escalate their show.

He motioned for one of the dancers, whispering his request in her ear as he fed a wad of cash into the black nylon strap she had tied around her thigh. She grinned and the money was gone, retired to some secret place.

Usher felt the effects of the alcohol. His brow was moist and his mouth was dry with anticipation. He watched as the dancer approached the rapper as she moved the other dancers aside. In no time she was shaking her ass in his face, so close she must have been able to feel his breath on her skin. She faced him, then let her hands trickle down his chest and stomach, pausing only when they reached his belt.

"Oh shit," Redman howled, his legs spreading to give the stripper easier access.

Usher felt himself lean forward as the dancer unbuttoned the rappers pants and let her hands fish inside the garment for the snake that was hiding there. She pulled the man's pants down to his ankles, revealing a tented pair of black boxer-briefs.

The beating of his own heart was thunder in his ears as Usher felt his hand brush his own dick. The tingle in his nutts made his muscles tighten.

The stripper teased Redman with her breasts until finally pulling the black shorts down. Redman's dick wagged free, hanging heavily with its arousal. Usher gripped his nutts as he watched the dancer swallow the rapper's dick.

"Hell yeah," Redman sighed, his head tilting back as the dancer bobbed on his shaft.

The dancer cut her eyes over to Usher while she licked Redman and grinned knowingly at him. He quickly moved his hands away from his crotch and tried to play it off like he was scratching an itch, but he had a feeling the dancer wasn't fooled.

She continued to service the rapper's now wet dick for several more minutes until she placed her foot on his knee and slowly rolled the black nylon strap from her thigh. Redman's eyes were wide with lust and it seemed to take his full concentration from reaching out and grabbing the girl.

Usher saw her whisper something to the rapper but the thump of the music made it impossible for him to hear. Next he saw her gently place the black nylon over Redman's eyes like a blindfold.

"Oh this is some freaky shit!" Redman laughed, lacing his fingers behind his head.

The stripper motioned for Usher as some of the other dancers began to distract Redman by taunting his neck with their tongues. He didn't know whether it was his own lust or the liquor now burning in his belly, but he felt himself move closer to the naked rapper.

The dancer grinned as she gently took Usher's hand and guided it to the slick dick bobbing in front of him. He offered no resistance as his fingers curled around the brown shaft and immediately felt it throbbing in his grip.

"Yeah, stroke that dick, baby," Redman sighed, a thin layer of sweat beading on his chest.

Usher looked to the dancer, a kind of reluctance on his face as if he were asking for permission. Permission to want this.

She smiled at him but spoke to the rapper, "You want me to suck that dick some more?"

A long guttural moan, "Hell yeah."

She winked at Usher and as his reservation weakened, he lowered himself onto the dick. He let his lips gently stroke the shaft but applied very little pressure. It was only when Redman arched his back and thrust his dick into Usher's mouth that his lips clamped down.

Redman cursed and whatever hesitation Usher once felt was instantly gone. His tongue darted over the head of Redman's dick while his lips massaged his shaft. He took the whole dick in his mouth like a starved child and devoured it. With ever grunt or groan the rapper made, he felt his own efforts double.

Their fevered pitch grew until Redman was mercilessly pistoning his shaft into Usher's throat. Usher himself could only hold on and ride the dick, taking breaths in whatever small moments he could find. His own spit coiled around the rapper's weapon and dripped like things to come onto the floor.

As the scene unfolded, the group of strippers, now somewhat diminished as their services were no longer need, had successfully managed to keep Redman's blindfold on and had used their own bodies to distract his wandering hands. But before any of them could react, Redman placed both hands on Usher's head to guide it further onto his throbbing erection.

"What the fuck!"

Redman ripped the blindfold from his face and recoiled as his eyesight returned. Usher looked at him with fear and shame, his lips slick with drool and precum. He didn't know what to do so he just froze, not sure whether Redman was going to strike him or curse him out.

For a moment, his whole career flashed before his eyes. This could ruin him. If word like this got out he would lose most of his fans and nobody in the industry would touch him. All that he had worked for would vanish.

But the disgust on Redman's face began to dissolve into curiosity.

"Damn, nigga, how long has it been you?"

"The whole time," the stripper answered for him, giving him another wink.

Usher just looked on, unsure of what to do.

Redman seemed to be trying to sort his conflicting emotions in some effort to make sense of the scene. "You can suck the hell out of a dick," he finally laughed, the muscles in his body loosening.

Usher gave a kind of nervous laugh, short and obviously forced.

"Well fuck it," Redman sighed. "I'm still horny as hell so you might as well pop me off."

Usher paused, unsure of what he had heard. He saw Redman grin, and gently squeeze him with his knees. "Hurry up, nigga. My dick's gettin cold."

It was as simple as that, and Usher was once again engulfing the brown dick, his face buried in its wiry pubes. He attacked it with renewed passion as a sense of freedom filled him. There was no more pretense. It was just him worshiping Redman's shaft.

"Suck that dick, nigga," Redman sighed, his eyes shut but moving wildly under his eyelids.

Usher let his hands explore the man's body, first grabbing his nutts and massaging them while he sucked, then letting his fingers trace down into the rapper's ass crack. He felt Redman's hips raise slightly and he used the encouragement to explore more. His thumb found the rapper's moist hole and teased it while his tongue licked around the dickhead.

Redman moaned.

Usher raised off of the dick and jacked it while his jaw rested. He sucked on the dangling balls, smelling the fait odor of stale sweat. He lapped at them while he used both hands to masturbate his friend. His tongue dipped low into Redman's ass and he tried to use it to pry apart the thick cheeks, but Redman tensed his ass closed.

Unfazed, Usher grabbed his own erection and jerked his dick hard. He squeezed tight on his friend's dick now slick with precum and pumped. Redman's back arched and only muttered words escaped his lips. His muscles were taught, his eyes clamped shut.

He was close.

Usher drank the site in. There was a sexual power to all of this that he had never experienced before. He had always been the one that had been pleased. He knew what it was like to have a girl devote herself totally to his sexual fulfillment, but he had never traded places. He had never known what it was like to be in control of someone else's orgasm.

"Bust that nutt," he whispered, both of his hands now a furious blur.

"Ah fuck," Redman cursed. "I'm gonna cum."

Usher swallowed Redman's dick just as the first spurt of juice erupted. As it filled his mouth he choked, surprised by the sensation and taste, but managed not to release the dick until several more shots filled him full.

With the thick cream heavy in his mouth, he jerked his dick one final time as his own orgasm took hold. He felt his cum arc in jets, splashing against his thigh and stomach.

He swallowed hard, the seed now sliding down his throat, and opened his eyes.

Redman was smiling weakly, like the ordeal had taken his strength.

"Damn," he whispered and rested his head back down.

Usher smiled and wiped the mix of cum and sweat from his face.

He had to admit, this had been a much better party.

Next: Chapter 3: Omarions Day of Rest

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