Real Slim Boyband

By moc.oohay@1002etnomnhoj

Published on Jun 1, 2001


This is a work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the orientation, beliefs or anything else about the real members of 'N Sync Eminem, The Backstreet Boys or anyone else depicted here. If you are under legal age, or are offended by graphic depictions of homosexual please do not read this. I also would like to say that this is my first story ever and I hope that you all like it and that you send your responses or your thoughts to my e-mail and Enjoy...

I would also like to welcome you all the new series that if you read The Return you should know it takes place in the summer 2001 a the Pepsi Experience Concert...Everybody from the first series is still here and when the time comes I will bring some new characters into the story, so once again welcome to SlimBand...

SlimBand...Chapter One.

It a was long hot summer day and the guys all were heading from their hometowns to Washington D.C the first concert of 20 they would have perform. On their group of artists Eminem, N Sync, BSB (there's a surprise) Britney, 98 Degrees, Korn, Limp Bizkit and soon other would join...It was July 15th and everybody was ready to perform...

They would all stay in a very luxurious but secret hotel in the capital city and they would of course have the time of their lives, again. *N Sync was the first group to arrive their people reserved a huge suite that would easily accommodate them all...Justin and Lance were in the same room, JC and Joey in another and Chris because he was the older earned the bigger room all for himself.

J/L Room...

"Hey you know what this whole trip and festival means, we're gonna be fucking everyday..." said Lance, Justin shook his head affirmatively "I can't wait too see the guys, I'm desperate Lance..." You really are, I thought JC Joey and I were keeping you busy..." said Lance..."Yeah but you know how I feel about Eminem and Nick, I loved the last night in February when we all fucked together...I never told you this, but after you all left Kevin Richardson came into Eminem's room and joined us in our last fuck...I can't wait to fuck him again, I love that guy's body..."...Lance had a really surprised look on his face, he couldn't imagine Kevin with them, he also liked him too much..."You know I can't believe you didn't tell me that, or any of us, I'm getting hard just by thinking about Kevin, and the rest for that matter, I think we got the best part of the deal, we got to keep fucking each other, you know the four of us, Nick got Kevin, but I wonder who Eminem kept on fucking all these moths..."said Lance "I don't know or care who he fucked, all I know is that he'll be fucking me..."said Lance...

Suddenly JC entered the room and said..."The BSB are here...Get ready guys," the Joey came in "And there in the next room, and on the other side the Real Slim Shady"... Justin and Lance were shocked, "This is gonna be great..." said Justin...

The guys went over to the BSB room only to find A.J, Howie and Brian in the room, they all thought Nick hadn't come and Lance and Justin were desperately looking for Kevin...The BSB told them they had already gone to the pool they had on the floor, a very private pool they had reserved before getting to the hotel..."They reserved the pool private party they're having, we can't go because we have to visit one of Howie's cousins so it's just gonna be the two of them with some girls we think..." said Brian.

The guys looked very suspicious and suddenly Chris opened his mouth and only words of relieve came out there..."Can I go with you guys..." and Brian said "Yeah, she'll be very excited..." "She loves you guys too..." said Howie...

So Chris, Howie, Brian and A.J all left and the guys went all over the floor to look for the so-called private pool...Finally they found it with a couple of bodyguards on the door, the two giants opened the door and said "Mr. Richardson and Mr. Carter are waiting for the four of you..."......"We know they are..."said Justin, "Mr. Richardson???" asked J.C..."Oh yeah, long story..."said Lance......

The room was amazing, one of the best they've ever seen. It had a huge pool in the middle and a bunch of pool chairs all around and a bar and a Jacuzzi and a gym...The guys were amazed but they were even more when they finally saw their two friends behind the bar wearing nothing but swimsuits..."There you are, we've been waiting for you..." said Nick grabbing his crotch...They walked over to the guys and Nick gave them al a quick kiss on the lips and Kevin walked over to Justin and hugged him and kissed him also, he then greeted the rest of the guys with handshakes that after Justin told them the "long story" turned into the same kisses...

"This is gonna be the best days ever guys, we rented the pool and Kevin here made sure that we all got the same floor..."About that "we all" thing, were is him, we want to see him so bad..." said Justin..."You Eminem, he'll be here tomorrow, sorry guys it's just us tonight..." said Nick...

The N Sync guys all undressed into some swimsuits Kevin and Nick had bought them and went for the pool, Justin and Kevin stayed out...They both walked over to the bar while the rest played and swam in the pool..."Long time, no see...I've so much wanted to be with you two again..." said Kevin while he grabbed a coke for Justin..."We can get started or warmed up for when the Slim Shady comes..." said Justin grabbing Kevin's visibly erect cock through his shorts...Kevin leaned in and kissed Justin passionately on the lips just like he had done moths ago...The kiss lasted forever, to many days without tasting those tongues, they didn't want to waste any time..."I wanna be alone with you" said Kevin, "The Jacuzzi..." said Justin... They went for the Jacuzzi and got in, Kevin took his shorts off while Justin intended to get in the Jacuzzi wearing his shorts but when he saw Kevin naked again he thought about taking them off because his cock would break through was too much once again there it was, the gorgeous BSB God in front of him naked, revealing that muscular body, the smooth chest the huge muscles in his arms, those big strong legs filled with hairs, the uncut cock he loved so much...Justin threw his shorts over to Kevin who was amazed at what he saw...The youngest N Sync was beautiful, he gripped at the shorts with his teeth as he admired Justin getting into the Jacuzzi, as every muscle flexed with his walk, as the young body approached Kevin his cock only grew more and got harder specially after it felt the grip of Justin's hands on it, Justin kissed Kevin once more as his hand rested on his cock, Kevin found time to grab Justin's cock too, this guys just loved their bodies, Justin broke the kiss to stare at Kevin's face, so beautiful, so man, the long hair falling over his face, he was perfect, Justin sank to his knees and "Well, well, well, hadn't seen you in a long time" he said as he was face to face with Kevin's cock, he kissed it and ran his tongue all over it, then went for it Justin opened his mouth as wide as he could and took the whole cock inside, sucking and sucking, licking and licking, Justin was making Kevin more and more excited by the minute, Kevin was moaning loudly, loud enough to make to other notice what they were doing, Justin kept on sucking as he got his hands on Kevin's legs and ran his hands all over it, up and down as he felt the hairs of Kevin's legs make contact with his hands, Justin sucked really good and Kevin knew it, he loved the young guy and wanted so much to return the favor, he felt himself cumming but held on to it to get a few more seconds of Justin's mouth on him. Justin grabbed Kevin's ass and squeezed it hard as he sucked harder and harder, Kevin just couldn't take it anymore, it had been so long and he felt like cumming ever since he saw Justin for the first time tonight and having his mouth in his cock didn't help, Kevin motioned for Justin to stop as he sat down on the Jacuzzi floor, Justin went for it again as Kevin held onto Justin's head, he ran his hands all over the blonde's muscular back, his arms, and then his head again pulling it and then pushing it in almost chocking Justin...Justin didn't mind anything he kept up his good work which was getting even better for Kevin, Kevin announced with a loud moan that he was ready and Justin let a loud moan out his mouth too to tell Kevin that he was ready too for every single drop of that sweet cum, Kevin exploded and filled Justin's mouth with his juice, Justin swallowed it all and continued to lick the cock clean and then he looked at his friend and said..."Finally..." then Kevin said..."yeah finally, baby, but there's more to come, or cum..."

Suddenly they heard a very recognizable voice..."You fucking bithces, you didn't wait for me...Fuck you all..." Eminem was standing there on the door, with his usual baggy jeans and white t-shirt with an angry look on his face..."Glad to see you all guys, I want those fucking asses right now...but first a beer..." All the guys were excited to see their lover, Justin and Kevin put their shorts back on and went to say their hellos to Eminem...Justin hugged him hard and kissed him with kiss and didn't waste anytime in grabbing his ass and cock..."It's still there, just like I left it..." the blonde said..."I've wanted to see you so much Justin" said Eminem who also made sure everything was were he left it..."And you, Kevin, you're still one sexy fucker come here and kiss me..." said Eminem, Kevin went to him and kissed him..."You know those four are having fun in the pool, swimming and playing, but you to have been having some other fun...I can't believe you didn't wait for me..."said Eminem..."We thought you would come tomorrow and we just couldn't wait..."said Kevin..."Well I don't blame you, I feel like cumming right now just by talking to you..."Go back to your thing let me say "hello" to the rest and then all be with you...I need your cocks in my mouth right away...

Eminem went to the poll and greeted Lance, Joe, Nick and JC and the he left to the Jacuzzi area which was filled with an air of lust and desire...


So there it is, the first chapter of the new series SlimBand, I hope you liked it, I know it's short but I wanted to leave you hanging...The next one, monday I think, will be larger believe at least three long sex scenes will be in there for your delight, thank you for the e-mails...specially Dan for the words and Derek for the advice and ideas...

Please, send everything (ideas, suggestions, advice) to:

Next: Chapter 12: Return of Slim Boyband 2

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