Reap the Whirlwind

By Josh Aterovis

Published on Jan 8, 2001


RTW is winding down. Only 3 more chapters to go. Visit my website to vote for my next project. Hope you enjoy Chapter 18!


Chapter 18

After a hectic first half of the week, the second half calmed down into routine. Not blurting out the news of the wedding turned out to be the hardest thing I had to do. Finally Friday night rolled around and it was time for our meeting.

Killian and Asher arrived with pizza and Gabe and Laura arrived soon after. Caitlin was the last to get there. I had offered to pick her up but she's refused, saying she was borrowing a friend's car.

We crowded into the kitchen with the pizzas in the middle of the table. A lucky few snagged the chairs around the table but the rest of us either perched on the counters or stood. Killian opened up the meeting.

"You all know that Asher and I haven't really been all that involved with this whole thing as much as I would have liked. Being so far away and Asher's misgivings have kept me from doing more. We've decided that this will be the last week we meet with you guys. Ya'll are doing just fine without us." As he spoke he carefully avoided looking at Asher and I wondered just who had made the decision.

"You've been a big help," I protested, "You've given us lots of ideas, we've just done the leg work."

"Yeah, well, we're here tonight so let's get to work. Who wants to report first?"

"I might as well go first," Gabe said, "I got lucky on both fronts, when I went by David's house no one was home."

"I heard he his parents sent him off to rehab," Laura said around a mouthful of pizza.

"Whatever, he wasn't there at any rate. But I went around back anyway and found that anyone could have gotten into or out of the back yard. There's a door in the fence big as life and it's not even locked."

"Great, so that means it could have been anyone, not just someone at the party," Aidan said.

"That really throws open the field," I added.

"Not really," Killian said thoughtfully. We all turned to face him. He finished chewing and swallowed before he went on. "Think about it. If it was an outside person, let's call him Mr. X..."

"Mr. X?" Asher laughed.

Killian shot him a dirty look but kept on speaking without comment, "How would he know Joey was going to be at this particular party? How'd he know to find him in the backyard?"

"He could have followed him," Aidan suggested.

"Or he could have done what I did and just party hopped until he found the right party," I said.

"If he party hopped then he was still at the party, he didn't have to come in through the back yard."

"I agree with Killian," Gabe said, "I think it was someone at the party. I think the gate was an escape route, not an entrance."

Everyone started to speak at once.

"Let me explain," Gabe yelled over the din, "Nothing about this feels planned. It seems like a spur of the moment crime of passion. The killer didn't check to see if anyone was in the pool house, he left the necklace, which probably fell off in some sort of struggle, and a pool isn't exactly the most reliable murder weapon. Chances are he didn't even mean to kill Joey. I mean what if he had been found before he drowned? Or what if someone had just happened to look out the window and seen him bop Joey on the head?"

"Do we know he was bopped on the head?" Killian asked.

"Oh yeah, that was the other thing I found out. My sources at the police station confirmed that Joey did have a head wound but the medical examiner said it could have been sustained when he fell into the pool if he'd struck his head on the edge."

"Sources at the police station?" Aidan repeated.

"What sources?" asked Killian.

"A good detective never reveals his sources," Gabe said smugly.

"His cousin works at the police station, dispatcher," Laura said.

Gabe shot her a look as Killian picked up the thought, "It could have been from the pool or it could have been from getting bopped in the head."

"Exactly," Gabe said, "While I was in the backyard I looked around a bit. I found a rock that looked like it had been moved. They have these rocks that surround their flowerbeds, pretty good-sized rocks, and one looked out of place. So I looked at it more closely and there's something on it that may or may not be blood."

"What did you do with it?" Caitlin asked.

"I picked it up with my shirt and wrapped it up in a plastic bag. It's at my house now."

"Great!" I said, "That's solid evidence we can take to the police!"

"Not so fast," Aidan said, "we've tampered with evidence by moving it. They're going to be mightily pissed."

"Not to mention," Caitlin added, "that they've already made it clear they don't think Joey was killed. What are we supposed to do? Just waltz in and plunk this chunk of rock down on their desk and tell that they are wrong and that we, being the seasoned professionals that we are, have solved their little mystery for them? I'm sure they'll be ever so grateful."

"And what if it's just barbecue sauce?" Laura chipped in.

I sighed, "You're all right. They already think I'm some crack-head who's crazy with grief over the death of his best friend."

"We're not giving up," Aidan said, "We just need to find out some more facts first. Tell them what we found out this week."

I filled everyone in, with plenty of help from Aidan and Laura, on our search of Blake's room, our conversation with Keisha, our trip to the marina and my conversation with Mr. Taylor.

"So all we really know is that Blake did see something and that Mr. Taylor didn't do it," I finished.

"We don't really know Mr. Taylor didn't do it," Killian said, "but I agree with you that it isn't all that likely. We need to find this guy Blake was with."

"Thank you," Laura said with a self-satisfied smile, "I was waiting for someone to remember our little lothario. I have his name."

Everyone froze. I was the first speak, "What? How? Who?"

"You forgot when and where," Laura said smugly, "I decided that the only way to do this was the old fashioned way, so last night I just started calling everyone who I'd heard say they were at the party. It was all everyone was talking about so it wasn't that hard. And everyone I called had several more people I could call. I figured someone there had to know who this guy was. I hit the jackpot on my 23rd phone call. His name is Robby Meade. He doesn't go to college with us, he goes to the tech school."

"Have you talked to him yet?" Caitlin asked.

"No, I haven't had the chance yet. I'm going to look him up tomorrow."

"Well let us know as soon as you know something," I said, "This could be the big break we've been waiting for."

"Don't worry, you'll be the first person I call," Laura said, "But right now we've got to get going."

"Ok, before you go though," Aidan said, "Will and I want to invite you guys to a special party we're throwing next Friday night, one week from tonight. We really want you to be here, at 7 o'clock sharp."

"What's going on?" Laura said suspiciously.

"You'll find out then," I said with a grin.

I could tell she was loath to give it up that easily but Gabe grabbed her by the elbow and started steering her towards the door. They bundled up and headed out the door. Caitlin left soon after them, after promising that she would be there next Friday night.

Killian and Asher stayed for a while and we transferred to the living room where we could be more comfortable. We weren't there very long before Asher asked Aidan if he'd help him find something on the internet so they headed off to our bedroom, leaving me and Killian alone.

"Are you and Asher ok?" I asked as soon as they were out of earshot.

"What do you mean?" Killian said warily.

"It's just...I haven't caused you guys problems by asking you to help out have I?"

Killian sighed, "Actually, yeah. We've done nothing but fight about this since the day you asked. I really want to help but Asher is scared to get involved. I thought we had compromised but apparently it wasn't enough. I finally just decided that my relationship with Asher was way more important to me than this, as much as I would like to help you and Aidan."

"No, really, I understand," I assured him, "You made the right decision. You're relationship is the most important thing."

"Thanks, Will," Killian said with a small smile, "I needed to hear that."

"You and Asher will be here next week too, right?"

"Like we'd miss it! You've really got my curiosity up. Everybody seems to be going weird all of a sudden. You guys with your mystery party, Adam is sneaking around and looking guilty every time we walk into the room, Asher throwing such a fit about being involved with another murder. I think I'm the only sane one left in the bunch."

"That's not saying much," Asher said dryly as him and Aidan rejoined us. He had caught the tail end of the conversation. He sat down in Killian's lap.

"Don't get too comfortable," Killian said, "We need to get back soon."

"Do you have to go?" I asked.

"'Fraid so," Killian said, "Adam has some chores for me to do. Probably putting up yet more Christmas lights. You should see our house now, we light up the whole freakin' neighborhood at night."

After they left I started thinking about this guy, Robbie. It seemed like he might hold the key to this whole mystery. The more I thought about it the more uptight I got.

Finally Aidan said, "Why don't you just call him?"

"I don't know his number," I said.

"That's why they invented the telephone book," he shot back.

"That's right, make fun of the mentally challenged boy," I grumbled, feeling immensely stupid. I searched for the phone book and after locating it I discovered that I wasn't sure how to spell Meade. There were 2 Robert Mead's and 3 Robert Meade's, plus one R Meade. I decided to just call them all until I found the right one. I struck out on the first two tries. Although both Robert's were perfectly nice, they weren't the guy I was looking for. I dialed the next number.

"Are you Robbie Meade?" I asked for the third time when someone answered.

"Yeah," said a male voice cautiously.

"Do you go to tech school?"

A pause, then, "Yeah."

"Were you at the party the night Joey Taylor died?"

The line was perfectly quiet. For a panic-stricken moment I was afraid he'd hung up. "Hello?" I said.

"I'm still here," Robbie said quietly, "Who are you and what do you want?"

"My name is Will Keegan, I was there too. Joey was my best friend. Please don't hang up."

"What do you want?"

"I don't think it was an accident. I think someone was with Joey right before he died and I think they killed him."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"We talked to Blake," I said and I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Look, I'm sorry about your friend but there's nothing I can do to help you."

"Wait!" I called, "Please, just answer a few questions. Please! What can it hurt?"

"Ask Blake that question, why don't you? Oh wait, you can't. She's dead. And that's what I'll be if I get involved."

"You're already involved. You were in the pool house with Blake that night. What you know could help catch a killer."

"I don't know anything. I'm telling you, I can't help you. I've been hiding in my apartment ever since Blake wound up floating in the river. I'm leaving tomorrow, for good. I'm moving to Maine to live with my dad."

"If you're leaving then it can't hurt to tell us what you saw."

"You're not listening to me. I didn't see anything. Look, if I tell you what I do know will you leave me alone?"

"Yes, I promise," I said.

"I heard something, another person, talking to the guy."

"Did you recognize the voice?"

He let out a short burst of nervous laughter, "Hell no. I don't know anybody at that school except my cousin. That's the only reason I was even there. I wish I'd never gone. All I know is that they sounded like they were arguing. The guy was like really mad and he kept yelling. The other voice was softer, but just as upset. She only raised her voice once."

"She?" I latched onto the word.

"Yeah, it was definitely a chick."

My heart was pounding, "What were they arguing about?"

"I don't know. I wasn't listening and I was kinda busy, you know?"

"But you're positive it was a girl?"

"Yes. Ok now I've told you all I know. My friends are at the door. They came over to say good-bye. I've got to go."

"Wait..." I tried, but I heard the click of the phone as he hung up and then the line went dead.

I hit the end button on the phone and then stood staring dumbly at it for several seconds.

"It was girl?" Aidan asked.

I nodded.

"Well, that's finally something we can work with at least."

"Shelley?" I suggested.

"I don't know. She didn't seem like all that likely a suspect to me. At least no more so than any of his other ex's."

"She was there."

"So was Caitlin," he shot back.

"Caitlin? You think Caitlin killed Joey?"

"No, I don't. I'm just pointing out that being at the party doesn't automatically make you a suspect. Or at least no more so than anyone else."

That wasn't the last surprise in store for us. The next morning at work I was busy in the back room, trying in vain to force some sort of organization on the mess that had accumulated back there over the years. Hearing a noise I looked up to find Nikki in the doorway with a worried expression on her face.

"Will?" she said, "There's a Detective Patterson here to see you."

"What?" I said as I dropped the clipboard I had been making an inventory on.

Patterson's unpleasant face appeared over Nikki's shoulder.

"I'll talk to Mr. Keegan right here if that's alright with you, Ms. Avanti," he said in a manner that made it clear that he was going to whether it was ok with Nikki or not.

Nikki looked to me and I gave her a curt nod. She turned and walked stiffly back to the gallery. Detective Patterson stepped in, letting the door shut behind him.

"Mr. Keegan," he said conversationally, "Since we last spoke some very interesting things have been happening and your name keeps popping up everywhere I turn."

"Oh?" I said carefully. I had decided that the less I said the better.

"Yes, oh. Do you have anything you'd like to tell me?'

"Maybe. What things are we talking about?"

"I think you already know the answer to that. Miss Hammond's untimely death? You probably heard about that on the news. What you don't know is that while we officially released a report of suicide, we were still investigating the whole incident. As you well know, Miss Hammond was the person who reportedly found your friend, Mr. Taylor. We found her death just as tad suspicious, especially after you came to me with your suspicions. We took a second look at Mr. Taylor's death and we found a few things that took on a different shade in the light of Miss Hammond's death."

"Why are you telling me all this now?"

"Two reasons. Number one, you and your junior detective club have been royally fucking up our investigation. You're blundering through this whole thing like the proverbial bull in the china shop. You're destroying evidence everywhere and where you've not destroyed it you've outright stolen it."


"We know all about the rock Mr. Maza so kindly kept for us. We swung by and picked it up on the way here."

I was starting to feel very foolish. "What's reason number two?" I asked, even though I didn't really want to know.

"Number two is simple. For your own protection you need to stop this foolishness now. This is not a game. You kids are in way over your heads. You're playing with a cold-blooded killer. They've already killed three people, I don't want you to end up number four."

"Three? Joey, Blake and...who?"

"Last night. It's not even hit the news yet. We're trying to keep a lid on it as long as possible."

"Who?" I yelled.

"Robert Meade, age 19, student at the tech school, attended the party the night Mr. Taylor died, was with Miss Hammond when she found Mr. Taylor. But you already knew all that. You talked to him on the phone last night."

"What? How...?"

"We checked his phone records."

"When was he killed?"

"Most likely very shortly after you hung up from talking to him. His friends found him less than 15 minutes after your phone call was logged in."

"He...he said someone was at the door. He thought it was his friends then."

"Apparently not. It seems it was our killer. He changed MO's on us this time though. You might be interested to know that he's getting sloppy...or cocky...or desperate. Of the three that last one is the most dangerous. Desperate people do stupid things."

"What do you mean he changed MO's?"

"He gave up all pretense of making it look like a suicide. Put six holes in him and left him on the doorstep."

"He was shot?"

"Yep, five more times than was needed to kill him."

"Oh my God," I whispered.

"Are you scared, Mr. Keegan?"

I nodded numbly.

"Good. You should be. You've been poking a beehive and if you don't stop you're going to get stung. I hope you're scared out of your mind. It's the only thing that's going to save you. Now, I want you to get out of police business and stay out."

A wave of anger suddenly burned through me, "If you'd done your job in the first place I wouldn't be in police business," I snarled.

He stopped on his way to the door and turned slowly back to face me.

"Maybe you're right, but I'm telling you we're on it now and I want you out of it." He turned to leave again.

"Do you even know that it was girl with Joey that night?" I called out.

He stopped again and turned sharply on his heel. "What did you say?"

"It was a girl, with Joey, right before he died. They were arguing..."

"How do you know that?"

"Robbie told me, on the phone last night. You mean the junior detectives found something out the big bad policemen didn't know?"

He crossed the room in two strides and slammed me back against the wall by my shoulders.

"Listen kid," he snarled, "I've been nice up to now, but I've just about had it with you and your little friends. You're damn lucky I'm not bringing you up on obstruction charges and you're even luckier that you aren't dead yet. It's because of your fucking around in police business that that kid is even dead now. Did you think about that? And for that matter, probably the girl too. And if you keep it up you can bet your sweet ass that you'll be joining them. Then they can thank you in person for getting them killed."

He stared down at me for a few seconds before letting go of me. I slid to the floor where I started shaking. He stalked to the door then paused before leaving, "Stay out of this kid. I mean it." And he was gone.

When Nikki found me a few minutes later I was crying so hard I couldn't talk. I was still crying when Aidan arrived to take me home.

Next: Chapter 19

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