Red Orb of Pern

By Corrinne S

Published on Mar 15, 2004


The Red Orb of Pern

M.C. Gordon

Disclaimer is attached to the beginning of this series. This is fan fiction written for a friend who enjoys Anne McCaffrey's Pern as much as I do. Comments welcome to or

Chapter 30

"Do we even know what we're looking for?" Julani asked Andren as the two sat sipping klah in the large dining area of Harper Hall. The two had spent hours going through the old records of Harper and Healer Halls until their eyes ached from the strain.

Masterhealer Benaren had, at first, thought Fenely might have over-reacted to three unexplained illnesses in one weyr. But as the days passed and more and more reports of a nearly identical illness came to Healer Hall, he realized that the weyr healer had grounds for her concern. He had knowledge of several of the symptoms; what puzzled him was the odd combination. He discussed the situation with Masterharper Tokan and it was decided that masters of both crafts would search the ancient records for any previous mention of this particular illness. Time was of the essence for this would soon become pandemic.

No deaths had been occurred to date, but Fenely's reports on the progress of the three children initially taken ill weren't promising. Their fevers raged at dangerous levels; they were completely covered with an uncomfortable rash; they had lost all of their body hair.

Fenely's most recent communication disturbed Masterhealer Benaren a great deal for she advised him that a slow paralysis seemed to be setting in. More of the weyrfolk had taken ill and he highly suspected that the illness was both air borne and contagious. The Masterhealer was also upset to learn that Journeyman Jemison had fallen prey to the contagion.

"I don't know what we're supposed to find," Andren finally said. "I've been through so many old hides that I've lost count. I'd know what to do if it was that Influenza that struck several Turns back. Only these symptoms aren't the same."

"Are you talking about the one that cost Moreta's life?" Julani asked. "I remember that ballad. Couldn't Healer Hall just make some kind of serum to give everybody?"

"We'd have to start by drawing blood from someone who's recovered. Nobody's recovered from this yet. We still don't know where it came from. Masterhealer Capiam was able to piece together enough information to know that the illness he was dealing with came from that feline from Southern Continent. Nobody's ever been back there since."

Julani watched his friend. Andren was a deeply compassionate man, devoted to his craft. The young man, one of the youngest to become a masterhealer, was possessed of a quick mind and sharp wit. Julani knew Andren was troubled at the news of Tomin being among the first to become ill. Julani had never cared for the boy because he was a conceited sneak, determined to do what he wanted ... when he wanted ... with no thought for any repercussions that the weyr might suffer. But he knew that Andren still hoped the boy would straighten out and become a responsible dragon rider some day.

Julani took a couple of deep breaths before he broke more sad news to his friend. "Fith showed up this morning with a message," he began. "I'm afraid it's not very good news, Andren."

"Tomin's not ...?"

"Not that I know. I think the Masterhealer would get news like that from Fenely. It's Davis, he's become sick."

Despair is the only way Julani could describe the look on the young healer's face at the news. Andren had formed a special bond with Davis over the years and had been greatly disappointed that the current situation kept the boy from beginning his apprenticeship at Healer Hall.

Chapter 31

"I just plain don't understand," M'chell said to L'del one evening as they checked their fighting straps for worn areas. "Why haven't we gotten sick? Tomin was here with us for hours before Davis had the good sense to send for Fenely."

"I don't know," L'del responded. "Maybe it hasn't gotten to us yet because we're older?"

"That can't be it," M'chell replied. "Jemison's older than we are and he's got it, whatever it is."

Their conversation was quickly interrupted when both dragons began pacing the weyr, uneasiness present in their every movement. Their eyes began to glow with the red usually reserved for moments of great distress.

"What's wrong?" M'chell asked Raganth, rushing to the golden dragon as L'del ran quickly to Ammorth.

"The boy is dying," the great dragon replied.

The two dragon riders quickly mounted Ammorth and the huge bronze glided down to the ground level entrance to the Weyr. They dismounted and hurried toward the Healer section, oblivious of the looks of compassion that followed them.

Fenely, now looking old far beyond her years, counted silently to herself as she breathed into the stricken boy's mouth and then pushed against his chest ... willing him to breathe. The paralysis that had stricken Tomin mere hours ago had stopped his lungs from functioning.

"Check his heartbeat!" the harried woman said as the dragon riders entered the room.

L'del quickly touched his fingertips to the boy's wrist. "It's very faint," he said.

M'chell went round the bed and grasped Tomin's right hand. "Don't you dare," he said. "Don't you dare die on us, scamp. You're going to be a weyrleader some day, remember? You're going to Impress the biggest, fastest bronze dragon ever."

"I'm sorry," M'chell heard. The great golden dragon, sensing that something was awfully wrong, had reached out and touched the mind of the dying boy. Raganth became the conduit through which Tomin could speak, his throat paralyzed.

"It's all my fault. I broke into a cave with Danel and Lesl the day we got sick. The one you and L'del found that time. Only all we found was a cave full of junk. I guess some of that stuff made us sick."

"I guess it did," M'chell replied. He broke into tears as Fenely touched his shoulder and shook her head. "I love you, Tomin," he whispered and kissed the forehead once covered in auburn curls.

Benden Weyr went into mourning, the bodies of three young boys consigned to a funeral pyre.

Chapter 32

"You have to let me go," Andren pleaded. "If not me, then someone. Please, Masterhealer Benaren. Benden Weyr needs a healer."

Healer Hall had been shocked by the news that Jemison and Fenely were both dead, the latest in a long line of victims to the illness that had all but stopped life on Pern.

"Me too," Julani begged the master of his own craft.

The two faced the mastercraftsmen in the Masterharper's work room where he was keeping a running account of the current crisis.

"What would you do?" Tokan asked.

"I'll do whatever Andren tells me to do," Julani replied. "We both grew up at Benden and still feel loyalty to the weyr. I can fetch and carry; I know something about herbs." He began to laugh gently. "Anyone does who was fostered by Lurah. And I can keep a good harper's record of everything, along with Andren's account of healer information."

Tokan glanced at Benaren. The two had been friends for so long that they could almost read each other's minds. Tokan knew that Benaren needed to send a healer to Benden Weyr but hesitated to send someone into what would probably be certain death. That these two young men would want to go into harm's way through loyalty to their weyr touched the Masterharper deeply.

"Very well, then," he said. "If Andren is allowed to go, you may go with him. What say you, old friend?"

Benaren looked deeply into the eyes of one of his favorite students. "Go if you must, Andren," he finally agreed.

The two young men spent the next few hours gathering together the herbs the Masterhealer thought would be most beneficial in treating the stricken weyrfolk. Julani packed several soft new hides for his record keeping. They hadn't finished filling their bags with supplies when a dragon arrived to convey them to Benden Weyr.

"M'chell!" Julani exclaimed as the golden rider strode toward them, the heel of his boots leaving an echo in their wake. "Give us just a few more minutes.

We're almost ready. Andren is looking for some thick hides to pack some liquids for the trip `between'."

"You have no idea how relieved L'del and I were when we got the message asking for someone to convey you and Andren to Benden," the golden rider replied just before he burst into tears.

Julani took M'chell into his arms and held him, giving what comfort he could. "I was sorry to hear about Tomin," he said. "I know that you and L'del hoped he'd make a good weyrleader if he settled down."

"Tomin would never have been a weyrleader," M'chell responded. "He was too irresponsible and self-centered."

"But you still loved him, didn't you?" Julani asked.

His answer was overwhelming grief as the dragon rider unleashed his emotions, sobbing until his eyes were dry of tears.

Next: Chapter 11

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