Reese in the Middle

By homo jongen

Published on Feb 28, 2007


Note: This is a fictional story witch includes famous people from the TV-show Malcolm in the Middle. So I'm not going to express there sexual preferences, because I do not know them. The story is only based on the characters of the show, and not on the actors who perform as these characters. Copyrighted by Regency Entertainment. The television show "Malcolm in the Middle" is copyright 2000 by Twentieth Century Fox Television, Regency Entertainment, and Monarchy Enterprises. If you are a minor, or it is forbidden for you to read sexual stories by your government or your parents, then please don't read any further. Although a condom is not always used in my stories, I recommend to use one (especially when you have changing contacts). Any comment you want to send to me about the story (good or bad), you can sent to I advice you to read the first story first, to understand the situation fully. And now just enjoy the story.

------------------------------------------ Reese in the Middle - Chapter two ------------------------------------------

That Friday, nothing really happened at school, but Reese didn't feel like doing much. On the one hand he was longing to see his brother again, but on the other hand, he didn't want to share his bed with him. It's my bed, and no-one else's! After the lessons ended, he walked home. He wandered into his street, and suddenly, he sees the kid that he had beaten up a few days ago. The kid with the huge dick. It's about time I teach him who's in control. He walks to his house and stops at their mailbox. He opens his zipper and pulls out his dick. He's not wearing any boxers, because his mother still hasn't washed them. He puts his dick in the mailbox and starts peeing. Oh, yeah, now that's cool. Reese has always enjoyed peeing in public. He has probably already peed in every mailbox in the street, including his own. One time, he even peed on someone who he had just beaten up. Ah, those were the days. He stops peeing, and right then Malcolm comes around the corner. "What are you doing now? Are you peeing in the neighbours' mailboxes again?" "No, I just had a settlement to arrange with someone from school." "But, here lives Ritchie." "Yeah, so what? I don't care." And Reese walks away. "Would Francis already be home?" "I don't know, but I hope so, he can give us some hints how to tear down the neighbourhood."

They hurry home, and even before they open the door, they hear Francis arguing with their mother, as usual. "And when are you actually going to buy a larger house, so that all of your sons would have their own bedroom? Do you expect them to sleep in one bed together until they are 30?" "Yes, if you kids wouldn't break down the neighbourhood, so that we have to pay back all the damage, perhaps then we could afford a bigger house!" "Yeah, blame us for all your problems. That's easy! Ever thought of the possibility that we do this, because we had a bad education??!" And so it goes on a while. Eventually they quit fighting. And after a long, quiet evening, it's time to go to sleep.

"Ok, little bro, we have to sleep in one bed. But you'll have to follow the rules, ok? So that means no farting, no snoring and no kicking me." "Alright Francis, I'll try to think of it, while I sleep." "Ok, now let us prepare to go to sleep. Those other two are already sleeping." "Euchm, shouldn't we do that in the bathroom?" "Neah, that's ok. In the Military Academy, we sleep with 25 in one big hall, and we don't have to go to the bathroom either. And besides, we are both guys, right." "Ok." But Reese doesn't feel like taking off his pants right before his brother, because he's not wearing any boxers. He turns his back to Francis and drops his pants. "Hey, bro, didn't our mother teach us to wear underwear?" "Heuchm, heuchm,." Reese turns red immediately "No, but you know ma, she's to lazy to do the laundry. And so I don't have any left to wear." "Yeah, that's our mum, right. But make sure you have something on to sleep." "Yes, I'll put on my pyjama." And he walks to the closet. From the corner of his eye, he sees Francis looking at him. What's he looking at? Reese looks down. Oh shit, because of the tension my dick is semi-hard. That's what he is looking at. "Euchm, sorry, it happens sometimes." "Hey, don't worry, I've also been 14. Just look out where you point that thing, alright?"

And so they get into bed together, each one on one side of the bed. They sleep the whole night, but suddenly Reese wakes up. He's being kicked by Francis. "I thought I told you not to kick?" "Euch, but I'm not kicking you." "Yes you are. I feel your leg pressed against my ass." Now Francis really wakes up. He notices that he isn't kicking, but it's his dick pressed against his ass. And just as he wants to pull away, Francis grabs his "leg". "Say, bro, what you up to? You gonna jump me while I'm sleeping?" "No Francis, I wasn't up to nothing. Sorry, I just did that in my sleep." "We're not here at the academy, alright?" Reese doesn't understand those last words, but he hasn't got much time to think it over, because he falls asleep again.

Next: Chapter 3

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