Rennis Life

By Jeff harrington

Published on Sep 19, 2004


I know it has been awhile since I had written anything, but my life has changed some since I had gotten out of the military and after some stressing and some vacation time I feel like my old self again and decided to take up the pen so to speak. I hope I still have some people out there waiting for an update. I figured this time around that Chad deserved the spotlight; I don't think though this is what he meant by wanting attention, but he's going to get it anyways. Still thinking about Shane's story or at least a chapter with him as the star, just to see how it works. Sorry if I kept anyone waiting.

Chapter 6 -- Just Deserts.

It was Friday and that meant our weekly cookout, which I always looked forward to, we didn't always barbeque steaks or burgers, but anything that could go on grill we did grill. Dea had said last night that she was going to grill some eggplant and zucchini, maybe even some potatoes. The more I thought about it the hungrier I got. Nothing was going to ruin my weekend and I had been thinking about Gabe the whole day, I couldn't wait to be with him.

"Hey," Shane said from behind me, "wait up!"

"What's up?"

"I have to go home first so I might be a little late." He told me.

"That's cool; I'll catch you later then."

"Yup." He said and he ran across the street and turned the next corner to get to his house.

I had just gotten around to the corner of my own house about fifteen minutes later, I decided to head straight to the back yard which involved me walking between our privacy fence and the right side of our house, and I was deep in my own thoughts when I ran smack dab into Chad.

"What do you want?" I asked him. For a minute he just looked at me, cocked his head to the side and a big smile came over his face.

"You've had sex." He said.

"How do you know?" I asked irritably.

"I know that freshly fucked look anywhere." He thought for a moment, "Let's see, who could it be. Well it wasn't Sebastian or his baby brother Leander; he's only twelve years old, but when he gets older, that boy's pussy is mine; I already have plans for it. That only leaves the middle bro Gabriel."

I couldn't help but react when he said Gabe's name, to hear him say his name like that made it sound dirty. He smiled at me again; he got the reaction he was looking for. He stepped closer to me and drew his face close to mine.

"I am so sad it wasn't me that took your cherry, besides, I caught you two in the kitchen window that day, but now that you're deflowered do I still have a chance with you?" He asked.

"Fuck you." I said nervously and rather scared. The problem was that I didn't know if I could actually stop him if he tried. He was way stronger than me and he always loved the chance to prove it when we were growing up.

"No, fuck you. When I tell everyone at school you're going to be up shit creek. You think you got it bad now just wait." He said as he grabbed my belt and pushed me against the side of the house.

Just when my worst fears were about to be visited upon me, a hand grabbed Chad by the collar and slammed him against the house. Thank goodness, it was Gabe and his arm moved lightening fast and his fist landed right in Chad's stomach.

Chad gasped and doubled over; Gabe picked him back up and leaned him against the side of the house.

"Here's how we are going to play this," Gabe began as he got very close to Chad's face, "you will never touch Ren again and you won't tell anyone about our relationship, you understand? What I did to you was nothing. I learned a lot at military school, my sergeant was like a second father to me and I know how to defend myself. Now get out and don't come back!"

"When I tell my parents what happened here you'll go straight back to that military school too!" Chad angrily said.

"No he won't." Dea said coming around the corner. "We all caught what was going on; you talk, and brag way too loud."

Chad held his stomach and began to walk away.

"Oh by the way," began Gabriel, "if you touch my little brother I'll make sure you spend the rest of your life eating through a fuckin straw!"

To say I was shook up was an understatement; Gabe put his arm around my shoulder and led me to the back yard.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Come on let's get some grub, Dea's got some eggplant on the grill and I am starving."

Dinner was lively and entertaining as always, Leander had been eating with us too and he was a bit quieter than usual. I wondered if he had heard what Chad had said. I prayed he hadn't. If Sebastian and Gabriel were the examples of gorgeous, masculine guys Leander was the example of a beautiful boy, stunningly beautiful. He had amazingly fair skin and long dark hair down to his shoulders, you had to take a second look to make sure he was a boy and even then you had to study him a little to solidify your decision.

"Did^Ådid, Leander hear what Chad had said?" I quietly asked Gabriel as we ate.

Gabe's jaw locked and he nodded in agreement, "Yeah, as I matter of fact he was the one that caught you and Chad talking then came running to tell us what was happening. As I came running to help you he told me what Chad had said. I had never seen Leander so scared, it really pissed me off."

Leander himself, not caring for grilled veggies all that much snatched some barbequed hotdogs from the grill and sat down next Gabe.

"How ya doin?" I asked him.

"Fine." He began; it was obvious he wasn't entirely fine.

"I am sorry you had to hear what Chad said."

"Yeah, well Gabe said he would teach me how to defend myself so that kinda thing won't happen to me."

"Damn right." Exclaimed Gabe as he patted Leander on the back. Lil' Lea as he was affectionately known as smiled and dug into his hotdog. That smile, oh my goodness, he had the most kissable, full lips you ever saw. When he smiled you had the impression that he was going to starve to death unless he got kissed. He was going to be a heartbreaker one of these days, and that will be one very lucky boy or girl.

I went back to the grill to get me some more potatoes, they had been grilled in butter and minced garlic. I loved garlic with a passion, I even put it in my eggs in the morning, along with mushrooms.

"Was Chad right?" Kevin said as he stepped up beside me.

I looked at him for a second then back down to the grill, I knew what he was asking and apparently he had heard that much of the conversation Chad and I had. What was I going to tell him? I wanted to tell him the truth, I just couldn't figure out why I couldn't.

"He saw us in the window that day, the same day you caught us and he jumped to the same conclusion you did."

"So nothing's going on?" He asked again.

There was no turning back now; I was knee deep in the lie, "No."


That was all he said and he grabbed some more eggplant and sat back down. I think I had said it before, but I will say it again. One of Kevin's pet peeves was he hated to be lied to and when he found out about this "little story" of mine I would be in some deep doodoo.

I was thinking how deep I was going to dig my grave when low and behold look who came around the corner but Shane. All smiles as usual, he was one of the best friends I have ever had, he could always make me laugh.

"Hey guys!" Shane yelled out and grabbed a plate of food from the grill, "sorry I'm late."

Everyone said hi and he joined me at the table and sat down beside me.

"Have you seen Chad, he looks in pretty bad shape." commented Shane to us.

After Gabe heard that a big old smile played goofily across his face.

We filled him in on this afternoons events, he nodded and agreed he had it coming. It would have been a matter of time before something like that happened to him anyways.

"It's too bad really," he began, "he's so sexy why does he have to be an asshole?"

"Whatever." I said to Shane, he just giggled at me.

"So tell me Gabriel, what is Ren's full name?"

I shot Gabe a look and he just laughed, "Come on he has to know."

"Please tell me, I won't repeat it to anyone else. I promise." Shane said.

I just sighed, that is one thing at least I know I can let go of and I told Gabe to go ahead and tell him.

___________________________________________________________________________ Well that's it for chapter 6, tell what you think. I love to hear from people.

Email me at ___________________________________________________________________________

Renni's life and all characters copyright 2004 jeff harrington

Next: Chapter 10: Shane

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