Rent Boi Roy

By Trevor Johnson

Published on Feb 26, 2013






This story is copywrited by the author and cannot be reproduced or copied without the express permission of the author.

Just as the boys were leaving he got a phone call and signaled for the guys to wait. He disconnected the call and shocked Benny with his next statement, "Benny my man that was the security living at your old address man. He said your parents have been around looking for you and left a message they'd like you to move back home, what do you think of that man?"

There was shocked silence as Benny tried to take in what big Jimmy had just told him. He couldn't understand why his mom and dad wanted him back when the day they threw him out they were so brutal and cruel to him. Both Roy and Sammy kept staring at Benny waiting with baited breath for the answer.

"I will only go back home if they say sorry for the way they treated me and allowed me to continue living with my partner Roy and our new son Sammy." Both boys rushed to give Benny a hug and Big Jimmy yelled, "Hey man none of that gay stuff in my house, all we do here is straight fuckin and nothing else man." All three of them turned to stare at Jimmy who burst out laughing.

"Listen man here's da phone number. If you wanna call you do or not it's up to you. Thay's thinking of moving back into the old house man and my contact says they want you back and that's all I know. Now piss off, out of my house and let me fuck my girl here. All that hugging shit got me horny." Again he burst out laughing with his minders joining in.

The boys without saying another word left, mounting their bikes and riding home in silence all three thinking about the news they had just heard. Benny couldn't for the life of him think why his parents had a change of heart after the cruel way they threw him out. All the time he was thinking that he wouldn't go anywhere without the two guys he was riding home with.

Roy was worried at the thought of losing his lover, Benny. He kept thinking without him he wouldn't have survived that first night, never mind the days following. He kept thinking over and over what would happen to Sammy and him if Benny wasn't around to help them. He was the streetwise one who knew and understood the ways and pitfalls of life on the street.

Young Sammy was panicking that his newly found parents, Benny and Roy would abandon him if Benny went back home. He thought to himself it was too good to be true when they took him in and gave him a warm friendly home, something he had never had before. Now it looked as if it all might collapse around him and he would have no one again.

When they arrived back at their caravan they parked their bikes and trooped inside in silence. Sammy switched the TV on and they sat on the bed watching but not taking anything in at all. They were still immersed in their thoughts. Benny broke the silence first suddenly blurting out, "I'm going to call my parents and find out what's going on, but I won't go back home unless they take you Roy and young Sammy as well. I love both of you dearly and if they can't accept that then I'm not going back."

Silence returned as the other two absorbed what they had just heard, with Roy hugging and kissing his partner before saying, "Are you sure you want us hanging around if you're parents are willing to take you so that you can lead a normal life?"

"NO, I won't go anywhere without you two and that's final." Benny shouted startling the other two, "We are together now as a family and if my going home means that we split up then it's not on. I don't know what the ulterior motive is behind my parents wanting me home considering the way they treated me but I will give them a call in the morning on the number Jimmy gave me."

Roy moved in to kiss and hug Benny while Sammy put his head on Benny's lap, closed his eyes and went to sleep with a contented look on his face. Both Roy and Benny wanted to make love but didn't know what to do with young Sammy. If they went to put him into his own bed he was sure to wake up and climb back into their bed anyway, so they had to be content with a quick grope and some heavy foreplay before dropping off to sleep themselves.

Next morning right after breakfast they walked down to the nearest public phone box so that Benny could call his parents on the number Big Jimmy had given him. He decided not to use the cell phone in case his parents were able to trace it, plus they would be able to call him night and day. Once at the box he dialed the number while the other two waited with baited breath.

"Hello, "The voice said which answered on only the second ring. Benny paused not sure if he wanted to hang up or continue. Once again the ladies voice said, "Hello?" and this Benny in a quiet voice replied, "Hello mom."

"Benny my it's good to hear your voice, I'm so glad you got the message to call. We've moved back from London to Birmingham and we're having our old home renovated including your old room. We were hoping that you would come back home, we have some good news to tell you."

"And what's that mom?"

"We have joined a church which has a program for young boys like yourself and they said they could cure you of your well you know your sex problem."

"You and dad must be crazy if you think they there is a cure for being a homosexual. There is no cure, this is the way god made me and that's that, and I bet this so called church is going to charge you a lot of money as well."

"Well son they did say it would take some time and be costly but we are happy to pay if it will stop this gay business."

"You're wasting your fucking money, it's a big con. How many times do I have to tell you that there is no cure and I'm certainly not coming home if that is what you are going to do to me. Try and have me fucking brainwashed."

"Oh Benny, I wish you wouldn't swear like that."

"Sorry mom but you make me so mad. Anyway if I do come home my boyfriend Roy will have to come with me because we will not be parted, plus we have taken a young homeless boy Sammy under our wing and won't leave him out on the streets either. I'll tell you one more time I won't be going to any church to be part of their so called brainwashing scheme." There was silence on the end of the line and Benny was beginning to think she had hung up but then he heard his father's voice.

"Benny just remember you are still under our care and we can send the police to bring you home if need be." Benny interrupted him and Roy could see he was getting angry, so he reached into the phone booth putting an arm around in an effort to calm him down. It worked to some extent and he answered his father in a calmer voice, "Dad you're a fucking hypocrite, you threw me out and now you want the police to find me and bring me back, no fucking way. If I do come back as I explained to my mother I will have my boyfriend who I hope is going to be my lifetime partner and a young kid we saved from the streets because his parents threw him out.

The only way I will come back home is if you stop this fucking rot about curing me and my partner and I can live together along with young Sammy. Just remember there is no cure and as I told mom this is the way God made me, Roy and little Sammy. Anyway those are the terms under which I will come back home. Roy and I will work and also go to school to support ourselves and Sammy. Now that's that, take it or leave it."

His father was silent for a while and when he did begin to speak it was obvious that he was trying to control his temper which Benny knew from the beatings he had received in the past which could be violent, "how dare you talk to me like that and make demands on who comes to live under my roof. I will not have every Tom, Dick and Harry under my roof. If you want to live with the scum which are out on the streets of Birmingham then that's the life you have chosen to lead.

Then stay out on the streets and just see how long you survive and as far as I'm concerned I no longer have a son." After that outburst the phone went dead. Benny turned to Roy falling into his arms sobbing his heart out, "Roy darling, why won't they understand and see what we are instead of being so narrow minded and bigoted. I love my parents but I just can't live under their terms, plus I want to spend the rest of my life with you and Sammy." All three of them began to cry and hug each other. They stayed like that for some time before heading back to their caravan.

They had sandwiches for lunch and sat around in silence eating them. Benny was still in a bad mood and wasn't up to talking. Just then the cell phone rang and he answered it. One of Big Jimmy's off siders called to say that the heat was slowly coming off at the mall but they should be careful just the same. That was good news and it calmed Benny down a bit.

The two boys got cleaned up and ready before heading out to the city and see if they could earn a bit of cash. On the way they were stopped by Roy's next door neighbor, the eighteen year old who had been discovered with his cock in Roy's mouth. You may recall that Paul Jenkins was the neighbor that when Roy was thrown out by his family gave Roy some cash and hoped to catch up with him again.

Paul hugged Roy before asking how he was doing. Roy introduced him to Benny telling him the story behind their friendship. Paul then asked Roy if he would like to earn some money. He said that he would gladly give him fifty pound note for a blow job. Naturally Roy agreed and took Paul behind some bushes to do the deed while Benny kept a lookout.

Paul had obviously not touched his cock for a couple of days because it took less than ten minutes for him to fill Roy's mouth with a big load of cum. Because he was a friend Roy felt a bit guilty taking all that money but Paul insisted, "After all if you hadn't been caught with your mouth around my cock you would still be at home. So I feel as if I owe you."

"Yes, but then I wouldn't have met the love of my life Benny here." Was Roy's reply.

"Look take the full fifty and if one day I'm short of cash and horny you might be able to help me out." Roy said it was a deal as they shook hands and he left. The boys then headed toward the bull ring shopping mall. "He's a nice guy." Benny remarked and Roy agreed telling him what great neighbors they were and how he spent more time with them than his own parents.

The first person they saw at the mall was big Jimmy swaggering around and not a security guy or cop in sight. After chatting with him for a while they sat at their normal bench close to the male restrooms and no sooner had they sat down when one of Benny's regulars approached signaling that he would meet him inside the restroom. Benny casually followed him in with Roy keeping a watchful eye out. When another one of their regulars came along Roy joined him inside for a blow job and another fifty pound note.

They had another couple of older guys in quick succession before Roy suggested they get a drink, "I need something to wash my mouth and throat out with after taking all that juice down my throat." Laughing Benny agreed and they headed for the café where they had a soda, egg and chips since both boys were also feeling a bit hungry.

Just as they finished their meal the famous television personality who had taken the boys to his home for a big private session that he paid very well for walked by. He stopped short and signaled the guys to follow him. They finished up in his car and both got into the back and were driven to his palatial home. Once again they were serviced by in turn by him and he also took both of the boys up the ass this time. All in all a very satisfying session for which he paid them five hundred pounds, so all in all the boys had a great day, which meant they didn't have to go back out that night.

By way of a celebration they decided to take Sammy out for a slap up steak meal at a flash restaurant and while it cost them about a hundred pounds they all three agreed it was well worth it. Sammy was so delighted at being waited on and pampered in such a place. This was a new experience for him and it brought a smile to both Roy and Benny's faces to see this young innocent child enjoying himself so much.

It was quite late when they got back to the caravan and Sammy had to be carried the last few yards home. The boys put him to bed. Despite all the sex they had during the day after a nice shower they managed to make love for a couple of hours. In fact they had just finished their session of love making when Sammy crawled into their bed. Snuggling up between the two of them and while he still was asleep he managed to say, "I love you dads."

The next day was a Friday and all three of them slept late. After beans on toast for breakfast they headed out to do some shopping now that they had some money. The also put a little bit into the bank. They didn't have to worry about the rent because Big Jimmy's drug runs had put them in front.

While in the supermarket the cell phone rang and it was someone who wanted a blow job. He had got the number from one of the phone boxes they had put cards into. In fact the guys had completely forgotten that part of the business. They arranged to meet the guy on the way home from shopping with Benny saying he would take care of it.

He met the guy and blew him in the front seat of his car but when it came to pay he said he only had thirty pounds and not the fifty agreed upon. Benny was really mad and threatened him with violence. When he got out of the car he went around the back of the car and kicked in the tail and brake lights before running off to catch up with the other guys.

He was moaning and complaining all the way home about how the guy short changed him and said to Roy, "In future its cash up front or they can fuck off." Roy was a bit more laid back about the whole thing saying that thirty pounds was better than nothing. While Benny was adamant that a deal was a deal.

After a late lunch they headed down to the mall but business was slow. They only had one customer each all-night, right up to the time all the stores closed. This time it was Roy who wasn't very happy but Benny said, "You have to learn to take the good with the bad and not worry if you had a bad day, it all evens out in the end."

The next morning was a Saturday but they were still up and about early, ready to go into town and catch the lunchtime trade which sometimes was very good on a weekend. Over breakfast they discussed school which made Sammy make a sad face, "You really should go to school Sammy and get yourself an education so you can make a name for yourself." Benny told him.

"But I'd rather stay home and keep house for you guys so that I feel as if I'm earning my keep." Was the pitiful reply from Sammy.

Benny continued, "You too Roy should go back and finish high school at the least so that you too can better yourself."

"That wouldn't be fair on you because you would be the only breadwinner in the family. I should go out with you and earn money like you will be."

Benny was silent for a while trying to think of an answer to Roy's last statement, finally he said, "You could always go out with me at night and earn some money then." This half satisfied Roy but he still wasn't very happy, "I still think we should always go out together so as to protect each other. Maybe I could do a correspondence course or something like that and still be out there with you."

Benny thought that might not be a bad idea and that they should look into it. In the meantime on Monday we should take Sammy to school, but first we have to work out a story for him to be enrolled and explain where he has been before moving here.

After giving it some thought Roy suggested, "We could say that Sammy has just moved down from the north of England with us. We are his nephews because he is staying with us until his parents relocate and move down as well. We can give our address as your parent's old place or Big Jimmy's address might even be better except he will more than likely make us pay for the privilege.

If they ask where his paperwork is from his old school we can say his parents are sending it down." Benny agreed that was a good plan while Sammy wasn't very happy at the prospect of going to school, "Why can't I do a correspondence thingy like Roy's going to do, that way I can stay at home?"

"Because you need to meet and mix with kids of your own age Sammy," Roy said, "Plus you might even find yourself a nice boyfriend the same age as you." That brought a smile to Sammy's face and a tent in his pants as he thought of the prospects of having his own boyfriend just like his two fathers.

"Would I be able to bring him home and take him to my bed?" He asked giggling at the idea.

"I don't see why not." Benny told him laughing along with the cute little kid they now called their son. "We love you Sammy and want you to be happy living with us but we have to be careful who we invite back here so always check with us first." Sammy told the two of them that he would never do anything without their permission, "I love both of you and thank you for taking me in and making me a member of your family." After saying those words he moved over to sit on Roy's knee giving him a kiss and hug before moving over to Benny and doing the same, "We love you too little man and will always be here to protect you and take care of you." Benny told him.

With all that decided the boys had to rush and get ready having spent far too long over breakfast than they intended. Kissing Sammy goodbye, leaving him to do the dishes they headed on their bikes into the city and the shopping mall.

An elderly gray haired gent was sitting on their seat. The boys had never seen him before so they didn't say anything but just sat next to him. The old man never looked at them but said quietly, "How much would you charge me to give me some relief?"

Knowing perfectly well what he meant Benny said, A hand job is Twenty Five quid, a blow job fifty quid and a full on sex a hundred." The guy still not looking at them said, Ok I'd love a blow job but I've only got thirty pound left from my pension."

Benny looked at Roy who nodded, "All right I tell you what I'll do you. Being a new customer I'll give you a blow job for Twenty five quid." The old guy nodded and Benny instructed him to go into the toilets and he would follow.

Fifteen minutes later the old boy came out and wandered off with Benny coming out a few minutes later. When he got up to were Roy was sitting he said, "Come on lets go get a drink, he was a bit smelly and I need something to clean my mouth with."

They wandered into the food court and got a soda and burger which they sat down and ate, quickly realizing that they were also hungry. Once they had eaten they headed back to their usual seat but didn't hang around long because security kept looking their way.

They left the mall and wandered down a nearby street known as being the place for the odd pick up. No sooner had they arrived when a car pulled up with a fairly young looking guy who wanted to know how much for a blow job. Benny told him and he said ok with Roy jumping in front and Benny in the back.

The guy got a bit nervous asking what was going on and Benny explained that they always went in two's these days for protection. This appeared to satisfy the guy and he drove them to a local park where they could drive the car behind some bushes and not be seen. Roy got out and wandered off some distance into the bushes, while Benny stood outside leaning up against the car. Suddenly Benny heard Roy cry out and went running towards the sound.

Once he got there he found Roy on the ground his pants around his ankles and the guy who picked them up trying to force his big cock into Roy's ass. Benny launched himself onto the guys back taking him by surprise and throwing him to the ground. The guy started throwing punches but none of them connected with the wiry Benny who suddenly produced a knife which even Roy didn't know he had. He held the knife at the big guy's throat saying through clenched teeth, "You picked the wrong pair to fuck around with mister and if you don't want to be scarred for life you'll hand over your wallet so we can get what we are owed."

Turning white with fear the guy reached down and gave Benny his wallet from which one hundred pounds was extracted by Benny, "That should cover the injuries and trauma you caused my friend and don't ever try that trick with any of us street kids again. Now get off but leave your pants here."

The guy started to protest but Benny grabbed his pants and underwear using his knife to rip them to shreds before throwing them into the bushes, "Now fuck off and don't try that trick again or you're a dead man." The guy terrified of Benny and his knife ran off towards his car while Benny turned his attention to Roy who was still lying on the ground moaning.

Benny comforted him but then noticed the blood around his ass and freaked out, "Man what the fuck happened?"

Roy between sobs said, "He took me by surprise and flipped me over pulling my pants off and trying to enter me without any lube or preparation and it fucking hurt." Benny examined his lover but the blood was only from minor breaks of the skin and wasn't deep. It was only on the surface of his butt hole, showing that Benny got there just in time.

Benny helped him get his pants back on before picking him up and carrying him out into the car park. He laid him down on a park bench soothing him all the time and smothering his face with kisses, "Oh baby, I know this is all part of the game we are on and this stuff happens some time but it hurts me to see you in so much pain."

He hung on to his lover for some time before getting his cell phone out and calling for a cab. Roy protested saying he could walk home but Benny insisted that he wouldn't make it. When the cab arrived he helped Roy into it before giving the driver instruction but not telling him the exact address but the next street over.

It didn't take long to get to their destination and after paying off the cab. Benny helped his boyfriend walk the last few yards to their caravan home. As soon as they walked in the door and Sammy saw the state Roy was in he freaked out, "What happened to you Daddy Roy, you look terrible." He ran over to put his arms around him and helped carry him to the bed.

Benny briefly explained what had happened before laying Roy face down on the bed before removing his pants and boxers. He then got warm water and a soft cloth to wipe away the blood on his butt. Roy just lay there quietly not moving except when Benny touched a tender spot which made him wince with pain. His partner once he had cleaned up the wound and examined it closely, got some antiseptic cream they had in bathroom cabinet and carefully applied it to the wound which appeared to be on the outside rather than deep inside him, "Lover it's not too bad, he didn't have time to go inside you so the cuts are only on the entrance and not too deep." Benny told him.

He helped his lover get dressed again and all three sat down together while Sammy still had that worried look on his face. Benny put his arms around him saying, "Don't worry little man, daddy Roy will be all right. This is just part of the job we do, sometimes we get hurt which is why we don't want you going out there. From now on Roy and I will always be working close to each other so this kind of hurt can be stopped."

For the first time since they got home, in fact since the attack, Roy spoke up, "I never knew you carried a knife Benny."

"Yes, I learnt early on when I got hurt just like you did that I had to have something extra to protect me but that's the first time I have had to use it." There was silence for a while until Roy spoke up again, "Would you have cut that guy like you said you would?"

"In a flash if he didn't back off. Its dog eats dog out there and we have to be prepared to do stuff like that to protect ourselves." This shocked Roy who had never seen this side of Benny before and to a certain extent it worried him.

Benny in an effort to lighten up the mood said, "Come on guys lets go get some fish and chips and sodas to cheer ourselves up. Tomorrows Sunday so I suggest we have a lie in and while we can't really afford not to, let's take the day off and do something together."

While the other two weren't sure what they could do they certainly agreed on the fish and chips and headed out feeling in a much better mood than before. Before they got home, they ate the food as they walked slowly back to the caravan. Benny made them a drink of hot chocolate and they all snuggled up together on the bed watching a late night movie on TV, but before it ended all three were asleep.

It was close to ten the next morning before they woke up hungry as always, so they quickly cleaned themselves up, dressed and headed out to Mc Donald's. Sammy was complaining of a headache but told the other two not to worry because it will soon go away. They bought some headache pills on the way and made him take a couple and he said he felt a bit better. After they had finished breakfast they discussed were to go. Being on their bikes they could go just about anywhere.

Although it was a long ride they decided to go to Perry Park, a local beauty spot and the training ground for the Olympic rowing teams and other water events. Being a beautiful sunny day it was great for the three of them to just relax and enjoy themselves and be kids again.

They bought hamburgers at the café beside the lake and a drink each. Roy spotted that they had Frisbee's on sale and after they had eaten they spent a couple of hours throwing it around to each other. A couple of other young kids joined in and they had a lot of fun.

All too soon it was time to head back home before it got too dark, besides they were tired and young Sammy was complaining of his headache again. They gave him a couple more pills and on the way they picked up a pizza.

Back at the caravan Sammy said he wasn't hungry and the boys suggested that he go to bed after they gave him a couple more pain killers for his headache. Benny and Roy decided they too would have an early night because they had to go and enroll Sammy in school the next day.

The alarm clock woke them up early the next morning and they were both surprised that Sammy hadn't made it into their bed overnight. Roy went in to wake him and suddenly Benny heard his name being yelled out loud. Dashing into Sammy's bedroom he found Roy trying to wake the young lad who was a deathly white and covered in sweat, plus he wasn't responding to the gentle shaking Roy was giving him.

To be continued.

Writers Corner. Welcome back to another chapter of Rent Boi Roy. Sorry about the cliffhanger (NOT) but just what is wrong with poor little Sammy? Well to find out you will have to wait for the next chapter but I hope he's going to be all right.

The Chapter started with Benny's parents getting back in touch so they could send him to a brainwashing camp to cure him of his homosexuality. What a load of rot but sadly every modern country has these sorts of places who use shock therapy and other cruel methods to hopefully cure one of the disease they have picked up. It makes me so mad when I hear of these places when we all know that this is the way God made us and we can't change the good Lord's work.

Anyway I'll get off my soapbox and get back to the chapter. Roy was lucky that Benny was close by otherwise he would have been brutally raped. His partner saved him and what a surprise that Benny was carrying a knife for protection something he hadn't told Roy about.

Sammy like most young kids isn't too keen to go to school and even Roy who was determined when his parents threw him out to continue his schooling is now going cold on the idea. It was good to see them taking a day off to just be kids again.

Now we come to young Sammy and his mystery illness. I hope he is going to get better and how will the boys with their limited experience handle the problem? Tune in again to find out folks. I for one will be praying that he does make a recovery.

In the meantime please let me know how I am doing with this and all my stories. If you are reading this on JPG's web site go and check on my new photo and Bio page and let me know what you think of it. (My thanks to Brian for setting it up for me). Link

Also if you go to this site check out a new and exciting story by a very talented writer Houdini. I don't usually read other writers stories because it clouds my mind when writing my own, but this guy has got me in good and proper with his yarn.

Till next time Hugs


Editors Corner.

Holy smoke. What a cliffhanger. Ok Trevor, we do not like seeing Sammy where he needs desperate medical attention. I sure hope all is OK and it is not something like AIDS etc. Remember, Trevor does not share with me any of his ideas or plans so my thoughts are just that, my thoughts.

I was glad to see Benny take care of that creep that was going to rape Roy. What a bastard. I like that they cut up his pants and underwear and made him go home like that. Wonder how he got from his car into his house. What excuse did he use? I am hoping this guy doesn't try and get even. If he does, I would call Big Jimmy.

I was glad to see Paul (Roy's 18 year old neighbor) pay a visit and try to help the boys out. Hope he is able to do more in the future.

I like the idea of Roy doing correspondence for schooling. This way he can be with Benny when he is servicing clients. They need to protect each other. Also, if he finishes high school perhaps he can get a regular job and help get the boys off the streets. I sure hope so.

Well do not forget to write Trevor and let him know your thoughts about this story. I know he will appreciate hearing from you. It is for you that he works so hard at developing new chapters.

So for now, have a great day.


Next: Chapter 7

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