Return to FlatBush

By Justin Balancier

Published on May 11, 2020


Return to Flatbush - Part 12

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Asa and Bernie were sitting and talking at one of Adam's café tables. Adam had just put fresh jelly donuts out for sale, and naturally, Bernie had to sample one. Asa joined him and that is when the conversation begun.

"Look at all the people on the avenue," said Bernie looking out the window of the bakery. "Nothing special in the whole group" he continued.

"Everyone has their own special glow," was a statement that Asa used all his adult life. He repeated it once more hoping to impress Bernie

"You are wrong," said Bernie. "He thought Asa was horse crap to put it mildly.

"I have seen, in the past, some of the beauties that you have dragged home. A frog would have been better," continued Bernie, quickly becoming tired of Asa's fancy words.

"Don't preach, I remember when you could get nothing. I am telling you, nothing. A frog you would have been happy with." Asa fired back a little upset.

"Ladies – ladies, no arguing, customers can hear you," said Adam, who heard them from the kitchen. He chuckled hoping he had not been harsh with Asa. Bernie did not concern him. He would not recognize `harsh' if he stepped in it.

"You are right Adam. Bernie is such a putz, that I forget where I am at times. Let's go Bernie, we can sit in the park" said Asa

Adam tossed a few pastries in a bag and handed it to Asa giving him a quick wink of the eye. He gave two bottles of water to Bernie. "Here, gentlemen, go to the park and munch," No charge."

Walking to the park, which was only across the street, Bernie commented. "Adam is a wonderful young man, you are so fortunate Asa."

"You want to take back that `frog' comment," said Asa

"I take it back," replied Bernie

"Okay – good, have a cookie"

They plopped themselves down on a bench with a grunt of nonexistent energy.

"Phew, I'm glad that Adam gave us the bottled water," commented Asa

"Why are you tired? Bernie asked

"No, I am thirsty,"

"Makes sense," mumbled Bernie

"Nice you approve."

There were a couple of black teenagers tossing a ball into the air, jumping up to catch it. Each time they leaped, the junk in their short-shorts would giggle and move around.

Bernie caught on to the giggling instantly and so did Asa.

"That is a jumping frog, I would call gorgeous. I think I will go and talk to them," said Bernie. "Did you see the tight little asses on those needy guys?"

"What makes you think they are needy? Asked Asa

"I'll convince them, just leave it to me." Replied Bernie

"Your money for sure, and let's hope that is all you lose. Mind your own business and just sit here," scolded Asa. "I know where you were looking when they jumped for the ball."

Joined, only minutes later, by two friends, the four of them disappeared into the park.

"See how easy that was. You didn't embarrass yourself," said Asa

"This is Bernie remember?" The flame of Flatbush (pause) retired" "I still think it was worth a try. What do I care about a little embarrassment?"

"Bernie – Bernie, you have to get with the program. Young men do not want some fat old Jew for sex"?"

"I am not fat"

"You are old and you are Jewish. Two out of three, is not so bad." Asa explained.

Bernie took a sip from his water bottle and sat quietly staring straight ahead. Things were not the way they used to be for him.

Not far away reading a hard cover book was an older black man, Asa had seen him several times before, in the park, from his living room window.

"Look at that handsome black man. Now he would be worth talking to," said Asa

"Not my type and he is not handsome," replied Bernie"

He has a magnificent beard, with a touch of silver and a Sam Elliott mustache.

"Not my type"

I bet he is in his fifties and look at the body on that guy. How would you like that sweating on top of you?" asked Asa

"Not my type, I am telling you," repeated Bernie

"STOP - Like a broken record you sound. "Somebody breathing is your type.

"Ahh, so much you think you know," commented Bernie

"I know you, what else do I need to know,"" replied Asa

"I'm leaving, I have to go home and take a nap," mumbled Bernie. He wadded up the empty pastry bag and tossed it in the trash can."

"Sure – Go. You had something to eat and now you have to go home and take a nap. Like a bear you are Bernie, just like a bear."

"But I fuck like a rabbit." Answered Bernie.

"Okay, that one, I will give you."

Bernie walked slowly down the street and disappeared

Asa was set to watch the black man reading his book, but he was gone.

It had been ages since Asa was involved sexually with either Adam or Andrew. Asa gave it his best shot, but slowing and stopping, is what happens to everybody playing this ridiculous game.

As for Adam and Andrew, They were young, so every day was spring to them. Often he would say about his many sexual encounters, "I did it beautifully - didn't I?"

Asa was a senior but hardly ready for the scrap pile. He missed terribly at times, not having the earlier years at his disposal. However, most days brought a ray of sunshine to his step with a wobble or a needed handrail for support.

"Mind if I sit here. I mean to say, is this spot taken?" Asked the black man that Asa had noticed earlier. He had returned and looking for a place to sit. The other benches were occupied with mostly teens pushing, shoving and having fun.

"Nope, I saved it for you," said Asa

"For me, that is powerful good of you. I like your sense of humor too. My name is Clayton."

"I am Asa." - "I saw you earlier, you were reading a book"

"I know you did, I saw you watching me."

"Yes, I was." Replied Asa

"Do you know me?" asked the man

"No," said Asa

"I don't expect you would remember me. It was years ago and we got off to a poor start"

"What start? I would remember somebody like you. I remember everything." Replied Asa

"Okay, try this. I was eighteen years old; and now I am 54, so it was a ways back. Hell, maybe I was seventeen. I met you and your friends at Mill Lake in the Catskills. I was with Bronx teens on an overnight field trip to upstate New York. "Do you remember that?" he asked

"No" replied Asa

"Try this," he continued

"I went to a cabin with my bro, where you were staying and everybody got drunk. You had to be around thirty. You reminded me of Tony Curtis, and I would not forget a pretty lookin man like that. We drank a lot.

I fell asleep on the floor with my head spinning from the booze. I was fuckin wasted. I woke up with a pillow under my head, with my shirt off and my pants open. You were rubbing my stomach and had your mouth on my dick. You were sucking my cock"

"I don't remember any of that. In those days, I was wild and nothing surprises me. What did you do?" asked Asa

"It scared me a bit, so I said,"get the hell off me," and you did. That was it."

"Then I owe you an apology," Asa said to him

"No – no you don't. We were drunk and stuff happens, when you drink. You don't owe me an apology at all."

"It's a small world," said Asa

"Damn, ain't it tho?" Commented Clayton"

"I don't remember you at eighteen, but what I see at 54 is impressive." Said Asa

"Impressive? What do you mean by that?" he asked

"Oy, how do I talk without making a fool out of myself? Okay, you are a sexy man and I like to look at sexy men. I don't get, what I once did, but looking I can still do." explained Asa.

"Not bad," said Clayton.

He sat beside Asa with his legs opened and the thoughts going through Clayton's mind was plain by now. Asa was looking at his junk,and that was just what he wanted him to do.

"How would you feel about getting together with a retired cocksucker? We can't go back to the Catskills, but we can do something?" asked Asa

"You're probable fourteen years older than me. You are not ready to break in half. I hadn't thought about doing the nasty," he said beginning to chuckle.

"Yes, you have. You have thought about it since you recognized me." Replied Asa

"Like continuing where you left off, in the cabin at Mill Lake, huh?" said Clayton

"You've got it." Replied Asa

"No, you've got it, if I give it to you,"

"Never mind," said Asa and got up to walk away. He was not upset, just weary of what he called nonsense. He had little tolerance for foolishness.

Clayton was right beside him as the two of them walked to the street. Asa headed towards the corner instead of going into his building. Clayton tagged along talking to him.

"Hold up man, you should understand black men. We like to be in the driver's seat, touched and felt up like a piece of fruit, seldom plays well. I ain't no kid; you know what I'm saying?"

"I see we are not getting together and I understand. I just asked and yes, I know what you are saying." replied Asa

"Hold on, hold on, my man. Do you want to invite me for a cup of coffee, beer, or a blowjob – something appropriate," asked Clayton. Smiling and looking absolutely hot and delicious.

It was an easy decision for Asa to make. His heart was racing and he wanted Clayton naked in the worse way.

"An invitation sounds stuffy. I don't need fancy words to have coffee." Said Asa

"You left out beer or a blowjob," said Clayton jokingly and doing a poor job of it.

"Nothing, do I leave out. I eliminate them one by one,"

"I bet you do," answered Clayton

They walked back to Asa's building and took the elevator to the first floor. Asa was feeling nervous and pleased all at the same time.

He had done this a gazillion times over the past forty years, living on Flatbush. For a brief moment, he was on the prowl again, and it felt nice, not hearing, "beat it you old troll." from a still life nobody.

They were friends now, or what seemed to be friends. The coy conversation and bush beating stopped and they were regular people.

It is tough when the past keeps jumping up and kicking you in the face. The past is past and sometimes yesterday's loss becomes a gain for tomorrow.

Perhaps Asa had found a friend reminding him of how good life can be. Perhaps Clayton was nothing at all and only a pipe dream. In time, Asa would understand everything. He placed his key in the door to his apartment.

Next: Chapter 13

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