Rise of the Minotaur

By ozzalone65

Published on Oct 31, 2020


This is a fictional tale of the creature that has always seemed to excite me when I saw him in story and mythology. The Minotaur. Body of a man, head of a bull but with a fantastic form and the typical bull hung proportions. Huge dick and massive nuts. Normally this beast is considered evil or bad. But this new tale makes the minotaur the victim of misunderstanding.  And our hero helps to bring them to their true station in life. As master of the sun human mortal form. 

Hope you enjoy.... +xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++ Rise of the Minotaur (2)

... I had met Merrick at one of the village festivals. He was selling his baked goods at one of the booths. I was also there selling my items as well. But I took a small break from selling to walk around the place. To see what else there was in the festival. That was when I came across the bakers booth. My goodness I could smell it from quite a distance to say the least. The great breads and spices, the pastries that the sweetness was so aromatic. I was instantly hungry as I came to the booth. 

"Good afternoon" came the voice of his wife "What would you like this afternoon?"

Her assurance that I would purchase something caught me off guard. I surmised I may, but almost did not from her forwardness.  But then I saw her husband Merrick. He stepped out from behind the brick ovens they had set up. He was a tall and brawny looking fellow. His rugged and furry forearms were thick and strong. And his unshaven face was rough and almost sinister in appearance.  Bit it was a masculine and handsome ruggedness that he had in him. I glanced at the man as he stood there and pulled out more fresh bread from the oven. He saw me as I glanced towards him as he pulled it out.

"Fresh loaves" he called out "Yes indeed" I said back "Always best if fresh" 

He saw my staring at him and smiled. His grin at me caught my eyes. There seemed a sparkle or flash in his eyes as he looked at me. So I smiled back at him. An almost alluring stare as I did.  I wasn't sure if his look, but made it clear with my come hither look what my intention was. And from his wink back I took it he understood and wanted something back.  So I purchased a loaf and some pastries from them. Then I gave him my card. Introducing him to my work. Giving him my name. He also gave me his as well. So we were fully introduced, myself and the beefy manly man. 

"So you build things?" He asked "Yes sir" I said back "You.. Um and your wife should come to my workshop" "I have many available pre built items as well"

He seemed to have some interest. Whether it was for my wood work or myself I really was not sure of. But whatever his interest. Merrick certainly had my interest. Interest in his handsome bearded face and meaty looking body that pressed to his clothes. And most certainly with the showing if some lovely hair on his firearms a tell of what lie under his shirt. Another point of interest to me.   The man nodded and said he would do so. Bring the 'wife' with him to see my 'wares'. Decided that yes he did want to come by and see what I had to offer. An interesting smile crossing his rugged face. 

"I am sure you have spectacular items" Merrick said "Good. Come by any time before midday" "That's when I am most in the shop." "Very well" Merrick said back

I thanked Merrick for the bread and then headed off. Looking back at him as as I went on my way back to my location. Getting an item of mine sold before long. A small intricate table. That and a wall hanging were the only items I sold that day.  I was about to pack up a few hours later when I heard a voice behind me. It was a deep and familiar voice. At least recently familiar. I turned and there stood Merrick.. and his wife. I smiled smartly as I sae her at his side. Saddened a bit that he had decided to show himself but with her at his side. I hoped for a one on one encounter. 

"Well, hello" I said to the couple "How may I assist you?" "Are you interested in some wood work.?"

Merrick looked at me and smiled. Then he said he and his wife were interested in some chairs. I offered him a look at the few I had there that day. The two of them looked around my booth. She seemed to like a few. But he wanted something more specific. Yet he kept looking at me. They came back over to where I was standing as they finished their perusal od the items I had. 

"Nice items" he said "But I think we are wanting something a little more personal" "Do you do specialty pieces?" "Yes I do" I answered back "Why don't the two of you come by my shop this week" "We can discuss what you would like"  "Go over some ideas and price" 

He smiled and gazed at hus wife. She seemed to think that it was a good idea as well. So they thanked me and then headed off. I turned and decided to finish packing up and head back home.only getting my items in the cart and heading back. Cracking the reigns and getting the horse going to get me back to the shop and then home. 

"Well I got a few items sold there" I said as I left "And that delicious man Merrick Sao he would be over to gauge some ideas for chairs" "It will be nice to see him again."

I knew that his desire for something mire specific would have me working longer for he and his wife. More chance if seeing this man some more.amd that excited me.  Yes he was married. Yes he was probably not really interested. But if there was a chance to bed this desirable looking man. I was willing to see if he could be pushed to something more, umm... Personal..... +xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++++xx+++

To be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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