Rising of the Dark

By MeTA4

Published on Jan 16, 2004



by Meta4. Chapter 05.

The Eleven (Elven?) Commandments


  1. Thou shalt bow to J.K. Rowling, creator of the Potterverse!

  2. Thou shalt acknowledge all characters created by Her.

  3. Thou shalt acknowledge the trademarks of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

  4. Thou shalt not read the story herein if Slash offendeth you.

  5. Thou shalt not read this story if thou art not old enough so to do.

  6. Thou shalt not pass the work herein as thine own.

  7. Thou shalt not gain profit from distributing the work herein.

  8. Respect thy mother and thy father - only read this work when they are out.

  9. Thou shalt acknowledge My copyright

  10. Thou shalt contact Me if thou likest or thou detesteth this work.

  11. Thou shalt never piss off an Elf...


by Meta4 meta4@meta4.org

CHAPTER FIVE:: Hormonii in extremis.

After supper Harry, Ron, Hermione and I headed up to the Gryffindor common room. Hermione explained to me that it was at this time we were expected to do our homework assignments, but as the only one we'd been given involved ping-pong balls and toilet-roll tubes, the atmosphere was rather chatty.

Harry was coming along fast in the control of his skill - he'd now given up using "Wingardium Leviosa" to hover his ping-pong ball and simply had to stare at it. After a brief moment, the ball would lift off the end of the cardboard tube, the tube would move aside and the ball would float gently back down to the table.

"OK, variation on a theme," I grinned after the third successful demonstration.

I climbed out of the exceedingly comfy couch which had been doing its best to absorb me over the last half hour and knelt on the opposite side of the table at which Harry was sat. A thought later and the table had sprouted a ping-pong net.

"I dunno if this'll work, but we'll give it a shot. Try and imagine an invisible ping-pong bat hovering in front of the table."

Harry frowned at me for a second and then twigged what we were trying to attempt.


"I think so,"

"'K - I'll serve..."

I chucked the ball into the air and hit it gently with my imaginary bat. It bounced neatly over the net and the volley was returned by another non-apparent bat. Harry grinned widely as he completed the shot. We kept this going for a good minute, gradually picking up the pace. Suddenly, Harry slammed the ball home. My bat leaped for the ball and just managed to tap it back over. Harry'd been expecting a harder shot and hence had to mentally dive for it. I thought he was going to miss and hence let my guard down, but the ball was successfully returned, causing me to miss altogether. Harry was chuffed with himself, as was I.

Even though we'd not been leaping around, we were still quite breathless from the adrenaline and mental exertion of playing. We then also realised we had an audience.

"Bloody hell - that was brilliant!" gasped Ron.

"That's better, though," I smiled as Hermione hovered her ping-pong ball and tube, then expanded the tube, pushed the ball inside and then shrunk the ends down like a Quality Street chocolate.

"By Jove, I think she's got it!" I hammed.

"C'mon Ron, you try," encouraged Harry.

Ron took a deep breath and stared intently at his ping-pong ball. After a moment or two, it wobbled, and then as if he suddenly got the idea, rose gracefully in the air. "Cool! I never thought I could do this! Wicked!"

"Try putting the tube inside the ball," I suggested. Ron thought for a moment and then smiled. Leaving the ball hovering in mid air, we watched as the cardboard tube shrunk until it was slightly shorter than the diameter of the ping-pong ball. Hermione smiled even wider as a tiny little trap door on the side of the ball opened up, allowing the miniaturised roll to float in, after which it closed itself again. Ron then carefully floated the ball down to the table. Hermione picked it up and shook it and, sure enough, the ball now rattled.

Much to Ron's surprise, Hermione hugged him tightly. "I knew you could do it," she whispered.

Later on that evening, any slight animosities that Hermione and Ron seemed to have with me melted away completely. Soon, I found myself chatting with them as if I had known them for ages. Harry became more chatty also, joining in with the general good-natured banter.

Whilst there was the odd bit of mickey-taking, none of it was deeply offending: Quite a turn-around from the sniping to which I had become so accustomed over the years with my own so-called friends. I could honestly say it was the most fun I'd ever had in an evening with other kids my age.

I was regaled with tales of monsters that could suck the very living soul out of your body, dragons, trolls, flying Ford Anglias, basilisks, blast-ended skrewts, hippogriffs, pixies, phoenixes and, of course, the ongoing conflict with Lord Voldemort. At times the debate was heated and passionate, at others we were all reduced to tears through laughing so hard (the pinnacle of which had to be the Malfoy-as-a-weasel tale, which the others recounted with great relish).

Eventually, though, we all began to succumb to the fatigue of such a busy and unusual day and decided to call it quits for that evening. Hermione gave us all a hug good night, but paid special attention to Ron before climbing the spiral staircase to the girls' dormitories. Harry, Ron and I climbed the adjacent set of stairs up to the top of Gryffindor tower, Ron looking rather sheepish with a distinct red flush on his cheeks, but pleased nonetheless.

As we approached the door, we could hear fairly animated chatting coming from inside.

"He's an Elf! My dad told me about them!"

"Neville, Elves are three feet tall and iron socks! This guy is not an Elf!"

"Seamus, he is, really! The house Elves aren't the only type of Elf."

Harry smiled and pushed the door open. Rather unsurprisingly, the conversation stopped immediately. Seamus looked me up and down.

"See? He's got to be six foot tall! No way is he an Elf."

"Who's Neville, I asked?"


"Ten points, Nev - I'm a Woodland Elf. Good on ya, mate," I grinned back at him.

"Ha! Up yours you cocky little Irish tosser," he grinned.

"Take that back Longbottom," yelled Seamus amicably.

"No way! For once I'm right and I'm gonna enjoy it for as long as I can."

Ron and Harry exchanged sideways glances and ushered be between Neville and Seamus' opposing beds before the inevitable roughhousing began.

"I guess that's your bed, then," said Ron, looking where his and Harry's had been moved round slightly and a clean, unclaimed one had been installed.

"No way! You all get four-posters?" I cried in disbelief.

Harry and Ron nodded as if that was a rather dumb question.

"Cool!" I smiled. I noticed that my bag had been neatly placed at the foot of the bed. On opening the chest of draws next to my bed, I found the few sets of clothes I'd brought with me neatly arranged.

"Who did all the unpacking?"

"Probably one of the house elves," explained Ron. "There are loads of them - they do all the cleaning, washing and cooking around the place. Hermione wants to get them paid have a union and stuff, but all the Elves think she's mad."

"Can I meet any of them?"

"I'm sure you'll meet Dobby at some stage. He was the Malfoy's house Elf, but Harry managed to get Mr. Malfoy to release him."

"How? I can't believe any Malfoy would give up a servant..."

Harry smiled. "He didn't knowingly. I put one of my socks in a book that Mr Malfoy handed to Dobby to carry for him."

"A sock?"

"If the Elf's master gives him clothes, it releases him,"

"Oh. Excellent!"

"I dunno about you two, but I'm totally knackered," announced Ron, stretching and scrubbing his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, me too," agreed Harry, and subsequently started removing his robes.

This took me by surprise initially, but soon remembered this was a boarding school and that the lads would, quite naturally, have to change in front of each other. This could pose a problem. 'Nah - fuck it,' I thought, and pulled off my T-shirt.

As I undressed, I noticed Harry stealing the odd glance here and there. I did absolutely nothing to hide myself, rather enjoying the attention. As he undressed, I suddenly found myself checking him out too. He was not overly pumped, but had a very nicely defined bod. He let his trousers drop round his ankles and he gave me a really nice view of his arse as he stooped down to pick them up. I had to consciously drag my eyes away from him and continue to undress. Wearing just my boxers, I jumped into the bed which seemed as if it had just been warmed and pulled the covers up under my chin.

Harry, instead of just getting into bed wearing his boxers, shucked those off as well and turned round, giving me a brief glimpse of his cock and balls. Under my quilt, my dick immediately filled out to its full six-and-a-bit inches and I silently praised whoever it was for choosing such a heavy quilt.

Harry proceeded to pull on a pair of pyjamas and climbed into his own bed. Seamus and Neville had settled their discussion one way or another and were back on their own beds. Ron, it appeared, had literally gone straight to sleep.

"Night, Liam,"

"Night, mate," I replied.

Harry picked up his wand from his bed-side table and pointed it at the large chandelier-like array of candles suspended from the roof. "Nox," he said, extinguishing them and plunging the room into darkness.

By the pale moonlight that was streaming in through the window, I could see him closing the drapes around his bed, so I decided to do the same.

Once done, I lay back in my bed and stared into the darkness created by the drapes, contemplating the sheer lunacy of what had transpired over the past day. Twenty-four hours ago, I was blasting some poor guy's nicked car round Derby City Centre.

Now I was an Elf - or rather knew I was an Elf - and was enrolled in a school for witches and wizards! Man - and here was I thinking I was just your average, run-of-the-mill hooligan with little respect for authority and a penchant for driving recklessly! Shows how much I know...

A rustling to my right made me jump.

"Only me," smiled Harry as he pushed his head through the drapes.

"Hi mate - do come in," I grinned.

Harry climbed on to my bed. If anyone else had been wearing those pyjamas I would have laughed at them, but on Harry they simply made him look all the more vulnerable and - dare I say it - adorable.

"How about a little more light?" I offered. I leaned over to the nearest bedpost and twiddled an imaginary dimmer, causing the insides of the drapes to glow more or less brightly, eventually settling for a soft orange glow.

"It's totally effortless for you, isn't it," said Harry in wonder, more as a statement than a question.

"The more effort I put in, the harder it becomes. But yeah, the magic's fairly easy as well," I smiled.

It took him a moment to twig the rather less-than-subtle double-entendre, but smiled when he did.

"So what's up?"

"Can't sleep," he sighed. I shuffled out from under the covers so I was sitting cross-legged on my pillow, leaning against the bed's headboard. Harry watched intently as my torso was revealed to him. The covers on the beds were so warm and voluptuous that I'd shed the fleece and T-shirt I'd been wearing. The air under the bed's canopy was a lot cooler, though, causing my shin to dimple with goose bumps.

"Did you really steal that car?"

I nodded. Somehow the tone in which Harry asked that question made me feel very guilty about it.

"It sounds so dumb now, but I was bored and showing off," I replied.

"Why'd you do it?"

I smiled dryly. "To make myself look big and clever, and to experience the thrill of escaping the police and... well, death I suppose. Damn that sounds so wrong now..."

"It's really had an impact on you, hasn't it? The whole Elf thing?"

"In all honesty, I don't see how it could not. It makes me feel sick to think what I could do. I mean, if I went off on a mad one, I could take out an entire county before I even realised what I was doing. That's really scary mate..."



"That you're scared. In a way, anyway - you realise the gravity of your situation. I think that's what makes me feel comfortable with you. There are some people here who hunger for power so badly they'd stand on anyone to get it, and do worse to keep it. I'm guessing that the word'll spread fairly quickly about what you can do and there are people who'll despise you for it."

"This sounds like this comes from first hand hand experience."

Harry nodded. "The selfish part of me is quite pleased you're here - it'll divert the attention from me a bit."

"It's funny, you know: I've spent the last five years of my life doing nothing but seeking attention and showing off, and now that I can show off more than ever and get as much attention as I want, I don't want it."

"Spoken like a true Gryffindor," smiled Harry. He snapped his fingers together and lit his thumb. "You have to admit, it is a neat trick though."

"Hey, no fair! I'm the one with the flaming fingers!" I leaned forward and closed my hand around the flame, putting it out. I immediately realised I was now touching his hand, and lookup up into his eyes.

Those beautiful green eyes... They stared back at me, glistening with hope and anticipation. I didn't even need my whole glowie-vision thing to realise that he was as eager to take things one step further as I was, yet just like me he was petrified that he might be making a mistake.

Continuing to hold on to his thumb (figuring that if I let go the moment would be shattered), I leaned forward a little more until I was kneeling and gently pressed my lips to his for a few seconds before backing off.

Initially I thought I'd made a mistake as I felt him tense underneath me, but as I opened my eyes and leaned back, I saw his eyes had been closed too and he was now wearing a gentle, peaceful smile.

"I'm sorry," I said as his eyes eventually opened.

"Don't be - that was lovely... You know, Gryffindor's are supposed to be brave and I... I've been wanting to do that ever since I saw you, and I just never had the guts to do anything..."

"We've only known each other for fifteen hours or so - I think we're doing OK," I smiled.

"It feels like I've known you a whole lot longer, though. I feel like I know you so well!""

"That's a good thing, right?"


"Well, I'm not sure you'd have liked me before today - I was a right arse, for want of a better phrase."

"As we didn't meet until today, what bearing does that have on anything at all to do with us, right here, right now?"

"Well, nothing I s'pose."

"Exactly," he smiled, shuffling up the bed until he was by my side. "I get feelings about people, Liam. I can usually tell if I can trust them or not, and you're telling me without a shadow of a doubt that you're in the 'with my life' category."

I swallowed. I suppose it was similar to the way that Harry 'just knew' I was being sincere that I knew exactly the same was true of him. The more attention I paid, the more endearing I found him.

Even through his pyjamas I could tell that there was quite a well defined body hiding under the slightly shy exterior, but that paled in comparison to the actual person with which I was talking.

"Do you want to try that again?" I croaked.

"Oh yeah," he smiled.

"May I take off your glasses?"

He nodded his approval whilst breathing heavily and I gently removed them, hooking them safely over the top of the headboard. The face that looked back at me looked just as beautiful as before, although now the slight laugh-lines at the corners of his eyes were more immediately visible.

This time, Harry leaned into me and kissed me square on the lips. I'd snogged a few girls before, but they were very much classed as trophies in my mind without a single one of them being anything more. As a consequence, kissing Harry with the reenforcement of the emotions I was experiencing came as a not-unpleasant shock. I grunted my approval, opening my mouth in the process. Both feeling the need to, our tongues soon met in the middle. We both smiled as they tried to fight their way past into the other's home turf.

I very suddenly twigged that I needed to breathe and after a brief moment of trying to remember how it's generally done, I employed my nose for the purpose, allowing the kiss to continue. It has to be said that in general I don't notice how a person smells unless it's remarkably bad. When you've got your nose mashed against someone else's cheek, though, you can't avoid but smell them. What a brilliant concept! To me, Harry smelled wonderful - clean skin with just a hint of the hormones that were presently driving his tongue as far into my mouth as he could feasibly get it.

Quite obviously, this had a very base effect on both of us, and when we eventually came up for air, we shyly admired the bulges that had developed in our respective laps. Oh so gently I ran my hand down from Harry's neck (where it had found itself during our kiss) down the side of his taught tummy and onto his hip. My heart was racing in my chest as I looked into his eyes that now seemed to desperately implore me to continue.

Even if I had wanted to I could not have disobeyed that look. With a wavering hand, I moved along the soft material of his pyjamas that were now stretched out between his hip and the tip of his dick. On getting to the summit, my fingers encountered a slight damp spot which I traced around gently. This caused Harry to draw a very long, deep breath and arch his back, pushing himself into the palm of my right hand. As my fingers closed round his hardness, my left had found its way under his PJ top and was moving towards the drawstring of the trousers. A gentle tug later and the waistband went limp, allowing that hand to move down further.

My own dick twitched with excitement as my fingers encountered a small but dense patch of pubic hair before coming into contact with the base of his dick itself. Whilst continuing the circular motions with my right hand, I wrapped my left around him and stroked gently but firmly all the way up its length until I could feel the bunch of foreskin that told me he was uncircumcised.

Harry buried his face into my neck and kissed and sucked at my neck. As he exhaled, his breath running over the back of my neck caused me to shiver once again. I pulled my hand back down the length of his dick and started to wank him off.

He groaned into my neck as he began thrusting into my hand, quite rapidly approaching his climax. He bucked into me twice very strongly and bit down quite pleasurably on my neck. A second later, I felt pulses of his cum squirt through his flimsy pyjamas onto my right hand whilst the remainder dribbled down his shaft onto my left.

I continued to stroke him, but more gently now. He trembled a couple more times in aftershocks and his breathing became deeper and more regular than the rapid, desperate gasps he had been taking. He shuffled around a bit and pulled back from by neck.

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry," he whispered, looking ever so upset.

"What on earth for?"

"I bit you."

"I liked it."

"You did?"

I nodded. "Never had a love bite before."

Harry's already red face blushed a little harder. As if sitting in another boy's bed with his hand in your kegs wasn't a blush-able proposition to start with...

I gently pulled my hand from his PJs and examined the rather copious quantity of cum that was smeared all over it. If he wasn't blushing much before, he was now turning beet red. More out of curiosity than anything, I sniffed my hand. It was as if I'd just taken a hit of something - my head reeled from the scent - it smelled like sex and Harry's own scent, but a whole lot stronger. Unable to stop myself, I looked directly into his deep green eyes and licked a large bead of his cum from my hand.

I'm not even going to try and articulate how he tasted to me at that moment - suffice it to say it was like liquid attraction: all of Harry's feelings towards me packaged in taste - a practical example of synesthesia...

I conscientiously licked as much of his cum from my hands as I could manage, keeping it in my mouth to savour the taste. What surprised me then was Harry clamping his lips over mine once again combined with him sliding a hand through the flies of my boxers and manoeuvring my stiffy into the open. I'd love to boast by saying I lasted a good half hour under his ministrations, but in reality I guess I lasted less than a minute. I ran my fingers through his scruffy black hair as he jerked me frantically, sucking his own cum from my mouth as he did so. All I could do was squeeze him tightly to me as I exploded into his hand, sending squirt after squirt of cum along his forearm.

I eventually managed to calm down and opened my eyes to see him smiling at me broadly. He gave me a final squeeze which made my breath catch in my throat before bringing his hand up to his nose, repeating the action I'd taken.

The taste of my own cum was one to which I was already rather accustomed, however to have it both coming from Harry's mouth and intermingled with his own had to be one of the most sensual experiences I'd experienced to that point.

Gently, we both lay back on to the bed, cradling each other and sharing the odd kiss.

"Looks like we made quite a mess," he smiled, surveying his sticky pyjamas and my cum-slicked dick that was still hanging out of the flies of my boxers.

"Worth it, though."


I kissed him on the nose which made him giggle. "It's the first time I've ever done that with someone else," he admitted.

"Me too."

"Really? I'd somehow imagined that you'd have done a load more..."

"Nah - never really appealed to me with girls and if you even gave a sniff of being gay to my 'mates' they'd tear you a new arsehole."

"They sound like a really nice lot, your mates."

"Oh yeah, pillars of the community, the lot of 'em," I smiled.

"I guess we'd better get cleaned up," suggested Harry.

"No problem," I smiled, waving a hand over our mid-sections. Harry found himself wearing a clean pair of PJs and I'd got fresh boxers.

"Would you mind if I stayed here tonight? I've, uh, never slept with anyone before and if you don't mind, I was wondering if..."

I lifted the corner of the quilt and allowed him to snuggle in next to me. He hooked one of his legs over mine and ended up with his head resting on my chest. As if I could've possibly refused him...

With a bit of shuffling, we wrapped ourselves around one another. As we settled in, my hand brushed over Harry's scar.

Immediately my whole body went rigid as a searing pain ripped through me. My mind was deluged with images - a little cottage on a winter's evening, a young family enjoying a quiet evening in around the fire. A crowd of people in black cloaks with an evil glowing symbol looming over them in the sky. One hooded figure casting a spell against the father and then against the mother who was doing her best to shield her son. To shield Harry.

I screamed out in panic as I saw the spell being cast.


I opened my eyes to see a very concerned Harry looking down over me. A moment later, the drapes round the bed were pulled back as Ron, Seamus and Neville came bounding over to see what was going on, all of them with wands drawn.

"I... Sorry," I gasped. The pain had gone and the images were no longer in front of my mind's eye, but the memories were still there, as vivid as if they were my own. I broke down in tears.

"Liam, what happened? Are you alright?" asked Harry. I forced a smile as I could see Harry was seriously concerned and, from what I had just seen, the last thing I wanted to do was add to his emotional burden.

"I... I'm OK... Harry, I saw what happened... I saw your mum and dad and you and your house and those people... Harry, I saw what Voldemort did and I... I thought you were going to die. I thought I was going to loose you..."

Neville and Seamus exchanged a glance while Ron just raised his eyebrows.

I swallowed. Cue cat legging it from bag...

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Well, that's all for the moment. Let us know what you think (good or bad) at meta4@meta4.org, or visit our web site at http://www.meta4.org.

Next: Chapter 6

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