Rivals Series

By Adam

Published on Sep 29, 2006


Disclaimer - I do not know Justin from NSYNC, or for that matter anyone from NSYNC, nor do I know Wade Robinson. This story is entirely fictional, don't take any of it seriously, but I do hope that you enjoy.

Feedback is welcome at liberateme03@yahoo.com I like the good and the bad, I'm thick skinned so that bad is good critiquing, and the good, well, let's be honest....who doesn't like to hear good things about the stuff they do. Hope you enjoy....

Justin walked into the cafeteria, already tired from the first day of school. He was used to getting up early, practice in the morning had already started for football, but getting up early and doing mundane, tedious stuff put him to sleep. Not that he wanted school to be any more physical than it was, he probably couldn't handle that, he needed as much down time as possible to recover from each and ever practice.

He was a tough kid, but he wasn't physical, not like the rest of the guys on the team. He was smaller, meant to make good passes and run quick, but he couldn't take the big hits that some of his peers could. Not that it happened often, he had good guards, and that was enough comfort for him.

Within a minute he had spotted his friends, sitting at a table in the back of the cafeteria, least amount of view from the lunch ladies or the monitors who stood in the front. He skipped past the food line, not really hungry, and made his way to the back table.

"We didn't think you could find the cafeteria." Lance said as Justin sat down, sarcasm filled in his voice.

"Wasn't hungry so I didn't rush here." Justin said with a half hearted smile. Christina moved her books from the seat next to her as Justin sat down beside her. "So, hows the day going for everyone?'

"Nothing different, almost feels like summer never happened." Nick said, chowing down on a double cheeseburger, barely swallowing before throwing in a handful of fries.

"Why does that kid over there look familiar?" Britney asked as she took a bite of Nick's fries, not really eeating it, just sort of chewing on it in some sense of nutrition.

"Who?' Christina asked, looking around, scouring the tables and the crowd to see what Britney was talking about. "The one in the line over there, or the one at the table over there?"

"The one in the snack line, with the tray full of food." Britney said staring, Christina looked over in that direction, trying to get a good look, squinting."

"I don't know, but it looks familiar to me too, like I've seen him around or something. Doesn't look like any student from here though, I'd recognize someone with looks like that." Christina said with a sly smirk, Britney giggled oddly which got a frown of anger from Nick. "Maybe he's new here, some people, especially hotties, just have faces that seem familiar."

Justin looked up, eyeing the crowd to see for himself. He looked up towards the line, saw the person and started processing people, the face, the eyes, the hair, the looks, the body.....and as he scanned back up, his eyes met the eyes of the person, he blushed and looked down quickly, suddenly embarrassed....knowing that he had been caught checking this guy out.

As the figure made it's way closer through the crowd towards the table, Nick stood up suddenly, practically jolting the table and it's contents to the floor as he had a realization.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Nick stood, staring down the guy as he walked closer, and stopped, right next to Justin, the last seat of the table, the last seat open at the table....an odd smile on his face.

"I go to school here, and I thought from all the attention your table was giving me, that I would be welcome to sit here." The answer was somewhat of a cocky answer, somewhat sincere.....it became apparent now that he was inches from them all who he was. He was known to each of them, Justin, Josh, Lance and Nick the most, but the girls new him too, they had seen him from the sidelines, almost every student in school would know Wade Robinson....you never forget a rival.

"So, can I sit down with you three beauties or is the oaf in charge?" Wade stood their, waiting, making Justin, Christina and Britney blush as Nick stood their glaring, Josh and Lance not knowing what to say.

"You can sit down, after all, if you go to school here, and you look like you do, you'd fit in best with us." Christina smiled and pointed to the seat next to Justin. Justin blushed as he moved his hand from the seat and let Wade sit down next to him. "So Wade, you moved to town then?"

"Yeah, my parent's built a house just up the street from the school, got a good deal on some land." Wade said, opening up his water, taking a sip. "I'm not thrilled about transferring schools, but I figure, I can still play ball, not too far from my friends....and it never hurts to make new friends." Wade smiled and winked, causing the three to blush again.

Justin started to think about the football comment, he was a junior, Wade was a senior, this was supposed to be his year for the quarterback position, first string, adding another reason for his first day of school to be going bad.

"You should eat man, here, have some of mine." Wade smiled and pushed a box of fries towards Justin, a nice offer as he handed Justin his second water as well. Justin blushed, not everything for his first day was going to be going bad.

Next: Chapter 4: Rivals 3

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