Robin Hood Country

By andy smith

Published on Jun 14, 2006


If you're under age turn back now! This is fantasy; in real life always play safe. The following contains violence, man on man sex, domination, and some other stuff, if this ain't your thing... tough!

Chapter 1. I meet the `Merry Men'.

Nottingham, my home town, a large city, supposedly crime capital of the UK. I never believed such reports, maybe I should have!

It was a November evening, not long after Bonfire night and the ritual burning of the Guy. I'd been for a few beers after work; I was mellow but not too pissed as I made my way home. I was far enough gone however to take a short cut home through the Meadows, once crocus meadows, now an area with quite a reputation for crime and general unpleasantness, I became aware of my surrounding and quickened my steps.

Relieved, I found myself on the old toll bridge across the Trent and almost home, my bladder telling me that the Lager I been drinking was ready for release...

I noticed them as I made it over the bridge, six of them; lit by the street lights in their regulation Scally gear; beat up trainers, trackie bottoms and various hoodies and training tops. A couple had skateboards; one was sitting astride a bike, the others on foot.

I debated turning back, but as I was coming to a decision I saw them spot me, heads went up like antelope on the plains, but I knew who could be the prey here. I continued on my way, reasoning with myself that nothing could happen here, I was close to home, the road was lit and I could see in the distance the lights of the pub, I'd be OK... famous last words.

As I closed the gap on the group I could pick them out more clearly, three white lads, one about 17, Ginger crop around 5'7", the other two looked like twins, blond, a bit older than the Ginger one, about 19 I guessed. Both about 6 foot they had the skateboards. The lad on the bike was the black, 20ish, his hair hidden under a reversed baseball cap, he turned and said something to the other black lad, about 5' 10" he looked the oldest. The last one was 5'8" and looked like he was of mixed race, he too wore his cap back to front. The Ginger one had his hand down the front of his trackies and seemed to be rubbing his cock.

I was almost upon the group when one of the twins dropped his board to the ground and skated towards me, I tensed but he grinned as he approached,

`Alright mate, you got a light?' he said

`Nah mate, I don't smoke, sorry'

`No worries'

He turned on his board and appeared ready to skate off, as I came level with him he flicked up his board, caught it, and too late I realised what was happening; everything seemed to slow down as he smashed the edge of the board into the side of my head.

I staggered but managed to swing my left hand across my body and caught him with my briefcase; he stumbled back, more out of surprise than pain as I'd only caught him a glancing blow.

I ran, but bizarrely not away from the gang but towards them, they had seen my feeble attempt to fight off there mate and were already charging at me. I switched direction and in a last attempt to get away from them ran up the flood bank by the side of the road, but the lad who'd hit me was too close behind, and as I made the top of the bank I felt a shove in my back and I lost my footing and tumbled and span down the other side and into the field below. I'd lost my brief case and any hope of escape.

As I lay winded in the field I heard them clambering down the bank towards me, half crawling half running I tried to get away.

`Fucking hit me would you, cunt?' I heard, as a foot kicked me hard in the stomach, another kick and another followed, then fists rained down. I cowered in the foetal position trying to protect my head.

`Leave him' I heard a voice order and the assault stopped as swiftly as it had begun, a miracle, a police man had turned up...

But no, the voice belonged to the Ginger kid, although the shortest and the youngest he seemed to control this gang of thugs.

I got as far as my knees before he told me to stop.

`You stupid old cunt' he said, which hurt me almost as much as the kicking I'd just received. Old? I'm only 35...

He stood in front of me, and then gobbed in my face, his spit running down and wetting me shirt.

`We was only gonna mug ya, n'ah we gotta teach you some fuckin respect, init. You don't hit none of my crew, you got that, cunt?'

I nodded and tried to stammer something

Smack! He slapped me so hard a couple of my teeth felt like they'd come loose. Tears sprang into my eyes.

`Don't you never shake your head at me cunt. You speak when I ask you a question, dumbass.'

`OK, I'm sorry I don't want any trouble'

`You ain't want no trouble, but you fuckin got it, cunt, and is that tears in your eyes? What you is a batty boy or somefink?'

I denied it, the last thing I needed was these Scallies realising I was gay.

`Shame cunt, cos ya might have enjoyed the rest of what you got coming to ya.'

With that he tuned and shouted to the rest of his mates.

Party time!' He turned back to me, Fuck mate you're in so much shit'

Ginger backed off, and the other five stood in front of me. Holy shit they all had their cocks out, every one rock hard. The twins had a good 7 inches each, and they were the smallest ones... two of the other packed about 8" and one of the black lads had a monster, it must have been 9 inches and fat with it.

`Fuck me!'

`Not tonight cunt, but you never know your luck'

I should have been in heaven, five rock hard cocks in front of me, but the reality of the situation made it far from erotic, I was still in pain form my kicking, I was one my knees ruining my suit, I was bursting for a piss and I was being mugged and now, well what exactly?

One of the twins stepped forward, grabbed a lump of my hair and pulled me towards his throbbing cock.


Slap, `What do ya mean, "What"? It ain't gonna suck itself is it cunt?'

`You mean...'

`Of course, now fucking suck my cock!'

I took him into my mouth, I've been sucking cock since I was 16 so know how to please a man, but I didn't want to let him know how much of a cock sucker I really was. However he didn't seem that interested in my technique, it seemed he was just on a power trip, showing me how low I was in his eyes.

He rammed his cock down my throat, opening me up and fucking me raw. He grabbed hold of the back of my head and really gave it to me, I thought he'd break my nose he was ramming his abs so hard into my face.

`Look at me'

I tried to look up at him as he pounded me, I caught he eye as he sneered at me, gobbing a great ball of spit into my face. I thought he was gonna shoot his load down my throat but he stopped, buried deep in my mouth, his heavy balls on my chin.

Smile cunt' I heard a voice say as a flash went off. Fucking ace these camera phones'

Shit they where taking pictures of me now. How much worse could the evening get?

The twin in my mouth pulled out and slapped my face with his wet cock. `Fucking pussy'

`Outta the way bruv!'

The other twin had his equally hot cock in front of my mouth. Splat! Another ball of gob hit my face, slide off and on to my rapidly soaked shirt and tie.

Each and every one of the gang raped my mouth, taking in turns to pound away as they took more and more pictures of my oral assault.

The twins even double dicked me, my mouth bulging obscenely with their two cocks rammed as far down as they could go.

My own dick was hard and leaking but so far none of my assailants had noticed, I was dimly aware that the Ginger one hadn't been part of the assault yet, but I was grateful for small mercies.

None of them had shot a load yet but the abuse of my mouth and throat continued, as one cock was withdrawn another took its place and filled me.

`Nathan man I'm gonna cum soon!'

`Me too Nath, I gotta shoot'

Nathan, the Ginger One, came back into my eye line.

`OK boys, get yourselves ready, looks like this cunt has one of them nice new video phones, lets give it something worthy to record."

The five of them backed off a little and spread out into an arc in front of me.

OK cunt, or should I say Andy?' Fuck he knew my name! Open wide'

I knew what was cuming... as I opened my mouth the five Scallies wanked hard at their cocks.

One after another they shot, great wads of cum flew through the air and hit me. The twins seemed even to cum at the same time. Ropes of hot spunk lashed my face, my hair, my clothes. Load after load landed in my open mouth, my eyes stung with hot boy jizz as all five emptied their balls all over me. As the volume reduced they moved in closer making sure as much of their cock snot as possible landed in my mouth and on my face. One by one they milked the last drops of spunk into my full mouth.

`Yeah cunt eat my babies'

`Don't swallow yet batty boy'

`Wear my baby batter, you wanker'

Finally the hosing stopped, even these Scally studs had run out of boy cream. The now rapidly cooling spunk dripped down my face and hair, soaking my shirt and jacket. Spunk hung off my nose, coated my eye brows and filled my mouth.

`Swill it round and then swallow, slowly. I wanna you to taste us all'

I did as I was bid, aware that all of this was being captured on my own video phone.

What a fucking mess you are Andy" Nathan lowered my phone. And a liar. See whilst the boys were playing with ya I checked out ya brief case, and guess what lads? Little Andy here is a batty boy after all!'

Nathan flung my issue of the latest gay life style mag at me. Shit I forgotten it was in my bag.

`Just for that Andy the boys here are gonna clean you up, for the camera of course!'

`Huh...' I really should have kept my mouth shut as all five cocks erupted again, this time soaking me with steaming piss. I was drenched, five bladders emptied onto my already used and abused face and clothes. The piss burned my eyes and stung my raw and battered throat. My five abusers hollered and whooped as I was totally humiliated by them.

If I thought my humiliation was complete I was wrong as the golden streams died back Nathan ordered me to stand.

`Now piss yourself'

I wanted to argue but all the fight, at least for tonight had gone out of me, and my bladder was full, and after the piss I'd just swallowed would soon be bursting, I was aware that at sometime in the rape I had actually shot my load, shit what was happening to me?

With a sigh I relaxed and far too easily was able, for the first time since I was about 7, to wet myself. The feeling as the piss emptied out of my bladder and soaked my trousers, ran down my legs and soaked into my socks was bliss... Nathan noticed this and smiled at me .

`Don't worry Andy, you'll be getting plenty more of this now, after all we know where you live batty boy...'

To be continued...? Let me have any comments, good or bad. How would you like this to develop? And any Nathans out there drop me a line...!

Next: Chapter 2

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