Rollerskating with Billy

By Jesse Panther

Published on Sep 15, 2007


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Moving to a new high school just prior to my sophomore year was a bummer. Leaving all my friends and my fuck buddies was depressing. But I had no choice, with dad being transferred and all. Mom said I would adjust, but I doubted it, at least until I met Billy. BIlly stood six foot two, weighed in at 190, plantium blond hair, dark blue eyes, and the cutest butt I've seen.

Billy was an outstanding football and basketball player. He also ran the mile in track, holding the state record. Billy took me under his wings as soon as we moved in. Billy's family lived on the same block as we did. Billy asked me the first week of school if I could go roller skating Saturday, and then we could hang afterwards. I said sure.

Saturday came and I woke up with a massive boner, thinking about Billy. I jacked my cock thinking about what I wanted my new friend to do to me. I just spasmed, shooting off, when I heard my mom knocking at the door saying Billy was on the phone. I hurled on some clothes, and answered the phone. My lust stud said, Maybe we can go skating around five, then take a walk out to the lake afterwards?" I had no problems with his plans.

I walked over to Billy's, then we went skating. Billy said, "Come on dude, off to the lake."

Next: Chapter 2

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