Rolly and Hunter

By evan starks

Published on Nov 30, 2005


** This story is a work of fiction and in no way is indicative of the actually sexual orientation or sexual practices of the characters mentioned. Pity.


"Fuck, I'm tired," Rolly Weaver sighed to himself as he slumped down on his bed in the back of his family's camper.

"Watch your mouth, young man," said Rolly's mother from the front.

"Geez, mom. Relax."

"Your sisters and I are heading out for dinner tonight. We need a break from the camper before we hit the road again tomorrow. Are you coming with us?"

Rolly paused. He loved his family and was glad they were all part of The Amazing Race...but being with them constantly for such a long time was killing him. He had no space to himself. And, at 14, time alone can be useful in a lot of ways.

"No thanks, Mom. I'm gonna take a nap."

"Suit yourself, Rol. We'll be back in a few hours."

Rolly watched contentedly as his family pulled away from the camper in their truck. A nap sounded great. Silence sounded great. But what he was ready for the most was jerking off. He hadn't done it in three days! Patience, he thought. "Enjoy the moment," he said to himself quietly.

Brushing his blond hair away from his eyes, Rolly stood up and pulled his shirt over his head. He caught a glimpse of his chest in the mirror over the bathroom sink. Rolly knew he was an attractive guy. The girls at school had told him as much. His eyes sparkled and his smile lit up a room. He had been doing situps and pushups since he was 12, so he pecs and abs had some definition to them. It's not that Rolly was narcissistic, but he wanted to look his best. And once he realized he'd be shirtless on TV during The Amazing Race, he made sure to exercise even more.

After kicking off his socks and shoes, Rolly dropped to the floor and did 50 pushups and 50 situps. Warm and sweating, Rolly moved to the bathroom again to splash some water on his face.

Sitting back down on his bed, Rolly tugged his mesh lacrosse shorts down to his knees. He was wearing his favorite flannel boxers underneath. For a minute, he laid back and simply squeezed his package through the material of his boxers. Feeling his dick start to stir, Rolly reached into the front of his boxers and...


"Rollllllyyyyy?!?! Yo, man! You in there?" Rolly knew the voice immediately. It was Hunter, one of the boys from another family in the race. He and Hunter were the same age and had bonded, somewhat, near the beginning of the show. Whenever they saw each other around, they would talk about the usual guy, movies, girls, dirty jokes. But this was the first time either one of them had gone looking for the other. Rolly yanked his shorts back on and grabbed his t-shirt off the floor.

"Hold on, Hunter," Rolly called out. He pulled his shirt over his head as he opened the camper door. Hunter Schroeder stood in the door. He was a little shorter than Rolly and he had thick brown hair. He always looked like he was up to least he looked that way to Rolly. "Hey man, what's up?"

"What're you doing, playing strip poker with yourself?" joked Hunter. "Or maybe just playing with yourself."

"Just relaxing, dickhead. Is that okay?"

"Whatever. So, can I come in?"

"Sure...I guess," said Rolly a bit too hesitantly.

"Are you okay?" asked Hunter. "Sure you don't need some more time alone?"

"No...yeah...I'm fine."

"Look," Hunter started to explain, "I just needed a break from my bitch of step-mom over there, so I figured I'd see what you were doing. I just needed to get out of there."

"It's cool man," Rolly said. "I get it."

"Cool. Hey, don't get dressed up for me. Stay stripped down if you want to."

"You like looking?" joked Rolly.

"Don't be a douche," said Hunter as he chucked a package of Twinkies at Rolly's head.

"That's my dinner, dick." Rolly peeled off the plastic, took a bite of the first Twinkie, and tossed the second one back to Hunter.

"Thanks, man," said Hunter. "Okay, here's a joke." Hunter took a bite of his twinkie and continued, "This guy and girl are in bed together and they just finished having sex. So the girl puts her head on the guy's shoulder and says, 'Honey, what does the word pedophile mean?' And then the guy's like, 'Holy shit! That's a big word for a nine-year-old!"

"You're sick Hunter."

"Thank you, thank you. There's more where that came from."

"Too bad for me," moaned Rolly.

"I'll admit that the little kid part is fucked up," said Hunter, "but I wouldn't mind the sex part right about now."

"No shit. Me too. But finding a girl, out here, who wants to fuck two random eighth graders? Good luck."

"Maybe one of the Bransen girls would do me," said Hunter.

"Yeah right, ass face. Their family friggin' hates your family."

"True, but when they see my monster sized dick..." Hunter accentuated his point by squeezing his package through his shorts. Rolly laughed out loud when Hunter did this. He hadn't seen many guys' dicks, and he definitely hadn't seen Hunter's, but he knew that most 14 year olds didn't have monster sized dicks.

"Bullshit," Rolly countered. "If they saw your preschool weenie, they'd run the other way." And then, getting into it more than he usually would, he added, "Now, if they saw my 10 incher, then they'd wanna fuuuuuuuuuck."

Both teens were cracking up now.

"Don't you mean that they'd say 'fuuuuuuuuuck that's a small dick'?"

"Bigger than yours, ass wipe."

"No chance," Hunter responded. "No way."

"Not like we can prove it, but I know I'm bigger," stated Rolly with as much bravado as he could muster. He knew his dick was a decent size, but he didn't really know how he'd stack up against Hunter.

"Oh we can prove it...let's do it. Let's show 'em."

"Our dicks?" asked Rolly. "I don't think so. That's gay."

"Why not?" asked Hunter. Rolly suddenly realized that Hunter wasn't fucking around. He was serious. Butterflies were bouncing off trampolines in his stomach and he could feel himself blushing a bit. But something else was happening...something in his pants. He could feel his dick stirring a little bit. Was he popping a boner? Oddly enough, he was a little excited about seeing another dick and showing his off. He glanced at Hunter's shorts. Was that a bulge?

"What're you looking at?" questioned Hunter mischievously.

"Huh...oh...nothing...I just think it'd be weird to..."

"Rolly's got a booooonerrrrrrr," sang Hunter.

"No I don't. Stop being so queer eye."

"I'm not a fag...but you said you've got a 10 incher. You said it's bigger than mine. I just want a little proof. I still think I've got a bigger dick than you."

Rolly rolled all of this over in his mind. It seemed gay to him, but he kind of wanted to see Hunter's dick. Not in a sexual way, really...but just to see another guy's stuff. Was that bad? Hunter seemed interested enough...and he talked about fucking girls all the time, more than Rolly did. So this couldn't be too gay. Guys do this kind of shit all the time, right?

Rolly looked over at Hunter, who had now yanked his cargo shorts down. He was sitting on the kitchen table in his boxers and a polo shirt. There was a noticeable bulge where his dick would be.

"C'mon Rolly. It's no biggie. Well, mine is, but..." Rolly chuckled at this. Hunter was a pretty cool kid, he thought to himself. Funny, too. "Look," said Hunter, "how about this." With that, Hunter slid his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. "I'm ready, Rolly. You're turn."

Rolly was stuck on Hunter's body for a minute. They had talked about sports...both were good athletes and kept in shape. But Rolly wasn't ready for Hunters abs. He had a, maybe even an eight pack. It wasn't cut, like some of the highschoolers Rolly had seen, but the muscles were visible. At best, Rolly had a four pack. And Hunter was really tan, too. And his pecs looked good too. Hunter's a good looking kid, Rolly thought to himself.

"Like what you see," joked Hunter, snapping Rolly back to reality.

"You've got a good six pack, man."

"Yeah, it's cool. So do you, from what I saw a little while ago."

"Oh, yeah, from before. Thanks. I guess. It's not as good as yours, though," said Rolly.

"Whatever," said Hunter. "Do you want to compare dicks, or what?"

By now, both boys had full erections that were clearly visible through their clothes. Rolly considered for a second.

"What the fuck," said Rolly. "Let's do it."

Rolly dropped his shorts and pulled his t-shirt off once again. Hunter was rubbing his own dick though his boxers. Rolly had reached through his own fly and was holding his erection, preparing for the unveiling.

"Ready?" said Hunter. "One, two, three..."

Both boys pulled their dicks out through the fly of their boxers and had their first view of each other.

"Nice one," Hunter said to Rolly. Rolly's dick was about five inches long and circumcised. It curved up ever so slightly and had a flat head that was in proportion to the thickness of his shaft.

"You too," replied Rolly. Hunter's dick was about four and a half inches long and also circumcised. It was thicker than Rolly's and had a slightly bigger, round head. It pointed straight up towards his stomach. "Hunter," said Rolly, "Do you have hair yet?"

"Wanna see?" Without waiting for a response, he yanked his boxers over his boner and down his legs. Now Rolly could see a neat little patch of brown pubes above Hunter's dick. He didn't have a ton of hair. "I didn't start getting hair until almost six month ago," said Hunter. "It's just starting to come in good."

Without being asked, Rolly dropped his boxers, too. "Nice," said Hunter. Rolly's pubes were blond and, though his patch was a bit thicker, it didn't spread out any more than Hunter's did. Neither boy had a hair on their balls...or anywhere else they could see.

"So, I think you really are bigger...even though I doubt that's 10 inches," chuckled Hunter."

"I think we're about the same."

"Only one way to find out for sure," said Hunter. He reached behind himself, onto the kitchen counter, and grabbed a ruler that was sitting out. He measured his dick quickly first ("Almost five inches," he announced), but then, instead of passing the ruler to Rolly, he simply reached out, grabbed Rolly's boner, and went to measure it himself.

"Fuck, Hunter!" cursed Rolly as he pulled back, scowling. "What are you doing?"


"I know how to use a ruler."

"Yeah, but I bet this feels better," smiled Hunter. Rolly had to admit, Hunter's hand on his erection felt not just good, but great. He just wasn't sure if he was great with it. "Don't be a chooch," said Hunter, "just lemme do it."

Hunter reached out again and grabbed Rolly's dick gently. He measured it with the ruler ("Alright, fine, you're bigger," he sighed), but instead of letting go when he took the ruler away, he held on and started to rub up and down a bit.

"Rolly, you ever jerk off with someone else?"

"Fuck that feels good Hunter."

"I'll take that as a no. Come on, don't geek out on me," said Hunter. "Do mine." With that Hunter regripped Rolly's five incher and started giving him a better rub.

Rolly tentatively stretched out his fingers and wrapped them around Hunter's warm boner. He could feel it pulsing gently in his hand. Rolly had jerked off many times before, but it was weird having a foreign dick in his hand.

"Come on," pleaded Hunter. "Jerk me off a bit." Rolly began the familiar motion of rubbing a dick, only it was strange to do it in reverse. As they jerked each other, both boys started breathing a bit heavier. Rolly was trying to keep a steady rhythm, but he was also awash in the pleasure coming from his own dick. He could feel the familiar build up beginning.

Hunter, meanwhile, couldn't believe his luck. He had been so fucking horny all day and now here he was getting a tug from a cute guy. He wasn't sure if he was gay or bi or what, but he knew he liked Rolly. And he could tell Rolly's dick liked his hand. Hunter picked up his pace a little bit. He glanced up at Rolly, who was biting his bottom lip now.

"Faster," whispered Hunter. "Just a little faster. I gotta cum. Gotta cum."

Rolly had been aware that he was getting close to shooting, but he had forgotten that Hunter would be shooting too. He tried to speed up and focus on really rubbing the head of Hunter's dick, knowing that's what felt the best to him.

"Nice," moaned Hunter. "Almost...there."

Both boys were sweating now...moving, swaying, rocking together. Arms pumping in concert with the other's body. Precum leaking from the tips of their dicks to heighten the pleasure. Rolly had never had a jerk off session this good. He could feel his balls start to rise a bit and that familiar feeling wash over him.

Hunter felt it too...he felt Rolly's dick swell a bit and start to spasm. Rolly moaned and grunted and then...his first shot came forcefully and splattered Hunters stomach. The second hit Hunter's leg and the third landed on the floor. The last bit of cum dribbled out of Rolly's dick. Rolly was euphoric and slumped back into a kitchen chair. But even in his bliss, he didn't forget Hunter. He continued stroking until he felt that same swelling in Hunter's dick that he had just experienced.

"I'm almost there, dude," gasped Hunter. " it comes..." His first shot hit Rolly's neck and then the next two landed further down Rolly's body. Hunter slowly sat himself down in the other chair while Rolly milked the last drops out of his softening dick.

"I can't believe we just did that," said Rolly.

"Believe it, man. That was un-fucking-believable. I was so horny." Rolly looked down at his stomach, at Hunter's cum that had pooled near his bellybutton. He stuck his finger in and swirled it around a bit. He couldn't believe he had another kids cum on him. He barely ever got his own cum on himself.

He glanced up to look at Hunter, but instead, caught truck lights rounding a corner and turning into his camper's lot.

"Dammit! My family's back!" Both boys grabbed a few napkins and mopped up what they could of the cum. In one quick motion the yanked their boxers and shorts on, pulled their shirts over their heads, and tossed the napkins in the trash. Hunter slid his sandals on and headed for the door.

"Hey, we should do this again," said Rolly. "I mean, only if you want to."

"Sounds cool," said Hunter with a huge grin on his face as he stepped out the door. "Can't wait."

Let me know what you think of this story...or any ideas. It's my first time doing any writing like this. If you want me to write more, email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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