Romans Customizing

By Miss Meehan

Published on May 3, 2004


Title: Roman's Customizing 7 Author: Lillian Fandom: Brotherly Love Pairing: Matt Roman/Joe Roman Warnings: incest Disclaimer: Brotherly Love is owned and copyrighted by Witt-Thomas Productions, Warner Bros and Disney. Feedback: url:

Matt was excited about his trip with Joe. It would mean they could sleep together all night. He hated not being able to lie in his lover's arms until morning. Joe's body was so warm and his muscles hard. His skin was smooth and silky. It was a wonderful contrast. The weekend wouldn't come soon enough.

Joe wanted to make this weekend special. Jim was a law student in college and worked as a paralegal for a major law firm. At a young age he owned an incredible home and Matt and Joe were going to have a guest room complete with private kitchen and bath when they arrived. Jim and his brother David would occupy the bedrooms upstairs. This would give Joe and Matt all the privacy they needed. Although Jim was bi-sexual and knew his friend was gay, he didn't think he'd approve of him sleeping with his younger half-brother. In two more days they'd be on their way to what Joe was planning to make a romantic weekend.

Claire had noticed how close Joe and Matt had become. She was glad her eldest son had someone to look up to, but something about the relationship bothered her, though she couldn't put her finger on it. It just seemed like Joe had become Matt's whole world and she was afraid if Joe one day up and left, Matt would be devastated. But she also sensed that Matt was important to Joe too and hoped maybe that day would never come.

Claire chided herself for worrying about Matt so much. She began to prepare breakfast and pack a little something for the boy's trip. Throughout the week Andy had renegotiated his weekend with her several times. It finally ended with Claire inviting Lou and her niece who was seven to drive to Sesame Place with them. Since that time Andy had invited a few of his school friends and the trip had grown into a major event. Lou ended up renting a mini van, which she had left parked in the garage downstairs and they now were taking seven children with them. Claire sighed and shook her head as she thought about the upcoming afternoon.

All three boys raced through breakfast, anxious to start their day. Claire smiled as she observed the similarities between the three. Lou showed up in time to help her with the dishes and assist Andy in getting ready. Her niece Tiffany followed along giggling as Andy went through his impersonations and told silly jokes.

"Okay mom, we're off", Matt said, kissing Claire lightly on the cheek. Joe followed close behind carrying a duffle bag.

"Here's the number where we'll be and the address. Don't worry Claire, Mattie is in good hands."

Claire smiled while Matt blushed. It seemed like lately everything Joe said took on another meaning for him.

The two hour drive to Jim and David's house was uneventful. The two boys talked about Matt's plans after high school. It pained Joe to hear that his lover had high hopes of going away to Pembrook or Eastland. He encouraged his choices, even though the thought of him leaving hurt. It wouldn't be fair, he reminded himself, to force Matt to put his life on hold just for him. Matt was so excited about the possibility of being on his own, that he hardly noticed his brother's suddenly sullen mood.

They arrived at the spacious home of Joe's friend and were greeted by an affable brunette of stocky yet muscular build. He was approximately 5' 10" and weighed about 185 pounds. He wore a pale blue tee shirt and faded jeans. He greeted both boys and showed them around the house.

Their rooms were off the large living room, which was decorated sparsely. They walked past the spiral staircase that sat in the middle of the room and down the winding corridor that led to a series of rooms. Joe let out a long whistle as he took in their temporary digs. Their room was like a mini apartment, complete with two king size beds, a private bath, a connecting living room and an alcove that served as a kitchenette.

"Of course you'll have meals with us in the dining room, but this was designed for my guests who require a little more privacy," Jim said looking from Matt to Joe.

"Hey, anybody home?" A voice called out from the front of the house.

"That would be my baby brother," Jim smiled. "We're in here."

Matt's eyes widened when said "baby brother" turned out to be a 6' 4" muscular teen with jet black hair and sparkling green eyes. Matt's reaction did not go unnoticed by Joe, who felt a twinge of jealousy as the teen bounded into the room.

"David, this is Joe and his brother Matt. They'll be staying with us this weekend."

"Nice to meet you," the handsome teen beamed nodding to Joe and taking Matt's hand.

Joe did a slow boil when he realized Matt was blushing. "Well guys, how about me and Matt unpack, and then we can figure out what to do today."

"Sounds like a plan," Jim agreed.

"See ya," David waved to Matt and the two exited.

"They seem like pretty nice guys," Matt offered as he unpacked the duffle bag.

"And David's pretty good lookin too, huh."

"I guess," Matt answered carefully, sensing a note of irritation in his older brother's voice.

"He'll be going to college in a few years too," Joe added tersely.

"Really?" Matt didn't like where the conversation was heading.

"Yeah. Maybe the two of you could pick out colleges together or take a trip to check some out together or..."

Before he could finish, Matt silenced his ranting with a kiss. "I don't want to check out anything but you," he spoke against his lips.

"Mattie, I'm sorry," he replied, wrapping his arms around his brother's waist. "I have no right to act like this. It's just...the thought of you going off and maybe meeting a guy like that."

Matt laughed leaving his brother a little miffed. "Silly, I'm not going to college for another three years. A lot could happen between now and then."

Joe let out a long sigh. "I'm being silly, aren't I?"

"Mmm hmm." Matt planted another kiss against his brother's soft inviting lips. "And possessive and it's kind of cute," he added. "I thought I was supposed to be the insecure one."

"Why would you want me Mattie. I'm a high school drop out and a second rate auto mechanic. I can't offer you anything."

Matt stared at his half-brother in disbelief. " Is that how you see yourself? I see a sexy, resourceful, wise, self-made man." Each word he punctuated with a kiss. "And the best lover I ever had."

"I believe I'm the only lover you've ever had," Joe smirked.

A knock on the door and the two parted quickly. Jim stuck his head in. " David wants to go to the mall for pizza"

"Sounds great. We'll be right out," Joe answered. The two waited a few minutes making sure the coast was clear before sharing another lingering kiss. They joined the other two in the living room and headed out for the mall.

Joe rode in the front seat with his friend while Matt and David sat in the back. He tried hard to concentrate on what Jim was saying and not to listen to the conversation going on behind him. Occasional outbursts of laughter from the back seat and he knew it was going to be a long weekend.

By the time the four finally left the mall for the trip home, Joe could barely contain his anger. He trailed behind the other three shoulders squared, jaw tightly clenched. If Jim's baby brother so much as looked his way, he knew he would explode. Things went downhill the minute they entered the mall. First the overgrown teen dragged Matt to a nearby arcade. Jim had persuaded Joe to leave the two of them so they could check out the Gap. The last thing he saw was the attractive brunette leading his wide-eyed lover by the hand into the dark of the arcade.

Joe wandered aimlessly through the racks of denim. Not even his buddy offering to pay could help him keep his mind off of his brother. Later the two teens caught up with them at Sam Ash where they shared headphones checking out the latest bands. Jim yelled over to the giggling teens to me he and Joe at the food court. By then Joe was doing a slow burn as David and Matt dismissively waved them away and returned to selecting tracks to sample.

By the time the duo made it to the food court, Jim was chatting incessantly about his career goals and Joe was wishing he'd stayed home. Joe's mood darkened even further as Matt and David approached laughing and staring at something the taller boy was clutching in his hands.

"Did you boys enjoy yourself?" Jim smiled.

Matt scooted next to Joe shoving the strips of paper David had been holding under his nose. "Look Joe," he said still laughing.

Joe looked down to see a filmstrip from one of those photo booths the mall was littered with. Pictures of Matt and David sitting close together smiling and making silly faces stared back at him. David had a half a dozen more in his hand. Joe gave a half smile that didn't quite reach his eyes and muttered. "Nice."

"So Joe, I've been invited to a club tonight," Jim began, "I thought you and I could go and leave the children home alone."

Joe noticed how David's megawatt smile grew even brighter at those words. "I don't know, I hadn't really planned on..."

"C'mon", Jim interrupted. "Don't be such a mother hen." He shot a glance over at Matt.

"It's not that," Joe barked. "I promised his mom..."

"Joe," Matt whined. The last thing he wanted his lover to do was embarrass him by treating him like a baby.

Joe sighed; his shoulders slumped as he exhaled. "Alright, but I don't want to stay out late."

"Deal," Jim agreed.

As they made there way to the parking lot, Joe watched the younger men who chatted animatedly in front of him, deeply regretting his decision to bring Matt for the weekend.

Next: Chapter 8

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