Ronnie Series

By james smith

Published on Jan 7, 2002


Ronnie (Chapter 7)

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction depicting teenage males in romantic and/or sexual positions and activity. The people depicted in this story may or may not really exist (many characters may have distant ties to the memories of my past).

If you are under 18 years of age (or whatever the legal age in your area is) you must leave. If you find this material offensive, you should not be reading this story. If you choose to continue . . . you have been warned, and I trust you to make your own wise choices.

Chapter six was painful for me to write. I know many of you have suffered just as brutally at the hands of bigots, or worse. I also know that you, like me don't come to nifty for such a harsh glimpse at reality. Please forgive me if I have caused undue pain or suffering because of this story. I think you will see as the story unfolds why it was so important for me to include this. I promise the rest of the brushes with reality will not be so graphic. As I said at the end of the chapter, if you need to talk about it - please contact me. If you are experiencing real persecution right now, please - please seek help. Trust me, there are plenty of folks who want to help - you don't have to suffer alone - not anymore.

Please feel free to contact me at with any comments or suggestions.

Previously . . .

"YOU BASTARD," Mike yelled as he went flying through the air. Roger never really knew what hit him. Mike launched himself like a linebacker straight at Roger's head knocking him several feet way from me. I could faintly hear the sweet sound of Mike beating the ever-loving shit out of him. Yes! My white knight just in time!

Someone was hovering over me. I felt soft trembling hands gently turning me over. I heard a gasp of horror.

"Oh my God! Someone call an ambulance - NELSON, GO CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!"

It was my angel . . . it was Ronnie. He did it, he went for help! I can let go now, I'm not alone . . . . . . . then I felt myself slipping into darkness.

Chapter 7

Strange how the mind works when you're not using it. I felt myself slipping into darkness and away from him. It was as though I was floating away and I was watching everything from an elevated position. Ronnie had pulled me into his arms and was cradling my head in his lap. I was so bloody that he was afraid to kiss me - afraid not of the blood, but of hurting me more.

I heard his cries and frantic whispers. "Oh, Andy, Andy, Andy, please don't leave me. You can't leave . . . we've just found each other. I need you Andy, you can't go, I won't let you! You come back . . . Andy come back . . ."

My head felt like a bowling ball. I couldn't move it, and it hurt like hell. I felt like a sandbag was on my chest, making it difficult to breath.

I couldn't quite focus my eyes either. All told, I guess this isn't too bad for a dead gay boy - hey! If I still know I'm gay . . . then I must not be dead . . . but why can't I move?

I felt something on my neck and shoulder, but I couldn't figure out what. Finally I managed to turn my body ut only slightly and I forced my eyes to focus. This was after great difficulty, I had to blink repeatedly . . . everything is so damned blurry. . .there . .now it's coming into focus . . . concentrate . . it's Ronnie!

I can see him now. He is laying on me, on my chest! Must be why I can't breath! His face is in the hollow of my shoulder and chest, his breath is warm and steady on my bare chest . . . wait, I'm wearing a shirt . . . I was naked . . What the hell!

I tried to move again, but still couldn't. I tried to call out to Ronnie, but I couldn't speak . . . there is something in my throat. I started crying. Damn, I hate this! I have cried more in the last few days than my entire life. But, why does this shit have to happen to me? I'm a nice guy, I mind my manners and treat people fairly. Why am I always the one that gets picked on - but this wasn't just being picked on was it - no, I got the shit beat out of me - man that dude kicked my ass. But Mike took care of him - I saw him fly through the air and heard the definite sounds of a good ass whoopin.

So here I am crying again. I can't move, my head is the size of a watermelon, there is some foreign object down my throat, Ronnie is . . . is what . . .why is he asleep on my chest? I thought I was naked and bleeding on the shower floor. Now I have on some sort of shirt and Ronnie is asleep on my chest. I'm slow sometimes. Sometimes you can't just lead me to water, you have to put me in the bathtub before I get it . . . I'm in the hospital.

If that's the case, I'm not dead for sure - thanks God! I'm alive, but crap I'm in some more pain here. I need to wake Ronnie . . . but how? I forced my eyes to look around. There must be some sort of life-line, or phone thingy to call a nurse . . .over there on my left . . can't move my arm . . damn. More tears. At this rate I ought to sell shares for my own water producing plant . . . speaking of which I gotta piss really bad. Shit!

I must have been the crying, because Ronnie began to stir. I cried more, this time out of relief. He looked up and me then closed his eyes. Damn! I willed my thoughts to him . . . please Ronnie, wake up!

He opened them again, staring at me . . . he blinked . . . that's good . . . blinked again . . . better! . . . then closed his eyes and snuggled down on my chest. Damn! Damn! Damn! WAKE UP YOU BLOCKHEAD I screamed in my mind!

I started crying again, for real this time. I'm so tired of everything. I can't stand it anymore.

"Oh God! You're awake! Andy your awake! Thank you God!" He was suddenly very awake and hovering with the most euphoric look on his face. I wanted to giggle at him but still couldn't manage any sounds or movement.

He bounded up out of the bed and ran out the door leaving me alone. In about two seconds he was back dragging a nurse in tow.

"See! He just opened his eyes and was looking at me!" He proclaimed as if the nurse hadn't believed his tall tale at the nurses station.

"Son, calm down now and listen to me. You need to call Andy's folks and let them know the good news. I will help Andy as much as I can until the Doctor gets here," the nurse said to Ronnie. He didn't move, just kept staring at me with a big shit-eating grin. "Go on, make that call. Now!" she said as she turned his shoulders toward the door and swatted him on the behind.

The nurse looked to be in her mid-thirties, dirty blond hair, medium height and build - not ugly, nor beautiful - she just looked like a mom. I don't know how to explain it, but she just made you feel comfortable, like she was here now and would just take care of things - you know that look - don't you?

She came over to the bedside and patting me on the right arm and said, "Hi there big guy! You sure know how to keep a girl waiting. It's good to have you back with us Andy." Sensing I wanted to talk but couldn't said, "You've got an intubation tube in your throat honey, that's why you can't talk. The Doctor will be here in just a few minutes and he'll tell us if we can take it out." Ronnie reappeared after a few minutes and was back at my side. He took my right hand in his and brought it to his lips. He kissed me gently then held my hand to his face tenderly. I could feel his tears on my hand as he wept softly.

"Oh, Andy," he said with relief, "We thought we lost you. You were gone so long." I squeezed his hand slightly, as that was all the strength I had. "How much do you remember?" he asked.

"The Doctor will be here soon to take the tube out of his throat so he can talk, dear," the nurse said. She had moved behind Ronnie and hugged him tightly and kissed him on the cheek. "He's gonna be okay now honey," she said as she wiped at a tear of her own.

A man in his late twenties walked in. He was wearing a lab coat and was a real hottie. "Doctor Suffield, look who has decided to rejoin the human race!" the nurse said cheerfully. (Mental note: Ask if Dr. Suffield is my Dr. and if he makes house calls!)

"Andy! Hello! I'm Dr. Suffield, just call me Doc, I'm the rotation doctor on duty tonight." (Damn!) "Let's have a look-see to see if you're ready to get rid of some of this hardware." He had made his way over to my bedside and put his stethoscope on my chest by slipping it under the neck of my gown. While listening he was looking me in the face and nodding. He removed the instrument from my shirt and put it around his neck. He gently began pulling at the tape holding the tube in my throat. "This may hurt a little but you will feel instantly better when we're done." He looked me square in the eyes with a very compassionate look and asked, "Ready?" Not being able to answer, I blinked once. He seemed to understand and said, "Okay, here's how it works big guy. I want you to cough really hard like you are trying to hark up the world's biggest luggie - I'll do the rest. Okay?" I blinked once more. "Right, here we go."

I coughed and he pulled. It felt incredibly gross - like he was pulling my guts out of my throat. It also made my throat extremely sore. After it was out, I coughed several more times. Dr. Suffield patted my gently on my chest and gave me time to get myself together. His hands were warm and comforting. There was intensity in his eyes as he patiently waited. Once I stopped coughing he got this penlight out of his lab coat and shined it into my eyes several times. He was leaning over me and gently touching my face and eyelids. With gentle but constant pressure he felt all over my face and neck.

When he was done he moved over slightly and motioned for Ronnie to come stand beside me, and nodded affirmatively at the nurse who read this as a sign to leave us alone. Dr. Suffield pulled up a rolling stool and sat down. Ronnie had my right hand back in both of his and was holding it to his face once more.

"Andy," the doctor said, "You are a very lucky young man. And you have an exceptional friend here." He patted Ronnie affectionately on the shoulder. "Do you remember what happened to you? Do you remember any of it?" Tears welled up in my eyes and I tried to nod, but couldn't. The Doctor sensed this and said, "You will have to talk - I'll fill you in on all your injuries in a minute."

"I remember part of it," I squawked, my throat was very dry and sore. He nodded as if he wanted me to continue. "There was two of them. I kicked one in the nuts . . . I hit the big guy in the face. . . but he grabbed me from behind and beat the shit out of me. I was about to pass out . . . I thought I was dying . . . (Ronnie squeezed my hand tighter at this) . . . I saw Mike at the door and he pulled the guy off me. I think he beat him up."

"Good," Doc said, "Good. I'm glad you have most of the events down, that rules out short-term memory loss." He looked over to Ronnie and put his arm around his shoulder. "Do you know who this is?"

"Don't know." Ronnie looked about to cry. "Just a joke," I smiled quickly said, "He's my boy friend." This got me a punch and a quick kiss. "Ouch, keep that up and I may change my mind." I got another punch. Smiling when your face hurts is the pits, but it was worth it.

"Let me tell you what we know about you," Doc said. "You were severely beaten, you were unconscious before the EMT's got to you. You have been in a coma here in the hospital, Cook's Children's, for two weeks. You have a cracked skull and a sever concussion. Your nose is broken, left cheek cracked; you have three broken ribs, broken collarbone, a bruised kidney and multiple cuts, bruises and contusions. All told . . ." He looked over his shoulder quickly, "You are the most fucked up patient I have ever had - that lived."

"We were so worried about your skull that we put a brace in your skull to immobilize your head until we are sure that you are healing properly. That will explain why you can't move your head. Your left arm is immobilized until we can do something about your collarbone."

"When can I go home?"

"Good question," he said. "Certainly not tonight, it's three o'clock in the morning. That's why your folks aren't here. They stayed by your side for the first several days, but we made them go home and rest just this morning. Ronnie here promised to call them when you woke up - he has never given up hope . . and wouldn't let us either." I squeezed Ronnie's hand and he kissed it again.

"When you came in everybody thought you wouldn't make it. By the time your brother and Ronnie got here your parents had been notified and they were in route. The ER doctors treated you as best they could, but you slipped into a coma and have not responded to anything yet. Ronnie here wouldn't leave your side. The nurses tried to make him, but he just pitched a royal bitchin fit until we had to sedate him. Your mother and his mother convinced us that us that he could stay for a while.

"After you didn't respond to any stimulus for the first three days, we wanted someone by your side talking and reading to you twenty-four hours a day. The whole gang chipped in and you haven't been alone a single minute since you got here."

Doc could sense that Ronnie and I had a lot to say so he finished with his doctor stuff and politely excused himself, leaving Ronnie and I a few minutes alone. To my surprise, Ronnie climbed back up in the bed with me and pulled the blanked over both of us. He placed his head back on my chest and kissed me on the chest through the thin material of the hospital gown. His hand was tracing small circles on my chest.

"Andy," he said in a hushed tone, "I just knew you could make it - I knew it. I knew you wouldn't leave me alone."

"R. .Ronnie," I said weakly, "Don't you think that nurse will come in and chase you outta here?"

"What? Oh, you mean me sleeping with you? Well, don't worry . . . I've been doing this after the third day you were here," he said matter of factly.


"Yea, they said someone had to be with you 24/7 and I knew that was my chance. I already got them to say I could stay, so I told them I would stay the night here with you. Mom said I have to get some sleep, I said I could just sleep here. They all said that would defeat the purpose of having someone stay around the clock.

"That's when I looked at your other doctor and asked, "Doc, I've heard that human touch and contact is as important to someone in a coma as speech - is that true?"

"Why, yes, yes human touch can be very important in times like these. Why do you ask?"

"I looked at Momma, you know she's a nurse, and said, "Momma let me sleep with him. I can lay beside him and hold his hand all night. If he wakes, I'll be right here." Well, they had no real strong argument against that. So they agreed - Mom and your mom. The nurses found a hospital bed they use for very large adults, and transferred you to that room, and I have slept with you every night now for almost two weeks. The nurses and a couple of doctors didn't like it at first. Some of them were really hateful . . saying things like "it's unnatural," and "queer" and such. Once one of them said something to your mom and she blew a gasket! Man alive . . . she was marching up and down the hall saying things that made the wall paper flush! Bottom line is they had to call the Hospital Administrator - by the time she finished with him - everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY has left us alone! Cool, huh!" He finished with a grin.

"Yea, Mom's cool okay," I managed. "Ronnie, I really gotta piss - bad! I don't know how I'm gonna make it to the pot - can you help me?"

He giggled at me, but then realized I was serious. "Andy, they got this tube in your dick. It's called a catheter, or something, anyway it's in there so you don't have to get up to pee. You just let it go and there is a bag at the other end they empty every day. They've been measuring your piss to see how your kidneys are functioning." Ronnie saw the blank look on my face.

"See," he said, and he pulled back the covers and lifted my gown up exposing myself.

"Ronnie, you twit! I can't move my head - remember?"

"Oh, sorry," he said and he reached down and lifted my dick and he tube so I could see. Now mind you - I'm not all that big down there, so I couldn't see a whole lot, but I got the basic idea.

"Better put that away before I have to do more than piss," I said. Ronnie bent down and planted a real sloppy kiss on my dick and then put the gown and sheet back in place and resettled into his now most favorite position. Not long after, the door burst open and most of a hundred people came pouring into the tiny room!

Momma came up the to the side of the bed, Dad was wheeling her in her chair so she could get around faster. She was bailing out before he could even set the brake.

"Andy, Oh Andy, my baby's awake! Oh thank you God! Thank you!" she was so jubilant the whole room was abuzz. She leaned over the bed and Ronnie and kissed me, then she kissed him and said, "Thank you baby for bringing him back to me!"

"Jeez, Mom!" I said, wiping her kiss off with my right hand that I had to wrestle out of Ronnie's control. "I was just asleep for a few days! What are you gonna be like when I go to college?" Everybody laughed - but Mom who just leaned back over us and kissed us both about a dozen times before Dad stepped in to give us some relief.

Mike was on the other side with the most amazing look of relief and happiness I have ever seen. He reached over and cupped my face in his hand and said, "Welcome back Bud! God you had us so scared . . ." Tears started dripping off his cheeks onto the bed.

"I love you too," I whispered to him.

Everyone had to say hello and how much they were praying for me. I heard all about how the entire school (nearly) had come by to see me. I had become the class project and the sophomore class was taking turns copying and keeping up with homework assignments. The teachers wouldn't let them turn in work for me, seeing that I was still in a coma, but the kids had worked out a schedule to help me with it once came around.

Turns out that the incident was the buzz of the school. Mike had beaten the shit out of Roger, and the cops and EMT's had to pull him off when they got there. He was bruised up and cut up, but it was a fair fight and Roger didn't get broken up like I did.

Gene evidently got the worst of the deal (as far as the two assailants were concerned). I really did a number on his family jewels and he only had one left to carry out the family bigot gene pool. The word was out that I had decked Roger and nailed Gene, both varsity football and track stars. These guys were always picking on the little kids and outsiders - I had become something of a folk hero around campus. The cops arrested both boys after the doctors finished with them, and they were facing several charges ranging from assault and battery to attempted murder. It seemed as though they wouldn't be bothering us for a long while.

The look of concern on my face told Mile what I was worried about. He said, "Don't worry, once the word was out that Roger was trying to bugger you in the shower stalls and that you had stood your ground against two bruisers - the whole school thinks those two are the perverts and that you and Ronnie were innocent victims."

I looked over to Ronnie, who was now sitting up in the bed on top of the blanket with his legs crossed and occasionally holding my hand - this of course was one of those occasions - I whispered, "What about you sleeping with me - do they know?"

"He smiled at me with true radiance and said, "Right now Andy, I don't give a shit about who knows about us . . . but, no - nobody knows except our families and the hospital staff. The rest don't know a thing except that someone is here all the time. I haven't been back to school either, so no one has had any opportunity to even think about where I'm sleeping. I got permission from the school to stay with you as long as I needed. The Doctor's and our mothers told them that I was part of your therapy to get you out of the coma. We're safe Andy, it's okay."

Sometime during all the commotion I felt myself pissing and I blushed a deep shade of red. I know because I could feel my face, neck and ears get very hot. Ronnie noticed and raised his eyebrows as if to ask what was wrong. I looked in the direction of my package and he understood. He sort of leaned over and glanced at the urine bag and then back at me and winked with a smile. I suppose that means it's working okay - man this is embarrassing.

By this time the nurses on duty had to run everybody out as the large crowd loitering (loudly) in the room and hallway were waking the entire ward. Mom and Dad went back to get me some of my own clothes, Ronnie's Mom had to go get ready for her shift to start, and the others had to go about their daily routines. Mike, Nelson, and Ronnie were left. Mike and Nellie were standing by the left side of the bed with their arms entwined. I raised my eyebrows at them. Nellie giggled and blushed deep red. Mike took him by the hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it.

"What happened to you made a lot of us stop to think about what is really important in life. After I saw you and Ronnie getting on so well I started thinking about what I was doing to Nellie - I was pushing away the best thing I could ever hope to have - a friend who loved me for no other reason then he knew me - and loved me anyway. He never forced himself on me, never pressured me, just always was there for me when needed him. I also had to think seriously about my own sexuality. I knew I had deep feelings for you - but you are my brother - that's different, right?"

My turn to blush.

"Nellie, and I are taking one day at a time," he said. He turned and kissed Nellie softly on the lips.

"Awe, how sweet!" Ronnie purred. Mike and Nellie both flipped him the bird at the same time, and we all laughed.

Mike and Nelson both left so they could get ready for school and practice. Ronnie and I decided we could probably get a couple hours sleep before everybody came in and began ordering us around for he day, so we settled in for a power-nap. Ronnie snuggled into his favorite position and covered us both and we began to drift away.



"I love you."

Tears began to leak from the corners of my eyes and fall down my cheeks. I could feel them collecting on the pillow under my head. "And I love you, Ronnie. God, how I love you." He nodded slightly against my chest and hugged me tenderly. I could feel his tears soaking through my gown. Soon we were both in blissful sleep.

The next few weeks went by incredibly slowly. I'll not bore you with all the recovery details, as you most likely know what that was like. There was poking, prodding, probing, lifting, pulling, stretching, covering, uncovering, bandages, shots, needles, IV's, X-rays, and that was just getting started. I had to deal with several different doctors, psychiatrists, physical therapists, nurses, and counselors. I was never so glad to be out of a place in my whole life. All said, I did make several new friends and came to understand that there were a lot of people in our community pulling for me.

One of the more embarrassing situations came just the two days after I came out of the coma - that would be when they took out the catheter. I had been complaining about it so much that Mom convinced the nurses that someone would be with me all day and night and could help me with a urine cup, or get to the bathroom once I started getting up out of bed. Naturally it was a woman nurse that got the honors. I was embarrassed out of my gourd when she just yanked the blanket back and opened my boxers, without so much as a pardon me sir! She tried to make Ronnie leave, but he refused. She said, "Suit yourself then," and began her evil deed! Fortunately she wasn't someone I had to see very often. Ronnie was almost as shocked as I was.

"I hope I never have to have one of those," he said in disbelief.

Somehow Ronnie and I managed to maintain some privacy. We were able to kiss a bit after they removed the brace from my head. That was a huge relief. I must say that I still was incredibly sore and stiff for many days. The outward wounds had mostly healed and all but the deepest of bruises were gone. They wouldn't let me go home until I could prove that I could get up and walk to the bathroom on my own, and walk down to the nurses' station and back unassisted.

Finally three weeks after I came out of the comma I was allowed to go home.

Mike, Nelson, and Ronnie drove me home; all the adults rode in Dad's car. When we got home there was a big party and banners everywhere. Half the high school and a lot of the Junior High were there, as were several teachers, the coach and principle. Our Pastor of the church we attend was there, along with several people we all hung with at church. I couldn't even begin to count how many people were there.

I ran out of gas long before everybody left, but I made sure everyone knew how grateful I was for their prayers and support. I looked to Ronnie and he read my mind. He went over and whispered in Mom's ear. I saw her nod in agreement and whisper something back to him and a huge grin spread across his face. He came back over to me and leaned down and whispered, "Come on Bud, let's get you upstairs and in the bed." He had a bodacious grin on his face.

I got up and made my way to the stairs. I looked up the stairway and shook my head, no way I was gonna make it. Mike and Nelson were watching and came to the rescue. Mike picked me up and carried me up the stairs, Nelson and Ronnie followed close behind. Mike laid me down on my bed and said, "How you get down is all up to you Buddy boy!" I punched him on he shoulder softly.

He leaned down and kissed me - - - no . . . he kissed me, right on the lips. No tongue - but a lip kiss none-the-less! "Wow!" was all I could say.

"Listen, Bud," Mike said very seriously. "I have a lot left that we need to talk about. But, for now, I think you and Ronnie, and Mom and Dad need to work through some things. I am going to spend the next month over at Nellie's and Ronnie is going to stay here with you."

"Yes!" I exclaimed! I could hardly contain myself. "I can't believe you got them to go along with it!"

"Well, it took a lot of talking, but everybody agreed that this was probably best. Besides, Nellie and I have a lot to work out as well." Mike looked me straight in the eyes. "Andy . . . I told Mom and Dad . . . that I'm gay . . . and in love with Nellie." Nellie had moved up behind Mike and put his arms around Mike and hugged him close, kissing him on the cheek and resting his chin on his shoulder.

"Mike! That's great! Way to go Bro.!" I pulled him away from Nellie (who didn't resist too much) and hugged him tightly. There were tears again in everybody's eyes. "Go on then," I said, "Get out of here. Ronnie is going to help me get comfortable, then I have to sleep for a while - I'm really bushed." Mike kissed me again, on the cheek this time, and he and Nellie got up.

Before they left, Nellie came over to me and hugged me. "Thanks for sharing," he whispered, "I won't forget you loved him first." They made their way to the door and said they would come back later for dinner and wake my ass up if I was still asleep.

That left Ronnie and I all alone, really alone - privately alone for the first time since that rainy Monday so long ago. My oh my, what ever will we do . . .

Thanks for reading. Let me know how you think things are going, I love to hear from each of you and try to have a personal responce for each email. Thanks again for all the support and encouragement. To any of you struggling with tomorrow - keep holding on for noe more day my friend, just take it one day at a time.


Next: Chapter 8: Ronnie 8a

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