Ryan Reynolds Premiere Night

By Ryan Smith

Published on Aug 11, 2013


This story fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Ryan Reynolds or anyone else mentioned. I do not have any personal knowledge about their private lives. The movies Turbo, R.I.P.D, Green Lantern, and the Change-Up are copy written and trademarked and are not the property of the author of this story.

Opening the door to his suite, Ryan Reynolds had been prepared to find a drunken fan girl, or maybe even a member of the paparazzi eager to get a shot of the hot Hollywood actor. The fact that he was clad only in his white Calvin Klein body briefs had not even crossed his mind; he had been so focused on the enjoyment that pleasuring his cock was bringing him that even when he had been brought out of his sexual stupor by a loud and impromptu knock on the door, he had not even had the forethought to throw on some pants or a robe.

Wrenching the door open, Ryan was not met with some sloppy drunk or the flash of a camera bulb, but by a handsome, fresh-faced man. Ryan first noticed that the man had a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice with him. He then noticed that the man was dressed in a hotel uniform; khaki pants, white shirt, red tie, and a name tag which read "Billy". Finally, and probably most importantly, he noticed that the guy who just showed up on his doorstep was gorgeous.

Billy Owens had been working at the hotel for a year now. He had applied for a job at the swanky hotel when he was a junior in college and had quickly been hired on by the hotel's general manager to work room service. Billy had thought the manager might be gay and that his own good looks had helped him get the job, but whatever the reason, he didn't care, he needed the money and the pay was great. He was 22 years old and a senior now, but Billy kept working the night shift, allowing him to still attend classes during the day and participate on his college sports teams; he was a standout on both the football and lacrosse team. He had blond hair that he kept short, neat and trim and blue eyes that put sapphires to shame. He was not overly tall, only about 5'9", but he was built like a brick shithouse with very little fat on his tan and built body. Billy frequently worked out shirtless at his college's gym, and he always noticed both girls and guys checking out his body, marveling at his smooth pecs, his washboard stomach, his strong arms, his broad shoulders, his thick quads. This always turned him on and he would often put on a little show when he noticed himself being inspected, especially when it was by one of his cute fellow football players. While he had long struggled with the fact that he was gay, he had come to terms with it when he had entered college and loved being himself.

Billy was working that night when he heard Ryan Reynolds was staying in the hotel and that someone needed to take him a complimentary bottle of champagne from the hotel. Billy had masturbated to Ryan countless times, he frequently looked at photos of Ryan he could find on the internet and fantasized about being with him; he did not hesitate to volunteer.

As Ryan adjusted to finding this blond stud outside his hotel room, he noticed that the boy had a quizzical look on his face as his eyes scanned up and down Ryan's body. It took Ryan a couple of seconds to realize that he was standing there in nothing but his Calvin Klein's, his semi-erect cock still responsible for an ample and noticeable bulge in his briefs.

"Oh shit man" said Ryan as he quickly used his hands to attempt to cover the lump in his briefs.

The boy stammered. "I am so sorry, Mr. Reynolds. I had no idea. I'll just leave this here and get out of your way. I am so sorry to disturb you."

Meanwhile, Ryan had quickly turned 180 degrees away from the hunk at the door and made a beeline straight to the bed where the hotel had laid out a fresh bath robe for its guest. As he reached for it, something made him hesitate. Ryan looked down and noticed that the bulge in his briefs, instead of deflating from the shock and surprise of having some guy catch him in his underwear, had actually grown. He was horny, he was frustrated, and the appearance of this blond guy on his doorstep had actually aroused him even further. He had only seconds to decide his course of action, and throwing caution to the wind, Ryan decided to take a chance.

Dropping the robe back onto the bed, Ryan quickly turned around to find the boy quickly jerking his eyes up. "Was he just staring at my ass?" Ryan thought to himself. One of Ryan's irresistible smiles appeared on his face as he walked over to the room service boy, still clad only in his briefs.

"It's not a problem man. No worries. " Ryan said to the boy, using his most assuring voice so as not to spook the employee. "I'm Ryan" he said as he extended his hand to the young man.

"I know who you are Mr. Reynolds, I've seen you in everything you've ever done. My name's Billy." As the two made eye contact and exchanged a firm handshake, both could feel the sexual energy coursing through the veins of the other man. It's hard to believe that a mere few moments and some simple words could communicate so much, but with the senses of sight, touch, and hearing amplified in both of them, the two instantly knew there was a mutual attraction.

"Come in and put the champagne over there on the bar." Ryan said as Billy strode across the room. Ryan made sure to check out the ass of this young stud while he had his back to him, and he was not disappointed in the ample bubble butt that he could make out in the youth's tight pants.

"So you've said you saw all my movies, eh? Nice to know I have such a devoted fan." Ryan stated as he approached Billy from behind as the hotel employee began to pour the champagne.

Turning around, Billy found that Ryan was almost on top of him. Billy could feel the heat radiating from Ryan's bare skin like a furnace. Ryan was 6'2" and stood almost a head taller than Billy. Having this imposing man standing over him, his muscles flexing and only in a pair of briefs, was making the 22 year old weak in the knees.

"I've never missed anything you've ever made, Mr. Reynolds. I think it's great how you can go from a comedy, to a romance, to an action movie. You're like the most versatile actor I know." Billy said.

As Billy was speaking, Ryan picked up one of the now full champagne flutes, drained in, and then crossed the room to sit on the edge of the king sized bed. The way his body looked in those briefs was driving Billy crazy, and he was having a harder and harder time trying to conceal his rising erection.

"You know Billy, I've been a little frustrated over the direction of my career lately, and when I get frustrated I get tense, and when I get tense, I need to unwind. I was hoping you might like to help me unwind a little bit tonight, do you know what I mean?" Ryan said, his voice dripping with eroticism and sexuality.

Billy played coy. "I'm not sure quite what you mean, Mr. Reynolds."

"Oh, I think you do Billy. And please, call my Ryan." While Ryan was speaking, he spread his legs as far apart as they would go, stretching the already tight fabric covering his cock, the material gripping his dick like a glove and clearly showing it's outline, leaving very little for Billy's imagination. Ryan reached down with his right hand and began to rub his cock through the thin material. "So are you going to help me out or not?"

Billy was left with a choice. Either have what promised to be the most stimulating, carnal, sexual encounter of his life with the man of his dreams, the man he fantasized about countless times before, the man who was spread out in front of him, tempting him with his sculpted, athletic body or he could just leave now and forget this rendezvous ever happened.

The choice was simple.

As Billy strode over to where Ryan was seated, he moistened his lips, kicked off his shoes and removed his shirt and tie, not bothering to undo the buttons on his oxford shirt, but simply tearing it off his body, hearing buttons pop off as he pulled. Ryan liked what he saw. Clearly the boy spent some time in the gym. While Ryan's body was impressive, the kind of lean, toned and taut shape that someone of his body type gets after long hours in the gym, Billy's body was pure muscle. Billy's pecs were rock hard, his abs so cut and defined that the using the term "washboard" was not sufficient to describe them. Left in only his tight khaki pants, Billy straddled the seated Ryan Reynolds, sitting on the Hollywood hunk's lap, feeling the bulge in Ryan's briefs against his ass.

Billy wasted no time in going for a kiss. While Ryan had never kissed a man before...hell, he had never done anything sexual with a man before! He knew he was an excellent kisser, and quickly accepted the young man's tongue into his own mouth. This was not a tentative, gentle first kiss between two shy partners, but a passionate kiss shared between two men who wanted nothing more than a steamy, rousing sexual encounter with another equally hot man. Their tongues swirled together in their mouths while their lips crushed against each other. While the two made out on the bed, Ryan's hands travelled down Billy's strong back until they found his pert ass. Taking a cheek in each hand, Ryan began to kneed them thorough the khaki fabric as though they were bread, reveling in how full each felt in his strong hands.

Billy meanwhile was running his hands through Ryan's hair, up and over Ryan's strong, broad shoulders, before letting them travel down over Ryan's lightly furred pecs and fuzzed abs, only stopping briefly to gently pinch and pull on the erect nipples his hands found. Billy's manipulations to Ryan's body were having the desired effect, and Ryan let out a breathy moan, signaling that Billy's handling of his body was very much appreciated.

As the two continued to use their hands to explore each other's bodies, they broke their kiss only briefly, before each of them peered into the other's eyes and went back to making out. Their lips were pressed together, their tongues dancing, like electricity flowing between the two of them. Billy loved the feel of Ryan's stubble against his smooth face, loved how Ryan would suck on his bottom lip, how he explored his mouth with his tongue, their lips moving smoothly as new sensations for both were being felt.

It was Billy who first broke the deep, long kiss. As he looked at Ryan, he almost had to pinch himself to make sure this was not a dream. Here he was, Billy Owens, seated on the lap of the man of his dreams. Ryan was staring back at him, breathing heavy, trying to catch his breath from the prolonged make out session. His hair was just a little mussed up, and he had this look of concern on his face, worried that he did something wrong to displease his young boy toy. He had never looked sexier to Billy.

"What's wrong man? Is it something I did?" Ryan asked.

Billy could only smile, dumb founded that this amazing hunk underneath him could even think he had done something to displease him.

"Not at all dude. That was the hottest kiss of my life. I only thought that maybe you wanted to take it to the next level." As Billy said this, he slid off Ryan's lap and onto the floor. On his knees, he gripped both of Ryan's thighs and slowly parted them, opening up the obscene bulge in the pouch of Ryan's briefs for exploration. Taking hold of the waistband of the white CKs, Billy looked up to Ryan for approval. When he saw Ryan, his mouth slightly agape and his eyes burning with desire, he knew he had his answer.

Slowly, almost torturously slow, he pulled Ryan's briefs down just past his cock, freeing it from its cloth prison. Billy was in awe. Before him lay the most perfect cock he had ever seen in his life. While still only semi-erect, the big and floppy cock lay against Ryan's fuzzy abs and spilled onto his right thigh. The cut mushroom shaped head had a pronounced ridge, the kind that Billy loved to run his tongue under and around and that he knew were extra sensitive from experience. Though not fully erect, the cock already had an impressive girth, and below the massive cock was a tight ballsac, each holding a ping pong ball sized testicle. Framing the whole package was a perfectly trimmed thicket of blondish-brown pubic hair, not enough to get in the way, but enough to know you are dealing with a masculine guy. Billy pulled the briefs down just enough to free the monster, taking the waistband of the briefs and tucking them under Ryan's balls.

"So man, does it live up to your expectations?" Ryan jokingly said as Billy knelt in front of him, entranced by the ample cock that lay before him. With the old cliché of "actions speak louder than words" running through his mind, Billy decided to show Ryan just what he thought of his cock.

Taking hold of the shaft with one hand, Billy lifted it up and off Ryan's abs, marveling at its weight and fullness. Leaning over, Billy extended his tongue and began to flick it against Ryan's cockhead; his tongue flitting and fluttering over and around the sensitive head, paying special attention to the piss slit. Above him, Ryan let out a long, low hiss, and reclined on the bed, supporting himself with one arm bent at the elbow while the other was running over his pecs and playing with his rigid nipples.

Billy continued to use his tongue to tease Ryan's cock. Not only did he continue to tantalize the flared head of Ryan's dick, but his tongue skipped and danced along the shaft, moistening it as he licked his way up from the sac to the tip of the head. One of Bill's hands pulled and gently tugged on Ryan's ball sac, while the other slowly eased its way up and down the rapidly hardening shaft of Ryan's monster dick.

A few minutes later, Billy leaned back, keen to his admire his handiwork. Before him lay the fully erect cock of Ryan Reynolds. It had to easily be about 8" long, thick like a cucumber, and straight as a spear. Billy stuck out his tongue and slapped the hard cock against it, rubbing the cock head across his full lips. He had to have it in his mouth. Opening wide, he wrapped his soft lips around the head of Ryan's cock, and proceeded to give Ryan the best blowjob of his life.

Ryan let out a lust filled moan as Billy took his cock between his lips and began to suck. Billy continued to work the throbbing member with his mouth, massaging the shaft with his lips. His head and mouth bobed up and down on the first 4" of Ryan's cock while his hand worked the bottom half; his cheeks gone concave from the blowjob he was administering. Billy's mouth was forced open so wide that he was creating excess saliva, saliva that rolled down Ryan's shaft and provided extra lubrication for the hand job Billy was giving him. His hand slid up and down the shaft, Billy twisting it like a corkscrew to provide some additional stimulation. He continued to work Ryan's balls with his other hand; the only time they were not being fondled, was when Billy decided to give them a tongue bath, and proceeded to suck one, than the other, than both into his mouth and roll them around while still stroking Ryan's raging hard on with his hand.

Ryan was in ecstasy. He continued to lay reclined on the bed, supported by his one arm. His other hand had abandoned his pecs and nipples and was now firmly planted on the back of Billy's head, running through his short blonde hair, and gently pushing him down onto his cock, encouraging him to take more and more of Ryan's impressive length between his soft lips. All the while Ryan was slowly beginning to hump Billy's face, his hips moving up and down, his ass clenching as he smoothly began to face fuck his young cocksucker.

While continuing to worship Ryan's swollen member, Billy decided it was time for Ryan's briefs to go. With his cock still firmly planted between his lips, Billy took hold of the waistband of Ryan's briefs and pulled them off. To help Billy with his efforts, Ryan lifted his ass off the mattress. The effort of removing his briefs had forced Ryan closer to the edge of the bed, and Billy was pleased to see that now with the underwear removed, he could see the start of Ryan's taint. Before going back to performing fellatio on Ryan's dick, he decided he had to have a taste. Lifting Ryan's ballsac with one hand and tilting his head to the right, Billy went in and began to explore Ryan's the area under Ryan's balls.

The sensation was an entirely new one to Ryan, and not an unpleasant one at that. The area that Billy was exploring had never been delved into before by any of his previous sexual partners, and the new feeling on this sensitive part of his body was driving him wild. So eager to experience it, Ryan kept scooting his ass closer and closer to the edge of the mattress, opening up even more of his taint to Billy's talented mouth. Billy was pleased that his lover's movements were allowing him access to Ryan's surprisingly hairy ass crack, and was pleased to taste the mix of flavors he found there; the clean scent of an afternoon shower mixed with the salty taste of sweat.

As tempting as it was for Billy to continue to delve deeper between Ryan's delicious buns and get a taste of his sweet hole, Billy was after something else. Abandoning the search for Ryan's hole, Billy returned to the turgid cock. He decided now was as good a time as any to revel his ultimate technique.

Pushing Ryan's thighs far apart, Billy slowly began to devour the glorious cock which lay in front of him. With 6" in his mouth, he felt his gag reflex begin to kick in, but using the technique he had mastered, he was able to swallow past it, continuing to gobble up Ryan's cock until he felt pubic hair against his nose and balls against his chin. With all 8" down his throat, Billy began to rhythmically undulate the muscles in his throat, a skill that never ceased to get a reaction from his partner.

Ryan saw stars. With his cock head firmly planted in Billy throat, and the treatment it was giving to his shaft, it took everything in him to resist the urge to unload right there. Ryan fell onto his back, his toes curling, his back arching, his muscles tensing, his eyes rolling back into his head, his hands clawing at the sheets, his mouth agape. The only sounds in the room were a series of gurgling sounds coming from Billy as he continued to pleasure Ryan orally, and a long, low "fuuuuccccckkkkk" from Ryan as he officially entered seventh heaven.

For what seemed like an eternity, Billy continued to suck on Ryan's cock, burying it to the hilt in his talented mouth. Again and again, he took Ryan to the edge of sexual ecstasy, only to back off at the last minute, frustrating and torturing the Hollywood hunk. Ryan could only writhe and moan on the bed, so caught up in a sexual frenzy that he could not speak.

Deciding that his lover was now properly prepped, Billy reluctantly let Ryan's cock drop from his mouth and stood up. He looked down at the sexual God that was Ryan Reynolds as he lay before him. His body was toned and firm, his muscles definite and distinct, his handsome face rapturous from the pleasures his body had just experienced, and his saliva slicked sex organ, standing tall, proud, and imposing.

Billy was still in his khaki pants, but Ryan could see that a large, dark stain had spread across the front of his pressed pants; a sure sign of precum and horniess.

"I want you to fuck me; I need you to fuck me. Please, Ryan, please, let me feel what it's like to have your cock inside of me." Billy said breathlessly, practically begging to be made the bottom bitch of the hunk that lay before him.

Ryan propped himself on his arms, and then stood up from the bed. Standing taller than his young lover, he leaned over and kissed him full on the mouth; not the fervent kissing from earlier, but a long, slow, sensual kiss, allowing him to taste his own flavors from the mouth of his paramour.

Breaking the kiss, Billy was left standing there breathless, his eyes closed, expecting another. "Take off those pants and get on all fours" Ryan uttered.

Billy did not have to be asked twice, undoing and removing his pants; he was left there in just a pair of red boxer briefs. Those were on for merely seconds before he shucked them off and he was left standing there nude in front of his sexual deity, Ryan Reynolds.

Billy was already erect and had a nice, fat 6" cock, with a thick vein running along the top. Below was a pair of heavy, pendulous balls, no doubt already churning with hot, molten cum. Ryan reached down and gave the cock a few quick tugs, causing Billy to gasp with pleasure. "Nice tool you got there, maybe we'll even play with it another time, but I want your ass Billy, I want to fuck you like the slut we both know you are." Ryan hissed.

Turning away from Ryan and dropping to the carpet, Billy was down on all fours, like a bitch in heat, wiggling his ass, partly to tempt Ryan and partly with anticipation. Dropping to his knees behind Billy, Ryan spread the two plump globes of Billy's ass apart and was rewarded with the sight of a hairless crack and a nice tight pink hole that was begging to be filled. Taking his thumb in his mouth, Ryan lightly wet it, before he used it to run up and down the length of Billy's crack, stopping to encircle the now twitching hole, stimulating the rim.

He soon replaced his thumb with his magnificent prick, running it up and down the smooth crack, letting the head rest against the hole for a few moments before moving it again, gently pushing against the tight and resisting portal, letting Billy delight in the pressure of a cock against his hole and driving him mad with sexual pleasure. Ryan had never fucked a guy before, but this seemed like second nature to him, almost instinctual, causing him to ask himself why the fuck he had waited so long to give this a try.

Ryan's tempting and teasing of Billy's hole was having the desired effect, as the young man was left pleading, whimpering and begging, desperately asking to be fucked by his fantasy stud. He took his weighty cock and slapped it a few times on each of Billy's ass checks, loving the sound his cock made against Billy's buns. Ryan had decided the boy had suffered enough, and placing his cock head on the puckered hole, he slowly and deliberately began to push.

As Ryan began to apply pressure, it quickly became apparent that while Billy's mind was saying yes to Ryan's sexual advances, his body, sensing the large cock trying to invade the sensitive hole, was remaining shut against all intruders. The first time Ryan attempted to gain access, his prick slipped up Billy's crack, coming to rest between the two delicious mounds spread out before him. The second time he attempted to gain entrance, Billy's tight hole lost the battle and it was only a matter of moments before the defenses were breached and Ryan's cock popped past the tight anal ring and entered Billy's warm, inviting ass. Leisurely, Ryan slowly inserted more and more of his thick cock into the still defiant hole, stretching it to dimensions it had never been stretched before. The air was forced from Billy's lungs and his eyes bulged as he felt Ryan's monster cock begin to invade his ass, his senses working overtime to relay information to his pleasure centers about the sensations washing over him. Ryan continued to methodically slip more and more of his cock into Billy's velvet-lined ass, feeding the hungry ass in front of him his stallion sized cock while Billy struggled to take the biggest cock of his life.

Finally Ryan bottomed out in Billy, his pubic hair and tight balls coming to rest against Billy's spread open bubble butt. Billy, there on all fours, was motionless, trying to focus on the immense pleasure washing over him as he was impaled upon Ryan's cock. Ryan allowed his full cock to rest inside Billy's now compromised hole in order to allow the handsome hotel employee some time to become accustomed to being stuffed. Ryan slowly began to rotate his hips in a circular motion, Billy still fully pierced by his massive girth, grinding his pelvis into Billy's ass, stretching the compromised asshole more than it already had been, churning his dick around in Billy's hole like he was making butter.

Sensing that he had primed Billy, Ryan slowly started to pull his prick out of the gripping hole until only the head of his cock remained in Billy's ass. Billy was left with a sensation of emptiness which he could not explain. He had been entered only moments before, yet already without Ryan's cock in him, he felt a longing to be filled up, to be fucked senseless, to be mounted from behind and bounced around by Ryan Reynolds.

Feeling Billy's ass muscles relax, Ryan thrust forward, fast and hard, burying his cock to the hilt in the tight sheath before him. Ryan began pistoning in and out of the hole, plundering the ass that had attempted to keep him out. Ryan's cock was a blur, his balls and hips slapping against Billy's full ass, creating an audible slap each and every time they came into contact. For Billy's credit, he took the sudden and forceful invasion well, the pleasure far outweighing any discomfort the long and thick cock may have been causing him, and making him shout out for Ryan to fuck him harder, deeper, to make him his cock slut.

Ryan bit his lower lip as he continued to pillage Billy's amazing ass, the hole gripping his cock like a glove, gripping it like a vice every time he pulled his cock from the tight confines, resisting every time he thrust in, splitting Billy's ass in two. A sheen of sweat began to form on the two of them as they continued to fuck like a well-oiled machine, Billy arching his back and pushing back to meet every one of Ryan's drives into his ass. It had not taken long for Ryan to find Billy's sweet spot, and every pummel of Ryan's powerful hips seemed to force his cock into direct contact with the small, chestnut sized g-spot located within Billy's ass. Ryan's cock head kept stimulating the spot, so much so that Billy collapsed onto his arms, his face falling into the plush carpet, his hard cock swinging between his legs, a constant flow of precum dripping from its slit.

Ryan loved watching his obscenely hard member being swallowed up by the red and yawning hole of his conquest, letting his cock on occasion slip from the now well used hole, only to be amazed at how the hole remained open, as though it were expecting Ryan's cock, as though it were now made for it. It would not stay open long, as Ryan was quick to plug the gaping hole, eliciting moans from his bottom boy.

Ryan began to thrust harder and harder, feeling his jizz percolating in his tight ball sac. He continued to fuck Bill doggystle, commenting on how tight the cunt was, slapping the full and round mounds of flesh that were Billy's ass until they glowed a soft pink and a slight outline of his hand print was left after a particularly hard spanking. Ryan's ass clenched as he moved towards power-fucking Billy.

As the minutes passed, Ryan knew he was getting close. Almost instinctually, Billy knew his Canadian heartthrob was close to blowing his wad, and he began to tighten his ass muscles, making his hole even tighter for Ryan's monster. Ryan's chest was now heaving, he pectorals stretched across his broad chest. Ryan reached down between Billy's legs and found the object he was looking for; Billy's weeping cock. Taking firm hold of it, he began to milk it, as a farmer would do to a cow, intent to get to the hot cream that was undoubtedly inside. Billy was in sexual ecstasy. With Ryan's cock stimulating his g-spot, and his firm hand masturbating his penis, he let out a guttural moan as he exploded. Bill's low hanging balls drew up into his sac as he fired six volleys of cream onto the floor and Ryan's hand, coating the fingers with his cum. When his orgasm subsided, Ryan removed his hands from around Billy's cock and brought it to his mouth, tasting the salty liquid, the substance acting as an aphrodisiac, causing his blood to boil and sending him into overdrive.

Ryan reached over and took a handful of Billy's close cropped blond hair, yanking back so that the clearly exhausted, spent, and satisfied Billy was once again on all four; his other hand holding onto Billy's hip, pulling the boy's ass back onto his cock every time he thrust. Ryan did not care that the boy beneath him was clearly worn out, he needed sexual release, and he would have it. He continued to batter the hole before him, until he felt his balls tighten in their sac and he knew orgasm was close at hand.

Pulling his cock from the well used hole, he stroked it only once before it began to spew forth the biggest load of Ryan's life. The first shot fired across Billy's back, leaving a long and creamy streak. Ryan was able to direct the next two, and shot them directly onto Billy's gaping hole, clearly worn; hoping his cum would act as a salve to soothe the boy's battered hole. The last five were deposited deep within Billy's bowels, as Ryan slid back into the hilt and painted the boy's insides with his creamy load.

Exhausted, Ryan collapsed onto Billy's muscled back, the sweat and jizz trapped between Billy and Ryan's furry pecs and abs, creating a slick surface that Ryan promptly rolled off of and onto his back on the floor. The spent Billy quickly followed suit, flopping over and landing next to his lover.

Ryan took the boy in his arm and pulled him close, planting a kiss on the side of the smaller man's forehead, hoping to convey a sense of satisfaction and appreciation. Billy lay there in the arms of his fantasy man, feeling the massive warm load drip out of his gaping hole and onto the floor as he slipped into a well deserved sleep.

As Ryan Reynolds lay there, reveling in his post coital bliss, he knew his life would never be the same. While he loved his wife, he knew tonight had awakened a passion in him that she could not satisfy, and that he would have to experience again. As he snuggled with the already sleeping Billy, he drifted off to a sleep, a grin his face, knowing he would fuck the boy in his arms again just as soon as they both woke up. _____________________________________________________________________________

Hope you enjoyed it. Now that Ryan has had his first taste of gay sex, I don't think he'll be satisfied until he gets it on with some of his hot friends. Write to me with what you think of the story and what (or who) you would like to see happen next. I write to please my readers so feedback is important and most appreciated. Please send your feedback, both good and bad, to me at ryanswim83@gmail.com. Hope you enjoyed the story! More to come.

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