Safest Place to Hide

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 22, 2005


Disclaimer: We do not know the BSB, Lance Bass, or any othe celebrities that may appear. Nor do we know their sexual orientations. All fictional characters and situations portrayed remain the property of the authors. Any similarities to actual living people and situations is purely coincidental. Also if you are under-age or do not wish to view sexually oriented material please leave now. Otherwise enjoy!

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Safest Place To Hide

By Travis Smith and Drew Thomas

Chapter Three

Kevin glared at the phone and shut it off. He might have developed feelings for him, but that didn't excuse Lance's earlier actions, Kevin was still pissed at him for that. A thousand thoughts ran through his mind all at once as he collapsed on the bed. What was he going to do about this situation with Lance? He wasn't sure wether to love him or hate him. And what about Kristin? As Brian had tried to point out, she deserved to know if their marriage was over. It was true that they had been having problems for some time now. Mostly due to the fact that Kevin wanted to start a family, while Kristin insisted they weren't ready for that kind of responsibility.

But was that reason enough to end things? Unless he could sort out his feelings for Lance then there was no need to mention anything to Kristin yet. He sat up and glanced at the clock. Shit! He was late. He ran around gathering up his clothes, hurriedly dressed and bolted out the door. He tried to calm himself as he headed down to the room that had been set up for their press conference. For now the worries he had were forgotten. It was showtime.

Kevin sat with Brian, AJ, and Howie and as usual they were waiting for Nick. Finally Nick came in, straightening out his clothes.

"Sorry," Nick said with his usual smirk. "I was um, busy." Nick sat down and looked around the room. The reporters hadn't showed up yet. Nick got up and started pace the room. Kevin knew right away what had happened. Nick was late because he had just had sex with Travis. At least he had the common sense to shower.

Kevin glared at him and was about to tell him to sit his ass down and calm down when the door opened and the crowd of press showed up. They were politely shown to their seats and a few moments of silence progressed as Kevin read over the lists of questions that more than likely wouild be asked. Finally he looked up.

"Thank you all for coming," he says smoothly. "We are very happy to hold this press conference for you. We will now start taking questions." Almost immediately a hand shot up. "Yes?" The reporter stood and Kevin recognized him as the same guy who had harassed him the night before.

"How can you expect the world to take you serious after all this time" Kevin sighed and turned to Brian.

"We've always been serious about three things. One, our fans. Without them we wouldnt have a career. Two our music, our music is what drives us and gives us a real purpose in life. Three our family, which extends to the group. We've all basically grown up together and we want to stay together. So to put it very simply. Yes the Backtreet Boys are indeed back and this is the real deal," Brian said sternly.

"Well that is nice and warm and fuzzy and I am sure that your public relations people wrote that up for you but I think the public wants to know if this time it will last." The reporter shot back. By now Kevin had, had enough and was talking to Troy.

Before the reporter knew it he was being escorted out by both casino and Backstreet security. He screamed all the way out about free speech. Kevin was getting a headache. He was glad when the press conference was over so that he could hole up in his room with the lights out and maybe get some much needed sleep. And hopefully when he woke up his headache would be gone. He finally made it to his room and very quickly shut off the lights, threw off his clothes and crawled between the sheets. He was all comfortable and ready to get some shut eye..

In Nick's room:

Travis walked into Nick's arms. He was horny as hell and wanted Nick in the worst way. He quickly moved to remove Nick's jeans but Nick stopped him. "But I wanted to make you feel good," Travis said with his patented pout. Nick almost caved but held firm.

"Baby, I need to talk to you about something," Nick said softlykissing him lightly on the forehead.

"We're not going to have sex are we?" Travis said with his continued pout.

"Dammit!" Nick shouted at him. "I need you to pay attention to me for a minute." Travis's shocked expression sent waves of guilt through Nick. His eyes filled with tears that threatened to over flow. "I'm sorry for yelling Travis," Nick said wrapping his arms around the younger man. Nick gently pressed his lips to Travis's. "But I really have something important to talk about and I want you to listen to me so we can really talk. I don't want our relationship to be just about the sex."

"I love you," Travis said snuggling closer to Nick.

"That is what I want to talk to you about," Nick said running his hand along the side of Travis's face. Travis leaned into Nick's touch and Nick loved it when he did that. Travis was definately in a cuddly mood. But Nick really wanted to talk to him about where their relationship was headed. Nick gently but firmly guided Travis to the bed and sat him down.

"I love you too Travis," Nick started taking Travis's hand and kissing it. "I want to talk to you about our future."

"Ummm ok," Travis replied. Suddenly he looked a little scared. The expression on his face was so cute that Nick almost caved. Nick shook his head and pressed on.

"You say you love me," Nick started. "I love you too. I want to have a future with you. I want to know what you expect out of this relationship."

"I want to have a relationship too. But this is my first one you know?" Travis said looking up at Nick. "I don't want to mess this up."

"You won't mess this up," Nick said softly leaning down for a quick kiss. "I love you and I want us to be sure that this is the real deal. You see Travis, I don't have much luck with relationships. The last few I had ended up with my lover running the other direction and me in tears. I guess what I am trying to say is that I want to take this really slow. I want to enjoy being in love."

"Does this mean that we're not going to have as much sex?" Travis asked frowning.

"Does everything have revolve around sex?" Nick asked getting upset again. "I mean don't you ever just want to go out and just have fun. Like to a movie or dinner or go golfing?"

"I don't like to go golfing but I like movies and stuff," Travis said grinning. "And you are right. Our relationship shouldn't be based on just sex. But you know it is going to be really hard to do normal date stuff."

"That is why we have to be inventive," Nick grinned at Travis. "And right now I want to get inventive with you."

"And just what do you plan on doing?" Travis asked grinning too. Nick replied by reaching for Travis's belt. That was the last thing that Travis remmembered. Soon Nick was making sweet love to him and Travis was very sastified.

Later back in Kevin's room:

Kevin lay on his bed with one arm across his face, covering his eyes. Between the situation with Lance and the drama stirred up at the press conference Kevin was developing a migraine. He had told Troy that he was going to try to take a nap, and he didn't want to be disturbed. At least that was the plan. The loud knock on the door said otherwise. Kevin raised his head up off the bed and just glared at the door. Hoping that whoever it was would take the hint and leave him alone. No such luck. A second knock came and he struggled to get up to answer it. Whoever it was was in for it now. Kevin stormed across the room and flung open the door.

"What?" Kevin hurled at his unsuspecting cousin, who flinched at the harsh tone.

"Uh sorry," Brian apologized. "Troy said you weren't feeling well so I wanted to check in on you."

"Did he also tell you I didn't want to be disturbed?" Kevin asked more calmly

"Yeah but I figured that didn't apply to me." Brian joked. Kevin couldn't help but smile at him as he waved him into the room. "Oh by the way, Troy took care of our little pest problem from earlier. The guy's been banned from the property for as long as we're here."


"So how's the head?" Brian asked concerned

"Better now that I know at least one of our problems has been dealt with." Kevin sighed.

"Still don't know how to deal with the Lance thi-- situation?" Brian tired to cover but a look from Kevin told he had caught his slip. He let it drop though.

"No idea. One minute I hate him so much for they way he treated me and the next I wanna grab him and kiss him."

"Maybe he had a reason for reacting the way he did? We don't know what he's been dealing with lately. You saw how drunk he got last night. When have you ever known him to do that?"

"And that justifies him accusing me of taking advantage of him?" Kevin asked getting pissed again

"Of course n..." Brian was interrupted by another knock at the door.

"What part of do not disturb don't these people get?" Kevin said throught clenched teeth. He stormed over to the door flinging it open. He was completely unprepared for who was on the other side.


"Hi." Lance said meekly, looking down at his feet. He slowly raised his head and it was his turn to be surprised as the door came flying back at his face. Hitting his square it the nose. He stumbled back against the wall and slid down it, holding his face as the blood began to pour out. Luckily AJ had heared the commotion and stuck his head outside his own room. Seeing Lance he immediately ran to him.

"What the hell happend? Wait don't tell me, Kevin happened. Come on let's get you cleaned up. Here take this." He handed L:ance a handkerchief and helped him to his feet. He lead him slowly to his room and sat him down in a nearby chair. "Keep your head back. That will help stop the bleeding. What exactly did you do to make him give you a bloody nose?"

"I said 'hi'" Lance explained. His voice muffled by the hankerchief he was still holding over his face.

"Well, that's a good reason." AJ spat. His voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I guess he's still pissed about this morning. Guess I would be too"

"That still does't give him the right to..."

"Maybe I deserved it." Lance said as tears began to fill his eyes, threatening to fall at any moment. He lowered the handkerchief and put his head down to hide his face. "Can I use your bathroom to clean myself up?"

"Of course, its right through there" AJ said pointing.

Thanks. I'll be right out." Lance quickly stood and ran into the bahroom, locking the door behind him.

Meanwhile back in Kevins room:

"What the hell Kevin?" Brian yelled

"I'm no mood to deal with him right now." Kevin yelled back causing his head to ache.

"And that justifies slamming the door in his face? Did you see the way he looked. He was obviouly feeling bad about earlier." Brian admonished

"Feeling bad about how he treated me or about how much he drank last night?" Kevis yelled again. There was no way Brian was going to make him feel guilty for this. Lance deserved exactly what he got. Didn't he? Yes of course he did! Maybe he had jumped the gun a bit. But who could blame him? The internal struggle he was having caused him to completely forget his cousin.

"Kevin are you listening to me?" Brian asked annoyed

"I need to be alone right now." Kevin stated flatly

"Oh hell no. We are not done yet." Brian fumed

"Please Brian I need some time to think." Kevin explained

"Fine!" Brian yelled storming out, slamming the door behind him.

Kevin threw him self down on the bed, burried his face in his pillow and screamed.

Out in the hallway:

Brian was pissed. He knew that Kevin was still angry with Lance, but how did he ever expect to patch things up and explore his feelings for him acting like that? He was pacing the length of the hallway when AJ stuck out his head.

"What's up Brian?"

"Oh not much. Just my cousin being a stubborn ass!"

"I'd have to agree with that one. I've got Lance in here by the way. Kevin bloodied him pretty good." Brian step up to the door and AJ moved to let him enter.

"How is he AJ?"

"I think his ego got a better thrashing than his face." AJ explained in hushed tones. Not wanting Lance to know they were talking about him. "He's pretty depressed right now. He knows he fucked up and he is really taking Kevin's reaction badly." AJ explained

"Kevin's pouting in his room. How are those two ever gonna get together with all this drama going on?" Brian wondered. He collapsed in a nearby chair with a heavy sigh.

Inside the bathroom, Lance had heared the conversation between AJ and Brian. He stood leaning over the sink with his down. Did he really have feelings for Kevin? The others seemed to think so but he wasn't so sure. It sure didn't seem like Kevin felt the same. Lance was sure he had fucked up any chance he'd had now. He guessed the guys were right. He did have feelings for Kevin, he finally had to admit. He couldn't stay there any longer.

He leaned against the door leading to AJ's room and heared him and Brian continue to talk softly. On the opposite side of the room he saw another door that he figued must have led to another room. He slowly opened it and spotted Howie sleeping on a nearby bed. He slowly and quietly entered the room and made his way to the front door. Once out in the hall he bolted for the elevators. He had to get home to think.

Once Lance was down in the lobby he had calmed down a bit and decided to go into the casino. He was well known around town as a high roller, though not a big winner. But the activity seemed to relax him. Thirty minutes later he was down $100,000.00. It was time to go home. As he stood two very large men appeared at his side.

"Leaving so soon Mr Bass?"

Yeah. I'm tapped out."

"Our employer has authorized us to extend you credit sir."

"Do you guys work for the hotel? I don't recognize you."

"No, you might call us independent financial consultants."

"Oh I see. Well tell your employer thanks but no thanks."

"Well if you ever change your mind we'll be around."

"Yeah ok. Thanks" Lance said before leaving quickly. Lance wasn't stupid. He knew bookies when he saw them. He read the card that was slipped to him and read the embossed on it. Well, 'Malcolm Brooks' was gonna have to find another sucker tonight. He hailed a taxi and headed home.

As he pulled up to his house his eyes got big and he began to panic. Standing in the doorway was the one person he did not want to see right now, It was JC.

TBC- Ok so another chapter is over and the drama contiues. Why is Lance so upset about seeing JC? Are he and Kevin ever going to work out their differences, and admit their feeling to each other? Sorry this was so short but we wanted to get it out so we decided to end it here. We hope that the next one will be out sooner. As always let us know what you think.

Next: Chapter 4

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