Saints Haven Hospital

Published on Nov 22, 2022


Saints Haven Hospital: Dexter 01 by Ben Jamey Savage

Saints Haven Hospital: Dexter 01

By Ben Jamey Savage


  • Mb
  • ped

(What are these?)

This is a revised story originally written by Cole Marshall and now under the responsability of BJ. It'll start out slow, so no explicit sex scenes in the first few chapters, but I hope the investment pays off over the course of the story.

The warm shades coming through the drapes of the curtains covered the boy's face and gently nudged him into waking up. Before the sunlight inevitable covered his eyelids and forced him to move away, he felt thin blankets under his hands covering him up to his chest. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his left hand, while his right hand wandered about and bumped into a wall. The boy opened his eyes and looked around, but couldn't quite make anything out of the environment. Squinting hard, he noticed a man sitting on a brown sofa chair in the opposite side of the room with legs crossed, wearing a white coat tucked to the sides. The man seemed immersed in swiping through a stack of square cards, staring intently to each while he rested a hand between his thighs before moving to the next card.

The boy tried to get up and sit but the creaky bed loudly announced his waking up, promptly catching the attention of the man in the corner. He swiftly slid the stack of cards in the front pocket of his coat and jumped towards the bed. "Easy now, easy now," the man said with a soft but deep voice as he laid a hand on the boy's back and another one on his thigh, supporting him as he sat up. "How are you feeling?"

The grave yet gentle voice startled the boy for a bit. He looked up at the man beside him and saw a round face with buzz cut hair adorned with a thick gray mustache smiling back at him. The hand on his back felt heavy and imposing, yet firm and comforting. "I- I can't see well," the boy said as he once again rubbed his itchy eyes.

"That's to be expected," the man answered. "It is a collateral effect of the medicine we gave you. Give it a couple more minutes, and you'll be seeing well again." The man gently rested his thumb on the boy's chin and pulled his face towards his. "Do you know where you are now, Dexter?"

The boy looked deep into the man's dark eyes and got lost in thought for a moment. "I don't, sorry. Where am I?"

"Well, well, don't worry," the man said. "I'm Doctor Joshua, and we're at a hospital. We have recently performed a surgery, and you're just waking up from it."

Dexter hastily ran his hand over his arms and chest. "A surgery?!" he squeaked.

"Relax, Dexter," Dr. Joshua said as he pulled the boy's gown up and pointed to a gauze on the right side of his underbelly. "See? It went well, just don't scratch or mess with it, and it'll heal just fine."

Joshua let the gown fall back down and grabbed a button connected to a wire sitting atop the nightstand, then gave it two quick taps. Dexter heard two distinct rings echoing from outside in the distance. "I suppose you have lots of questions right now. Don't worry, we'll answer all of them in due time."

"O- Ok," Dexter muttered.

A minute later, Dexter heard two knocks on the door and saw a slender man, also wearing a white coat, coming in. Taller and slimmer than Joshua, he wore glasses and had a clean shaved face. "Oh! So you're awake now! That's good," the man said. "Are you feeling okay, Dexter?"

"Yes, sir," he answered. The boy knew the man was talking to him, yet he felt strange for being called by the name `Dexter'. "W- Why can't I remember anything?"

"Well-" Dr. Joshua started, but was cut off by the other man.

"That might be because of the medications we gave you. It might cause temporary memory loss," the man answered. "It's okay, though, you'll get better soon." He walked closer to the bed and stood alongside Joshua, putting one hand in the boy's shoulder. "I'm Doctor Alex, by the way."

"But I don't remember anything!"

"We know, Dexter, but it's okay," Dr. Joshua reassured. "With our help, you'll regain your memory in no time!"

"Right! Just give it some time," Dr. Alex added.

Dexter pouted and sat silently while the two men looked at each other.

"Anyway," Dr. Joshua cut the silence. "For now, I suppose we should tell your parents you woke up. I imagine you might be eager to see them, right?"

The boy looked up at Joshua and shook his head with enthusiasm. "Yes! For sure!" Perhaps seeing them would help him remember things, he thought.

"Dr. Alex, please go fetch them, then."

"Right away," Dr. Alex said, and then left.

Joshua caressed the boy's back as they waited. He slid his hand through the openings of the gown, so Dexter felt the doctor's heavy and smooth hand against his skin, making slow and circular motions up and down and better feeling pressure closer to his lower back, shoulders and armpits. Dexter didn't mind, though, it felt like a good massage, and it calmed him down.

A couple of minutes later, Alex comes back and holds the door for a couple to get in. The woman sits at the bottom end of the bed while the man stands beside Joshua while he kept caressing the boy's back. "Hi precious! Glad to see you're doing well!" The woman said.

"Mom?" He asked as he measured the woman up with his eyes. She wore a creased light dress and glasses. The man beside Joshua wore baggy khaki pants and a white shirt. Both shared the boy's light brown skin color and almond-shaped eyes.

The woman giggled. "Well, of course, sweetie! Don't you recognize us? Maybe I lost some weight?"

"It's the medicine," Dr. Alex pointed out. Joshua nodded to confirm.

"Oh, I see. Well, it is indeed us, mom," she said as she put a hand on her shoulder, then on the man's arm, "and this is dad."

The dad merely nodded stoically at Dexter as they stared at each other. "Good to see you looking strong again, son!"

Joshua noticed the boy's shoulders tensed up as the parents introduced themselves and how he looked at his parents' faces and yet still seemed confused. "Dexter," he interjected, "Do you feel like walking? A bit of fresh air might be good for you. Maybe we can continue this conversation in a better place?"

The boy's eyes brightened up. "For sure!" He answered enthusiastically.

"Right. Dr. Alex, would you mind accompanying Dexter's parents to the front yard and wait for us there? We'll be out in a minute."

They looked and nodded at each other. "Me and mommy will be waiting for you with Dr. Alex in the front yard, then," the dad told Joshua, and they walked out one by one.

Joshua walked up to the cabinet placed next to the bed end and pulled a cotton shirt and tactel shorts. "Well then, Dexter, let's get you out of bed now. Take off that gown and wear these," he said as he gently laid the clothes on the boy's lap.

Dexter grabbed the clothes, threw the blankets aside and got up on his feet. The tiled floor felt cold on his soles, but despite just waking up from a surgery, he didn't feel dizzy or somewhat unwell to walk. With his sight working well again, he looked around at the cramped room and didn't see another door. "Is there a bathroom where I can change?"

Joshua smiled. "Come on now, Dexter, I'm your doctor and see people naked all the time. It's no big deal."

"Really?" Dexter said, perplexed.

"Really. Besides, I've seen you naked already. I'm treating you, remember?"

"Hmm, I guess that is true," Dexter answered, eyes looking down.

"I can wait in the corridor, if you want?" Joshua suggested, pointing to the door behind him with his thumb. "Although you will see you're not wearing much. Haven't you felt a breeze on your behind?"

Then it clicked on Dexter's mind. "Oh yeah!" He exclaimed, putting his hand under his gown and over his junk.

Dexter had never been naked before anyone else besides his parents before, or at least that was what he believed on. Unable to recall any memory related to it - or to his parents whom he had just been with - Dexter took a deep breath and pulled the tie on his neck. "Ok, then."

The gown fell down from his shoulders but another tie on his lower back prevented it from going down further. Dexter tried to pull the string but the knot was proving itself difficult.

"Just pull the gown down," Joshua said.

Dexter tried and squirmed. "I'm trying, but it's really tight."

Joshua laughed at the scene and calmly walked towards Dexter and squatted behind him. "It is really tight," he pointed as he tried to undo the knot. "Just squeeze it in," he said as he slid both thumbs inside the string and helped Dexter nudge it past his butt. "Here you go," he exclaimed, "big butt causes some problems too, I see?"

Dexter said nothing, but smiled back at him as thanks. The words `big butt' echoed in his mind while he stood there naked. He giggled silently as he wore the new clothes Joshua gave him. The shirt fit nicely, but the shorts seemed a bit too tight for him. "Is there something bigger for me?"

"Why? Is it uncomfortable?" Joshua asked. "Seems fine to me."

"No, it just seems tight," Dexter said as he ran his hand over his thighs and butt, "especially behind." The seam on the back followed his butt crack closely all the way down, making his butt cheeks pop out more prominently. Even his tiny balls, though comfortable, seemed more visible under the fabric too.

Joshua shrugged as he inspected the boy's clothes. "I'm not sure, these are your own clothes. Your mother said you're used to wearing them all the time."

The boy stood there for a minute, his cheeks reddening as Joshua kept `looking funny at him,' he thought. "I- I guess," he conceded. He felt frustrated for not being able to recall anything none of the adults said about his previous life, but Joshua and company seemed like they knew what they were doing, so that kept him relaxed.

"Let's go, then?" Joshua said as he got up and extended his hand.

Dexter grabbed his hand and held it firmly. "Yes!"

He followed Joshua out of the room to a long corridor. His was the very last room on his end. The place didn't seem too big or luxurious. The faded brown tiles on the floor didn't match the off-white of the walls, the lighting was uneven even with the plenty of sunlight and, aside from Joshua and Dexter himself, he only saw one other person briefly before she entered a room in the far end of the corridor.

"Am I the only one here?"

"We have another. It would be three, but today in particular one was discharged earlier and is getting ready to go home as we speak," said Joshua as he walked holding Dexter's hand.

While they turned right, Dexter took a final look towards the door he saw the woman pass through. He couldn't quite name what ever it was she was wearing, but it seemed to cover her whole body, as well as her hair, and it was mostly black.

Joshua opened a door to his right. The room had a seemingly empty balcony with a few wooden chairs lined up in two rows, with two other doors behind them, but Joshua went to the other one with a glass panel on the front, then pointed to a bench where they could sit.

Dr. Alex and Dexter's parents were talking to a man in a black suit leaning on a Mercedes in the front yard. On the back seat, a well-dressed boy with red hair was reading a comic book with the door open.

"He's the one I was talking about," Joshua said as they sat down. "Got to the end of his treatment, and he's now going on with his life."

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to him, then?" Dexter asked. "I don't know, give him a hug, or something."

"Did plenty of that sometime before you woke up, but I'll go there in a minute too. He was Dr. Alex's patient, anyway."

"The man in the black suit shook hands with Alex and Dexter's parents, then waved at Joshua."Wait here," he said as he got up and buttoned his coat, "it'll only be a minute."

Joshua made his way to the car as the others came to Dexter. His mom sat by his side while his dad squatted in front of him to meet him at eye level. "Sweetie, Dr. Alex here was telling me you'll need to stay with them for a while," his mother said.

Dexter saw Joshua warmly hugging the boy in the car. They seemed to exchange a couple of kisses, and then Joshua closed the door, shook hands with the man in the black suit and then the car drove away to the horizon.

"Sweetie," his mom said as she snapped her fingers, "are you listening?"


"We need you to stay here," his dad said.

Dexter looked up to Dr. Alex, and then to Dr. Joshua, who had just joined the group. "But why?"

"You need constant observation and rehabilitation, so we can be sure you don't fall ill again," Joshua said.

"I- I don't understand," Dexter answered, dumbfounded. "I feel fine. When can I go home?"

His mom and dad looked at each other for a while. "We-" his mom started, but Joshua jumped in.

"Maybe if take a walk around the place it would help warm him up to the situation?"

"Great idea!" His mom exclaimed. "Go with Dr. Joshua, sweetie, take a look around. I'm sure you'll end up liking the place. It'll be like being on vacation! It has things you like that we don't even have at home!"

"Alright, alright," Dexter answered in frustration. He took Joshua's hand once again and came back inside, leaving the group behind.

"You know this place already," Joshua said. "This is the reception. We often don't have employees here because the hospital doesn't get many visitors."

Dexter just nodded with a frown on his face.

"But these," Joshua said, pointing to the doors behind the chairs, "these I think you'll like. He opened the first door and showed Dexter the TV and the VCR, along with a wide sofa and a center table."You can watch movies here. No TV, though, the signal kind of sucks."

"What kinds of movies?" Dexter asked.

"Which ones do you like?" Joshua said." I'm sure we'll have them, along with many others, should you feel a bit adventurous."

Dexter started enumerating the movies he'd like to watch just to challenge Joshua's claim while he walked towards the second door. "This room is special, though," he said as he opened it and let Dexter walk in first.

Dexter jumped right in as soon as he saw the arcade machines. Pac-man, Donkey Kong and Galaga in a wall opposite to a couple of empty snacks vending machines. He didn't remember playing these in particular, but definitely did remember how fun they were. "Awesome! I never thought I'd find these at a hospital. Can I play these anytime I want?"

Joshua laughed. "Maybe, depends on how good you do," he answered as he patted Dexter's head. "And yeah, since we often treat young people like you here, it was good investment to help keeping them entertained. I'm glad you liked them."

"Like them? You bet I do!" Dexter answered enthusiastically as he grabbed the joysticks of one of the arcades.

Joshua grabbed and nudged Dexter's shoulder. "Not right now, there's more I want to show. Anyway, maybe I can arrange with Sister Nataly to put my NEST on the TV you just saw. What do you think of that?"

"NES? Amazing! And sister who?"

"Nataly. You'll meet her eventually. She kind of is responsible for keeping the place in good order."

"When can I play these?" Dexter asked with a smile stapled to his face.

"So long as you ask us beforehand, I believe you can play anytime," Joshua said. "We should run this by one of the sisters first, though."


Joshua smiled and sighed in relief. "The other rooms are kind of boring. Kitchen, bathroom, etc. How about we take a look outside?"

They went out again and went to the opposite direction Dr. Alex was with his parents. Joshua showed him the woods around the front of the hospital, as well as the mountains and hills that surrounded it. He showed a football field hidden behind a trail and between the woods. "We play here sometimes, the employees and even some patients."

He showed the fruits Dexter could and could not pick, as well as the mushrooms he could hunt for dinner. "But never alone!" He warned. He could even hunt for insects, Alex's biggest hobby.

All of that made Dexter glow in excitement, much to Joshua's relief. "And I didn't even tell you of the beach!" He finally added.

"There's a beach here?" Dexter said in awe.

"Yes! And it's beautiful. I can bring you there once we assess you're in proper health. There's also a river that flows into that same beach. It's truly amazing."

"Can't wait!" Dexter shouted, raising a close fist to the sky.

Joshua laughed at the boy's giddiness. They went back talking about movies and games along the way.

"Well, well, isn't that better now?" His mom said as they met up. "So what do you say, Dexter? Are you okay with staying here with Dr. Joshua and Dr. Alex?"

"I mean," Dexter started, his mind aflutter with the idea of playing the NES for the first time that he could remember. "Will you come to see me?"

"Yes! Dad and me will come to see you. But don't worry, I'm sure the doctors will be as good for you as we are."

"You can bet on that!" Dr. Alex reassured with a wink.

"It's settled, then," his dad said. "Shall we get going? We'll come back to see you, okay?"

"Yes, day," Dexter replied. It felt ever so slightly odd for him to say the word `dad'. He blamed it on the temporary memory loss and shrugged the thought off his head.

His parents gave him a brief hug, a kiss on the cheek, said their final goodbyes, then unceremoniously went to their car and drove away. `So it is this easy to say by to their son?' Dexter wondered in thought.

Joshua, noticing the boy was getting gloomy again, clapped his hands. "Okay, then! It's a hot day today, and since you just woke up, I think it's time for you to take a bath. What do you say, Dexter?"

Dexter looked up at Joshua and moaned. "Do I have to?"

Alex laughed. "Come on, now, baths aren't so bad!"

Joshua nodded silently in agreement. "Where's Sister Yolanda, by the way? She should've already introduced herself to Dexter."

Alex shrugged. "Beats me. Haven't seen her since early morning." He turned his face away from Joshua to hide his grin. "Anyway, since he just woke up, don't you think it would be prudent to have someone with him during the bath?"

"What? Why?" Dexter protested.

"I mean, if you suddenly fall and hurt yourself, that'd be bad for you, Dexter," Alex answered. "So since Sister Yolanda isn't here, maybe I can-"

"It's alright, Alex," Joshua cut him off. "I can take it from here. How about you go ahead and update his medical records?"

Alex sighed. "Sure."

Joshua then extended his hand to the boy. "Let's go, then?"

Dexter reluctantly took the doctor's hand. "Do you really have to be with me, though?"

"What?" Joshua said, laughing. "It'll be for your own good. And I've seen you naked already, remember that. Moments ago, actually."

Joshua gave Dexter a little tour of the bathroom before they commit to it. To the boy, it seemed spacious for a place like this. There was a small and narrow locker room with a wooden bench in the middle. The room after it was quite well lit, unlike the rest of what Dexter had seen up this far. It had a few stalls placed one after another beside the door. The shower heads were on the opposite side, all connected by exposed pipes with hoses.

"Doesn't these fog up?" Dexter asked, pointing the large mirror that covered the entire wall where the showers were.

"No, they don't," Joshua said. "We take good care of them, that's why."

`Curious', Dexter thought with no malice. "So are you ready gonna take a bath with me?"

"Not really," Joshua said as they went back to the locker room. He took off his coat, folded it neatly and placed it in one of the lockers. "I'm here just to make sure you're safe and clean," he added as he sat down to take off his shoes and socks and rolled up his pants legs.

"I don't understand," Dexter protested as he took his shirt off and tossed it in the same locker Joshua had just put his coat.

"I mean I'll give you a bath, Dexter, but I won't bathe with you, if that's what you're confused about," Joshua clarified as he folded the sleeves of his shirt up.

Joshua grabbed a small bucket with soap and a sponge, and a small but sturdy wooden stool that were sitting atop the lockers. "I'm ready when you are."

Dexter scoffed at the idea of being cleaned up like a baby, but the thought of having a man like Joshua watch him so closely was oddly tempting to him. The very thought made his cheeks blush has he pulled his shorts down facing away from Joshua, wondering whether he was still there looking at him.

"So you're ready then," Joshua said as Dexter turned around, discreetly looking down at the boy's little penis, shyly covered in skin and properly nestled in his crotch fat. "Shall we?" He added as he ushered the boy towards the showers.

Dexter went for the shower knob, but Joshua held his hand and shook his head. As he put the stool down and sat on it, he grabbed the hose instead. "We'll use this one."

He let the stream flow and tested the water's warmth, then washed Dexter's body. "How's it? Too cold?"

"No," Dexter said as he turned around to let Joshua wet his whole body. "It's okay."

"Okay, so turn your back to me and spread your legs now," Joshua said.

"Hey! I can scrub myself," Dexter exclaimed as he did as ordered and spread his legs about half a foot apart.

Joshua laughed. "I'm sure you can, but I'm here to take care of you, right? A bit more."

Dexter added roughly one more feet of distance between his legs and was surprised by the jet of water being shot upwards, strong enough to go through his butt crack and tickle his butthole. The sensation made his buttcheeks clench and Dexter squirm away from Joshua. "Wow, just-" he muttered.

"Come now," Joshua said, smiling. "It's just water! Did it feel too bad?"

Dexter cupped one of his buttcheeks and thought about the question. "No, I don't think so."

"Attaboy. Now come," Joshua said. "Get back in position, I'm not done yet."

Dexter walked backwards back to where he was and spread his legs once again. Joshua hit his butt with the water jet once more, moving the stream up and down so that it'd hit deep all parts of the boy's butt.

Joshua still had the image of Dexter holding his buttcheek in his hand imprinted on his mind. "Dexter, pull it apart," he said as he grabbed the bar of soap.

"Pull what apart?" Dexter asked, confused.

"This and this," Joshua said as he hit both buttcheeks with the water stream. "To clean you down there. Your legs too."

Dexter looked at the mirror and saw Joshua attentively looking at his butt and legs. It was then that Dexter noticed how thick the doctor's legs were as he squatted in the stool. Without giving a second thought to the request, Dexter did as asked, then instinctively closed his eyes and took deep breaths as Joshua's fingers scrubbed him.

The doctor placed his thumb on the boy's asshole while he massaged his inner thigh and grazed on his tiny balls. Joshua felt Dexter clench his butt and pucker his asshole every time he completed a circle around it. He finally put the hose down, soaped his other hand and massaged his legs thoroughly, then pulled Dexter closer by holding his hips and cleaned his back, doing long sweeps on his shoulders and then down to the armpits. "Ooh, that feels good," Dexter whispered.

"Really? Thanks, I'm flattered. Some people say I'm a wonderful massagist, you know." Joshua then gave a cheeky slap on Dexter's butt. "All done, turn around now."

Dexter turned around where he stood and noticed that he was standing really close to Joshua. In between his legs and perhaps less than a foot away from his face. While Joshua kept concentrated on the boy's body, Dexter looked down at the doctor to take a better look at him. His body seemed strong, with wide shoulders, thick arms and a fairly sizable belly, though he didn't consider the doctor fat by any means.

Joshua grabbed the sponge and scrubbed Dexter's armpit once more, then went back on using his hands only to clean his upper body. Dexter held on Joshua's forearms while he rhythmically moved his hands from the boy's neck to his pecs, circling the pointy nipples with the palms of his hand, then going down on his belly and cleaning below his arms.

"So, doctor."

"You can call me just Joshua, if you want."

"Okay... so, Joshua," Dexter started, struggling to make complete phrases as Joshua's hands moved up again and his fingers lightly pinched the boy's nipples. "What is this rehabilitation? Will it hurt? I hope it won't."

"Heh, let's see," Joshua said while his hands moved down once more and started massaging his outer thighs. "You see, your body is pretty weak, Dexter, so we need to be constantly observing and examining you so that you grow strong again."

"But will it hurt? What will you do?"

"Oh," Joshua exclaimed. "Well, we need to mostly do regular check-ups on your penis and your butt, collect urine samples, no big deal," he said as his hands neared the boy's penis. Joshua was afraid Dexter would not respond well to his hands so near it, but the boy did not protest.

In fact, Joshua thought he'd heard the faintest moan right after he did so.

"But what does that mean?" Dexter insisted.

"Hmm. Maybe I can show you tomorrow? You should relax, though," Joshua reassured as he kept moving his hands up and down the boy's thighs. "It won't hurt, and we will take our time so you can slowly get used to it."

The explanation didn't exactly stick to Dexter's mind. To him, Joshua used a lot of words to explain not much at all, but he didn't mind at the moment. His mind drifted to places unknown to him as he let the hunky man with the mustache freely touch his body.

"Joshua, I need to pee."

"Well, we're in the right place for that," Joshua said. "Just turn around and have at it!"

"You don't think it's gross?"

"I mean, I just cleaned your butt with my bare hands, haven't I?" Joshua shot back, looking up at Dexter and smiling. "Pay no mind and let it flow."

And so Dexter did. Joshua took his hands off him, the boy turned around and started relieving himself without touching his own penis while the doctor gently put a hand between his thighs and massaged his perineum while he caressed his butt with the other hand.

"I see you're done peeing now," Joshua said as soon as he heard Dexter stop. "Turn around, so I can finish cleaning you up."

"So what was I sick of?" Dexter asked as Joshua grabbed him by the hips and gently turned him around to face him again.

"Oh, it was life threatening," he answered while he grabbed the hose and cleaned his hands of the soap. "Very scary, but we managed to take care of it."

Dexter to ask a better and more direct question, but was unable to connect the words the moment Joshua cupped his bands with one hand and grabbed his penis with the other. He got immediately flushed and embarrassed once he noticed the doctor was holding his hard dick, he didn't notice it was at full mast up until that point, let alone for how long.

Yet, Joshua seemed unfazed by it. He skillfully pulled the boy's skin back with his fingers alone and massage the head by pressing it with his thumb and pointer fingers while his other hand massaged the boy's tiny balls.

Dexter said nothing, he just let Joshua take the lead and kept himself quiet, trying not to squirm and moan each time the doctor pulled the skin back and forth.

"I think you have a fair length for a boy your age. It is what, 3.5 to 4 inches long?" Joshua thought to himself. "Yeah, that sounds about right."

"You think so?" Dexter asked, looking down at his thin little cock. "It doesn't look very big."

"Most men only see their penises grow starting from pre-puberty. At 12, I say you're well off."

"Thanks," Dexter said, unsure of what he was thanking or feeling proud for.

Dexter once again held Joshua's forearms as he kept working on the boy's penis. Joshua kept one hand focused at the head while the other alternated between gently stroked it through its length and going back to the balls and perineum.

As Joshua noticed Dexter holding his breath for longer and longer as he kept on, he delicately let the boy's little dick be, then moved his hands up again through the boy's chest, then neck and finally head, giving it a good and hearty scrub.

"All done!" Joshua claimed while grabbing the hose again and washing away all the soap left on Dexter's body.

Dexter was still confused about many things. There was too much information to take at once, and he wasn't sure what the heck was the deal with the doctors. After his first bath, he started feeling a particular connection to Joshua. He wasn't sure exactly what it was, but it felt somewhat warm.

The many questions remained, however. He stashed them away at the back of his mind for another day.

Joshua let Dexter go back first to the lockers, then followed him right away, adjusting the fabric over his crotch as he got up and grabbed the stool from the floor.

"Is it normal to take baths together?" Dexter asked as he grabbed one of the clean towels sitting atop the bench.

"It is around here," Joshua answered while he dried his own arms. "Many are nudists."

Dexter looked up for a second, then followed, "am I a nudist too?"

"Yes. Just like your parents."

"Are you? Why aren't we all naked, then?"

"That'd be fun," Joshua answered, laughing. "But this is a hospital, so I rather look presentable."

Joshua put back his shoes and straightened his shirt and pants, then grabbed his coat form the locker and wore it before getting Dexter's clothes, quickly sniffing them and handing them back to him. "You can wear these again. They're clean, and you only wore them for a little while."

"Shall we go, then? I'll live you in the same room you woke up before, I need to check a few things up and then I'll be back to fetch you. Is that okay?"

"Huh," Dexter muttered as he wore his tight shorts and slid his hand in to better place his stiff prick. "I guess so."

The room seemed much smaller to Dexter now that he was wide awake. Just one bed, a small cabinet and a single sofa chair. With four adults, no one could walk around without bumping into one another, he thought.

Joshua had left him some comics that he pulled from the cabinet. A few editions of New Teen Titans, many issues apart from one to the other. All the magazines had wrinkled pages too. Bored, Dexter threw himself on the bed, crossed his arms under his head and looked at the ceiling before giving up and peeking outside.

As he put his head out, Joshua just turned around the corner holding a set of keys. "You hungry, Dexter? We have a new room for you, I can show it to you and then you'll have dinner."

Joshua led Dexter to a room on the other end of the corridor his previous one was, closer to the door the lady in black went through before. He unlocked the door and let Dexter walk in first.

It had the same medical bed - hopefully not as creaky as the previous one, Dexter thought - just a tad wider. Two cabinets in one wall, a nightstand with a flower in a vase and a table lap, a two-person leather couch and, on the opposite wall where his bed was, a mirror from floor to ceiling, corner to corner.

Dexter stood there, looking at the mirror in awe while Joshua turned on the lights and opened one of the cabinets. "This is where your clothes and toys can be stored. There are magazines in the drawers in the nightstand,, too. If you need anything or are not feeling well, we'll come whenever you hit the buzzer close to your bed. Is that okay?"

Dexter covered his eyes from the bright light and kept looking at the mirror.

"Dexter?" Joshua asked again.

"Ah, yeah, yeah," he answered. "This bedroom is awesome! Look at this big mirror!"

Joshua laughed. "Not too much, actually, but since you'll be staying with us for a while, we thought the upgrade was worth it."

Dexter walked to his cabinet and looked at his clothes. Regular shirts, but the shorts and pants all looked a bit tight, just like the one he was wearing, which was a bit unusual for a plump kid like himself. No underwear to be seen.

"You can wear whatever you feel most comfortable with. In your room, you can even wear nothing, if that's what you want."

"Cool," Dexter said. He didn't feel like sleeping naked, but thought it was nice to have the option anyway. "And what is this other cabinet for?"

"These are for medical supplies, basically."

"Got it."

"Just one more thing before I send you off for dinner," Joshua said. "I went looking for sister Yolanda, she's supposed to take care of you when we're not around - me and Dr. Alex, I mean - but it seems she's out today, but you'll meet her tomorrow."

Dexter just nodded.

"So, to begin your treatment, I need to take a few pictures of you on day one to store in your medical records."

"Hmm, okay? Let's do it, then," Dexter said.

"I like that enthusiasm," Joshua gleefully replied with both thumbs up. He grabbed a Polaroid that sat above the cabinet of medical supplies and turned it on. "Seems like in good order."

"You see, Dexter," Joshua continued, "as I said before, we're going to do regular check-ups on your butt and penis. So I need pictures of you on day zero, so we can keep tabs. That alright?"

"I mean, will it help the rehabilitation?"

"For sure!"

Dexter shrugged. He already took a bath with Joshua and even let him clean his private parts, so this wasn't too much far off. He started taking his clothes off before Joshua stopped him. "Not right now! Let me take some of you clothed."

"Okay. Where?"

"Hmm," Joshua thought a little. "How about the couch. First one of the front, then turn around, we'll take one of the back."

Dexter followed the instructions and had the two pictures of him taken. "Now you can undress," Joshua said. "Let's take one of your front. Just be natural."

Dexter stood up straight in front of the couch and waited for Joshua to take the shot. The doctor was disappointed to find out the boy's penis was no longer in full mast like before.

"Okay, great! Now turn around. Can you put on hands on the headrest and lean in, just a bit?"

Dexter assumed the position and waited for Joshua. He turned off the lights, took one shot standing up, then squatted behind Joshua and took another shot closer to him, taking advantage of the sunset's light bathing and heightening the qualities of Dexter's skin. "All ready!"

"Can I get dressed now?"

"Suit yourself," Joshua said as he grabbed the stack of cards off the front pocket of his coat and put Dexter's picture on top. "Shall we go get dinner, then? Later I'll let you play videogames for as long as you want."

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I hope you enjoy the stories I write. If you want to get in contact with feedback and/or ideas, you can find my e-mail below. Just please notice that I won't read any e-mails with attachments on it. Have a good day, and I hope to see you again in my next story.

I'd love to meet people to help me edit future stories. If you're interested, send me an e-mail and I can send in drafts.


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