Sam and Slick

By moc.loa@90361SlliB

Published on Jan 8, 2005


This story contains self discovery and sexual activities among minors. For those of you who read part one, incidents take a kinky turn in this chapter. If this subject doesn't interest you, close this window immediately. This story and its sequels are copyrighted. Do not reproduce or distribute without express permission from the author. Feel free to contact me at with any comments.

Sam & Slick, Part 2

It was still cool in the morning. During the night, Sam & I snuggled up for warmth. We had done this before when we were camping, sometimes zipping our bags together, and it never meant anything to us beyond comfort--or so I thought.

Sam packed the tent while I rolled the sleeping bags. We had brought a lot of provisions, so we had a big meal before beginning our hike up the mountain. Lost in our own thoughts, we didn't talk during our hike.

We had been hiking for about an hour when Sam let loose with a ripe fart. It was that time of day, and I let a few of my own rip and before long we had begun a farting contest. After my fifth fart I nearly crapped my pants, so I told Sam "I gotta take a major dump." "Me, too," Sam replied. We detoured from the trail to a more wooded area with a modicum of privacy (as if anyone even bothered to hike here anymore).

Being comfortable with each other, dropping my pants in front of Sam didn't phase me. We had taken dumps in adjoining stalls in the school locker room, and since they were doorless, we had seen each other sitting on the can. And we had dumped right out in the open in his basement. Sam was squatting down, half leaning against the tree behind him, and I was in front of him. I let loose with a few choice farts as Sam chuckled and let a few of his own rip. I glanced at his dick and saw it pulsing to life, then my gaze was distracted by a huge turd falling to the ground. My own dick started to grow as I began to realize the intimacy of what we were doing, and my bowels felt relief as I began to shit. "I bet my dump's bigger," Sam teased as he finished crapping.

Then it occurred to me: "Fuck, I forgot to pack shit-paper." I turned to look in my backpack for something to wipe with and began to lose my balance. Quick as lightning, Sam caught me by the forearm and balanced me, preventing me from falling into a pile of my own shit. "Whatever you do, don't wipe with Poison Ivy," Sam warned as the last shit escaped my body. I looked around, but none of the leaves looked like anything I wanted to clean my ass with.

"Fuck it," Sam stood. "It's not really roughing it if you wipe your ass anyway," and he pulled his pants over his unwiped butt. Holding out his hand, Sam pulled me up and I pulled up my briefs (soon to be skidmarked) and zipped my jeans.

Sam looked down in amazement. "Damn, dude, your turd is HUGE! You crap a lot for a little guy."

"It's all the fiber in my diet," I joked, as I looked down at our respective dumps, steam still rising from them. Mine was larger, a huge moist pile of medium brown crap. Sam's was darker, more solidly formed, not quite as big as mine but strangely beautiful. Heading back to the main trail, I began to realize what they mean when they say that "not so fresh" feeling, but for some reason it turned me on more than anything else. And we were on our way.

By mid-afternoon we had grown tired hiking and found another place to stop for the night. There was no stream near us--so there was no skinny dipping that afternoon as we set up camp and got the fire ready. Our supply of beer was nearly depleted, but Sam had brought something better--a joint. After dinner, Sam lit the joint, took a hit, and passed it to me.

"Slick, I'm sorry I kissed you last night."

I knew what I had to say. "Um...Sam? I'm not."

He looked up with a blank face, not sure what I meant.

"You may have noticed, when you kissed me, I didn't push you away. It felt right, so I kissed you back. Sam, you've been my best friend since we were five. And...I'm not afraid to tell you that I love you."

Sam let that last sentence sink in. "I was so pissed at you for ragging on yourself, about your dick. And then I was angry at myself for being mad at you." He stopped for a second, and I knew what he was going to say next. "I love you too, Slick. I had to show you how much, so I kissed you."

I knelt in front of him. "I would do anything to prove how much I love you, Sam. Absolutely anything. I'd lay down and die right now for you." It was time. We had to do this. I moved in to kiss Sam, and he backed off.

"Don't fight it, Sam," and I brushed his lips with mine. He gave in. This was a real kiss, beyond the brief, unexpected mashing of lips from the night before. Sam pushed his tongue into my mouth, and I felt its texture rubbing against mine, mixed his spit with mine. I could taste/smell the food he had eaten, and the joint we shared. I felt myself tilting backwards, and landed on the ground, Sam on top of me. I flattened on my back. Sam pushed his groin into mine, unashamed of his hardness. He pulled his face from mine.

"I love you, Slick. I've always loved you." He began frantically kissing my face, my eyes, my nose. His hands trembling, he began pulling up my T-shirt, until my arms were raised as he pulled it over my head. He kept my right arm raised, and started sniffing and licking my armpit, as I began untucking his shirt from his pants. Then his shirt was over his head and off of him, and I sniffed his armpit, rank after a long day of hiking. I licked there, tasting the sweet bitterness of him, feeling the texture of his pit hair. Then our lips returned to each other's, and we began tasting our tongues again. With one hand on his neck and the other around his waist, I turned him around so I was on top, and began working my mouth down his neck to his chest--veering right and sucking on his nipple. My hand pressed frankly against the hard lump in his jeans as my other hand began undoing his belt, and inched his jeans down.

The wet spot in his briefs betrayed his arousal as much as his hardness. I touched my tongue to the spot, giving myself a preview of his precum. As Sam groaned needfully, I pulled back a bit and I reached through the leg holes and began pulling them down. His dick sprang up past the waistband, hitting my forehead. As I pulled the briefs past his knees, I noticed the pronounced skidmark in the seat.

Sam pushed me down to the ground again. He pulled the top button of my jeans open, unzipping my fly and pulling my jeans and briefs down in one swift movement. He reached for my hickory hard cock, grabbing it in his fist tightly, as if my dick were a baseball bat. His grip verged on pain. Without hesitation, Sam ran his tongue over the underside of my cock, from the base to the tip. He ran his tongue along the piss slit getting drops of my precum. My hands were running through his dark, wavy hair, but I couldn't delay any more.

"Turn around, buddy. I wanna do the same for you," I requested. He swung around so that his dick was hovering over my face. I could smell its mustiness, the product of a long day hiking with no shower. Sam's cock was so much thicker than mine, and longer. At first, I took it into my mouth too deeply, and gagged on it. Then I pulled back a bit and concentrated on the head. Precum was dripping from his cock like a faucet--I loved the taste of it.

I felt a new sensation as Sam began licking my balls--less intense than when he was sucking my cock, almost ticklish and tantalizing. I pulled my mouth off of Sam's cock and began licking down the shaft, tasting the sweaty flavor and feeling the texture of his short hairs on my tongue. Slowly, I worked my way down to his low hanging balls.

Licking his hairy balls, I caught another whiff of his butt, and began sniffing and licking toward his hole. As I tongued his perineum, my nose brushed against his hole, moist and ripe after the day's hike. My heart pounding, I knew I was about to do something I had never even thought of doing before, something insane. I wanted Sam to know what it meant. "Dude, you remember what you said about showing me how much you love me? Well, I'm gonna show you how much I love you." I licked around the perimeter of his hole, tasting the dried shit that had been rubbed in there during the hike. My heart pounded at the taste of him, as Sam's groans echoed through the woods. But even that was not enough. I plunged my tongue deep into his dirty asshole, drooling saliva and remoistening his shit, wanting it all for myself.

Sam was in nearly orgasmic shock. "Fuck, dude, I can't believe we're doing this. I gotta have some of yours." Skipping any preliminaries, he drove his tongue into my ass, drilling as deep as he could. Taking the lead, Sam pulled my cheeks apart, bareing my hole. Following his lead, I pulled his ass apart and looked at his glorious, hairy hole, at the clumps of morning shit caught in the crevices. I knew my tongue couldn't get all it wanted, and I wet my middle finger with saliva. Slowly, gently, I worked it into Sam's tight hole, searching around in there as Sam grunted in ecstasy. Withdrawing my finger, now covered in Sam's beautiful shit, I sniffed it, then plunged it into my mouth. Sucking deeply, I worked my tongue under my fingernails, wanting everything Sam had to offer.

Sam's thick, wet, finger jammed its way into my hole. It hurt, and I wanted it to hurt forever, reminding me of this, the greatest moment of my life. Sam's finger wiggled around in my full ass, and I began to relax. It felt so awesome, like being hugged from inside.

I worked my middle finger all the way back into Sam's hole and felt another turd inside. "Push your hole out," I commanded. Sam's hole began to open up, and he let out a loud fart. He drew back, but I grabbed his hips and pulled his ass onto my mouth.

"Don't stop pushing out," I hissed. I knew what I wanted.

"You, too," Sam reciprocated.

As the dark brown tip of Sam's hard turd began to work its way out. I sealed my mouth against his ass and sucked on it. My mouth was filling with the glorious taste of Sam's shit.

Suddenly, Sam flipped me over so that my ass was now hovering over his face. "Don't stop, Slick. Shit on me, right in my fucking MOUTH!" Sam pulled my asscheeks apart and began sucking on my hole. I let go, and felt my bowels start to relax. As my shit reached Sam's tongue, his cock began shooting rivers of cum straight into the air, landing audibly on his abdomen.

I was still chewing on Sam's shit, and knew it was now or never. I swallowed it, then worked my way down to Sam's abs--licking his cum and leaving skidmarks on his stomach.

"God, Slick. I LOVE YOU!!!," Sam shouted and I began ejaculating all over his chest, abs, and cock.

My head was spinning, I had never been so dizzy in all my life. As I was about to pass out, Sam caught me, maneuvering me so that I was again face to face with him. My heart had never pounded as it was now, and for a moment I thought I might actually die. Then I looked into Sam's eyes, moist and about to well over, and knew that I was saved. I began to sob in relief and joy, and Sam grabbed the back of my neck as he had the night before and pulled me to his lips. I lightly kissed him, smelling my own shit on his breath. He must have swallowed it, I thought. Then I plunged my tongue into his mouth, mixing the taste of his shit and mine together.

We drifted off that night, out in the open, until the weather became too cold and we moved to the tent.

We awakened late the next morning. The pot and leftover beer left me with a brutal hangover--and Sam too, judging by the way he groaned when he woke up.

After finishing the last of our rations for breakfast, we began the long walk back to Sam's truck. About a mile into the hike, Sam held his hand out to me, and I took it. We didn't talk much--everything had been said the night before. Mid-afternoon, we stopped at the stream to refill our canteens and catch our breath. Sam was leaning against a tree and I walked toward him and buried my head in his chest. As he put his arms around me, I looked up and him and we kissed. We both had terrible breath--not surprising considering what we did the night before. But those events were already receding into memory.

With sadness I realized we would soon be going along separate paths in life, to different colleges in far removed parts of the country.

"I'll miss you, Sammy."

"I'll miss you too, Slick."

We continued the walk back to Sam's truck, arms around each other's waists. At one point, a heterosexual couple came toward us from the parking area, staring at us. I began to move away from Sam but he held tight. As we passed them, arm in arm, Sam looked the male directly in the eye and said "What are YOU looking at?" There was no response and we completed our journey to his truck.

I fell asleep on the way back to my place. The house was deserted when we got there, and Sam came in for a drink. After our sodas, we headed to the small shower stall in the basement. As the room fogged up, I took my clothes while Sam sat on the toilet. Impulsively, I knelt before him and took his hardening cock into my mouth. I sucked on him and squeezed his balls while he took another shit. As the last of his shit left his hole and he came down my throat, my own orgasm began to erupt and I stood and came on Sam's chest.

After catching our breath, we got into the shower, soaped each other up, and cleaned each other's bodies. It was a tranquil end to a perfect weekend.

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