Second Wind

Published on May 16, 2005


If you are under age, or live in an area where reading stories that include sex between males is illegal, or if you're not into this type of story, please leave. This is a love story and it will take a while to develop, so there won't be any love scenes in the first several chapters. If you're looking for a more sexual story, I've written a few of those. Ask me. If you're into romance, I hope this story pleases you.

I'd like to thank my friends in the Nifty Six for their support and encouragement, especially Tim for his advice and his editing assistance. The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at

Chapter Nine


For the next couple of weeks very little changed. Ben and I went to Angelo's after bowling on Mondays as usual and then I'd spend an evening later in the week at his place. We'd talk, have a glass of wine or mug of cider and cuddle in front of the fire. A couple of times we went out to a late movie and held hands like teenagers in the dark theater. Ben wasn't pushing things, just giving me time to get used to being with him. I began to think that maybe we were going a little too slowly. I wasn't sure just what the next step was but I thought I was ready for something more, except I wasn't sure how to tell him. I knew I didn't know how to make the first move.

I continued my Saturday night dinners with Angie but was more careful than ever not to let her think anything other than friendship was going on. I stopped asking my nieces to baby-sit and went back to taking Connor with us. It's hard to think it's a romantic date when you have a squirming toddler with you.

One Friday night Ben and I went back to Connexions with Becky. Paul and Chad weren't there but a few of Ben's friends were. We danced and had a great time and when we got back to Ben's he kissed me goodnight and I went home. I was beginning to feel sexually frustrated for the first time in my life. I thought about calling Becky and asking her what I should do but she beat me to it.

Monday morning of Thanksgiving week Becky called me at work to invite me to lunch. She came by the nursery at one to pick me up. As we were leaving Vinnie caught my eye, looked Becky up and down, and gave me a thumbs up sign. I just smiled and shook my head.

I waited until we'd ordered and the waitress had brought our iced tea to ask what was going on.

"Why does something have to be going on, Joey? Can't I invite one of my favorite men to lunch without having ulterior motives?"

"Well, sure, Becky, but we've never gotten together without Ben before so I was wondering."

"Okay, you got me. I've wanted to spend some time with you alone for a while, ever since you and Ben started seeing each other, but I also have something on my mind. A couple of somethings, actually."

"Well, go ahead, I'm all ears."

"First, what's going on with you and Ben? I know you guys decided to go slow, but you don't seem to be moving at all. You may think it's none of my business but get over it. You know I have to know everything and I care about you two."

"I really don't know just what's going on, Becky. I expected Ben would have made a move to go further by now. I've been wondering if maybe he's having second thoughts."

"Oh, don't worry about that, Joey. He's still crazy about you but I think you two have a problem. You're waiting for him and he's waiting for you. He doesn't want to rush you if you're not ready. Besides, believe it or not, Ben is shy about things like this. He's not used to making the first move. He is a bottom, after all."

"A bottom? What does that mean?"

She suddenly got evasive. "Um, I'm sure Ben will explain all that but basically he just prefers for the other guy to take the lead."

"But I don't know what to do. I've never done anything like this before."

"Just follow your instincts. More touching, more kissing, involve more body parts. Maybe take some clothes off. Hell, you're getting me embarrassed talking about this and that's hard to do. Just do what feels good. If you get in over your head you can stop, but at least start."

"But what if I do something wrong?"

"Believe me, if it feels good, it's not wrong."

I thought about it as I worked on my burger.

"All right, I'll give it a shot."

"Good. Now for the second part, and this could be your opportunity. Since Ben is going to be alone on Thursday I was thinking of bringing him a plate of leftovers on my way home from my parents' so he could have some real Thanksgiving food. But then I thought that he'd probably enjoy a visit from you even more, if you can get away from your family, that is."

"What do you mean, alone? He said he was going to his mother's house for Thanksgiving dinner."

Becky sighed. "Sam and Gale left for a vacation in Spain since last week. They'll probably be having a very non-traditional Thanksgiving paella overlooking the Mediterranean in Barcelona. I guess Ben didn't want you to know he was going to be alone."

"What about his father?"

"He's going to his in-laws' on Long Island. I'd take Ben with me but my sister and her family are coming down from upstate NY and she and Ben don't get along. I was thinking that if your family eats early maybe you could slip out and go see Ben in the evening. Or if you eat late, maybe you could visit him earlier."

"Don't worry about it, Becky. I'll take care of it."

That night at Angelo's I took a stern approach to Ben.

"You know, Ben, if you lie to me and keep secrets, this relationship doesn't stand a chance."

He looked shocked. "What are you talking about?"

"Your Thanksgiving plans with your mother. I've been talking to Becky."

"Oh, that. I'm sorry I lied but it's really no big deal. I'm used to being alone and didn't want you to worry about me. I'll be fine."

"Yes, you will, but that's because you're coming to my house for dinner." He shook his head. "I won't take no for an answer."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Joey. The only relatives of yours I've met are your brothers and that didn't go very well."

"That's only John and Vinnie. Anthony was okay and Sal likes you. I'm sure everybody else will love you. It's a holiday and everyone will be in a great mood. You won't believe how crazy it is with that crowd. There will be so many people they may not even know you're there."

"Okay, but I'm counting on you to protect me."

"You won't need any protecting, Ben."

I began to doubt my good idea when I told Mom in the morning.

"I wish you'd asked me before you invited him, Joey."

"I know I should have but it was a last minute idea. I just found out he was going to be alone on the holiday."

""I suppose that's what happens when you live the kind of life he does. No friends or family to depend on. He probably spends a lot of time alone."

"Mom! He has a family but they're away. And I'm his friend."

Mom still wasn't agreeable. She shook her head. "Besides, he's so different. Everyone else here will be family."

"So let's show him what a great family we've got. He's not so different, he'll probably blend right in with our crowd."

"But I already invited Angie. Now you're going to be spending your time with this friend instead."

"What! How can you complain about me inviting Ben? She's not family either."

"Well, she almost is, and who knows?"

"I do, Ma, she's not family." I stopped. I just didn't want to get into it again. "So we'll just set two extra plates at the table. Unless you're afraid you won't have enough food." I brought out my secret weapon.

"What a thing to say, Joey! Me not having enough food! Nobody has ever left my table hungry!"

"Then it's settled."


I was apprehensive about meeting all of Joey's family at once. The few I had met already didn't like me. I also wasn't looking forward to being the only stranger in a house with over 25 people. Joey stuck by my side from the time I arrived at two. He introduced me first to his parents. His father seemed pleasant but I could tell his mother was struggling to be nice as she thanked me for the roses I had brought her at Joey's suggestion. Joey gave me a tour of the house. It was a basic colonial with a living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs, plus a large family room added onto the back. Upstairs were three bedrooms and a bath.

"How did your parents raise so many kids with only three bedrooms?"

"Donna Marie was in one and the three boys were in the other. Anthony got married when I was two and Donna Marie the year after, so there was plenty of room when I was growing up. By the time I was ten I was an only child."

There was a table set for twelve in the dining room, and two tables in the family room, one set for ten and one for the smaller kids. There were kids everywhere and adults, too. I tried to avoid John and Vinnie and they seemed to like it that way. Anthony's oldest son, Tony (they're not very original with names), was a senior at Montclair State so we talked about school for a while. He said he had some gay friends there and was a member of the GSA. John and Vinnie both made sure their kids didn't get too close to me which was fine with me since I preferred to avoid kids anyway. Angie arrived just as we were about to sit down to eat. She was surprised to see me there but was pleasant toward me, though a bit stiff.

Joey had arranged for us to sit in the dining room with his parents, Anthony and his wife Gina, Sal and Donna Marie and a few of the older kids. My friends John and Vinnie and their wives and the rest of the kids were in the family room. Joey sat between me and Angie, with me on his left next to his mother. Mrs. Napoli said grace and everyone starting passing the food around the table. Joey was holding Connor on his lap and Angie offered to take him to help him feed the baby.

"Actually, I think it might be easier if Ben holds him. Since I'm right handed it would be a better angle for me to get at Connor's mouth."

I looked at Joey as if he were nuts. While I was fascinated by the boy and was warming up to him, I hadn't yet gotten up the courage to actually touch him. It was silly but I was afraid I might break him. I'd never touched a baby before. Joey knew that but picked him up anyway and sat him sideways on my lap. I very tentatively put my left arm around him to hold him in place. Connor twisted his head and looked up to see who was holding him. He looked puzzled for a second and then smiled. "Loo!"

"That's it, Connor! You remembered!" I laughed, bent down and kissed him on the forehead. The table had suddenly become quiet and I looked up to see everyone staring at me. I quickly explained about trying to teach Connor Lula's name. Pretty soon everyone was eating and talking. I tried to make conversation with Joey's mom but she wasn't very talkative, to me at least. Angie was mostly talking to Joey but occasionally tried to include me in the conversation.

"So what nationality is Donnelly, Ben?"

"I'm Irish, Angie, on both sides. My mother's family name is Malone."

"So you're Catholic, then."

"Yep, I was even an altar boy."

Mrs. Napoli finally spoke to me. "I don't know how you can consider yourself a Catholic with your lifestyle."


"Well, Joey, we all know the Church's position on homosexuality."

"Yes, Mrs. Napoli, but there are plenty of Catholics who disagree with the Church on lots of issues. Not just homosexuality, but divorce, birth control, abortion, the death penalty. The Church makes the rules but they know that people are going to make their own decisions."

"Well, it's still wrong."

"Ma, that's enough! Ben is my guest."

Mr. Napoli came to the rescue and changed the subject. "So, Ben, Joey tells us you're an accountant. What do you specialize in, personal tax returns?"

"Actually, my department works for small businesses, those that are too big for a bookkeeper to handle everything, but too small to have their own accounting department. Who does your books at the nursery?"

"I've had the same bookkeeper for thirty years and an outside CPA who helps her with the taxes. Joey takes care of the payroll. It's a lot of work."

"It sure is. If it gets to be too much you should give me a call. I'm sure we could make things a lot easier for you."

"Thanks, Ben, but everything is working out okay so far."

After dinner I tried to help with the cleanup but it was hard avoiding John and Vinnie and their families. I didn't feel very comfortable around Mrs. Napoli or Donna Marie either. Moving though the house was like trying to get through a minefield. At least Mr. Napoli, Anthony and Sal were okay. I had been talking to Sal in the family room for a while and decided to go look for Joey. The food had been good and of course being with Joey had been great, but it had been pretty tense all afternoon and I thought maybe it was time to leave. Joey was in the living room talking to John. I overheard part of their conversation as I walked up behind them.

"I can't believe you let Connor sit on that pervert's lap, Joey. He probably had a hardon the whole time he was holding him."

"Do you hear the nonsense coming our of your mouth, John? You're disgusting."

"What's disgusting is the way that queer looks at you. If you don't care about yourself you should at least watch out for your son."

Joey turned to walk away from John and practically ran into me. He looked horrified when he realized I'd overheard the conversation.

"Oh God, I'm sorry, Ben. He can be a real jerk."

"Don't worry about it, Joey. I've heard worse. I'm used to it. But I do think that maybe it's time for me to go. It was a nice meal and some of your family are nice, but I think my presence is stressing out the rest of them. It's better if I leave."

We found his parents and I thanked them for dinner. Joey walked me out to the car.

"Well, it wasn't as bad as it could have been, Joey, but we've got a lot of work ahead of us with that crew."

"Yeah, if they're this bad when they think we're just friends, I can't imagine what coming out to them is going to be like, but it's something I have to face up to sooner or later."


After I went back inside I hung out with Angie but after while I pretended to have a headache and took Connor upstairs to lie down. I was pissed at several members of my family and being around them didn't help. Around seven o'clock I got Connor ready for bed and put him in his crib. I went downstairs and found Gina and told her I was going for a ride. I didn't feel like talking to Mom. I needed some fresh air and some time away from everyone.

I just drove around for a half hour or so fuming over some of the things my family had said to Ben. Without planning it I found myself in Florham Park heading toward his house.


I let Lula out when I got back from Joey's, poured myself a brandy and sprawled on the couch in the family room. I sipped my drink and thought about the dinner. Homophobia aside, it had been an interesting experience. Joey's family was amazingly large, especially compared to my own. Even though they lived in separate houses, they really were one huge close immediate family. Everyone knew everyone else's business. There seemed to be no privacy and no secrets. The funny thing, from my point of view anyway, was that no one seemed to care. They knew each other inside and out and accepted and loved each other. I couldn't help but wonder if that was only because everyone did what they were supposed to. They all followed some unspoken rules so they all fit together. I could see how they reacted to me, someone who had a different background and lifestyle, someone who didn't follow their rules. How would they react to Joey when they found out about him? Which would win out-their close family ties or their suspicion and dislike of a different culture?

I must have dozed off on the couch because the next thing I heard was the doorbell. I felt a little groggy and disoriented. By the time I got to my feet the bell rang again. I went through the kitchen into the entrance area and looked through the peephole in the door. Joey was standing there, looking a bit agitated. I opened the door and stared at him, not quite sure he was real.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be home with your family?"

"I think I OD'd on family today, the first time that's ever happened. Can I come in?"

"Of course. Get your beautiful butt in here."

As soon as he was in I closed the door and pulled him into my arms and kissed him. Nothing too passionate, just a warm, heart-felt welcome. I led him into the family room, stopping to refill my brandy snifter and getting a glass for Joey as well. We sat on the couch, clinked our glasses in silent toast and sipped.

"I'm really sorry about today, Ben. I didn't want you to be alone and wanted to spend the day with you so bad, plus I always have such a good time when I'm surrounded by my family and I wanted to share that with you. But they all behaved so badly. I've never seen my mother be rude to a guest like that."

"I told you before to forget it, Joey. They really weren't that bad. My only concern is how they're gonna react when they find out about you."

"I know it's going to be hard but somehow we'll all get through it. I don't want to talk about that right now though. I just want to be with you. It was torture having you near me all afternoon and not being able to touch you."

He took another sip of the brandy, put the glass down and leaned over to kiss me. I could taste and feel the remains of the warm tingly fluid in his mouth. We kissed for a while, lying side by side on the couch, pressed against each other. I let my hands run all over his upper body. He slowly unbuttoned my shirt and ran his fingers lightly over my chest and abdomen. I followed his lead and opened his shirt, tweaking his right nipple. He gasped and shoved his tongue deeper into my mouth.

This was a first for us. Up until now we'd had plenty of hot make-out sessions, but all fully clothed. I let my hands run all over his hard chest and stomach, loving the feel of his smooth skin and the firm muscles underneath. I could feel our erections pressing into each other though our pants. Since Joey had made the first move I decided to take a chance and push it a little further. I reached my hand down between us and rubbed the hard bulge in his pants, then gave it a bit of a squeeze. He let out a moan that seemed to come from deep within him. I moved my hand up a bit and fumbled with his belt, finally getting it loosened, then unbuttoned his pants and pulled the zipper down. All the while Joey was kissing me fiercely. I took that as an okay to go further. I reached into his open pants and felt his hardon through his boxers. He felt huge. I'd never cared on way or the other about size and hadn't really tried to imagine what Joey would be like but this felt very long and very thick. I ran my hand up and down the shaft, feeling the heat through the cotton of his shorts. Joey was really getting into it, bucking his body against mine. I was sure my lips would be bruised the way he was kissing me but I didn't care. I grabbed the head of his dick in my hand and gave it a squeeze. At that, Joey's entire body stiffened and his dick started pulsing in my hand. I felt the warm wetness spread through the material of his boxers. He was moaning and groaning into my mouth with each spurt. At last his orgasm subsided and I felt his body relax in my arms. His head fell away from mine and he had a glassy look in his eyes. It took a minute for him to recover.

"Oh man, that was incredible, Ben. It felt so great but I didn't mean for it to happen so quickly. I wanted to make it last."

"Don't worry about it, Joey. You obviously had a lot of passion built up inside you. Right now I think we'd better get you out of those wet things."

His eyes widened a bit as I got up from the couch and took his hand, pulling him up after me. Without a word we walked hand in hand down the hall to the bedroom. Once in the room we stood facing one another and kissed again. I pushed Joey's shirt back over his shoulders and let it drop to the floor behind him. He did the same to mine and his pants fell down around his ankles as well when he let go of them to work on my shirt. I unfastened my pants and let them go so we matched. We stood looking into each other's eyes for a minute.

"Are you ready for more, Joey?"

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 10

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