Secret Lives of Us

By Dan Dufresne

Published on Jul 31, 2007


This is my story. Don't copy it without my permission. It contains homosexuality, so if you're underage, or would be offended please don't read. I do not know any of these celebrities personally, and therefore not implying anything about their sexuality, and I do not know anything about their private lives. This is a pilot, I want to see if you guys would enjoy this story, if it should continue or not. And now without further interruption, "The Secret Lives of Us."

Corbin Bleu was dead tired by the time he had reached the hotel room in New York after his flight from LA. They were discussing information pertaining to the third installment of High School Musical, but he couldn't say that he was thrilled at making another one. He really didn't want to spend another six month with Zac Efron, and Lucas Grabeel talking about their latest conquest of adoring female fans; all he could do was lie about having some girl suck him off. It's all he wanted to lie about. Most of the time he sat there as Zac and Lucas competed for manliness.

He opened the door to his hotel suite. Nothing to fancy, he was a very simple guy. Just a bedroom, sitting room, full kitchen with utilities, and full bathroom.. The whole, apartment like hotel room was just too much for him. If it weren't for his parents worrying about him, and his agent on his back, he would stay at a sleazy motel. He threw himself on the bed, as the door opened again, it was the bellhop bringing up his baggage. He forgot that he was behind him, he had shut the door in his face.

"I am so sorry, there was a lot on my mind, I didn't mean to close the door on you." cried and exasperated Corbin.

"No trouble," replied the bellhop.

He had a thick Spanish accent. Corbin guessed that he was Colombian, because of his dark skin tone. He was actually quite slim, not exactly the build you would expect from a bellhop, as they have to move and carry luggage all day. Corbin looked at him closer, read his name tag which said, Lucio. Then he looked up to his face, which was staring back. He has such a kind handsome face Corbin thought.

"Where shall I put the bags?"asked Lucio the bellhop.

"Huh?" Corbin asked back. He had gotten lost in another of his daydreams.

"The bags, where should I put them?" repeated the bellhop.

"Oh, just leave them there, I'm too tired to deal with them now." answered Corbin finally.

Lucio began picking up Corbin's things and decided that he'll put them in the bedroom to help out the tired Corbin. Corbin sat in the kitchen where he had a view of the entrance to his room, and his bedroom. Lucio came out the his room and walked right up to Corbin, lifted his chin and gave him a peck on the lips. Corbin was taken completely by surprise, but happy that he had done this. Corbin stood up from his sitting position and begun to kiss this complete stranger again. He moved down to the bellhops neck and begun to lick and suck on it.

"Mr. Bleu..."he moaned.

"Mr. Bleu." he said a little more forcefully.

"MR. BLEU!" this came out as a yell.

Corbin looked up and Lucio was staring at him awkwardly. He had been daydreaming again.

"I put all of your things in your room, enjoy your night and stay," the bellhop said while collecting his trolley and closing the door.

Corbin cursed under his breath, he had forgot to tip him. He'll drop it off at the desk later, tomorrow, he was to tired to do anything tonight. He would just sleep, and dream of all the men that he was too scared to approach.

"Welcome to home sweet home," exclaimed Ricky Ullman.

"Yeah, this will be really cool living together. Do you think that we'll get married soon?" That was typical Michael Mitchell ruining such a perfect moment.

Ricky and Michael met on the set of "Phil of the Future." It was actually by accident. It was Michael's first day on the set after getting the role of Owen, he was walking around getting a feel of things, when he heard raised voices. They were coming for Ricky Ullman's dressing room. He hadn't had the chance to introduce himself properly yet, and though now didn't sound like a good time, he was curious as to what was going on.

"WHY CAN'T YOU BE WITH ME?!" yelled what sounded like Alyson Michalka.

"BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE GIRLS, I'M GAY OK!" yelled an equally angered Ricky.

Next thing Alyson wrenches open the door and storms out, not even giving Michael a second glance, as he tried to greet her. Michael walked into Ricky's room, very excited that he just might like being on this show more than he should.

"Hey, Ricky Ullman, my name is Michael, I'm playing Owen, I just wanted to introduce myself."

"Oh, hey, um sorry I'm not jumping for joy, but I just had a really bad day." a sad Ricky replied.

"Oh, yeah, I heard the end of that fight, are you alright man?"

"Did you? Um, do you mind not repeating it to anyone? I'm not exactly ready to let the world know."

"That's cool, as long as you don't tell anyone about me, I just started my career, don't want it to go down the drain so early."

Ricky looked up for the first time at Michael. For the first time that day, Ricky smiled.

"Michael, why do you have to go and ruin such and awesome moment?" said a very angry Ricky.

Michael has been sending not very subtle hints to Ricky about getting married. The only thing that Ricky was worried about was if he was truly ready. Hopefully living together will help him to make his decision, but he was pretty sure what his decision was already.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but it's just been two years, and seeing as your contract with Disney is broken, I just thought..." Michael apologized.

He gave Ricky a hug and a big kiss. He begun to pull away but Ricky held on to him, and parted Michael's lips with his tongue. Keeping in contact, Ricky pushed Michael toward the nearest wall. Michael reached down and gave Ricky's butt a nice squeeze. This elicited a moan from Ricky. Ricky broke their embrace.

"Sorry, I'd like to continue but we have some moving in to do!"

"Happy Birthday, buddy!" Kyle gave Jason a big hug while giving him his well wishes.

"Thanks man, glad you can make it. Who's you friend?" replied Jason Dolley.

"Oh, this is Mitchel Musso."

Kyle Massey and Mitchel have been good friends since they starred in "Life if Ruff" together. Jason gave Mitchel a quick scan, he wasn't all that bad looking, actually he was pretty good looking. Wait, why was Jason having these thoughts now. Oh, now way, he was not, he was 16 maybe he was turning into some kind of gay mutant teen zombie monster!

"Hey, I just turned 16 also. And I'm having my party next weekend. Just a couple of close friend actually. Though Kyle can't make it cause he has to go to a family reunion. Do you want to come."Mitchel suddenly said.

"Yeah, sure. I'd love to come, wouldn't miss it for the world." replied an excited Jason Dolley.

Mitchel was making the final preparations for his party, his mom was in the kitchen cooking food. The doorbell rang, only some of his friends with presents. He was glad they were their but he really was waiting for Jason to show up. He and his friends went to the backyard. Some of the girls thought it would be funny to give him a tickle attack, and pants him. There Mitchel stood with his pants at his ankles, clad in his blue silk boxers, when Jason finally makes an appearance.

"Hey, your mom let me in, told me you guys were in the back, but it looks like you guys were having plenty of fun without me," he added with a mischievous grin.

Jason instantly became the life of the party. He was actually a pretty smart guy too, not you typical dumb blonde. He had looks and brains. Mitchel felt something, and every time Jason smiled at him, he felt a strange flurry in his stomach. It was getting late and the party disbanded except for Jason, who was invited to sleep over. Jason and Mitchel hung out in the basement, where there was a pullout bed, an aero mattress, and a complete entertainment system, however the boys stayed up talking most of the night.

"You know I really cannot stand my character on 'Cory in the House', being a girl crazy boy, it's actually really hard pretending to be something I'm not, even if I'm a..." Jason shut up immediately realizing what he had just done.

He was pretty sure that he was gay, but he hadn't told anyone, he did think that Mitchel was cute, but he wasn't sure if he would mind. But what Mitchel said next was both relieving and surprising.

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, the same with me on 'Hannah Montana', I can't stand being all girl crazy."

There was an awkward silence after his statement as both boys stared at each other. Both afraid to be the first to speak, to make the first move.

So I hope you enjoyed reading. I'd love to get so feedback on what you think. Also, Corbin is going to be alone for a while, just him and his daydreams, however I do want to match him someday, so I'll start taking suggestions now. Obviously you can pick Zac Efron, or Lucas Grabeel, I put them in the story in that way, because I don't want them matched with Corbin, but I'll take any other suggestions.

Contact me at Please title the subject line as Nifty Review, or The Secret Lives of Us, so I don't delete it as spam or something.

Next: Chapter 2: Marriage Prospects

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