Seduction at the Beach

By "" <mjm_357 (at

Published on Oct 23, 2019




Note: The following story contains graphic sexual scenes involving adult males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age (or the age of consent in your state or country), you are not allowed to read this story.

Copyright 2019 by mjm_357. All rights reserved. The author (mjm_357) owns all rights to this story and no duplication or publication of it is allowed without the express written consent of the author, or as explicitly granted to nonprofit websites (such as the Nifty Archive,

I love hearing from readers. Did you like my story? Did it make you horny? Any suggestions? Positive comments, criticisms, or rants are welcome, flames ignored. Email me: mjm_357 (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Special thanks my Anonymous Editor, as well as to Jae, Jay, and everyone else who gave me valuable feedback. You guys inspired me to write more, and write better... and I appreciate it.

This story is based on true events that happened to me in college, about 25 years ago. The main events are recounted as best as I remember them. The names have been changed and the dialog is improvised. Enjoy!

As described in Part 1, I met Bob and his uncle Joe at the beach. Bob was a college student like me, and we'd just met and spent the afternoon in the surf and sand. I'd come up to their condo for a quick shower, just intending to wash off before heading back home.

Joe had just caught me off-guard toweling myself off after my shower, to my surprise, proceeded to seduce me in the bathroom with my first m2m experience, and first real blowjob - a very intense one. I'd just experienced a mind-blowing orgasm, shooting a huge load down Joe's throat.

He was still kneeling, licking his lips of the remnants of my cum, and grinning up at me, as I stood naked before him, my cock still hard and dripping. As I was coming back to reality, I heard Joe's nephew Bob, who I'd become friends with earlier, knocking on the door!

"Hey, what's going on in there???", he said loudly, pounding on the door. "JD? Joe? What are y'all doing? I know you're both in there. Open the door, NOW!!"

I looked down at Joe in a panic... "Oh, Shit!!"

"It'll be alright," Joe whispered to me calmly. What? Be alright? How??

Bob continued to pound on the door, "What's going on in there? Are y'all OK? Let me in!"

As I looked around desperately for my discarded towel, Joe just stood up, smiled at me, turned and, to my horror, unlocked and opened the door before I could even cover up. Bob pushed his way in immediately and looked directly at me. He gazed down at my exposed crotch, then I did too, and we both saw my red, half-hard dick jutting from my nude body, a small pearl of cum still oozing from the tip. I realized in a panic that Bob would put two and two together -- Joe and I were obviously fooling around in the condo bathroom!

I saw my towel was lying on the floor several feet away. Shit! Too late now. I looked back up at Bob with a mixture of guilt and horror on my face.

"What the fuck? I can't believe this! Really?" Bob looked accusingly back and forth between me and Joe. I just wanted to melt into the tiles. Joe, on the other hand, just smirked at him.

"I don't think this is funny at all. I can't believe y'all, in here, like... this." Bob shook his head in disgust as I shrunk further down. I wanted out of that bathroom more than anything... to just grab my shit, make a mad dash to my car, and peel away in a cloud of dust and sand.

Then Bob lit into Joe, "You got him, didn't you? I know you started this. You just HAD to get him. Couldn't keep your hands off him. You son of a bitch!" Joe was snickering as Bob's anger erupted. I just stood there staring in a bewildered daze.

"Goddammit, he was my friend, but you just had to get him first, just to show off, didn't you?" Bob accused Joe angrily.

What? Get to me first? Huh? What did that mean...? Bob was upset and disgusted because Joe and I, two guys, were having sex together... right? That's what I obviously figured. But now he was implying maybe the problem was more that it was me with Joe and not him...?? No, that didn't make sense, did it?

"Hey, the early bird gets the worm," Joe shrugged, now laughing openly. "And, actually, he's got a really nice worm, a pretty big one too and mighty tasty." He licked his lips and laughed again at his little joke. "What ya want me to say, hmmm?"

As Joe described my genitals, for a few seconds I self-consciously tried to cover myself with cupped hands but then realized it made me look even more silly. I slumped and let my arms fall back to my side, sincerely wishing for the ability to disappear right through the wall. Lacking that superpower, I slowly eased over, trying to be casual, leaned down, and plucked my towel from the floor in an attempt to recover some modicum of dignity.

Bob shook his head, rolled his eyes, and alternately looked at me, then back to Joe. But his anger seemed to be directed mainly at Joe. "He's MY friend, you knew that. Goddammit, you could've at least waited, or asked, or something. Instead, you just went at it! Right here! And I heard you guys carrying on all the way into the next room!" He looked back at me. I knew it was my voice he'd heard.

I just wanted to slither away, outside, anywhere... just to be gone from this very embarrassing, and somewhat scary, situation. I was keenly aware that I was trapped in a small bathroom, naked, with two guys I barely knew, in their condo. No one else on earth knew I was there. I didn't think they would actually hurt me (would they?), but this situation had quickly turned ugly.

I evaluated my position. Escape would not be easy. I'd first have to push past these two guys, both considerably larger than my 5 foot 9", 150 lb. frame. Then out of the bathroom, to my bag with my keys in the next room, out of the condo, down six stories, then across the parking lot to my car. With just a towel on. My odds of success were not good. I was trapped, at least for now. I tried to occupy myself by studiously wrapping the towel around my waist and adjusting it carefully to stay in place while furiously contemplating my next move.

I finally glanced back up at Bob guiltily, not knowing if I should try to speak, or what to say. But he was still focused full-bore on his uncle, hands on his hips, a tight frown on his face. "I just... I can't believe you, pulling this shit. Practically right in my face."

Joe just smiled back at him and shrugged. "Hey, now, don't be mad at me. You could'a made a move earlier. And you oughtn't be mad at JD, for sure. Really, it weren't none of his fault. Now you're the one scaring him, not me," Joe drawled, his Creole becoming louder and more pronounced for emphasis as he continued to defend himself.

"So just calm down. No need to get all huffy. We was jus' having a lil' fun. Besides, seems like he really enjoyed it. He's fine, that is he will be if you just ease up. If you're nice to him, maybe he'll stay around awhile. Then y'all can get to know each other better too. Just ask him y'self. See what he says." Joe pointed towards me.

It was a bit disconcerting, the two of them talking about me almost as if I weren't there. Bob was calming down but still shaking his head in disbelief. He looked at me after a bit and started to say something but stopped and sighed. I saw his frown ease a bit as he surveyed me cowering in the corner. Bob finally spoke directly to me. "Yeah, I bet you did enjoy it, huh? I mean it was impossible not to hear y'all and figure out what was going on."

I knew who was doing all the loud moaning (me), and I knew that Bob knew it too. Oops! Yeah, I can be very vocal when I'm having sex, and it was good sex. I realized he had recognized my moans and groans... all the way in the other room. Ugh, not cool.

I finally found my voice and stuttered to explain. "I... um, I'm sorry, Bob, uh, man, I didn't know... uh, I mean... um, I, I was just getting through with my shower and drying off when... you know, uh..." I was at a loss for how to continue... unsure if I should try to make up some ridiculous denial, pitiful excuse, or trite apology. It was a very awkward situation, and one unlike any I'd ever been in before.

Bob looked at me for a few more seconds then exhaled deeply, as the expression on his face softened. He shook his head and smiled. "Pffft. Hey, no need for you to apologize, JD, man. I pretty much know what went down in here. I'm sure it wasn't your fault. It's not like this is the first time, either. Joe loves to seduce younger guys. Especially my friends." He glared at Joe again. "Motherfucker!"

Joe cocked his eyebrows, smirked, and threw up his hands, as if to say, "What did you expect?"

Turning back to me, Bob added, "Well, I hope it was good for you at least. I have to admit, Joe does know what he's doing. He gives awesome blowjobs." He smiled at Joe for the first time, still shaking his head.

OK, wait... what? I was confused before, but now... Bob was implying that Joe had given him blowjobs before? Whoa. So these guys were both gay... And Bob is Joe's nephew... and maybe his boyfriend too??

My curiosity was now overcoming my guilt and fear. I had to ask Bob. "So, Joe's your uncle, but you guys, um, you know... fool around? I mean it's none of my business, really, but... I'm just uh... a little... um, confused... I guess..."

Bob laughed. "Uncle? No, that's just our cover story. Joe's my friend - - friend with benefits, you might say. Yeah, we 'fool around' sometimes. But we're mainly good friends. We have an open relationship. We like to travel together, and sometimes we meet other guys. We both live in New Orleans, where I'm in grad school, and Joe has a house. Big house, where he throws parties sometimes. I have a room there. That's where we met a few years ago, not long after I first moved to New Orleans. Been good friends ever since -- really good friends. Most of the time at least." Bob had to throw another glare at Joe, who was still smiling.

"So you two met at a party?" I was still trying to understand all this.

"Yeah, the party was, you know, the kind where you can meet guys, other guys... like us." He paused. "I hope you're cool with all this..."

"Yeah, um, sure. Don't get me wrong... um, I mean, I have no problem with guys who are gay or whatever. You're adults, you should be able to do whatever you want with whoever you want... as long as you don't hurt anyone, I mean. I'm just trying to figure it out, that's all."

I was still a bit confused but now feeling much better. First off, the anger had dissipated, to my great relief. Second, Bob apparently didn't blame this situation on me. Finally, and most interesting, neither of these guys was like any other gay guy I'd ever met. No swishing, no limp wrists, no lisp. They acted pretty normal... well mostly. Especially Bob -- he was as macho as most football players I knew, just without the attitude.

"I understand," said Bob. "Our relationship probably seems kinda fucked up at first. We certainly don't give out those details to just anyone. But you... you seem cool. And I mean, you like guys too, right? At least, you're open to it... you obviously liked what Joe did, from what I heard" -- sideways evil-eye at Joe again -- "Am I right?"

"Well, yeah, I did... um, like it, obviously. It just happened kinda suddenly. I'm not sure, exactly, if I'm... I mean..."

Bob nodded. "Yeah, I get it. I am glad you had fun. And if you aren't, um, aren't really into guys or aren't sure yet, that's cool too. Even straight guys like a BJ, and Joe gives a mean one, right? I'm not trying to judge you either way, JD. I think you're really cool whether you're straight, gay, bi, or whatever. And I hope we can still be friends, regardless."

I nodded and smiled as Bob continued, "But I also thought maybe you, you know... I usually have a pretty good sense about these things, and I noticed you looking at me a few times down there at the beach. And from what all you said to me, I thought, maybe... you might be, you know, like be into doing things with guys at least sometimes...?" He looked at me, his intense brown eyes searching mine.

I sighed deeply, lowering my head a bit and realizing it would really be pointless to deny it. Yet I was still reluctant to admit even to Bob what I'd never even really admitted to myself. Another deep breath, then I looked him squarely in the eye.

"Yeah, I guess I do. Like guys, I mean, at least, some guys... you know. I think about them, sometimes, in that way. And fantasize about them at certain times. But I haven't had much, you know, experience with guys. And I like girls too, at least some. I've had sex with girls and had a couple of girlfriends but nothing serious."

I sighed, then continued, "But... yeah, I guess, I've always really been curious about what it'd be like to be... you know... to be with a guy too. I've always wanted to try it... and now I guess I have."

Bob's eyes widened, now obviously surprised. "Wait... You mean, this was, like -- and I'm not trying to be nosey, but - you've always wanted to try things with a guy before and you've fantasized about it, but today was actually your first time with a guy?" I nodded slowly.

"Today was your very first time with a guy, and you did it with Joe??" Bob asked me, incredulous.

Oh shit, now I felt once again like I had to explain myself, but without hurting Bob's feelings... or Joe's. "Uh, well, yeah, it really was my first time, more or less, I mean as an adult. I experimented some with a friend when I was a kid, you know, like 'show me yours and I'll show you mine' stuff, a little touching, but that's about it. Not to um, orgasm, or anything like that. Until today..." I sighed.

Joe snickered again, nodding, trying to contain his amusement.

This was so awkward - with Joe and Bob both standing right in front of me. I was more attracted to Bob, who was also much closer to my age. Yes, Joe had just given me an incredible blowjob and orgasm. But I was afraid Bob was still jealous. I liked him too and wanted him to understand. So I pushed on, trying to explain.

"And, well, um, I didn't uh, you know, I didn't plan on it um, happening that way, exactly..."

Joe laughed again and came to my rescue. "No, he didn't plan nothin', I didn't give him a chance to. I just dove right in for the kill. He was shy at first, maybe even a lil' scared, huh? But he didn't fight back... in fact, he seemed to really enjoy it, once I got him goin'. So what about it, JD, does the old man give a fabulous blowjob, or what?"

I blushed, but nodded affirmatively. "Yeah, I umm, liked it, I guess... I mean, yeah, for sure." I recalled the experience clearly, and had to admit to Joe, "You really know how to make a guy, um, feel good. Even though I was pretty nervous at first, it was really very... um, intense." I hoped that was a safe answer. It was true, and hard to deny. Everyone in the adjacent condos had probably heard my loud groaning earlier, as Bob clearly did.

"Wow!" Bob exclaimed, shaking his head. "So you were a virgin to guy sex until just a few minutes ago. That's so fucking cool. I just wish I could have been here for it. I hope Joe didn't force you into anything you didn't want to do, did he?"

"No, he didn't force me. I mean he didn't exactly send me an engraved invitation -- he just kind of um, went for it. But I didn't, uh, make him stop either."

"Naw, you didn't make me stop, did ya? And you had your chance, too," Joe chuckled. "JD here is a real tiger, Bob. He's shy at first and on one hand seems so innocent. But you know there's this lil' devious side just waitin' to come out of him. Heh heh. You can see he's got a nice swimmer's body, and under that towel here is a beautiful cock, with a nice head that gets rock-hard." Joe looked me in the eyes, beaming.

"He's a real stud. And he's so passionate. After I warmed him up a little and he relaxed, he loved every second of it. So fucking sexy to see him enjoy himself like that and hear him moaning and groaning, heh heh. And when he shot, it was like a fuckin' Roman candle! Shit, it was all I could do to swallow it - most of it, anyways!" Joe grinned at me as he licked his lips and swallowed again for effect.

I blushed at the all flattery and especially at the intimate description of my sexual equipment and performance. I was definitely not used to hearing myself being described like that. No girlfriend had ever called me "passionate", much less "sexy" or a "stud". None had ever described my dick at all or commented much on my performance... at least not to my face. I wasn't sure how to take it. Joe seemed sincere, but...

I replied, "Well, I don't know about all that. But yeah, I enjoyed it. And I've always wanted to try it with another guy... just never really had a chance before. I don't know anyone who's, um, gay, at least not openly."

I continued, "Most folks I know, I mean my family, even most friends my age, seem to all 'hate queers'... um, no offense to you guys... that's just what most of them say or think, basically. I think it's mainly they just don't know better. Hell, they're afraid they might be shunned even if they were just seen with an openly gay friend. Like it's something you can catch. It's fucked up. So that makes it really hard for me to, uh, meet other guys, um, you know. I would never have even guessed that about you guys, I mean, your preferences -- I didn't figure it out, at least not really, until just a few minutes ago actually."

Bob nodded and said, "Yeah, unfortunately, most people only know the stereotypes, the over-the-top flamboyant gay guys you see these days on TV and in movies." (In the mid-1990's, most openly gay characters in the media were obvious, comical caricatures).

Bob went on, "But most of us aren't feminine, or swishy, or limp- wristed. We come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors, just like everybody else. We just happen to like other guys. You kinda have to know us to figure that out... or really know what to look for. And, yeah there's still a lot of prejudice. New Orleans is a lot more friendly than most places. I'm lucky to be there and was lucky to find Joe here, I guess. I've learned a lot from him and his friends. Even though he is a real pain in the ass sometimes."

Joe beamed, "My prodigy! I've educated him well. And he's not bad on the eyes either, huh? Whatcha think, JD?"

I wasn't sure exactly how to answer that. Yeah, I did think Bob was a good-looking guy. He was about 6 feet tall, maybe 180 lbs., about 23 years old. He had more of a football player build... larger frame, square shoulders, stocky, and muscular, but not a body-builder. A little beer belly, hairless chest, firm pecs, two small dark nipples, and a small, dark treasure trail from his navel down. Brown hair, intense brown eyes, and a deep sexy voice with just a bit of a Cajun accent. He was no model but had a great smile, was smart and easy-going, with an overall "boy next door" sort of look and demeanor. I was attracted to him.

But how to say that, especially in front of Joe, who was kind of his boyfriend, it seemed...? That was new territory for me too.

Looking at Bob, I could clearly see his gears turning as well. He looked at me somewhat seriously. "So, JD, you said you liked guys, and you apparently aren't hung up about us being gay. Can I ask you a question, if you don't mind? It's kind of personal." I raised my eyebrows, a bit apprehensive.

Bob sighed, "Hell, I'll just come right out with it-- what do you think about me? Do you like me, you know? I mean, I like you, from what I've seen. You're attractive, nice body, friendly... I had fun with you this afternoon at the beach. You seemed to enjoy my company too. But... what I'm asking is, do you think maybe you might want to try something with me sometime?"

Before I could answer, he stopped me. "I know I'm putting you on the spot, but please tell me the truth. It's cool if you don't really want to or want to think about it. I'll understand completely. But I think you're pretty hot, and I think I saw you checking me out earlier too. So, I was wondering..." Bob looked at me anxiously.

I smiled at Bob, "Yeah, sure. I would. I mean, you're a, um" -- I struggled to find the right words to describe a guy I was attracted to -- "a handsome guy, a fun guy, friendly... and..." I swallowed hard. "And sexy! So yeah, I think it'd be cool, to uh... you know... maybe try something." There, I said it . . . for the first time, expressing my desire for another guy to his face... another barrier broken.

Bob beamed back at me. "Cool. Thanks, man, I think you're pretty special too."

Joe piped up, "Yeah, he is special, Bob, really. There's something about JD here... I can't quite place it. I see him blushing again" -- (I was) -- "but it's true. He's shy at first but has a natural masculinity and, when he opens up, has a great smile. And when you get him going, he really gets into it. I mean, like 100% into it. Heh heh. Very sexy!" Joe drawled.

I blushed deeply again. Shit! I was so not used to hearing people talk about me like that! I wasn't quite sure how to take Joe's compliments... they seemed over the top, but deep down they sounded good. Years later, I'd remember his words.

Joe continued, "For now, though, I think he needs to recoup. He damn near drowned me in cum a few minutes ago, heh heh. So he probably needs to kick back and recharge his batteries a bit."

I was really embarrassed at Joe's comment about my ejaculation, and Joe noticed my expression.

"Aww, nothing to be embarrassed about!" Joe assured me, patting me on the shoulder. "You're a hot young dude. I'm just glad I could give you a good time, especially for your first time. I just consider myself lucky to have been in the right place at the right time, in spite of Bob here, heh heh." Bob glared at him again, still apparently not having completely forgiven Joe for seducing me. Joe smiled back at him.

Joe pointed his finger at my bare chest and stabbed at my newly-hairy sternum. "And you, JD, you're lucky to be able to get into sex like you do... and to get off like that. Don't you change a thing! Some guys just stand there like fuckin' statues or lay like goddam corpses, hardly makin' a sound. Even when they cum it's like they're just peeing or somethin'. That just don't make no sense to me, never has", Joe drawled emphatically.

He continued, "Then there's other guys who are afraid to try anything new or different sexually. Afraid of who they are, what they feel, like, or might like. Some almost seem ashamed to even have a dick, feelin' guilty even for jackin' off! Miserable bastards, they have to be, with all those hang-ups! Me, I figure God gave it to me for a reason - to use and enjoy! And so that's what I plan to do!" he laughed heartily.

Joe squinted at me intently, moving closer as he spoke, now pointing at me again. "Now you, JD, I think deep down you understand all that too. I can tell; after we got past your fear and your shyness, you really enjoyed it throughout your whole body. You finally let yourself go, and then you weren't afraid to express it either. Even though it was new to ya, you went with your instincts. Let it happen! Opened your mind and body to new possibilities. I know you have that in you. I can see it in your eyes, your face, your expressions!" He beamed at me. Bob just shook his head, smiling at Joe's little speech.

Despite Joe's encouragement, I was still a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, um, of course, I like sex and trying new things when I can. And I guess I'm not too quiet when I'm, you know, really getting into it..." I admitted. "But I didn't mean to be quite that loud..."

"Naw, uh-uh, no need to be sorry 'bout that now. It's sexy as hell when a guy is passionate, intimate, vocal... then there's no doubt he's really enjoyin' it. Don't you change a thing, JD, make as much noise as you want, son... give the neighbors somethin' to gossip about!" Joe laughed.

I laughed a little at myself and shifted, not knowing what else to say, looking down at the towel around my waist.

"Ahh, we've been so rude, making you stand here in the bathroom in that wet towel!" Joe became animated, "Dry yourself off, JD. Get another towel if you need one. Lemme go get some shorts for you to wear."

"Uh, I have some clothes in my bag, and over there on the sink is my underwear..." I protested.

"Clothes? Underwear??? Uh-uh, heavens no, my boy, you don't need all that. We freeball it here in the condo or just go naked, heh heh. But I don't want you to feel too self-conscious so I'll give you some shorts to slip on, some of mine. They're real comfortable and I think they'll fit you just fine. No need for a shirt either, 'less you're cold."

Bob added hopefully, "You can stay for a while, can't you? I mean, hell, when will you get another chance to hang out with crazy folks like us? Haha. You said before you didn't have to be home early, and we're here for another two days." His eyes pleaded, and I couldn't think of any excuses.

"Yeah, I guess I could stay for a little while, maybe, if you guys really want me to...". I was curious about what else might happen if I did... especially with Bob, since he showed such an interest earlier.

"Great!" exclaimed Bob.

"Sure, of course we want you to stay! Be right back," Joe turned and left the bathroom to get the shorts.

Bob and I stepped out into the living room, me still wrapped in the towel. Bob shook his head again. "Joe... Shit. I still can't believe he did that to you."

I reassured him, "It's OK, man. I mean OK with me at least. It's not like he raped me or anything. It just kinda happened. Maybe not as I would have planned it, but..."

Bob nodded, "I get it. Very few escape Joe's claws -- not even straight guys. Believe me, I know, seen it many times. He's an expert seducer. You don't have to explain it to me."

Joe returned from his bedroom just about then. "Expert Seducer, yep that's me!" He laughed and threw me a nice pair of red silky shorts that looked very comfortable indeed. I dropped the towel as Bob grinned at me and watched me pull the shorts over my now-limp and shriveled dick. Then he gave me a friendly pat on the back. Clad only in the red silk shorts, I was now feeling relaxed and at ease again with Bob and Joe.

We sat out on their big, private balcony overlooking the beautiful pure white sand beach and the azure-blue warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The waves lapped the shore, and you could easily make out both the first and second sand bars, beyond which was deeper, darker water. We drank a beer, ate some snacks, and sat listening to the soothing sound of the distant surf six stories below. I'd stretched out on a lounge chair between Joe and Bob as Joe made small talk about New Orleans and asked me about my life... my classes, family, friends, hobbies, places I'd lived. How sad it was that I had to be so deep in the closet. And how I should come to see them in New Orleans sometime. Joe returned to that subject again.

"You'd love it, JD. Beautiful city, delicious food. Amazin' people, very gay-friendly, we love everybody down there. Always a party for one reason or another. Laissez les bon temps rouler, we say --let the good times roll, ya know? Heh heh. And always plenty of young college-age guys, who you might like and I know would like you. You got a hot, simmering, masculine sexuality that they'd completely flip over. Nice personality and a gorgeous cock too, heh heh! You'd be the talk of the town!"

I doubted if I would, or would even want to, be the talk of the town, but Joe's flattery seemed warm and friendly, even if exaggerated. At that time, I'd never been to New Orleans. Even though it was only a couple of hundred miles away, from Joe's descriptions it might as well have been far across the ocean on a distant shore. But I knew one day I would go. And one day, I did.

Before long as the afternoon drew closer to evening, the noise of people below began to subside as they made their way off the beach. As we rested on the balcony chairs, Bob started casually rubbing my leg, smiling seductively at me every now and then. I smiled back, unsure exactly how to react. This was all still so new.

I rested my hand on his knee. Bob continued caressing my leg more often, higher and higher up. I began getting hard again. Bob noticed, grinned, and wiggled his eyebrows at me, repositioning himself in his chair to move his hand closer to my groin and then just below my balls, finally cupping them gently. Naturally, my 19-year-old cock responded, inflating quickly to full mast under Bob's attention as he gently felt up my bone. He clearly knew how to get a guy aroused, better than any girlfriend I'd had.

"Looks like somebody's ready for Round Two," Joe noticed. "And I bet somebody else is past ready for Round One," he snickered at Bob. "You boys go on inside. I won't bother y'all, I promise. After all, Bob, I guess it's only fair, you're the one who found him! Heh heh."

Bob smiled at me sincerely, raised eyebrows questioning, "OK?" I nodded, and he took my hand led me into his bedroom and closed the door.

He motioned for me to lie down on the bed and lay beside me. "Wow, this is so cool," he said. He turned onto his side, facing me. "You're so hot, JD. I've been waiting all day for this moment." I smiled as he continued. "Do you mind if I kiss you?"

I thought about it for a second. I'd never kissed a guy, not really. But why not, I decided... hell, if we're gonna have sex, what's a kiss anyway? Maybe it'll add to it. One more new experience, if nothing else. I nodded my acceptance.

Bob grinned and moved in slowly with his lips parted, holding me by the head, and kissed me, lightly at first, then more passionately. I responded, kissing back, slowly, then more aggressively... inserting my tongue. As we continued, I rubbed the sides of his t-shirt, then my hand went under it, massaging his pecs. As I became more aroused, my moves were coming to me naturally.

"Hmmmm," purred Bob. I looked at him intently, then pulled his shirt off as he threw his arms up to aid me. I rubbed his bare chest slowly and moved down to his tenting shorts, grasping his erect cock as he let out a moan. I rolled over on top of him and then kissed him again, grinding my hardness into his. We humped for a minute, shorts still on, enjoying the feel of our bare chests together, warm and pink from the day's rays, our hands all over each other.

"Wow!" Bob said. "You are a tiger, man!" I smiled and growled down at him playfully, then sat up, looking down over his body, my knees between his legs.

I rubbed Bob's bare calves, slowly up his hairy thighs, then ran my hand inside his loose shorts. He moaned as I slowly fingered his bare hardon and played with his balls. After a minute of playing, I wanted to see it. I grabbed his shorts with one hand on each side.

"Lift," I said and pulled downward as he raised up. His hard dick sprang up as the shorts went down. His cock was about 5.5 inches long, cut (as I am), not quite as thick as mine. But it was well-proportioned and leaking copiously. It suited me just fine, as I'm sure it served him well. I slowly pumped him up and down a few times, rubbing just under the head and then over it.

"Ohhh, fuck... man, that feels so good. I'm so horny, dude, I swear... thinking about you all afternoon, playing in the ocean, then hearing you and Joe in the bathroom. And finally figuring out you might be interested...," Bob groaned as he looked me in the eye. "You're really sexy, JD, and that feels awesome. Keep going and I'll blow my load in about two minutes!"

"Flattery will get you nowhere," I playfully laughed. "But keep talking, man! You're pretty fucking sexy yourself! I'm just not ready for you to cum yet," I laid down beside him and went back to kissing again. I was still holding his meat but not rubbing it for now. We tongue-fucked for a minute, then he rolled over on top of me and grabbed the skimpy shorts of Joe's I was wearing, which now bore an obvious wet spot from my precum. Unbidden, I raised my butt as he pulled them down over my legs.

"Wow!" he said, caressing my meat and holding it up. "Man, Joe was right . . . you have a great dick. What is it, about seven inches long?"

"Six and a half, I think. Although right now, it feels like it might be pushing seven!" I chuckled.

"Yeah. Just the right size, big but not intimidating. Perfect shape, nice head. And dripping wet too, that's so hot."

Bob clearly had seen a few cocks before, and his admiration seemed sincere. I blushed, still not knowing exactly how to accept that type of compliment. "Thanks man. I'm really not used to anyone describing my equipment like that. But it's cool. And so is yours, by the way . . .... hard as a rock and leaking all over my hand. That's so fucking sexy."

"Mind if I suck you?" he asked as he changed positions.

"Help yourself!" I laughed without hesitation.

He slowly began licking, then engulfed my rod, as I let out a groan of pleasure. He began bobbing on my member, tonguing the head, using one hand to grasp my shaft as he juggled my balls with the other. I responded accordingly, running my fingers through his thick hair and holding his head lightly as he engulfed me. He was skilled, perhaps not quite as expert as Joe had been, but very good. His ministrations were doing the job quite nicely, and soon I was squirming in pleasure.

After a few minutes, I stopped him. I had made a decision.

"Getting close already?" he asked.

"Not quite. I want to try something."


"Swap places. Roll over and lie back," I commanded; he did.

I straddled his legs and sat up over him then leaned down and took his erect manhood in my hand, examining it closely. It was the first time a guy's meat had been right in front of my face. His cock was still leaking and hard as rock but also warm and pliable. I felt his heartbeat as it pulsed. I could smell the slight male mustiness, mixed with the scent of soap. My own dick pulsed as I took in the scene.

I looked up at him, and he looked back at me, now lying propped up on his elbows. He now knew what I was contemplating. My lips were just inches above his hard cock.

"First time, right?" he asked expectantly.

"Yep. Anything I need to know?"

"Wow, that's so cool. Um, not really... just watch the teeth. I'm sure you'll do fine. Do it like you'd want it done to you. Oh, and don't worry, I'll warn you before I cum."

"OK, you got it." I took one last look and decided it was now or never. I slowly extended my tongue and licked the head. A bit salty. And again, this time all around his dick head. Maybe a slight tang of pee that quickly dissipated. But otherwise, it just tasted like skin. Not as bad as I'd imagined. I licked again, this time all the way up the shaft first, then over the head, and around it again, which elicited a loud moan of pleasure from Bob.

I took his whole cock into my mouth, being careful to cover my teeth with my lips. I swabbed the underside of his shaft with my tongue, held it in my mouth for a couple of seconds, then ran my tongue over the head. I moved up and down again, this time sucking, taking it all the way down as far as I could to the edge of my throat, just shy of gagging, and repeated the move.

"Ahhhh," Bob groaned appreciatively. "That's it, man... you're a natural."

I couldn't quite get the whole thing down my throat - I hadn't learned that trick yet. So I remembered what Joe had done to me earlier and made a ring with my thumb and two fingers to stroke the base of Bob's dick as I lapped and sucked on the top of it. I let my saliva run down to moisten my fingers so they could also move up and down the bottom of his shaft with minimal friction, as I sucked on the head.

As I continued, I now noticed another flavor. A couple of times per minute I'd taste something saltier and slightly musty. I figured it must be his precum. Cool! It was sexy and arousing to hear him groan as I fellated him, and his leaking revealed that he was obviously responding to my inexperienced efforts.

I sucked Bob up and down, in and out, while using my tongue to circle around the head, then under the back side of his hardness on the upstroke. I brought my hand up to fondle his balls. I always love attention paid to my nuts during sex and thought he might as well.

"Whoa, that's awesome," Bob panted. "Are you sure this is your first time?" He smiled down at me, and I grinned back at him and nodded, as much as I could with my mouth full.

"Cool. Not every day I get to experience a guy's first blowjob!" he remarked.

I continued to bob up and down on Bob for another minute. His body was gently fucking my mouth now in time with my sucking. I noticed that the salty taste was back too, every few strokes. He was pre-cumming heavily and I also realized his balls were starting to pull up within his sack. His moans were getting louder too.

"Ohh, wow, that's great man, I swear, you're really awesome at this... it feels terrific. Why don't we swap places before I lose it, OK?"

I eased back and Bob sat up, grabbed my shoulders and rolled me over, taking my own hard dick into his hand, expertly masturbating me using my own precum as lube. His other hand rubbed my chest, eliciting a major groan. "I love the hair on your chest, just the right amount... it's so hot. And that hairy trail leading down..." He traced his fingers down my belly to my pubes.

"Thanks," I replied. "The chest hair mostly just grew out in the past year or so. I like your pecs, man, nice and muscular!"

Bob then brought his fingers up to my nipple and lightly pinched it a few times as he stroked me.

"Oooohhh, wow... that's different," I said. I really had never thought of my nipples as being an erogenous zone. Sure, I knew they were for most women, but I obviously had more to learn about guys, even about my own body.

"Good different or bad different?" Bob inquired.

"Good I think, just not too hard, OK?"

Bob laughed, "OK, sure, glad to be of service. And just wait, when you get close, your nips can make it really intense."

"I dunno, Joe pulled a trick on me that was pretty intense earlier, and it wasn't on my nipples!"

Bob cocked his head, eased his middle finger down to the edge of my asshole, and lightly felt around. He apparently knew exactly what I was referring to without my saying.

"Oh yeah, I feel a little bit of lube down there. Joe's like a boy scout, always prepared with the lube. So he really did a number on you with the fickle finger? And you liked that, I take it?" He grinned knowingly at me.

I was still a little embarrassed to admit my desires for anal play, even to Bob. "Yeah, um, I guess I did, actually."

"You guess? That's cool. I like it too sometimes, so don't be embarrassed, OK?" He smiled sexily at me. "Just enjoy. I know I am!"

He kissed me again hard on the lips, then started down my neck, chest, pausing at the nipples while fondling my hard dick. Looking me straight in the eyes, he licked my dick and I groaned. He then enveloped it entirely into his mouth and began sucking me earnestly again.

"Ohhhh, shit." I groaned. "Mmmmmmm."

He kept at it for a minute as one hand cradled and fondled my balls, and the other rubbed my chest and tweaked my nipples every now and then. He stopped sucking and looked up at me. "You taste really good, you know that?"

"Hmmm. I hope so. Keep that up and you'll taste something else too," I smiled.

He laughed, "Yeah, that's OK, I'd love to suck you until you cum, big time. Sexy!" He wet his big middle finger then moved it down to my rosebud. He rubbed around it, then up and down on it gently. "And now I know some other ways I might help you do that." He continued moving and vibrating his fingertip lightly on and around my entrance as he sucked me again.

"Ooohhh... "

"Like that?"

"Yeaaah... definitely!"

I was starting to feel myself really getting into it. But I wanted to get Bob back in on the action.

"Before I get too close, I want to suck you some more too, man," I said. "Only one thing -- oooh fuck that feels good - I'm not sure I'm ready to swallow yet," I admitted.

He nodded. "No problem, dude. You've already come a long way in one afternoon, so to speak." We both chuckled. "Just having you here with me is so fucking hot," he said, then thought for a second. "Hey, you've heard of a sixty-nine, right?"

"Sure," I said. "Wanna try that? You may have to give me a pointer or two, but I'm a quick learner."

"Yeah, so I noticed. Before we get into it... hang on just a sec." He leaned over and opened the drawer of the nightstand and took out a small blue bag with gold ties, the kind nice liquor bottles come in. He removed from it a small plastic bottle with a purple cap. He smiled at me. "Slippery stuff. Makes it more comfortable back there, you know."

"Uh, sure... Wow, that's cool, you're prepared too. What else is in the magic bag?" I asked.

"Haha, you'll have to wait and see. For now, let's get into position for the '69'."

He turned around, faced my side, and took hold of my dick. I turned around to take his. He lifted his leg and put his foot on the bed to give me better access. I could also more easily reach his balls, and his ass, I thought. It was good to know that he'd enjoy it if I played with him there. The thought of putting my finger up his ass, rubbing his hot spot, and the pleasure it would give him made my dick throb harder. And he had lube... that would help make it easier... even I knew that.

I positioned myself so we were lying opposite one another on the bed -- my head at Bob's crotch and mine in his face. He immediately resumed stroking my dick with his warm hand. I caught my breath as the pleasure began. I sought out Bob's still-hard, dripping erection and began pumping it back and forth as well.

As we lay there for a minute, enjoying each other's hand action, I realized I could feel Bob's body heat, since we were so close to each other. That excited me even more. I heard Bob gasp as I moved my hand to massage his penis with one hand and cup his testicles with my other.

I felt Bob begin fondling my balls as well. His mouth moved down and began to nibble intently on my right nipple.

"Shit!" I gasped in surprise.

"Want me to stop?" he asked.

"Hell no! Keep going. It surprised me, that's all."

Grinning, Bob, nibbled my nip a few more times, then turned his attention back to my dick, leaning forward and engulfing the entire length of it all the way to my pubes. He immediately began gently sliding up and down it. A low, pleasureful moan escaped my mouth. "Fuckkk..." Then he tweaked my nipple again. "Ohh! Wow!" It felt really good with him sucking.

I tried to copy Bob's sucking moves but could only fit about half of his manhood in my mouth. I knew there was a trick to deep throating, but I hadn't learned it yet. I figured what I was doing would be good enough, and Bob's moans reassured me. I remembered what Joe had done to me. I wrapped my fingers around the bottom of his cock and let my saliva ooze down to lubricate them as they slid along the lower half of his hard dick.

We sucked up and down each other's leaking rods for a few minutes. Then Bob began rubbing his other hand up and down inside my thighs. Thinking perhaps Bob wanted better access to my butt, I spread my legs a bit. I was rewarded shortly when I felt Bob's hand rubbing first my cheeks, then lower. I moaned as his middle finger slid up between my buttocks, then down, pushing in further, probing my crack until he found what he was looking for - my hole, which he again rubbed his finger over for a bit.

"Uhhhhh, shit," I moaned lustily.

"Like that?" he inquired.

"Fuck yeah. Keep going if you want."

Bob reached for his little bottle and popped the cap. Looking down, I saw a few drops of the lube run down his middle finger. He repositioned his hand, and I opened my legs a little more. He went straight to my hole and rubbed it with his now-slick digit, and I moaned appreciatively.

"Hand me the bottle," I said between moans and groans.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Very sure, if you're up for it."

"Oh yeah. Do it, man. Play with my ass!" Bob grinned.

I lubed my middle finger as well on the tip and down both sides then snapped the top back on the little bottle. The liquid was not as thick as I'd imagined, and a few drips from my finger landed on the bed.

I reached between Bob's already open legs, located his crack, and drilled my middle finger between the cheeks. Soon I found Bob's rosebud as well. I began rubbing it, gently around, then centering on the hole, evoking throaty moans from him. "Damnnnnn... yeah, man... that's it. Shit you're making me so horny." Sure enough, I felt his hole contracting around the tip of my finger as his dick jumped, and a small drop of precum started running down the head.

We each took the other's cocks back into our mouths and began sucking again. I could definitely taste Bob's precum as his penis flexed on my tongue. I felt my dick throbbing too, so I was pretty sure he could taste my juices as well.

After a minute or two of sucking on each other's dick and rubbing around each other's anus, we each moved a bit, tweaking our positions for maximum comfort. We were now in a tight circular '69', with easy access to each other's erect penis and warm hole.

Suddenly I felt Bob's finger pushing on my tight entrance as he continued to work my dick with his mouth and hand. My sphincter tightened reflexively.

"Just relax, I'll be gentle," Bob whispered.

"I know... gimme just a sec."

Bob felt me breathe in deeply, then exhale, relaxing my grip on his finger tip. Very slowly he penetrated my ring and glided his finger into my rectum, inching it gradually inside me.

"Ohhhh, shiiittt..." I moaned as his finger entered me, stinging slightly during its entrance. Bob moved his finger deeper, then let it rest a minute, watching my reaction carefully.

As I accepted the intruder and loosened my grip on it, he began to feel around the wall of my rectum, searching for and then locating the bulge of my walnut-shaped gland, which he began to rub.

"Ooooh, fuckkkk... Damn, man!"

"You OK?" he asked.

"Yeah, now I am... feels awesome. Keep that up and it won't take long!" My dick was throbbing as he rubbed me inside.

"Ha, yeah man, that's cool. Just relax and go with it. Enjoy... Hmmm... Yeahhhhhhh. That's it. Ummmmmm." Bob cooed in a deep, soothing voice as he slowly rubbed my prostate then again returned the full attention of his mouth to my pulsing, leaking dick.

Now his warm, wet mouth resumed its pleasuring, sucking my cock up and down as the super-intense sensations multiplied deep inside me. It was as if he were rubbing my dick from both ends - inside and out.

I wanted to return the intense pleasure I was feeling. I continued sucking Bob's dick, while rubbing his asshole and locating its center. I pushed my greasy middle finger up and through his protective muscle. He grunted as my digit slid slowly deeper into the warm cavity beyond. I felt around for a moment. It took me a little longer to find Bob's prostate, but when I did, he immediately let me know I'd succeeded.

"Ohhh, fuckkkk, JD, that's it dude, ughhh, right there. Right fucking there, man," Bob gasped.

I could feel his pulsing gland beating with his heart as I did in his dick. Wow, what a cool sensation, so intimate. Just the thought made me harder. I began massaging his hot spot more confidently and firmly in time with his action on me.

Our mouths now both focused on each other's cocks and fingers on our internal glands. Loud moaning, groaning and gasping emanated from us both, leaving no doubt in the mind of anyone nearby that we were enjoying our mutual pleasuring.

We continued to suck and finger each other for another minute or two, each feeling the build-up of tension in our groins. Bob steadily increased the speed of his sucking and the motion and pressure of his finger inside me, and I tried to do the same to him. Our excitement level grew exponentially as we attacked each other with a vengeance.

"Ohhhh, Fuckkkk, I'm close man..." Bob groaned.

Until now, I thought we'd probably cum at about the same time. I even thought I'd take his cream in my mouth, despite what I'd said earlier. But now I held off my pending climax. I'd never actually witnessed another guy's orgasm -- never seen another guy shoot before. So I wanted Bob to cum first, I decided -- to see him squirt his stuff -- watch it erupt from his hard cock, and feel the hot seed spray on me. And I wanted to be fully conscious when it happened.

I didn't have to wait long. A few seconds later, I felt his body tensing up and his balls moving tightly up in his sack. I followed them with the palm and wrist of my hand, my middle digit still caressing him deeply inside.

"Shit... gonna... gonna cum!" he moaned, removing his mouth from my rampant dick just long enough to mutter a few words. "Pull off, JD, I'm gonna shoot!"

"Yeah! Go for it!" I wanted to see him blow. "Shoot it, man!"

I gave Bob's engorged dick a couple of more quick sucks up-and-down, then moved my mouth away, intensifying my hand motion to compensate. I flicked my finger over his prostate a few more times, feeling it enlarge and grow harder. Wow, that's cool... I realized I was feeling Bob's load building up in his gland, which now it began to quiver. His explosion obviously imminent, as his body tensed, his mouth opened, and eyes grew wider.

Bob suddenly convulsed and spasmed, as his dick erupted in a geyser of blasts that struck both of our chests and stomachs.

"OHHH, AAAGGGHHH! FUCKKKK! UGHH!" Bob screamed in pleasure as he ejaculated, his warm cum spraying both of our bodies. "Ummph! Uhhhh!" His orgasm overtook his body - legs shaking and toes curling in ecstasy. His mouth had slipped off my dick and the finger in me now went limp, then eased out. I continued pumping his pulsating member, watching its spurts intently while rubbing his throbbing prostate with my finger, as his body continued to jump.

"Ughhh! Fuuuccckkk!" Bob cried. "Ughh!" Then finally, "Whewww!" as his twitching penis now oozed its final drops of seed, and he inhaled a deep breath. "Huhhhhhhhpphh"

I rubbed his gland again hard with my finger -- a trick I remembered from Joe -- and bent down with my mouth to give him a final suck. "Ugh! Ahh, damn!" he yelled, as his dick pulsed one last time. I tasted the remnants of his cum. Not too bad, I thought. Bob finally collapsed on the bed.

"Whewwww! Fuckkk! Holy hell, JD!" Bob smiled weakly up at me, breathing like he'd just swum a 100-yard sprint. "That was... ahhhh... fucking ahhh-mazzing. Ummm. You sure that was your first time, uh, doing this?"

I grinned and blushed a bit, then nodded. I was glad to know my first attempt to make another guy cum had succeeded, but was still not used to all the compliments. "Beginner's luck, man. And just learning from what you and Joe did to me. Hope it was OK."

He shook his head in disbelief, a big shit-eating grin on his face. "OK?? Whatever, however, you did it... damn, man, I don't remember the last time I came that hard!" Wow, that's so cool, I thought. I could get used to this... someone who openly and sincerely appreciated and enjoyed my sexual abilities, limited though they were.

I slowly removed my finger from his now-tight hole. He slowly turned his body around, so we were face-to-face, and gave me a deep, passionate kiss, which I returned eagerly. "Ummmmmm hmmmm", he groaned, and I did as well.

After a minute of passionate face-sucking, Bob pulled back. "I feel something big and hard down there," Bob noted with a grin. "Guess in all my excitement, I let 'little JD' go. But don't worry... he's up next! I want to see you shoot too and catch some in my mouth. How does that sound?"

"Fuck yeah! Sounds great."

He smirked deviously, then rolled me onto my back and crawled down between my legs, kissing and licking his way down my neck, nipples, stomach, and navel. He pushed my legs apart and bent them back so my knees were in the air and feet on the bed. In this position, he had ready access to all my goodies. I looked up at him and smiled anxiously, my erection bobbing just above my stomach in anticipation of pleasure to come.

"Oh, yeah. What a picture this would make. Wow! Your sexy body, with your cock so hard, bouncing up and down. Just lie back and let me take care of it for you," Bob said. "First just a bit of this..." He located the lube bottle and applied a thin strip on the inside of his thumb and index finger of one hand and a generous dollop on the tip of the middle digit of the other.

With his left hand, Bob grasped my hard dick, still wet from leaking precum earlier, and began to pump it slowly at the base of the shaft. The lube made his fingers nice and slick and felt awesome by themselves. Then he gulped my cock down his throat and began sucking and lapping the top half with his tongue. I moaned appreciatively. "Uhhhhh, oh, man... that feels so... good."

"Just wait," he grinned at me. "I intend to make you cum, JD, big time. I bet you it'll be one of the most intense orgasms you've ever had!"

"Deal! Go for it!" I grinned back.

He resumed sucking, to my moans and groans. His warm, wet mouth and adept hand action were feeling great already. After a couple of minutes, his other hand moved down to my ass crack, and he rubbed my hole at the same time he palmed my nuts. I could already feel my orgasm beginning to regenerate.

"Oohhhh, fuck, dude, I'm starting to get close again... I don't think it'll take long," I sighed. He wiggled his eyebrows evilly, then licked the head of my hard dick as his finger tickled my ass and his palm fondled my balls.

Sure enough, after just a minute of him sucking me and rubbing my hole, I could feel my orgasm approaching. "Getting really close, man..." I warned.

"Not just yet..." Bob stopped his mouth action temporarily and gazed down at my ass. He grabbed my balls with his left hand, lifting them up. He looked me in the eyes as he slowly re-inserted his large, right middle finger directly into my hot asshole, with perfect aim. This time, I was well-lubed, and there was little friction or discomfort.

"Ohhhh, fuckkkk..." I groaned as I felt the finger penetrate, then quickly locate and begin to expertly rub my prostate.

"Ah ha. There we go." He grinned. I could only gasp unintelligibly. Bob continued his internal massage as I stared up at him, open mouthed, until he saw the precum that was forming on my bobbing dick begin to run down and puddle near my belly button.

"Uhhh, huh... Ohhh, yeahhhh... man... that's it. Just relax and go for it." His deep voice was so sexy. He bent down, grabbed my pulsing erection, licked it off, teasing me with his tongue.

"Ah fuck," I gasped as he continued rubbing me inside and playfully licking me. I was so close, it almost hurt.

"Oh yeah," he cooed. I pleaded with my eyes, and he finally had mercy and gobbled down my entire dick in one gulp, to my pubes, and held it in his mouth, sucking but keeping his lips buried in my crotch.

"Uumpph," I cried out in pleasure, squirming on the bed.

Finally, he bobbed his head up and down, and super-intense feelings coursed through my body. It was so sexy watching him suck my dick, and feeling him working me over. I knew it wouldn't be long now.

His left hand darted straight up my body to my nipple. He tickled, then pinched it as I squealed: "Ooooohhhh, fuckkk! Uhh!" It was as if my nipple were wired to my dick and my prostate, and he was simultaneously electrifying all of them at the same time. I tensed up, getting closer to the precipice, just at the edge, but not quite there... these new feelings were awesome, but my mind was racing as my dick pumped out more slime.

"Getting close, man... oooh, yeah.... About to... fucking... cum!" I sputtered.

"Ohhhh, yeahhhhh.... Yeahhhhh, just let it go... ummmmm, yeah," he repeated. Bob's smooth, deep, sexy mantra was encouraging me. I eased back in the bed a bit and closed my eyes, trying tried to focus on his words and my feelings. It was so intense... his sucking me and rubbing me inside. A few seconds later my orgasm was speeding upon me, and the hot, sweet point of no return arrived. Bob felt it and tweaked my nipple harder. That did it.

I gasped, "Ahhhh, fuckkkkkking... cumming! Uhhhhh!" Bob twisted my nipple one more time, then removed his mouth from my cock and resumed pumping with his hand, up and down my expanding erection. He wiggled his finger deeper up my ass, poking my pulsating prostate.

"AWWWWW, SHITTT! UHHGGGG!" A deep, primal yelp escaped my throat as I exploded hard. "AAAGGGHHHHHHHHH! OHHHHH FUCK!!" I screamed as my overloaded cock sprayed long streams of molten cum in the air. The first flew straight over my head, landing with a splat behind me on the headboard. "UGGGHHHH, OHHHH!!" I continued shooting, as my warm sperm slimed my face, then neck, shoulder, and chest. "AAAHHH! UGHHHH!"

Bob covered my still-spurting penis with his wet mouth and began sucking the remainder of my cum, as he wiggled his finger in me and coaxed me on. "Ummmm, hmmmmmmmmmm. Ymmmm." I was lost in the overwhelming, mind-blowing orgasm that still wracked my body.

"Fuckkkk... huhhhhhh... Whooooaaaaah," I gasped as Bob slurped down my last few drops of cream.

I exhaled as the intense spasms finally began to subside, my body still trembling from the aftershocks. My arms and legs finally flopped down. Bob licked his lips and swallowed, then looked down at me with a big grin, and kissed my dick again. "Ummm... tasty!" he exclaimed.

My overloaded brain could barely comprehend his words, much less respond to them. "Ah... umm," I vague heard myself grunt. My head rolled back and forth as my chest heaved.

Bob grinned. After a moment, "Wow, that looked like one hellacious orgasm right there. Very hot. Did I cause all that?" He chuckled.

"Ummm... ohh. Fuckkk..." were the only utterances I could manage. I was too out of it from the endorphins to think.

He kissed the head of my dick again gently, then let go of my cock. He looked around at the cum trails I'd left and smiled. "According to the DNA evidence, looks like I'm guilty as charged!" he laughed.

"Huhhmmmm... yeah... ummmm, whufff, I would... say... so..." I still could barely talk, much less move, as I breathed hard. My eyes finally focused up on Bob, as he cooed down at me in his deep Cajun baritone.

"That was so cool, JD, making you cum like that! You went off like a cannon! Joe was right, you're a real tiger, man!" He grinned and shook his head. "And that was your second time this afternoon! I can only imagine what the first one was like."

I smiled weakly up at him. "This one was even better, I promise!"

"Awesome. I'm really glad to hear that. My pleasure! Um, just one more thing, though, man. Haha... You, um, you got to give me my finger back!" he laughed down at me. I vaguely realized his finger was still clamped tightly in place by my sphincter. I laughed with him then exhaled deeply, trying to relax and let it go. He turned it and pulled, and I squinted as the finger exited, not as easily as it went in, as I recalled. Deep breath. Whew!

I rubbed my tongue around my mouth, which was totally dry from my hard breathing. I mustered up what moisture I could and licked my lips. Using all my remaining strength, I reached up to pull Bob's head down. "Come 'ere!" I gave him a long, sloppy kiss that he passionately returned.

We playfully hugged and kissed for another minute or so, our chests mixing our runny loads together. Then we both lay out fully, naked but satiated, holding each other loosely, which was about all I was capable of at that particular moment.

Bob and I had been lying there relaxing in our afterglow for just a few minutes when a tap came on the bedroom door. It opened a little, and a head emerged sideways through the crack, grinning like a joker. "Ya'll have a good time? I reckon so, I heard ya all the way in the living room. Heh heh. Very sexy! Awww, and y'all look so cute together, layin' in each other's arms. Really!"

We just looked at each other and shook our heads. Joe!

"Hey, I didn't mean to disturb y'all... I was just wonderin' what's next up on the menu? You boys want some food? Something to drink, perhaps?" He beamed at us. "You must have worked yourselves up quite an appetite! I was thinkin' about orderin' us some take-out shrimp from that place just up the road, how does that sound? Maybe a couple of sides and a cold beer, that be alright with you, JD?"

I appreciated his thoughtfulness, and nodded. "Sounds perfect... thanks, Joe!

"Oh, yeah! Least I can do. I'll call it in now and it should be ready in half an hour or so. I'll run pick it up. That'll give you boys a little time to rest and clean up a bit. And, who knows, young guys like you... after you get some sustenance in ya, y'all might even be good for another round! Heh heh."

We both just looked at each other, shook our heads, and grinned back as the disembodied head disappeared and the door closed. Although at that moment I couldn't imagine a Round Three, my dick still jumped at the thought...

To be continued...

Author's Note: As I mentioned in Part 1 of this series, this is the first erotic story I've written, and my first on Nifty. I greatly appreciate your comments. Thanks to all who wrote to me. If you enjoyed Part 2, please email me at the address at the top, and tell me what you think about this story! I try to reply individually to each email.

One last request: if you enjoyed this story, and enjoy reading other stories at Nifty, please donate to help them keep this unique and important resource online. I know they'd appreciate it, and I would too! Do it here, now:

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