Serving My Country

By moc.liamg@8yuglimag

Published on Dec 12, 2015


Serving My Country

Chapter 1 – Welcome to Boot Camp

I have always loved my country. Even as a small boy, I was always so proud to be an American and to live in such a great place. As a result, it was no surprise to anyone that I would enlist. The only question was which branch. My dad was a Marine and my brothers enlisted in the Marines and the Navy. I had nothing against either of those branches but I wanted to do something different so I decided to join the Army.

My name is Jason but everyone calls me Jay. I am currently 18 and just finished high school a couple months ago. I was a pretty good jock. I was gifted enough to play most sports but no so good I was the star on any of the teams. Playing sports kept me in shape and I had a good body. I am about 5'10, 160, blond hair and blue eyes. Pretty All-American type guy.

Playing sports also allowed me to date more. Girls really like jocks. I never really had a serious girlfriend as I got bored with them too fast but I definitely found girls who were willing to have sex. Sure, it took a few dates before you could get them to go down on me or let me finger their pussy and a couple of more before I could fuck them, but I could always get there. I was good at closing the deal.

As I said, I am in pretty good shape and work out a lot. And although I am proud of my body, my member was only average at best, about 5 inches and cut. For most guys, that would be adequate but I have to admit I often felt a little inferior in that department because of my father and brothers. You see, they were hung like horses. I would see them in the locker room or the bathroom at home or even in the hallways with morning wood and could see how big they were. I have even heard dad boast about my brothers inheriting their size from him. Unfortunately, it somehow didn't get passed down to me. I first realized how inadequate I felt when I started dating this older girl at school. After she saw me naked, she kind of laughed and said she had hooked up with my brother last year and was expecting a lot more from me. Shit that hurts!

I was definitely into girls and loved to see them naked but I have to admit that I also had a curiosity about guys. In the locker room or shower, I would always check out other guys. Comparing size and just wanting to see them. All my jock buddies were very homophobic so I would just start saying shit too and make fun of fags. Obviously, I was careful to not get caught staring at guys in the locker room. I really believed everyone on my team was straight until one day I went back to the locker room to pick up something I forgot. I heard the showers on and when I went in, I saw the coach fucking our second baseman. But, that is a story for another time. It did make me realize though that sometimes guys, even very masculine guys, play with guys.

I have been at basic training for three weeks now and despite being a jock and thinking I was in great shape, it has been tougher than I expected. In addition to the hard work, the lack of sleep catches up with you. I didn't know any of the guys in my unit but we all started becoming friends and joking around.

The first week was so exhausting that all we wanted to do when we finally were done for the day was to get some sleep. It seemed like as soon as you laid down the drill sergeant was yelling in the barracks to get up. Every fuckign day- he was screaming the same thing at us "Get moving maggots, you got 15 minutes to shower, shave and shit." We got it already; hurry up and get our asses clean.

From all the training and the lack of sleep, I was so tired, I couldn't even think of sex at first. But, after a couple of weeks, every red blooded American male, especially a bunch of 18 and 19 year olds, start getting horny. Of course, the jokes started and became continuous- you disappear for a second or are seen coming out of the latrine- "You jacking off over there Jay?" "Were you slapping the sausage, Smith?" Those jokes never get old to guys.

The problem is, despite all the jokes, no one was actually doing it. Although we were all horny as hell and hadn't had a chance to get any relief in a couple of weeks, there was no place to do it. There was no privacy. None. The barracks were open bay and all 20 of us slept in bunks stacked two feet apart. You could hear each person breathing you were so close. The latrine was no better. The showers were open bay with 10 shower heads side by side even closer than the bunks. No separate stalls to clean yourself- or your privates- in private. The toilets were no better. Ten bowls sitting side by side. No partitions, no separation. Even for a jock like me who is use to the locker room and showers, it was hard to get used to taking a shit sitting so close to another guy in the open. Many of us tried to hold it but after a few days, you got to go when you got to go. Amazingly, you get use to it and suddenly sitting next to someone talking about sports while dropping a log and wiping your ass became normal. Even a little of a bonding experience.

The lack of male release was taking its toll. Because we weren't getting enough sleep, we were always being woken up by the Drill Sergeant. Of course, several of us would wake up with wood. Despite that fact, we had to immediately jump out of our bed and stand by our bunks at attention for morning inspection. We slept in just our skivvies and if you wanted, a t-shirt. Most of us slept without one. So, you would have several guys with a hard on just standing at attention. As the weeks went on and we were getting no relief, everyone had a constant woody in the morning. You could look down the row and just see boner after boner. The Drill Sergeant would usually just act like he saw nothing. Just walk down the row with boners aimed right at him like it was a perfectly normal event. However, one morning he walked by and knocked into Johnson and, well, his Johnson. It wasn't really the Drill Sergeant's fault as Johnson had the biggest cock I ever saw. It was so big when it was hard that it literally pulled the underwear band away from his waist. The Drill Sergeant got really pissed and yelled at him and told him to keep that `thing" away from him. He said it didn't even look like a dick and it must be his tripod. After that, Johnson was called "Tripod" by all of us.

Despite the fact that there was no privacy to get yourself off, things suddenly changed. I remember that night well. It was the beginning of the third week so it had been at least 15 days since any of us had gotten any relief. For an 18 year old who is use to jacking off multiple times a day, that is a lot! However, on night 15, Red (that is what we called him because of his red hair- and pubes) changed things. That night, after about 15 minutes of lights out, Red did the unthinkable (but what we all were thinking about doing). He started to jack off! Red was in the top bunk like me two bunks over. And although it was dark in the barracks, it wasn't pitch dark as there were several lights outside that shown through the windows.

Now, it is not that Red was trying to be obvious about about spanking his monkey. He wasn't trying to flaunt it or do it in a way he wanted guys to watch. But, for those of us who spent years perfecting the practice, there was no confusion. We all know the sounds of jacking off. The unmistakable slapping sound and the rhythmic breathing. And of course, the motion. Being at the same level as Red, I could see the tenting of the sheet and his hand clearly going up and down his shaft. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Red was actually whacking off in front of all of us. Because he hadn't gotten any release in a while, it only lasted two minutes at most. You could hear the breathing change and although he didn't moan, you could hear the chuckle in his throat and knew that he was cumming. It was quick- 15 seconds and he was done. He let out a slight sigh which sounded like his body was saying, "I needed that!" After that, silence throughout the barracks. Not a word was said by anyone. Just silence.

As I tried to fall asleep, all I could think about was what Red had just done. I wondered how he got the courage to do it knowing we all had to know what he was doing. Hell, we were all that horny to do it but no one else had the guts to do it. I also wondered what Red did with his load. Did he spurt into his hands? Had he brought a sock with him into bed like many of us did in high school? I got very little sleep thinking about it.

The next day, it was like we were all waiting to see what would happen. Who would confront Red and would he become an outcast? Instead, no one acknowledged what had happened. Not a single person. Instead, it was the opposite. Normally, we all joked about jacking off and laughing with each other about it. But not today. Not only did no one say anything to Red, no one talked about it among themselves or joked about the topic. In fact, it seemed like everyone was congratulating Red. Instead of being made fun of, guys started helping him finish his tasks or get his PT done. It seemed like it was a that a boy!

That night though, within minutes of lights out, every one of Bravo squad was slapping their salami. Almost immediately, everyone was playing with their dick. Just like Red the night before, no one was being overtly obvious about it but every one of us was doing it. I had never heard so much flesh slapping going on or so much rhythmic breathing. Guys started coming quickly, left and right. Slight groans of pleasure started filling the room. After it sounded like most guys were done, Tripod yelled "Thank God for Red" and everyone started laughing and clapping. After that, Red was our hero! After finally having some needed relief, I had the best night of sleep of my life.

Although things changed that night, I would soon learn that an even bigger change was about to occur.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it. Comments, suggestions and similar experiences are all welcome. Email is

Next: Chapter 2

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