Sex Pot

Published on Nov 11, 2023


Sex Pot Chapter 8

The Sex Pot

(A Poker Game Story)


Randy MacAnus

© 2019-2023 All Rights Reserved By The Author

If you would like to see the story continue, you can email me with your opinions and suggestions at:

This is fantasy. I try to make my stories seem at least plausible, but none of this is taken from real events. I should be so lucky. If you have ideas about directions you might like the story to take, by all means include them. I have additional chapters outlined, but am open to modifying, if I get interesting feedback.

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Chapter 8

Being 18, and very physically fit, Freddy was quick to recover. He certainly had a sore butt hole and a tired jaw, but was otherwise good to go.

It was clear Freddy would be able to handle a weekend at the Frat, so I texted them. I gave permission for ten dicks in each end Friday night, ten more for Saturday afternoon, and five more on Saturday evening--twenty five total in each end. I reminded them that condoms and lube were required. I was comfortable he could handle that, but I wanted him to have Sunday to heal and do his homework.

We wouldn't be able to shoot any video at the frat, as the men using our boy were wealthy and powerful. In fact, they would all be wearing hoods when fucking Freddy, so he would never be able to identify them. But who knows what could be identified from a video? Voices, birthmarks, tattoos? They weren't worried about the frat brothers saying anything. These men had all been members of this frat. A frat boy who named names would be destroying his future!

We decided the time had come to edit Freddy's first porno. I wanted it ready for the frat party. Freddy would be booked solid, of course, but there was the future to think of! Those who didn't use him over the weekend, just might get horned up enough from the video, to rent him another time.

We had a ton of material from multiple cameras, and all different angles, so it took a lot of time. We finally finished two days before the frat party. We kept Freddy busy during that time, but were careful not to overuse him. He needed to be fresh and full of sexual energy for the party. We made it clear to him that it was going to be a marathon. Despite that, we expected him to show each of the men fucking him a very good time! Any complaints would lead to severe humiliation and punishment.

We let the frat boys know about the video, and they decided to run it on a continuous loop in the basement, just outside their dungeon. Freddy would be servicing the Alumni inside the dungeon. Frat bros drinking at the basement bar, and Alumni waiting their turn, would be watching Freddy instead of a football game. The game would be on upstairs.

We included Freddy's first night with us. So it included him being an arrogant, privileged little dick who couldn't play poker worth a darn, the loan agreement, him stripping for us, being shaved, being caged, being fondled, and signing his IOU.

[see chapter 1 for details]

We also included his return a week later, when he agreed to be our property in return for covering his loans. This section included his description of borrowing from the loan shark, his contract signing, loss of virginity, and his first gang bang.

[see chapter 2 for details]

We hoped that would make everyone comfortable with Freddy's situation. We also expected that at least some of the frat boys would be seriously turned on by it, and want to rent our hot, helpless teen at another time! These frat boys tended to be from wealthy powerful families and could afford to pay a premium price. And who knows? After seeing the video, perhaps one or more might be interested in joining Freddy in our rent boy stable!

I stopped by the frat on Friday afternoon, to set up the video, and have it reviewed by the fraternity president, and his council. By the time it was over, every single one of them had his dick in his hand. The ones who had not already shot their loads, were very close, and not about to stop! I didn't doubt for a second, that more Freddy rentals would be forthcoming!

While I was preoccupied at the Frat House, my roommates were preparing Freddy for his big adventure. He was cleaned inside and out. They made sure his collar had a full charge. They placed a one foot chain between his ankle restraints, forcing him to shuffle instead of walk. He certainly wasn't going to be running to or from the van.

His wrist restraints were attached to the back of his collar. Then his leash was attached to the front of the collar. He was led down the driveway stark naked, to the van. It took longer than usual, because of the chain, but Freddy made no effort to speed up the trip down the driveway. By that point, everyone in the neighborhood had seen him naked, and he was learning the value of obedience.

The neighbors had been informed of his coming adventure, so most were on the sidewalk to watch. This included our next-door neighbor, and his dog Monster. As Freddy shuffled toward the van, Monster trotted up behind him, and stuck his wet nose into Freddy's butt crack, as his tail wagged.

Freddy let out a delightful squeak, and jumped a little. He looked into Mike's eyes, as Mike shot video of the whole thing. His silent pleading did no good of course. To the little teen's credit, he made no effort to resist. By the time he got to the van, Monster was licking his butthole. Freddy actually stood by the van and waited for the order to enter, as Monster licked away. When the order came and Freddy crawled in, it was Monster who whimpered!

With the video set up and ready to go, my work was done for the moment, so I sat at the bar and ordered a drink. As the drink arrived, so did the first of the men who would be using Freddy. He wore leathers and a hood. Clearly in great shape, and perhaps late 30s. I had expected most or all of Freddy's renters would be older than this man, and out of shape. This man proved to be the exception. The man struck up a conversation with me.

"So, I'm told they didn't have any pledges they hated enough to turn out, and are renting a freshman who's not a frat boy. You know anything about that?"

"Yes, as it happens. He's my slave."

"What's his story?"

"We shot video of the whole process of turning him out. Want to see it?"

He nodded, so I had the bartender start the video loop. It was interesting watching the man's reactions as the video progressed. He stiffened when he saw Freddy on the screen. Then as Freddy lost hand after hand and wanted to borrow money to keep playing, he seemed to quietly seethe. He was completely in control, but clearly angry. As the video progressed to Freddy agreeing to our terms, and the boy stripped for us, he seemed stunned. I'm guessing that he couldn't believe this obviously straight kid would go for my terms.

He continued to watch the screen intently, but quietly asked me why I thought the boy went along with us.

I answered, "Every indication is he has a developing gambling addiction. Frankly, the boy is high maintenance. But he's very hot. So I figured if he said, no, good for him, and maybe he wasn't out of control. When he said yes, well... good for us."

The man watched quietly as Freddy returned the next week begging for more money. He was leaning forward, watching intently, as the boy admitted borrowing from the loan shark, and I laid out the terms for us to save his kneecaps. When the boy agreed and stripped for us, he leaned back against the bar, and nodded slightly.

As the boy read the contract out loud, and signed it, the man nodded again, a satisfied smile on his face. It was clear who he was--Freddy's father. He watched the rest of the video leaning against the bar with his arms folded across his chest. The smug smile never left his face.

There was no doubt in my mind that he'd be fucking Freddy. Very likely, a hate fuck. What I didn't know was whether he'd take the boy home with him, or leave the little teen twink to the five of us. I decided to start a conversation, and see where it led.

"So, what do you think of my slave?"

The man laughed, looked at me, and said, "The little fuck is getting exactly what he deserves. Don't you think?"

"Yes, I do. I'm hoping if he sinks low enough, he'll get his gambling under control. He is starting to realize that his actions have consequences. I don't think addictions are cured, just managed one day at a time. But I figure the longer we have him, and the lower he sinks, the better the chances he'll avoid losing his inheritance."

"You figured out I'm his father, right?"

"I have."

"And I'm assuming you hadn't planned on my finding out any of this."

"I figured you would sooner or later. I was hoping for later."

"I don't blame you. He's very hot and I'm guessing pretty profitable."

"He also started out high maintenance. But that's getting better as we break him in."

"Oh, I know all about the high maintenance. I'm glad to hear that's becoming less of a problem."

"I'm curious. If you were a member of this fraternity, why isn't Freddy?"

"I wouldn't let him join. The little shit would have ended up the frat whore. He has a talent for pissing everyone off. Ironic that he wound up in the dungeon anyway. But at least they don't know he's my kid."

"Will you leave him with us, or take him home?"

"That depends. I might have a proposition for you."

"I'm listening."

"As you may have guessed, I'm Bi. I've been taking full advantage of my options since I divorced my wife. He doesn't know, but I also disinherited Freddy as soon as the divorce was final. The little shit has been a nightmare and an embarrassment to the family since before he even hit puberty. I have two younger sons. Sixteen year old twins. They both identify as gay total tops. Being total tops is probably the only reason they've never done each other. They've made it clear that they would love to own Freddy."

"I'm guessing you're alright with that?"

"Oh yeah. As long as I get to use him too. And the boys are down with that. I figured Freddy would inevitably flunk out of college. His money would be cut off, so he'd have nowhere to go. I'd offer him a cell in my dungeon. He'd accept, because he's always taken the path of least resistance. But what you're doing with him is a whole lot better."

"So what is your proposal?"

"First, I have to see you in action. When he gets here, I'd like the two of us to spit roast him. And I don't want him to know it's me--yet. If you're as good a Dom as you appeared to be in the video, then I'll make my proposal."

"That sounds intriguing. Which end do you want first?"

"That fantastic ass. You'll be giving him any orders he requires, so he doesn't hear my voice."

"You got it. I'm guessing from the commotion on the stairs, that he's arriving."

He was. But with only a one foot chain between his ankles, and his wrists attached to the back of his stainless steel collar, he couldn't make his way down the steps without falling over, and into the frat boys who had camped out in the stairwell to watch the show. So Mike had picked the little teen up and thrown him over his shoulder. The frat boys were loving the view, whistling and smacking Freddy's exposed ass, as Mike carefully made his way down the crowded stairs.

Once they were in the basement, I motioned Mike to set the boy down in front of the dungeon entrance. I walked up to him, as did his father. Freddy was shaking and blushing, but completely compliant. He even kept his arms out to the side through that whole ordeal. Now that he was on his feet, he spread them apart, as far as the chain between his ankles would allow.

Freddy clearly had no clue that the other man in front of him was his father. The man walked behind his son, and began running his hands all over his boy's hairless naked body. Freddy stiffened, but otherwise remained still and submissive to the man's touch. I could see his father grin at me through his hood. And watching had made my dick rock hard! The combination of the incest, and Freddy not knowing he was about to be used by his own father was just so darn hot!!

Personally, I've never had a problem with `Brotherly Love'. It's not like anyone is likely to get pregnant! I've never fucked my brother, mainly because I don't have one. And my father isn't my type. But it was clear that Freddy was definitely his Daddy's type! And I had to admire the masterful way his father was manipulating Freddy's body and mind.

The naked teen was in significant pain, because his little cock was trying so desperately to get hard in it's cage. The combination of pleasure and pain had the boy moaning like a horny cock whore--which is just what he seemed to be, now. I had no doubt that Freddy would still prefer tits and pussy, given the opportunity. But it looked like cocks and balls were becoming a perfectly acceptable alternative for him. That was a good thing, because I was pretty darn sure his father would never let him near a woman. It looked like Freddy would spend the rest of his life serving cock.

The frat president unlocked the door to the dungeon, and Freddy's dad picked him up, threw him over his shoulder and carried him in. I followed close behind. This was going to be fun! The man placed his son face down on the fuck bench. Freddy lay passively, waiting for whatever would happen next. The father removed the chain between his son's ankles, spread his feet wide, and strapped them down to the bench. He moved to the other end, disconnected his son's wrists from his collar and strapped his arms to the bench.

Freddy would not be going anywhere. He was well trained now, and would never have considered moving, even without the restraints. But seeing him physically helpless, as well as mentally helpless was very hot.

The father resumed running his hands over his son's helpless body, sometimes digging painfully into his flesh, sometimes just grazing the flesh with his fingernails. Now, in addition to the moans, Freddy began humping his crotch against the bench. That caused his father to slap his ass hard! The boy stopped, but it was clearly a struggle for him to control himself.

I checked out the father's face. He was grinning, not angry. I was really glad to see that. The last thing I wanted for Freddy was an owner that was quick to anger. That's a sign the owner lacks personal control. And that does not make for a safe relationship.

Finally, our helpless slave said the magic words, "Please Sir, please, please fuck my ass! Fuck me as long and hard as you want!"

Our boy had come a long way! That was great as long as he didn't break the rule and cum! He was going to get that fantastic ass bred long and hard for the next two days, and at no time would he receive permission to cum. If he did, I had decided that the man who made him cum, would be given the right to punish him.

The father ran a hand gently down his son's spine, from neck to tail bone. That caused Freddy to let out his delightful whimper. When his father spread his boy's butt cheeks he saw the locking butt plug for the first time. He grinned and turned to me. I was holding out the key for him. He gave me a nod, took the key, unlocked the plug and popped it out.

Freddy moaned and wailed, "Oh cripes, yes!!"

I was pleased to see that Freddy was trying very hard not to use any word that could be considered off-color. When we first met him, he didn't listen to, or have any interest in, what anyone else was saying. It may have taken being helpless in the hands of some very dominant men, but he was learning and adapting. I suspected that would serve him well as his father's slave. And there was no doubt that was where this was headed!

The father nodded toward his son's waiting mouth. I took the hint and moved into position for the boy's first spit roasting of the evening. When our beautiful little teen felt his ass cheeks being spread, and saw my cock lining up with his pretty mouth, he sighed. I noted that his father's cock was above average. Something Freddy had failed to inherit. Not that it mattered. I was quite sure that the only thing his little cock would ever be inside of, was his cock cage.

The father gave me a go-ahead nod, and we penetrated the boy simultaneously, with a long slow thrust to the hilt. Despite being strapped down, the boy did his best to arch his back and shove his ass onto his father's cock. He hadn't cum in a week, and I suspected that he didn't give a darn what punishment he would face. He would do whatever it took to get himself off!

He couldn't say anything with my cock down his throat. So he focused his efforts on stimulating our cocks. Practical boy! His father was long dicking him slowly, a smirk on his face, as Freddy did his best to shove his ass hard onto the man meat hitting his prostate. And his skill level had reached the point, where he could do that, while still using his talented throat and tongue to get me off in his mouth.

With a grin on his face, the father reached over his son to fist bump me while the relentless double fuck continued. I was pleased he had worn a hood that did not cover his mouth and chin, so I could see his expressions and judge his mood. I wanted to keep this kid. And I figured the more I understood the man, the better my chances.

The two of us came at almost the same time. Freddy let out a frustrated whimper. His father put his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing out loud. I found out later that he had never heard Freddy whimper before. The sound, and the boy's frustration delighted him.

Freddy, now becoming an expert at reading the moment, continued to tongue the heck out of my softening cock, in the hopes I would get into his ass quicker, so he wouldn't lose the progress he'd made toward an unauthorized orgasm. It worked. Between his tongue and my desire to pound the heck out of that wonderful ass, Mr. Happy was quickly returning to full mast.

As we changed ends, his father whispered to me, "You've turned him into an excellent cock whore. I'm impressed."

"I'm glad you're pleased. I think his mouth and throat are making real progress as well. I can't wait to hear what you think of that end of him."

I found out quickly. As we both buried our tools into the boy with a single hard shove, there was a look of wonder on his father's face, as his naked helpless son used his throat muscles to massage the father's cock with determination, if not enthusiasm. Freddy was also working my cock as well as he ever had. He had been warned that failure to please the men who would use him this night, would result in serious pain and humiliation, so he stayed focused on our pleasure.

As we pounded both ends with powerful thrusts, Freddy was working hard to meet our efforts. I was purposely avoiding his prostate. He was moving his ass as best he could to get my dick in contact with his little love button. He lost. We used him for a solid twenty minutes on this round, but he still couldn't get off.

His father slapped his boy's face with his dick several times, then picked up a frat paddle off the dungeon wall, and turned that pretty pale ass bright pink. He set the paddle down, then used his hands all over his son's body once again, triggering more whimpers and moans. He gave the boy one more hard slap on each cheek, then walked out the dungeon door with a big shit-eating grin on his face, leaving his son in the hands of the next pair of boy renters. Mike took my place in the dungeon to ensure Freddy's safety.

Freddy's father put an arm around my shoulder, as we left the dungeon, and quietly said, "You're everything I hoped you'd be, when I saw that video. So I want to tell you my proposal. Let's go to the coffee house, find a quiet booth and talk."

"Sounds good."

We took the booth all the way in the back. The place was nearly empty on an early Friday evening, so we had the privacy we needed. I was hoping for this. If he had a proposal to make that required me to meet his approval as a Dom, there was a good chance I'd keep Freddy, at least for a time.

"I mentioned the twins before. They are both still virgins. During their online research into D/s and BDSM, several articles recommended that a beginning Dom, get experience as a sub, before learning the ropes as a top. I happen to agree with that, but none of their schoolmates have the needed skill and experience, and they don't want to go to a strange adult who hasn't been vetted. They actually asked me if I would train them. The problem is, they are so damn hot, if I started fucking them and taking them through D/s scenes, there's a risk that I would never stop."

"If they're even half as hot as Freddy, I could see that."

"So what I'm thinking is this. You and your roommates are clearly great at breaking in a pussy boy. You take care of your sub. You don't easily lose your temper, which means you are in control of yourself. You know how to break and control your sub. As far as I'm concerned, you and your group are officially vetted."

"Thank you. I appreciate your trust. I think I see where this is going. What are the specifics."

"Thanksgiving weekend is coming up. I'll send the jet to bring Freddy home for the four day weekend. If you agree to my proposal, I'll send the twins out on that flight for training by you and your friends. For two days you'll train and use them as subs. The next two days, when they understand what that's like you train them as Doms. The age of consent in this state is sixteen, so no problems there. You'll need to find a couple of subs for them to practice on. But I want only you and your roommates to make use of them as subs. It's possible that one or both will decide they are versatile or sub after the experience. I'm okay with whatever they decide, as long as they are happy and comfortable with the role they've chosen. Assuming they still want to be Doms, do you think you'll have a problem finding a couple of subs for them to train on?"

"That won't be a problem. There are plenty of guys we've played with over the years. But I have at least one inexperienced freshman in mind that would be a good fit for the Dom training. I'm assuming you'll continue their Dom training when they get home?"

"Maybe. I haven't decided yet. If I let Freddy return to school, and I probably will, they won't have him to practice on. In any event Freddy is pretty well trained now, and I think I'd like the twins to have more experience breaking in a sub before they make him their bitch. Perhaps, they can return for more Dom training over the Christmas break, while Freddy comes home for my personal pleasure."

"That sounds like an excellent plan. Will I be able to keep Freddy at least through the school year do you think? He still owes me a lot of money."

"By all means keep whoring the little bitch out. And money won't be a problem. You've done an excellent job turning him into a slave. I consider him your property. When the time comes I will buy him from you. I have no doubt you'll see a nice profit."

"Thank you. The twins can stay with us when they're here. Do you want photos of us for the twins to see?"

"Sure. But I don't think they'll care what you look like, as long as they're going to get the training they need. Just the fact they'll get to shed their virginity, and ultimately own Freddy, should be more than enough motivation for them."

"If they're not going to immediately do the Dom thing, I might recommend three days of sub training, and one or two days of Dom training. Could they miss a day of school? It wouldn't be a problem for Freddy. He's actually doing pretty well in his classes. And you'd get an extra day with him."

"Okay, that works. The boys attend a private school, and I'm a donor. Extra time off won't be a problem."

We left the coffee shop and headed to the local leather bar. We weren't looking for a playmate, just a drink and a chance to get to know each other better. I didn't know how long I'd wind up owning Freddy, but I had high hopes about where this was headed.


I love hearing from readers. Those emails are a big part of my motivation to write. And I certainly don't mind constructive criticism. It's how I learn. Ideas and suggestions also welcome.

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Next: Chapter 9

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