Sexual Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

By Craig Nickels

Published on Jul 13, 2003


The Sexual Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

by Craig Nickels and Sean

A novel celebrity (or literary celebrity) story involving gay sex

If you shouldn't be reading this version, go read the original! If you always thought Huck should suck and fuck, then this story is for you.

This is a story based very loosely on characters created by Samuel Clemens (better known as Mark Twain) circa 1884. Later, (depending on response and inclination) it may borrow from "Further Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Gregg Matthews, circa 1983. My apologies are extended to any heirs of Samuel Clemens and/or or Mr. Matthews who might read this.

In as much as Disney seems to be buying up everything these days, the company may now own the rights to Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (1875) and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" (1884) which were sort of combined into the film "Tom and Huck." (1995).

I've never been sure just when the stories were set, but they appear to be pre Civil War, so I'm guessing late 1840s. Let's say Huck was born 1833 and Tom in 1835. This story is then set 1849.

Chapter 1

You don't know about me without you read a book by the name of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," but that ain't no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly, 'cept there was parts he left out 'cause even HE felt they were stretched. Well, I ain't never seen anybody but stretched a tale One time or another.

Well that tale ended with Tom's Aunt Sally's plans to sivilize me. Ha! She might as well tried to sivilize a wildcat! I was 16, and I'd tasted freedom. There was no way I was gonna give that all up.

One thing that came of the attempts to sivilize-oops, civilize me, is that I lerned, uh learned to read, and write, and spell (well 'nuff to be understood anyways). So I decided to try to find out about Ma's family. I discovered her family name was Tuck and she'd come from the Appalachia area - which was still a pretty big chunk o' territory. Folks that remembered her (she'd died soon after I was born, which is maybe why Pap was so cross with me, I reckon he blamed me for her death) said she didn't seem like a Kentucky girl, but not quite Pennsylvania Dutch either. I figured for her to have hooked up with a man like Pap, she must've been from West Virginia, or maybe the Maryland hills; maybe she'd been a poor coal miner's daughter. Anyway, that's where I decided to look. But first, I had to get there. Tom and me, we took some o' the money we'd found from our earlier adventures, an' we slid out and headed east on a train. There's somethin' about riding on a train that makes a guy horny. Between the motion of the train, the sounds, and the thought of those pistons pumping, pumping, I wanted to pump my cock something fierce, course I couldn't, so I fell into a sex-filled dream.

I remembered one time, 'bout a year earlier (Tom was 13, I was 15), when Tom, swiped a 'cyclopedia or somethin' from the library so's he could read about sex. We'd been skinny dippin' and I guess Tom was horny because he pulled this book out of a sack he'd brought with him.

"Listen to this, Huck. I got this book called Sex Techniques of the comma sutra." (I don't know how to spell it, but that's how it sounded.) "Says here there's a lot more to sex than just humping a girl to make babies."

"Shucks, Tom, I could'a' tol' you that. Sex is as much about Feeling as it is about Doing. The main reason to do it IS the Feeling. Thought you knew that, we stroked off and ejac-jacked off together 'nuff times. (We'd been jacking off together since he was 12 and I was 14.)

A fly lit on Tom's nose as he continued. "Talks here about fell- achoo."

"Fella chew?"

"That's where you take a guy's dick in your mouth ."

"And chew on it? Gee Tom, wouldn't the teeth kinda hurt?"

"Not fella chew, it's fell -" Tom tried to sound it out "fell-A-show, something like that: f e l l a t i o, fellatio. You make your mouth like a pussy, sort of, licking and sucking a guy's cock. You wanna try it, Huck?"

"Well now that depends a mite on who you got in mind to do what. Do you wanna do this fell- , do you wanna suck me, or do you want me to suck you?"

I knew what the answer would most likely be, but I still had some hope that Tom would decide to suck me first.

"Well, I'll have to read and tell you what to do," said Tom, "so you suck me first, then I'll do you."

"All right, but you better not weasel out on me, Tom Sawyer!" I said, already getting hard at the thought of Tom sucking me.

"Step 1," Tom begins, "place lips around the penis and move mouth all about, taking the penis in and out without concentrating on any one area of it."

I took his cock in my mouth. It kinda reminded me of tasting a pig in a blanket - that's a sausage wrapped in a flapjack.

"Step 2," Tom continued, "kiss the sides of your lover's penis with your lips and gently brush your teeth along it or nibble on its sides. Hey, I guess it is 'fella chew' after all."

I done like he said, near as I understood anyway.

"GENTLY, Huck," Tom squealed.

"Step 3, With lips close together, kiss penis with suction while pulling back with your mouth and drawing the penis out with your hand. Then go back down on it, taking the head of your lover's penis into your mouth and sucking on it, as if sucking a straw."

I sucked him. I was starting to enjoy this. I had felt for some time that I just didn't care for girls, that I was attracted to boys. Tom and I had jacked off together for a little over a year now (since he was 12 and I was 14), and I'd been feeling there ought to be more we could do. The only thing I'd thought of was fucking his ass, but I figured he wouldn't let me. Now I was looking forward to him sucking me. And if he tried to weasel out of it, I WOULD fuck his ass!

"Oh yeah, Huck, that feels great," Tom moaned. "Now, press your lips firmly against the penis and draw back, letting it slide out of your mouth. That's it. Now kiss your lover's penis softly and gently, but hard enough for him to feel the sensation, then stroke your lover's cock all over with your tongue; lick your lover's penis from tip to base like a lollipop."

I followed his directions.

"Now take the penis into your mouth and forcibly kiss and suck it. Use lots of tongue and sucking action on the upper half of the penis. Be very passionate, as if you were going to swallow it up. Explore the most erotic kiss of all. Oral sex is the most sensual of all love play, capable of producing sensations that far surpass the pleasures of intercourse."

I followed his directions again.

"Oh skip the book, Huck, I wanna fuck your face. This feels SO good!"

It might seem like Tom was getting all the pleasure as I gave it out, but this wasn't the case. Over the last year, we'd become lovers, and now each of us was giving to the other and to himself. One gives his penis, the other his mouth; one gives his trust, the other his care; one feels the warm, caressing mouth, the other feels the strong, warm penis - and all are pleasing. It's true that I maybe didn't know what to do at first; but not being overly civilized, I didn't have any cultural fears, just inexperience, and I figured this fellatio, like most human acts, must be learned, and learning anything takes time and patience.

As Tom started to get very excited, I started moving my head from the shoulders and upper back instead of my neck, so that I was bouncing up and down with my whole upper body. This seemed to give more energy to the strokes yet was actually less tiring.

Tom was grunting now, bucking and humping my face. I began to be wary of gagging on his cum, so I wrapped one hand around the bottom half of his cock, so I could slide it out quick. Sure enough, Tom started cumming.

I managed to swallow most of his jizz, but a few drops dripped down onto Tom's hairless balls and I released Tom's dick with a slurp to lick them up. Tom gave a shiver and produced one last little drop of cum which fell on my cheek. I stood up and grinned. "Now my turn."

"Uh, Huck, about that."

"You're not weaseling out on this, Tom Sawyer!" I said, grabbing him and knocking him to the ground so that he was butt up beneath me. Tom had a great bubble butt: round, smooth, just right for fucking, and I was gonna take it!

"Let's see what your book says about fucking ass!" I said, getting the book with one hand, since it was in easy reach.

"No, Huck," Tom begged.

"Ah, here we go. 'With the woman lying flat on her stomach, the man lies on top and thus can have free hands. However, penetration is not easy in this position, and you can't thrust deeply. The main advantage is that the woman is weighed down and restricted in how she can move, though the man can still move freely."

"From this position, both partners can roll over on their sides, still facing the same way, with one leg drawn up. This position allows bodily relaxation plus free hands to explore and caress. Also entry is easy and fairly deep, and avoids the one person pressing fully on his friend. Movements are somewhat limited, though vigorous thrusting is easy once you get used to the posture."

I grabbed Tom and rolled with him onto our left sides. Now I couldn't really read anymore, so I winged it. I had Tom in kind of a leg lock, but I still needed my right arm around his neck to keep him from fightin' me and gettin' away.

With my left hand, I stuck my index and middle finger up Tom's ass.

"No, don't fuck me, Huck," Tom cried.

"I haven't even STARTED to fuck you YET, Tom, that's my FINGER!" I told him.

I pushed the tips of my fingers further into his anus. I was glad it felt clean with no sign of shit. I felt the sphincter give way so I kept pushing gently past the thick muscle and into the rectum. This must have been a bit uncomfortable to Tom at first, because he complained "Oh, it burns."

Now I started exploring, feeling around, sort of massaging Tom's rectum. >From the change in his voice - from screams to a contented sort of purr - I figured he liked it, even if he wouldn't admit it.

With my left thumb, I was doing my best to try to massage Tom's balls, but I couldn't quite reach them. I learned later that I was massaging his perineum -- the ridge of flesh between the anus and the scrotum. It represents a continuation of the tubes that make up the penis and are engorged with blood during erection. Pressure applied to the perineum can cause an erection, and pressure during an erection will cause an effect similar to squeezing the middle of a balloon - the rest of the balloon will inflate larger. Similarly, when the perineum is pressed, blood will push into the penis, causing the glans (head) to grow larger and more nerve endings in it to be exposed

Tom loved this technique. "Oh YEAH, Huck! Now THAT feels GOOD!"

"You ready to let me fuck you now?" I asked.

"Yeah, long as you keep stroking me and jack me off."

"Good, now this will take some preparation," I said. "I still want you to suck me to get me all nice and hard, and I figure I need to lube you to take my cock, but we haven't got anything for lube, 'cept maybe spit."

Without really knowing what we were doing, we got into a 69 position, me on top (I wasn't taking any chances with Tom getting away) so Tom could suck me and I could tongue his ass.

Once we got each other worked up, it was time to fuck. Since being on our sides had seemed to work before, that was the position we chose now. I poked with my cock and found his opening and pushed my way in. There was a little resistance at first, but once I got into the rectum, we both thought it felt great.

To keep Tom happy, I began roaming my hands over his young body, starting by caressing his face (he sucked on my fingers part of the time). Then I enjoyed stroking his smooth chest, tweaking his nipples, tickling his belly, before I moved down and started stroking his cum-filled balls and the skin just below his sack (the perineum). Tom enjoyed the attention!

Then I started thrusting, grinding, rotating my hips circularly and rocking my pelvis from left to right. Tom was doing his own motions, mostly jacking off while I fucked. This had the effect of complementary thrusting or counter-thrusting, doing his own rocking or swaying his hips in a side-to-side motion throughout the fuck. I began to wonder which of us would cum first. True, Tom had just cum after getting his first blow job, but I'd known him to easily cum 4 times a day, with two of those being within about half an hour of each other!

Tom started to cum about a minute before I did, coating his hand and mine with a layer of what Tom later described as "icing." His lust and increased motions with his ass were enough to bring me over the top and soon I was shooting several spurts of boy cream up his ass.

When we were done, we just lay there for awhile, spent. Tom licked his fingers and mine, tasting his cum. Yummy," he observed, "just like it looks, like icing. Yeah 'icing on the cake.' If YOU taste like this, I'll be HAPPY to suck you next time, Huck."

"Thanks, but we'll need another swim first, if that's gonna be today. Just remember you owe me," I told him.

"Sure thing. And Huck, you think you could fuck me again? I think I could REALLY enjoy that now that I know what to expect."

"Sure thing," I told him.

That's the end of part one.

So what do you think? Shall we continue with Huck's further adventures?

Address comments to Craig

and/or Sean

Next: Chapter 2

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