Shaking Things Up with One Direction

Published on Oct 17, 2012


Shaking Things Up with One Direction L Little

WARNING: YOU must be 18+ to read this & ANY of the 8000+ Nifty stories you are from read at your own risk. DISCLAMER: I don't own the rights to the Disney show Shake It Up as well as the England's bad One Direction. I DONT know anyone who works on Shake It up & One Direction in any way. This story is 100% FICTION to my knowledge & IF ANY part is true it's just dumb luck. NOTE: I would like to thank Michael for this story idea. This is the third Shaking Things Up story I have done. If you never read the first two don't worry you don't have to. If you do wish to read them anyways here are the links.

Shaking Things Up

Shaking Things Up In Japan

This might be the last Shaking Things Up series due to the storyline that happens on the show. (If you have seen the first epc of the new season you would know what I am talking about.) However there could be more Shaking Things up series from me that douse not have to do with the Shake It Up show's storyline. I hope you enjoy this Shaking Things Up story.

Chapter one.

It's been two week since the boys came back from Japan and boy did they have stories to tell about their fun they had in Japan. However they left a few details out when they talked to their friends. Even though Ty had been having gay sex for a year he still did not have a boyfriend. He still thinks about the times he shared with Pico and wished he could kiss those lips of him again. They have however gone on the web cam and had there fun that way but it was not the same. Ty only had sex with two people the other being Duse. He is happy for Duse that he as a boyfriend that happens to be Gunter. While Ty was just walking around his room with his head down. Gunter and Duse was on the verge of breaking up. A week ago Gunter got news that he had to go back to the old country to take care of the family. Duse could not see why Gunter's father could not go. After all Duse know people who can give Gunter the hook up. While the two of them where having a fight. Flynn and Henry were having there little fight. The fight was about Henry always have to be right about everything and it made Flynn feel dumb. They did not think they would ever fight over there IQ. Flynn hopes they can work all this out. Henry is the only boy that challenges him but this time it was too much for Flynn. While this was going on there is trouble on the other side of the pond.

In England a band called One Direction was at the airport to go to USA once again. This time they are hitting IL first. One Direction became a big hit after being on TV and now every girl now are loving One Direction but still has room for Justin Bibber but this is not about Justin. What no one knows about One Direction is they are secretly gay and the only people know is themselves. They had there far share of orgies but after a while they decided to date one another. Harry Styles is dating Zayn Malik, Niall Horan is dating Liam Payne, and Louis Tomlinson is sadly not dating. Louis wanted to date Zayn but Zayn did not have those kinds of feelings for him. In fact none of his fellow band members did. That did hurt Louis but he understood. Before they were at the Airport all the boys but Louis had a fight. The Fight between Harry and Zayn was about Zayn staying up all night and not coming to bed. For Niall and Liam there fight was about Niall keep using Liam's stuff without asking. So there they were now on their privet jet not talking to their boyfriends. You could cut the tension with a knife and Louis felt unease with all the tension. They will be staying in IL for three days and Chicago being there last stop. Louis hope this fight won't last long because if it douse it will be a long week.

Back in Chicago Duse was over at the Jones's house watching Flynn wile CC and his mom is out. All Flynn had on was his boxers when he came out of his room. Duse looked at Flynn and smiled because Flynn's dick was sticking out. Flynn quickly looked down and quickly put his dick back in his boxers.

"Don't worry lil man it's just us."

"Oh in that case."

Flynn then took off his boxers and tossed them at Duse's face. Duce could not help but to smell Flynn's boy Smell and end up getting hard. Flynn just laughed.

"You love that smell don't you?"

"Yes I do lil man."

"I bet you want to smell my dick as well."

"Yes but what about Henry?"

Flynn sighed and sat on the stool with his lags spread apart.

"We had a fight and I don't know if we will get back together or not."

"Yah I know what you mean. Gunter and I had a fight too."

"What did you fight about?"

"You first then I'll tell."

"Well ok, Henry is so smart but lately he been making me feel dumb by fixing every mistake I make even my grammar. It's not proper grammar I'm using. He used to love the way I talk. Now it feels like he wants me to change and be like him."

"Oh I see, don't you try to change him?"

"Well kinda I just help him out to be a kid so he could fit in better."

"I can see you both want the other want to help each other out."

"Now what about you? What is your fight about with Gunter?"

"Well lil man he has to move back to the old country because his family needs help on their farm and I will never see him again. I just never understand why his father could not do it. After all Gunter could stayed in Chicago and live with me if it's too much for his mother."

"Wow that sucks."

"I know lil man I know."

"So what do you feel like doing?"

"Getting naked and play some video games."

"That sounds fun. We need to get our mind off of things."

While Duse and Flynn were playing video games Henry was at the library. Henry was looking for a good book to read and he ran into Ty.

"Hello Ty how are you doing this fine evening?"

"Not much smart lil dude. You don't look like yourself."

"Flynn and myself is a road block in our partnership. It seems my genius messed things up for us. I just want him to be ahead later on in life. I guess I pushed it to far."

"Wow Henry I do hope things work out. You two should just talk it out."

"Thank you very much Ty. You look down yourself. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Well it's just I don't have anyone. First I was having my fun with Duse but he wanted to have more then just sex and I was not ready for it. Then when I was I meet Pico. I was ready to have a boyfriend but I knew it was not going to last long with him. It feels like I'm stuck. I still don't know who likes me. After all I'm still in the closet. So is the rest of us. I guess that what made it easy on me because I knew Duse was and in Japan I was not going to run into anyone I knew so I could be myself."

"Well I can't say just get out because you have to feel that you want to. You are right about the five of us. Everyone feels different when they talk about being in the closet. It's like a safe haven. If we go out we font know if we would be treated the same. If friends don't like gays then they are not real friends. Then there is the other side of the coin where your family treats you different. I said you have to decide what you want. Maybe if you go out you will find someone. Maybe you won't. The only thing I could think of to find a boyfriend is go where you will never go and see if you see a boy that gives you a good vibe."

"Thanks Henry."

Hours later the One Direction just entered IL and is on their way to their hotel. The band ended up taking the back entrance and once up there they had one giant penthouse. It was a long day and it is going to fell longer. Louis has to talk to his fellow band members about their fight. So he took one by one into the washroom to talk. After hours of talking to each of his friends it was time for them to go to sleep.

If you are enjoying the story so far you also might enjoy.

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Celebrity: Fletcher's Masterpiece Getting Eliminated The Hidden Book of Secrets Is It Fast Kickin it off set I Can Do Anything Joe's and Carries Super 8 Max's Real Steel Secret Skies Shaking Things Up Shaking Things Up In Japan The Tobys The Unaired episode

High School: Going to High School

Incest: The Odd Life of My Brother

Since fiction and or Fantasy: Gigs Halloween Party

Young Friends: A Boy Named Timmy Gigs Halloween Party Looking for Bigfoot My Crazy Week Paint Ball Nick Summer of 42

IF I missed any story that I have done please tell me.

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Next: Chapter 2

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