Shall We Meet

By Mike H

Published on Feb 13, 2021


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I went up the stairs first. My ass was on fire and the plug was now firmly clamped into me by my distended sphincter. I could feel the knot in its base pushing against my prostate with every step.

At the top of the stairs, I paused and Paul indicated that I should go back in to the sitting room.

`Sit yourself down and relax for a bit. I'll get us some drinks - nothing alcoholic as you said you'd be driving back later.'


I sat very gingerly on the leather sofa. Its coolness was welcome, but the pressure as I put my weight down certainly wasn't. Gingerly I say back, having to open my legs a little to accommodate the plug. Precum and the last remnants of my previous orgasm oozed out and hung in the air. He came back into the room just as I was adjusting my still-hard cock. I quickly wiped the tip with my finger and licked the liquid.

Once again, he sat opposite me on the other sofa.

`So what have you learned?'

`Not to be late!'

`And?' He looked pointedly at my groin.

`And to be properly naked, I guess?'

He paused and smiled.

`Good. Now it's 9:30, so it's taken two and a half hours and we're still not ready to have fun. But before we address that, tell me about the experience downstairs.'

I spoke for a while about how he'd stopped completely periodically. Just as my body was calming down, he'd start again. I was surprised that the pain seemed to disappear at some point and that I'd gone into some state I'd never encountered before.

The pressure of the plug as I had gradually weakened was a constant reminder that I was still anchored in that place, despite my mind going into a completely different state.

Every pause must have aligned to the adrenaline bursts my body was capable of producing. A series of swats on alternating cheeks, and around the `dildo pole' made sure that he'd somehow managed to get my entire backside.

When it came to the cane, my mind was screaming - not in pain - but in ecstasy. And with the final swat, I hadn't noticed that he'd kicked the last remaining books from under my feet. He timed that last `swoosh' to exactly the time my hole gave in and I shot my load in a way I'd never done before. However, I'd never pissed myself while cumming - that was totally new too.

I'd rambled - my cock had still not softened and I'd been cleaning it and adjusting the plug periodically as I moved on the sofa. I finished the drink.

Right,' he said, let's get you naked. Then we can have our fun. `Wait there, I'll be right back.'

A couple of minutes passed, and he returned with a bottle of some acrid smelling liquid and a towel. He put the towel on the floor.

`Stand on this,' he said.

I stood on the towel and he poured some of the liquid on to his hands and then started rubbing it on to me. He was extremely thorough, covering every part of my body - face, neck, arms, pits, torso, pubic area, legs, feet and then my sore ass. That stung, and continued to sting for a few minutes.

The liquid dried on me and that seemed to be it. A non-event, I thought.

He checked that everywhere was dry and then led me to the bathroom.

`Wash that off you now, dry yourself off and then we'll go to the bedroom.'

Still plugged, I stepped into the shower and let the water hit me. It was beautiful - the hot water caressed every part of me - and soothed my sore bottom. I grabbed the shower-gel and rubbed it on me. Then I noticed that where I rubbed, the hair came out. He'd covered me in exfoliating gel of some form.

By the time I got out of the shower, every hair had gone. I was completely smooth. Bizarrely, I was still hard - I'd never been this erect for so long.

I dried myself off and walked in the bedroom. He was reading something on his `phone, still dressed, lying on the bed.

There,' he said, that's much better. And you're still looking pleased to see me.'

I blushed. He patted the bed and I walked over and sat down next to him.

He finished whatever he had been doing and then got off the bed. He stripped his sweatshirt off and then shucked his trainers off. Then he dropped his pants. Now I understood the size of the dildo. He was huge.

I took in his body. He was toned beautifully, find blond hair ran down from his belly-button down to his bush. The muscles formed a perfect arrow, pointing to his thick and swelling uncut 11".

He pushed me back on the bed and lifted my legs. Then he started pulling on the base of the plug. It hurt coming out - feeling like my entire insides were coming out with it. However, with a little pushing and pulling, the knot emerged.

Right on the widest part of the knot, he stopped and then pushed the plug back into me. Then he repeated this until my hole gave in and just stayed open.

He reached for a towel he'd previously put on the bed and lifted me up, putting the towel underneath me. Then he pulled the plug out entirely. My hole stayed wide open and despite me trying to clench, it wasn't closing up just yet.

Without ceremony, he spat on his hand to lubricate his cock and then, having got it fully hard, he plunged into me. With one movement he'd pushed through my inner-sphincter and was fucking me deeper than anyone had done before.

Not only did he have a massive cock, he also knew how to use it. He changed pace and direction. He pulled out and flipped me on my front before ramming his cock back into me.

I could feel every movement, every vein as it pulsed inside me. He fucked for what seemed like hours. I could feel my mind going back to that space in the cellar. His cock keeping me connected to him, and his bedroom.

He flipped me over again, and then started fucking me rapidly. I could feel his balls hitting my hold and then I could feel him hitting my prostate again and again. I could feel my prostate reacting the and the pressure built up.

I found myself making a sound like some kind of primitive animal as the pressure built to the the inevitable climax. I could feel my balls drawing up and then it happened. For the first time ever, I came from being fucked. Almost in slow-motion, cum arched in the air and hit my chin. More streamed out of me and landed on my chest and abdomen.

I reached down to finish my orgasm but he grabbed my hands and let it ruin. I was so frustrated that I could scream!

At that point, he lunged forward and unloaded inside me. Every pulse sent waves of lust through me.

Something, however, was wrong - I was still cumming. Then I realised it was piss. With his cock in me, I tried clamping down to stop the flow, but it kept coming.

Ater what seemed like an eternity, I managed to regain control of it and stopped the flow.

I was mortified. I'd never pissed myself cumming - here I'd done it twice in one evening. "Fuck," I thought.

`I'm so sorry ...'

`It doesn't matter - it really doesn't,' Paul replied.

I started trying to clean up, but Paul stopped me.

`I'll sort it out in a bit - let's go downstairs and relax. No wiping off your cum or piss either. It's probably still the remnants of the spanking earlier. I'll explain when we get downstairs.'

As my own piss and cum started drying on me, he led me back to his sitting room. Intrigued, I sat back on the sofa. This time, I could feel my hole and backside screaming in unison.

He passed me another drink and he started talking.

`I use a technique that very few tops employ: it's a technique where I bring you to the point of agony, then stop completely.

`The body's an organic thing. It reacts to shock by producing endorphins and adrenaline. Initially, the adrenaline takes hold and gives you that flight or fight response. You'd want to get away from the pain as quickly as you can. But after a few minutes, those adrenalin levels have reached their peak. The endorphins start their journey and give you a high.

`All your levels then have to drop down - so I wait for the organic side to subside. Let the body do its thing. Then when it's dropped, I start again.

`Then I repeat the waiting game, letting everything settle - but inside you the endorphins keep building and that starts taking you into ecstasy - a completely different head-space. And once you're there, you'll lose control of everything. You just want more. It's addictive - and then you had, what I would imagine, is the most intense orgasm of your life.'

I nodded.

`It was.'

`Which, of course, I ruined. Because I wanted you to cum again when I fucked you. I needed to keep you grounded and having that plug and then my cock inside you gave you what's known as an "anchor" - my cock became the plug and as I hit the same places as the plug, you erupted again. And again, I ruined it. Your piss proves that everything worked as it should. I bet you've never had a fuck like it?'

No,' I agreed, definitely a first for me.'

`Ad you'd be able to cum again - because it was also ruined. But I'm not going to do that. You'll go home and masturbate - I bet you can't resist it. Then you'll have just a normal orgasm and you'll want what I gave you.'

He stood up and stretched, his beautiful body making my cock twitch again.

`And talking of home - it's gone midnight. How about we call it a night?'

`Of course,' I replied. I stood up and a drop of Paul's cum worked its way out of my hole and down my leg. I hoped he didn't notice.

We walked towards his office and he unlocked it, then went inside. Returning with my phone and keys, he said, shall we meet again?'

I'd like to, I replied.

`Ok, can we chat on a different platform? My account got hacked last night - how about you install GroupChat - it's simple enough and secure. I think we'd both like that!'

With that, he went to collect his `phone to send me a link to install the app. It came through and I immediately downloaded then signed in. It sent a message back to Paul to say I was now on the system.

Right,' he said, that was fun - I hope you enjoyed it too!'

He walked over to the door and opened it. The cold night air hit me.

I pressed the remote door unlock for the car and then moved quickly to the car.

Thank you,' I said, I look forward to chatting soon!'

Me too,' replied Paul with a grin, drive as you are!'

I got into the car and put the keys in the ignition. I started the engine and then backed out of his drive and on to the road. When far enough away, I pulled over and grabbed my pants and top. I wiped my backside with my boxers as best I could and then put my pants on. Then I put my top on and drove home.

Part way home, I got a pang where I needed to piss. By the time I'd found somewhere safe to stop though, I'd already started. It just came out of me - and soaked my pants. I leapt out of the car as soon as it came to rest and finished pissing. A passing car driver peeped his horn as I wasn't exactly subtly pissing!

`Shit!,' I said to no-one in particular.

I got back into the car and drove the rest of the way home. As soon as I got in, I stripped out of my soaked pants and threw them onto the washing pile.

I was shattered and just wanted to go to bed. Deciding that I could change the bed in the morning, I put my phone on charge and hit the bed.

As predicted, I kept thinking about that orgasm. Damnit, he was right. I needed to cum and started stroking my cock. After only a few minutes, I had a `normal' orgasm. I scooped up my own cum and ate it - well, it would be a shame to waste!

I woke up. Being a Saturday, I had no work, so I would normally allow myself the luxury of a lie-in. I stretched and there was a really cold bit of the bed along side me. With a jolt, I realised I'd pissed my bed.

`Fuck,' I said and hopped out of the bed.

Then I noticed the far side of my bed. On the pillow there was a nappy with a stick-it note on it reading "You'll need this. Check your messages."

`What the hell?' I asked the room.

On my `phone, I could see a couple of messages via the new messaging system. I opened the first. It was a link to a video. Nervously, I clicked on the link.

The video showed me talking about being fucked and asking for punishment. It showed everything from me stripping off int he car to me being spanked, caned and fucked with cum and piss flying from me. Then it cut to me explaining how great the experience had been.

With my heart in my mouth, I read the second message:

"You will return tonight at exactly 7PM. You will be naked as the day you were born, except for the diaper. You will wet it - you'll have no choice. The drinks last night were laced with two compounds, one to keep you hard for the videos, the other to make you piss - it will take 2-3 days at least to wear off. And by that time, you will have had more. Get used to it.

"You will need more nappies, so go and buy them from the mobility shop at the end of the high-street. Get M4 napped, they will fit you and have a large capacity. You'll need to keep hydrated so keep drinking.

"This app tracks your moments and is recording you now, as you read this. I know where you are, so you will obey. You have only one nappy, and you will be pissing a lot today - better get more.

"I already have a copy of all of your keys, so I have left a surprise in your living room. Use the scissors and film what you do. You'll not need them any more."

"Finally, I have all your contacts - and your work details now. This video and more will go to the full circulation in the event that you stop obeying me.

"See you at 7PM - naked apart from the nappy - and leave all your clothes in your house, you won't be needing them this weekend."

In a daze, I walked into the living room. All my underwear was laid out on the floor with a pair or scissors and another stick-it note, reading "Cut these up and film yourself doing it. You have 15 minutes."

I sat for a moment in shock. I was being blackmailed. Then I realised I'd started pissing myself again. I ran to the bathroom leaving a trail of piss through the house, By the time I got to the toilet, I'd stopped.

I went back to the bedroom and put the nappy on. It took a few minutes to work out how to get it on and taped up, but I did it.

With a sigh, I went back to the living room, knelt, and started cutting the fabric of the nearest pair of CK boxers. I had 8 minutes left to cut them all!

I'd have to work out how to get out of this situation, nut right now, I was caught. If I was honest, I was terrified but also excited at the same time. For the time being, I'd do as I was told.

Next: Chapter 3

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