Ship Masters Boy

By g d

Published on Nov 24, 2012


DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual acts between men. Do not read if it is illegal to do so in your state or country. This story is not to be shared or distributed without my written consent. If you would like to contact me, please email me at

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The Ship Master's Boy Ð Chapter 1

The deck creaked bellow my feet as I scurried about getting the ship Master's gear in order. He snored in his hammock as it rocked with the gentle too and fro of the calm water the ship was anchored amongst. Light rain tapped on the windowpane and radiated the morning sun into the cabin, lighting the boards, wooden chest, crates and charts clustered in the small space. The sound of booted feet on the planks above indicated the general life amongst the crew as they came to for the new day. I flicked a few flecks of dirt of the ship Masters boots and placed them lightly on the floor under him, ready for him when he awoke. On a dented putter plate I arranged some fruit, it had gone past it's best several days ago, but the luxury of a tough lime would be sweeter than the bitter grub served to the rest of the crew.

A grunt accompanied by the sound of rope put into strain alerted me to the ship Master's awakening for the new day. He wheezed, swung his legs out of the hammock in a practiced pivot and plunged his feet into the worn leather boots. He scratched his face, yawned and pushed himself onto his feet. "Boy, to me." He said and motioned for me to come before him. I knelt down in front of him and he let loose his breaches presenting to me his sleepy cock. I took it in my mouth and waited for the salt wash to warm me inside. He pisses down my throat every morning. Why would he brace the outside drizzle to piss with the crew over the side of the ship when he has an obedient boy to take it there for him? His piss was strong but time at sea does that to a man. Salt gets inside a man and preserves him, keeps him young, or so he tells me. He tenses to fully empty his bladder and I suck to make sure he's dry. When he is done he pushes me off him and I fall back onto my hunches. He sits in his high backed mahogany chair and starts to pick at his breakfast. He snaps his fingers, summoning me. I rise and stand obediently by him. Sometimes he treats me to something spare off his plate but often I just have to eat with the crew. He directs me to prepare his morning save, I pour a bowl of water from a jug, sharpen the blade and wipe it. I check the soap, add water and aerate it creating foam. Having stated his morning hunger pangs, he kicks his feet into the floor and pushed back so as to allow me to stand to shave him. I lather his face, strong and robust under my hands. I take the blade and run it over his skin. The practice attained from conducting this daily routine means that I no longer fear cutting him. I ensure the hair is cut close; I would endure a close shave if he didn't. Satisfied with my efforts I wipe off the remaining soap and pat his face dry. He runs his fingers across his face and nods firmly; he is satisfied with my efforts. I discard the soiled water and leave to release my bladder, and through me, the ship Master's piss.

Outside the cabin, the morning is cool, the drizzle has stopped and the sea remains calm. I feel small on this ship and move quietly in the hope of avoiding attention. I stand at the back of the ship, loosen my belt and let myself fly. I concentrate to relax and let my water join the sea. I sigh as the pressure leaves me. A hand grabs my shoulder and jerks me backwards. A crew hand pulls me round to face him. "Look what you've done boy!" he leers at me. I look down at his chest, I wont make eye contact, "you've pissed on me, you little sod." I don't say anything, I just want to get away and be back in the safe stuffy cabin. "What do you say to me?" he demands an answer. The confrontation draws another crew member "I'm sorry Sir" I say quietly.

"Sir? Ha!" The second crew hand laughs. "This little prick thinks you're superior."

"At least he's not totally stupid." My tormentor says to his mate, then he turns his attention back on me. "What are you going to do to make up for pissing on me?" I don't say anything. "Well?" He demands an answer and I don't say anything. Their attention is planted on me. I am not going to get away from this. These guys are cats and I'm just a mouse, they're not hungry but they still enjoy tormenting me. He grabs my cock, still hanging out from my morning piss and tugs it "Well?" he repeats, both sailors laugh and I draw my breath quickly. Out of desperation I quickly reply "I'm sorry, I'll dry you off." Both men look at each other and raise an eyebrow before turning their attention back on me.

"Go on then, dry me off." He says. I pull a rag out from my pocket and lean forward to humiliate myself by rubbing him down. He pushes my shoulder and my knees cripple and I kneel in front of him, scrubbing hard in the hope they will have their amusement and leave. I rub the piss in and draw my hand down, ready to push myself up and leave. "Hey, you're not done" he says, "you missed a spot?" I look at him in confusion as he leans forward ever so slightly and spit a globule of spit onto the front of his breaches. "There." He points to the bubbly spit stuck to the front of him. I narrow my eyes but quickly wipe of his spit. He spits again. I can't believe he's doing this again. I rub at his crotch to get the new globule off and he hums quietly. He puts his hand on the back of my head and thrusts his crotch at my face. His hips gyrate against my face, drawing sniggers from the other crew hand. He spits on the front of his trousers and says "Hey, this prick got his cock spit on my too." This was incredibly humiliating. He was not even there when I was innocently pissing over the side, but I was trapped, on my knees, with nowhere to go. I moved the rag up to his crotch only to have it snatched away by him and thrown into the wind and out to sea. "Get it with your mouth bitch." He demanded. Feeling broken and just wanting this ordeal to be over I accepted my fate and licked his spit off his breaches. Using my own spittle was never going to dry him off, this was purely a task to humiliate me.

The other sailor grabbed my head and directed me towards his crotch. Again he dry humped my face, then, holding my head back, pushed his breaches down and presented his erect cock at me. His crotch smelled of sweat and piss. Weeks of being at sea only cured his meat and scented it with the smell of his musk. If I wanted to get out of this one, I knew I just had to accept it. I opened my mouth and allowed him to put his cock inside me. It tasted much like it smelled and I gagged. This only made him smile "He's choking on my Moby Dick" He laughed with his mate. I tried to suck of the grime and swallow it as quickly as I could. The sooner I washed it clean the sooner it wouldn't taste so bad. He fucked my mouth hard, jarring the back of my throat and making me gag. My eyes burned red and teared as I retched around his invading mast then, like a loaded canon he exploded his load down my throat. Before I had time to catch my breath, the excided mate turned my head and thrust his cock inside my face. He exhaled roughly as the pleasure of my throat on his glands sent him over the plank again and again. He too came before long. The lonely time at sea away from the company of women lent these men to cumming quickly. While his cum filled my mouth a loud "ehem" rumbled from behind. The post orgasmic faces of the sailors twisted from content to concern as the ship's Master made his appearance. Better late than never, here was my saviour.

"Enjoying my bitch are you lads?" he asked the two sailors. Struck with confidence and arrogance gained only by taking on the sea they replied "Yes Sir!" He laughed at their pseudo obedience and signature of respect. Their confidence, he respected, even if they had violated me, his boy. That felt like getting punched in the gut. His demeanour changed and sensing this, the shipmates seemed to shrink before him; "Use my boy again and I will give you to the other mates to useÉ naked." The threat hangs in the air, and then they erupted with courteous affirmations and scampered away. I did not fail to miss their looks of contempt directed at me, as if I had brought this fate of them.

"Thank you Sir" I said to the ship Master.

"Look at you, passing yourself around like a common whore. When did I permit you to share your holes with anyone boy!?" He demanded. I looked at his feet. There was no point in arguing with him, this would not be a battle I would win.

"Sorry Sir". I said quietly.

"Sorry isn't good enough." He said. "Get up." He clicked his fingers, "Tuck that worm of a cock away and come with me." I put my hard cock into my breaches and scampered after him. I followed him into his cabin and he shut the door and levelled the bar across baring the way to anyone who wanted admission. In the low light and confined space I could feel his rage. He slapped me hard across the face "On your knees!" he commanded. I fell down and kept low, anticipating the pain that was to follow my crime.

É To Be ContinuedÉ

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Next: Chapter 2

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