Should I or Shouldnt I

By Vincent Caprigno

Published on Sep 24, 2010


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Now I know I rushed into the story but its for a reason...

Lindsey's POV-------

Vincent stormed out of the room balling tears; I was so pissed at Nate. Vincent seems so I can't even describe. Why would Nate be so heartless? I mean really Vincent didn't do anything to him if I like him its my business not his. I swear I need to come out. But what if they don't accept me? My parents, my friends, everything. But if I don't do anything and Fast I will loose my chance at him. Why am I going after him? I don't even know him. But I don't want to Not do anything and then regret it later. F'Ing FAIL!!!!! I'm gonna to go after him.

" Nate you're an asshole!" I said as I left.

I went outside the room and I hear Nate screaming " Dude hes a fag Not someone worth anything" I turned around and ran after Nate and looked him dead in the eye and gave him the fear of God " That boy is a fucking fag So what! Guess what Im a Fag! Yea A fucking cock sucking queer!" Nate Looked shocked, He turned as white as could be. But I left before he could say anything.

I went outside and I saw Vincent In his car, He is crying, I run ver to him and knock on the window, he looks at me with his tear filled eyes and he puts his car into gear and starts to back up. I ran behind the car hoping he would stop. Luckaly he did, and I ran into the passenger side and got in.

"What the Fuck, Get out of my car!" he screamed while I was begging to tear up because I could almost hear his heart shrinking and falling apart"

" Vincent look, Im sorry about what Nate did, God I just got here and I already made a mess" Tears where building up within me as I was looking him dead in the eye. "Vincent I want to get to know you, I want to be yours. I don't know you well but something inside me is telling me not to let go of you so im not going to. I'm not gonna give up something that could turn out perfect. Yes im gay, I just told Nate off for what he did and now he knows too. I bet the entire school is going to know by Monday, I know your out but this is the biggest leap of faith ive taken and I cant do it alone, I need your help Fuck I just need you."

"You expect me to believe this?"

" I don't want you to trust me when I clearly see you don't at the moment, I want to start fresh like nothing happened and if anyone gives you shit ile take care of it"

"why me?'

" Today when I was at lunch I asked a few people who you where, Ive heard nothing but sad stories and then there was one person, that Tori girl, I asked her about you and from what im told you're a remarkable Different guy"


" Ok Im going to tell you something that you probably wont belive. I read people, Not like a book, its more like I can look into your eyes and see if your real, im able to see when your upset and hiding it and when you love someone. When you looked at me in class today you stole my heart, When I read you all I saw was pain and loneliness and that you cared about me. I belive in love at first sight do you?"

"I..I..I Don't know what you want me to do with this information, Yea I like you so what, If im going to be treated like..."

Before Vincent could say anymore I kissed him, No tongue just a general heart filled kiss. " Did you feel the fireworks? I did, Look im not just going to let you go. I know we don't know eachother but when you look into someone and you see what I saw... here Give me your hand"

'What why?"

" Im going to show you what I saw, just don't ask questions give me your hand"

Vincent brought his hand out to mine and I grabbed it, "Lets hope this works." I thought.

Vincent's Pov------

I gave Lindsey my hand, Once our skin touched I felt like I was being Sucked into a giant vacume. All of the sudden I was inside the school, I tried walking but I cant control my body, "wait a minute Im seeing things though His eyes"

Hes walking up to These girls from my Bio class..

"excuse me?"

"Um yea?" one of the girls said, she was not happy with the situation.

" do you know a guy in your class, Tall thin With brown hair and brown eyes?"

"You mean the freak?"

"What do you mean?"

"Listen that boy is no good to hang with he will take you from popular to the worth of trash hes not worth your time, But if you like what you see here I think we can make some plans" She said as she was attempting to flirt God she was bad.

"Sorry you're not my type" Lindsey said in aggregation " how about you go get rid of some parts and grow one special one and we can talk Then again don't we don't need a SLUT in the community anyways"

"you freaking Fag I hope you burn in hell"

"Well you know what they say Go to heaven for the view and to hell for the company"

Lindsey walked away from the girls and ran into Tori Knocking her down, "Watch where your going Ugh"

"Um sorry... hey while I buy u a new lunch can you tell me about your friend with the brown eyes"

"You mean Vincent?"

"YES!" Lindsey screams as if he's been trying to remember my name all day, like when you forget something important

Tori told him everything about me, from how when im nervous I start to shake to where im pissed and I flee the scene,

God help me Don't tell him about dad.......

To Be Continued---------

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