Sinister Schuester

By Cris Intel

Published on Dec 1, 2013


WARNING: This fanfiction contains "spoilers" up to episode 5, season 5 of Glee and some hot steamy man on man sex so if you're not down with any of those things, don't read any further.

DISCLAIMER: Glee and all of it's yummy men are property of FOX and Ryan Murphy and all sorts of other people who are not me.

Sinister Schuester 2

After watching Sam, Blaine, Jake and Ryder prancing around the stage in as little as he could get away with, Will wasn't going to be able to stand up without showing everyone that he was sporting a solid hard-on. He had also managed to get a tiny stain of pre-cum on his pants. His bikini briefs were positively soaked with it in the front. Will shouted while sitting "Great job everyone! Now let's just..."

"Marley," Jake said as he jumped off the stage, "I'm glad you could make it." He ran over to his girlfriend and his booty call, according to the school gossip. Will could only roll his eyes.

"Nice outfit, Puckerman," Bree said coyly and stole a glance over to Will. Will knew that she saw him picking out the costumes and she possibly saw him licking the front of one of the boys' loin cloth bikinis, maybe it was Jake's. "That sure is a lot of skin." Bree said as she reached for the front of Jake's outfit. Marley looked at her sideways.

Jake brushed away Bree's hand and moved over to Marley. "Hey, let's get out of here. I'm going to go change."

The intrusion of the ladies had quickly subdued Will's wood and now his good mood was fading like his plans to get all the boys fully naked. "Wait, Jake. Remember, I asked you to..."

"Yeah, Mr Schu but..." he motioned to Marley, "we gotta go...somewhere." He looked desperate to separate this girl from his fling.

"Yeah, I was hoping I head out too." Sam said. Will sighed loudly and shook his head. Jake was already headed to the locker room.

"Hey, could I get a ride?" Blaine asked as he walked up to Sam and put his hand on Sam's bare shoulder.

Sam turned. "Sure, partner," he said as he winked slyly. That gesture stunned Will long enough for everyone else to walk away without his approval or any sort of authority, not that he was ever really in control. He did have a camera planted in the locker room so at least he would have a little show later. However, it would still just be jack material later on instead of some sweet boy ass.

"Fuck!" he yelled when he heard the stadium door close behind the last person. He swept his papers off of the table and slumped in his seat. "Uh, is everything okay, Mr Schuester?" Will was startled to hear that someone was still there. He looked up to see Ryder looking back at Will as he swung slowly on a rope.

"Yeah," he got up and started walking down to Ryder, "I was's okay. I'm okay." He was trying to act subtle and indifferent as he walked up to nearly naked built boy playing on the stage by himself. "You having fun?" he asked as he climbed up on the stage.

"Oh, this is great! Best lesson ever!" Ryder said as he swung to the next rope over. He grabbed it with his left hand and he held himself up between the two ropes. His defined muscles were straining and he was sweating slightly, making his body glisten. His exposed pit hair was in wet curls, as was the tiny little treasure trail under his navel. "It's fun and a great workout too." Ryder said with innocence and enthusiam. "Have you tried these yet? With this getup, I feel like Tarzan!"

Will walked over to where Ryder was suspended. Ryder's muscles were quivering and the sweat was starting to fall off of him. Will undid his tie and his vest buttons, leaving both in pile behind him. Will yanked his shirt off and his button's went flying. Ryder looked down at him now questioningly. "Mr Schu?" Will undid his belt and let his pants drop at the same time as Ryder let the ropes go. Will's pants and Ryder his the floor at the same time. "What...what's going on?" Ryder stammered.

Will said gruffly, "Just getting into costume. You make it look so fun." He kicked off his shoes and yanked off his socks while standing just a foot from Ryder.

Ryder glanced down, did a double take and then exclaimed, "Wow, oh, uh, damn, those...that is some...costume." He was taking in the sight of Will's tiger striped bikini briefs. Will knew he was going to get some shit for their tackiness but when had he ever been an appropriate role model? The front of his briefs dipped down slightly in the middle, exposing some of his trimmed pubes. His stomach was so defined that it practically made an arrow pointing to his crotch. His cock was also semi-hard and making an impressive bulge which is what may actually be entrancing Ryder.

He smiled and reached over Ryder's shoulder, grabbing the rope behind him. "Let's go at it then," he said. Ryder turned to grab the other rope, keeping his mouth open and eye on Will. Will knew that he looked good naked and he loved showing his body off to Ryder. He could imagine Ryder checking out his tight ass as he clenched while climbing the rope. He was sure that his traps and his shoulders looked impressive as he reached one hand over the other, climbing up the rope while his bare feet held his place. He got seven feet off the air. "Swing me."

Ryder got a playful look and strided over to Will's rope and tugged it lazily from one side to another. "Harder." Will commanded. Ryder jerked the rope from side to side. "Harder!" Will yelled this time. Ryder gripped the rope with both hands and ran with it and Will to one side of the stage and let go. "Whoo hoo!" Will yelled as he swung from one side of the stage to the other. Ryder walked to the center of the stage, back to his own rope. Will reached down as he swung back around and smacked Ryder's ass.

"Hey," Ryder giggled as he jumped back. Will chucked and Ryder got a big grin. "Oh yeah?" Ryder shouted, "I'm coming to get ya!" He ran to the rope next to Will and jumped at it. He began swinging and climbing until he was at Will's height. He smacked Will's ass hard he swung by. It stung slightly and Will smiled.

"Hey now," Will called coyly. They traded a few smacks, both of them laughing lightly but Will was just waiting for his opportunity. He saw it as Ryder swung at him, projecting his smack with his hand outstretched. Will was swing at him to and instead of Ryder's ass, he grabbed Ryder's wrist. They swung their own ways momentarily until their sweaty chests came back together. Ryder was still smiling but looking a little more confused. Will was still smiling as well but he was looking at lot more devious. The guys were face to face, each breathing heavily. Will let go of his wrist, reached his arm across Ryder's broad shoulders and leaned in to kiss him.

Ryder dropped to the ground before their lips could meet and stumbled slightly. He fell on his ass with his hands behind him. "What the hell?" he said. Will landed on his feet, standing between Ryder's open legs.

"I think you know what I'm looking for, son." Will said, towering over Ryder. His hand reached down and grabbed his crotch. Ryder looking dumbfounded at Will which only turned him on more. He loved his prey to be innocent. Ryder was trying to maintain eye contact with Will but Will could see he was more focused on Will's growing package. "You wearing anything under that costume?" Ryder continued to look like a dough-eyed deer boy but he nodded. "Let's have a look then." He nodded to Ryder's crotch.

Ryder started to object. "I don't know. Here? Now? What would...what if someone...?" He looked from side to side.

Will knelt down and reached for Ryder's loin cloth bikini, "It's okay. Nobody's coming in. I had the doors set to lock from the inside and I'm the only one with the key today." He said in a low voice, his hot breath heavy on Ryder's sweaty skin. He pulled down Ryder's costume to reveal a black jock strap. "Oh-ho-my!" he chuckled like he just opened his favorite Christmas present. Ryder was still leaning back so his tight little asshole was exposed and his black-clothed package was growing by the second.

"Yeah," Ryder said with a nervous smile, "I don't think you have room to talk, tiger man." Will flashed Ryder a smile as he reached back to his pants and pulled a bottle of lube out of the pocket. "Holy shit. You were prepared." Ryder said. "Wait. Was this all...This was a plan? The plan was to get have us?"

"This," Will said as he opened the lube and coated his finger, "is the plan." He crawled over to Ryder and ran his lubed finger across Ryder's twitching asshole. After a few seconds, he plunged his finger in. Ryder gasped. "It's okay," Will said in a whisper, "just let it stay there." Ryder's warm ass clenched Will's finger tightly. After waiting for him to stop gasping, Will began to work his finger in and out, applying more lube frequently. Ryder's gasps became moans and his hard cock leaped out from the top of his jock strap. Will leaned down and put his mouth over the head of his cock which peeked out. Ryder moaned louder. Will stuck another finger in and let it set them as Ryder holler out.

"Oh damn! Oh, Oh! Mr! Mr Schu!" he cried as he writhed on the ground. Will worked his tongue around the boy's head, flicking the tip occassionally. He pulled off of it and licked down the still covered shaft, gnawing on it playfully with the slightest hint of teeth as Ryder shuddered. He worked way down to Ryder's ass and plunged in. It was musty but clean. Luckily Beast has encouraged good hygiene in her team, Will thought.

"Oh yeah. Oh that's it" Ryder said. Will leaned up and pulled down Ryder's jock, making his big cock bounce up and fall back against his tight little body.

"Damn, you're about as big as me, son." Will laughed as he began to stroke the boy's big cock and went to work on his ass again with his tongue. While he did so, he pulled his bikini briefs down so both of them were naked.

Ryder lifted his head. Will looked up and could see the desperation in his eyes over his nicely formed pecs. "I'm gonna cum if you don't stop." Ryder pleaded.

Will let go of his cock. "No, you're not." He pulled his fingers out of Ryder so quickly that Ryder quickly inhaled. He crawled over Ryder, pressing his body against Ryder's bare and beautiful chest. "We're just getting started." Will whispered into Ryder's ear and then licked his ear and earlobe. Ryder's crotch instinctively leapt up and pressed against Will's. Will then went to work, kissing Ryder's neck and Ryder whimpered with his bottom lip quivering.

Will's hot breath and his stubble felt so great against Ryder's neck. Ryder's hands had been supporting him from behind in semi-sitting position for so long that Ryder only realized they had been immobile when he felt each of Will's hands slide up his flat stomach, over his defined pecs and broad shoulders and then down his triceps, around to his biceps and then down his forearms. When they reached his hands, Will pushed down and Ryder was held in place as Will started to grind against him. All the while, Will was working on his neck. Ryder was sure there would be a hickie there later but he'd worry about that some other time. Now, he didn't want Will to stop.

He could feel Will's hard cock pressed against his crotch and nestle itself in between his balls and on top of his own cock. Both of their cocks were being jacked slightly by the friction between their two well defined bodies. Will leaned into him and pushed Ryder flat against the floor, all the while holding his wrists above his head. He worked his tongue over Ryder's pec, focusing on his nipple and then he moved toward Ryder's right arm pit. "OOOOHHH," Ryder exclaimed. He never knew that was a sweet spot.

Will started crawling up Ryder's body, pinning him to the floor. Will's loose ball sac was resting on Ryder's smooth chest while his big cock was pointed right at Ryder's lips. "Open up, son." Will said as he leaned forward and the head of his cock pressed against Ryder's mouth. Ryder let it part his lips and he could taste Will's salty precum. As Will continued to push his cock into Ryder's mouth, Ryder was aware of how vulnerable he was. Will had him pinned to the ground and he was holding Ryder's wrists above him as he face-fucked him. Ryder was trying not to gag on Will's thick cock as he thrust it halfway in and then back out. He looked up Will's impressive body through his teary eyes. Will's head was thrown back as he moaned. "That's it. Fucking take it all." Ryder had to breathe through his nose as Will choked him on all 8 inches of his man meat. Ryder found breathing difficult and tried to pull away from the cock which was hitting the back of his throat. "Ah. Watch the teeth." Will groaned. Ryder made a moaning noise in protest and Will pulled out of him. Ryder gasped for air.

"You're just so big." Ryder said between gasps.

"Thanks." Will said with a wink. He continued to sit on Ryder's chest, pinning his forearms down with his muscular thighs. Ryder reached up with his tongue and licked up and down his teacher's shaft, hoping to postpone another face-fucking. "That's my dirty whore." Will said which shocked and turned Ryder on. Ryder leaned forward and licked Will's impressive ball sac. Will laughed slightly and then pivoted, removing his weight temporarily from Ryder's body. However, he kept his balls above Ryder's mouth as he moved into a 69 position. His shins pressed down on Ryder's arms as Will began to return the favor and lick Ryder's balls. Ryder let out a little gasp and was unable to focus on Will's balls for a bit until Will said, "Keep going." Ryder licked the balls and the thick vein of Will's cock. Will had begun playing with his ass again, this time finger-fucking him with two fingers. While he was initially tight, Ryder began to loosen up around the fingers that plunged in and out of him. It felt great and Ryder didn't want it to end so when Will stopped and climbed off of him, it left him wanting more.

He looked at Will's hard body standing over him as Will stroked his own cock with a fresh bit of lube. "I'm gonna fuck you now." Will stated plainly.

Ryder was enjoying the fingering wasn't sure that he could handle that. Will's cock looked so daunting at that angle. "I'm not sure, Mr Schu...I've never..." Ryder protested.

"It''ll be okay." Will kneeled back down between Ryder's legs and bent Ryder's legs. Then he grabbed his clothes and placed his clothes under Ryder's ass to prop his ass up. He stuck his two fingers back in Ryder's ass and stroked Ryder's cock with his other hand which felt great. After a bit, he pulled the fingers out, stroked his own cock a few more times and positioned his cockhead against Ryder's tight hole while holding onto Ryder's cock. "I'll take it slow. Relax."

He pushed in and fell on top of Ryder. It was an immediate sharp pain. Ryder tried to pull back but Will had him held down. "It's too much!" Ryder protested.

"Relax," Will repeated as he maneuvered above Ryder, holding Ryder's shoulders to the ground. Ryder was grabbing his strong arms but Will wasn't budging. His ass throbbed like he never knew was possible. Will pulled out and said, "Breath. Push out with your ass and it will be okay."

Ryder was nervous as he saw Will lining up to push back in. "AAAAHHHH!" Ryder yelled as he felt Will's big cock invade him again.

This time Will dropped his full sweaty body on top of Ryder's and covered Ryder's mouth with his hand as his arm wrapped around Ryder's neck. Will whispered into his ear, "Don't worry. Soon you'll be begging me not to take it out." Ryder panted as his ass ached like never before. After a minute or so, Will began to thrust in and out slowly. Ryder wished he could get Will off of him just to have the ache stop for a bit but Will held him down strong. Slowly, Ryder began to relax and to move in motion with Will. "See?" Will said as he looked Ryder in his eyes. Will took his hand off Ryder's mouth and held his chest above Ryder's as his thrusts became more frequent. "Ready for more?" Will asked with concern in his voice. This assured Ryder that he did have some say and control. He nodded and gulped. He then felt Will's body push flat against his groin and he knew he was all the way in.

"Oh SHIT!!!" Will thrust harder and Ryder moaned louder with every thrust. "OH FUCK! OH FUCK! FUCK! FUCK YEAH! FUCK ME!" Will stopped thrusting and leaned down to kiss his passionately. Ryder was in heaven as Will explored his mouth with his tongue. Then Will pulled out and Ryder gasped and whimpered. "Nooo." he protested. Will smiled and thrust fully back into him. "AHHHHHH!" Ryder yelled and Will grunted heavily.

He grabbed Ryder under the armpits and over the shoulders and pulled Ryder up. Still impaled on Will's cock, Ryder sat on Will's lap, their chests pressing together. Ryder leaned in and kissed Will, grasping the sides of his face. Will pulled back after a minute and let go of Ryder, laying on the ground with Ryder on top of him. With a smirk, he said, "Ride me, Ryder."

Ryder kneeled on either side of Will's hips and rocked his ass against Will's cock while Will pushed up in rhythm. Will leaned back and appeared to be in heaven. There was a mirror off stage and Ryder could see his reflection as he rode Will and he looked good. His nubile, muscular body was shimmering with sweat as he looked and felt enthralled in passion. He smiled at himself, thinking he looked like a fucking porn star. And Will was porn worthy himself. Ryder looked down at his teacher's beautiful and strong body and started stroking his own cock. Will's cock was deep in him and pushing against his prostrate. His balls felt like they were going to explode. His hard cock bounced up and down as he rode Will. He stopped gyrating on Will and started stroking his own cock. He supported himself with his other hand pressing against Will's hard and hairy pecs. Will looked up, "Oh yeah. That's it, baby. Cum for me." Will pushed into Ryder as he rubbed his hands up and down Ryder's thighs.

The sensation was just too much for Ryder. "Oh oh oh," he gasped as he could feel the cum rushing from his tightening balls. Will's hand left his thigh and removed Ryder's hand from his cock. Will began stroking Ryder instead. The change-up threw Ryder off for a second but Will's warm, lubed-up grip felt great and he had match Ryder's vigorous rhythm. Ryder leaned his head back. "Ooooooh fuck!" Ryder yelled as cum exploded out of his throbbing cock, in two, three, four spurts. He heard Will encouraging him and joyously chuckling but Ryder was panting and shuddering, unable to regain his composure for a good minute.

Will continued to stroke him and it sent him into convulsions, "Ha, ah, AHHH." he panted as Will played with his sensitive head. Will let go and put his cum-covered hand back on Ryder's thigh and began to fuck him hard. Ryder looked down at his teacher to see him covered in cum. He even had cum in his curly hair. Ryder found Will's rhythm and began to match it in perfect unison.

Will's grunts became more frequent as he pounded Ryder harder from underneath. Ryder moaned louder with each hard thrust. Will's already tight body tightened harder. His face turned red and Ryder could see veins surfacing. "FUUUUUUCKKKKK!" Will roared as he dug into Ryder's thighs and Ryder could feel his big cock throbbing. Ryder held his breath as Will came inside him. Will pushed into him deeper and deeper and then collapsed against the floor. Ryder fell on top of him, feeling his own cum squish between their two sweaty bodies.

Will held him there, hugging Ryder tight against his body. Ryder's body rose and fell ever so slightly with each of Will's deep breaths. He leaned down to kiss Will and Will gave him a quick peck back and then shifted so that he pulled out of Ryder. Will gasped and Ryder felt a little emptier without his beautiful teacher inside of him.

Will looked at the young man laying next to him, staring back at him with complete affection and Will smiled. After years of sexual frustration, he now had had at least one of his boy's hot asses. It had took some planning but it was conceivable. And hell, Ryder wasn't even the most gay of his boys. Will leaned back and looked up at the stage lights above him. He was going to make this work. He was going to find a way to work through the rest of his boys.

To be continued...

*Thanks for reading and thanks for all the positive comments on the first chapter. I hope you liked this one as I plan to write more. Any comments or suggestions can be sent to crisintel(at) Xoxo

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Next: Chapter 3

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