So Cal Summer 1969

By Flip McHooter

Published on Jun 14, 2011


The story below is a work of fiction, except for the location. This story contains explicit sexual situations between high school aged boys, (and some girls). If this is illegal, etc., well you know the drill.

Also, because it's based in the past, some of it may not be politically correct as I have tried to be true to the time period.

Thanks to everybody who has emailed me. Please let me know what you think of this chapter. I really enjoy all of the feedback!

***If any girls should read this story, e-mail me because I have a couple of questions about something Lisa's going to be doing and I need some help. Thanks, Flip.

Chapter 7

"I'm so sorry that I was on the telephone for so long. Umm, this is delicious, LuAnn," Lulu said looking over at my mom. "Apparently my husband's nephew is working as a dispatcher in the moving company's office. I literately had to beg him not to say anything to Ace, my deadbeat husband. I really don't want him to find out where we're living."

"He won't bother us, Mom. I think we've seen the last of him," Jake said.

"I agree," Lisa said. "If he shows his mug around here, he's dirt."

My mom and dad quickly looked at each other, wondering what that was all about. Then my mom turned her head and shot me one of those looks that only moms can make. I just shrugged my shoulders and scarfed up the rest of the breakfast that was on my plate.

"Well, let's forget about that donkey for now. Why don't you kids help LuAnn clean up the dishes and then wait outside for the moving truck."

The three of us older kids quietly stood up, and, grumbling under our breath, started clearing the table while Jordan made sure that Sloan got her share of the leftovers. Jake had taken over scraping off the dishes into the trash and then dumping them in the sink where Lisa had started a sink full of soapy water. After she scrubbed them clean, I rinsed them off and then put them in the dish rack to dry.

"Oh, Madge, your hands are so soft and luxurious. Mine are so crusty and oozing with slime. How do you keep them that way?" I asked in best my TV commercial voice.

"Why it's Palmolive, sweetie. I'm soaking in it!"

"Dishwashing liquid?"


"Is it mild?"

"It's more than mild."

"Hmmm, mild. And it's a lovely shade of vomit green," I said, trying like hell not to laugh.

"And don't call me Madge!" We all started laughing.

"You guys are trippy!" Jordan said.

The tension from the talk about Jake and Lisa's dad Ace had finally lifted. We quickly finished up and headed out front to sit on the steps and wait for the moving guys.

"I have to take a dump. I'll be right back," Jordan said running into the house.

"Thanks for the information, Jordy," said Lisa. "This is going to be so freakin' boring."

"I know. We've already had to pack this shit up once, now we've got to do it all over, but in reverse."

"I've got something that will make it go faster," I said quietly so my folks wouldn't hear. "Let's run out to my tree house and smoke a bowl of weed."

"Oh Ryan, you're a lifesaver. I'm gonna give you a kiss," Lisa said.

"Uh, no time. Sorry," I said turning my head away.

"Yeah, let's go before your brother gets back."

"OK, follow me."

The three of us cut across the lawn and hurried back through the back yard to the tree house. I felt bad for ditching the little man, but this was something that he didn't need to know about. I hustled up the tree, grabbing my pipe and my stash, and then climbed back down. We sat down and leaned back against the trunk of the tree and I gave the first honors to Lisa. You could tell that she had smoked before because she didn't cough and gag like Jake did.

Letting out a nice size puff, Lisa said "This stuff is nice and mellow. Thanks for sharing your stash with us."

"No problem," I said as I repacked the pipe and handed it over to Jake. "Here you go, man. Remember, take it slow."

"OK, roger that."

Jake exhaled the herb from his lungs and handed me the empty pipe. I packed another pinch in it and lit the lighter. I inhaled a nice drag, and after holding my breath for a few seconds, and then blew it out. We sat there for a while, soaking up the California sunshine, just veggin' out and not saying anything, until we heard the jingle of Sloan's collar and the sound of Jordan's little feet running fast up towards the tree house.

"Guys! Where are you? Are you out here? The moving truck is finally here!" he yelled excitedly as us.

I jumped up and managed to put the pipe in the stash box and then throw the stash box up and onto the tree house porch just as he rounded the bushes and caught sight of us.

"There you are. What were you doing? C'mon guys, let's go!"

"OK, little buddy, slow down. Our stuff's not going anywhere," Jake said to Jordan as he grabbed him and lifted him up and swung him around.

"Hey! Let me down you, you, you...trouser monkey."

Where does he get this shit? I wondered.

"And stop calling me your little buddy. I'm not that weeny Gilligan."

"Come here, pussycat. Jake, put him down. Jordy, help me get up and then you can show me the way out of here. These boys kidnapped me and took me back here and I thought I'd never see home again. Thank goodness you came to rescue me! You're my hero," Lisa deadpanned to the little man. He turned around with the biggest shit-eating grin that I've ever seen. I don't know how she did it, but she has Jordan wrapped around her giant left tit!

"C'mon. Let's go!" he said again as he reached out for Lisa's hand. Then, switching gears, "Do you think we could stay up tonight and watch a re-run of the Monkees? That's my favorite show."

"I guess so. But you have to help me unpack my stuff and decorate my boudoir."

"What's a blue door?" Jordan asked.

"Well, it's my bedchamber. My she-den. The place where I hang my lingerie. You know, it's a girly thing."

"Oh." Suddenly Jordan wasn't all that excited anymore.

"You'll have fun. I'll make you happy. We can play our music and sing and dance and no one will care."

"Well, OK. If you say so. But promise we can watch the Monkees?"

"Here. Pinky promise."

"Jordy, are you really gonna help her with her over the shoulder boulder holders?" I asked.

"I'm gonna be sick. `My she-den', ugh! Let's go get my shit out of the truck and get this over with," said Jake

"I'm with you man. Let's go."

The four of us cruised down to Jake and Lisa's front yard and met up with the folks. The movers had pulled the big moving van up next to the driveway and were busy unloading the bulky furniture. The `Lulus' were pointing to the guys from the moving company to show them where all of the furniture would go. My dad was sort of standing to the side, watching the parade of colorful furniture being unloaded. I don't think he knew quite what to make of all of this stuff. Their furniture was a kaleidoscope of colors, shapes and sizes. The wood on some of the pieces was swirly and unique. Nothing seemed to match, and yet, it looked comfortable and cozy.

"Hey Jake. Where did you guys get all of this furniture? I've never seen anything like this before."

"It's kind of funky, huh? My mom's brother, Uncle Gus, is a furniture designer and sort of artist. He lives on a farm by the beach in Northern California. He would give us pieces of furniture that he made every now and then, and one time when we were visiting him he had me pick out some hunks of wood from an old barn that had fallen down. He made me the coolest headboard. Wait `til you see it."

"Wow, that's neat. He made all of this stuff?"

"Not all of it. The rest my mom collected, mostly from estate sales and antique shops. Some of the pieces she would repaint or stain, or add some decoration to it. As nutty as she is, she is really a good designer, kind of like my uncle. You would love his farm. He's got a big place high up on a hill overlooking the ocean. When it's not foggy, you can see, like, forever. He builds stuff in his wood studio and he paints in another studio. He even has a horse and a cow. And he lets his neighbor farm on some of the acres. You know, now that I think about it, I bet he grows pot up there, too. You'd like his place. It's really trippy up there. Oh, he has this great big old tractor, too, and he lets me drive it around. It doesn't go very fast, but it's really cool."

"Man, that sounds bitchin'. How long does it take to get there?"

"Well, last summer Mom, me and Lisa drove up there for a couple of weeks. It was a long drive, because the microbus doesn't go that fast, but Lisa helped with the driving so it wasn't too bad and I just sorta snoozed in the back or listened to my transistor radio. Lisa kinda freaked out when we drove over the Golden Gate Bridge though. That was funny. I think we left in the morning and we were there by dinner."

"Cool," I said.

"Hey guys, it's time to get to work. Take those boxes over there up to your room, Jake, OK?" Lulu asked us.

"Sure, mom."

Jake and I grabbed two big boxes, and headed for the house. "Are these your little toys and stuffed animals?" I laughed as I started up the porch steps balancing a big cardboard box in my arms.

"No you fucker. They're my collection of stinky jockstraps and dirty underwear with big greasy skid-marks."

"I didn't know you collected that stuff. You don't seem that smelly to me."

"Actually, I like to see how many days I can go without taking a shower or wiping my ass. And sometimes I don't change my underwear to see how many days it takes before they can stand up on their own from all of my farts," Jake said, continuing the joke.

"Oh, that's good. That's probably why Lisa and your mom want the downstairs bedrooms. If I had to have the room next to yours, I'd probably barf," I said following Jake up the stairs. "Besides, if I lit a match the house would probably blow up from all that gas."

We both started laughing, not being able to keep a straight face anymore. We dropped the boxes on the floor next to the wall under the window and headed back down the stairs for another round. On one trip I brought in a Danelectro Convertible electric guitar with a cool sparkle copper-colored Masonite front. It looked just like a bitchin '57 Chevy that I had once saw. Wow, Lulu was obviously a good guitar teacher and maybe wasn't as kooky as I had first thought.

We made five or six more trips by the time we met up with the movers heading up the stairs carrying a big dresser, just as we were on the way down.

"Which one of you guys is Jake," said the older of the two guys.

"I am. Why?"

"Your dad wanted me to tell you `Hi' and that he'd be seeing you real soon."

"Oh. OK. Yeah...well, you can tell that dick head to fuck off and that I don't ever want to see him."

"That's kinda harsh."

"What do you care? I don't even know who the hell you are!"

"C'mon, Jake. Let's get out of here," I said pulling Jake down the stairs past the movers and outside on to the front lawn. "Let's take a break."

"OK." My new bud seemed kind of bewildered.

"Hey, Dad! We're gonna take a quick break and run home to grab some Coke's."

"All right, but don't take too long."

"OK." I grabbed Jakes arm and steered him toward my house. "What was that all about?"

"I don't know, but let's get out of here. That guy freaked me out."

We went through the front door of my house, through the living room and dining room and on into the kitchen. Jake plopped down at the table while I rooted around in the fridge looking for a couple of Coca-Cola's. Instead, I swiped a couple of my dad's Miller longnecks that he got from the brewery over in Irwindale, thinking Jake could use a beer right about now and I knew that it had to be after five o'clock someplace. I popped the tops and threw the tabs into the trash and then motioned for Jake to follow me out to the pool house.

Once we were out of the house, I asked him, "How does that guy know your dad?"

"I don't have any idea. But obviously my dad has some kind of connection to him. I guess now my dad knows where we've moved. I'm gonna have to tell my mom and Lisa."

"This sucks. You were hoping to get away from him," I said sliding the pool house door shut behind us.

"I know. Why can't that asshole just leave us alone?"

"Maybe he will after that mover guy tells him what you said."

"I hope so. If my dad shows up when Lisa is here, his ass is grass! Lisa hates him so much she'll kick his mother fuckin' butt. After what he did to her in the bowling alley, I think he's really afraid of her." After he said this, Jake looked at me and started to laugh.

"You think she'll really do something like that?" I asked.

"Yeah, that crazy sister of mine would do it, especially when she gets pissed. But, you know, Lisa and I have a good relationship. We look after each other because our parents are so weird. I mean, I love my mom, but she's sort of out there, `ya know? As for my dad, we were close when I was small, but then he started travelling and then didn't have time for me. He wouldn't even bother to call us when he was gone. Now that I think about it, he never had much to do with Lisa, either. For the last few years the three of us were happiest when he was gone."

Draining the last of his beer, he continued, "The last time that we had fun together as a family was about 5 years ago. My gramps on my dad's side has a little fifty foot fishing boat that he keeps in the Marina Harbor, and one weekend my dad took us all out on it for a boat ride. We really had a nice day, just the four of us. He took us out of Redondo and along the coast up to Marina del Rey, where we docked and had some great fish tacos for lunch. That was a fun day. Oh, well. He's a dick now."

We sat there in silence for a while, and once Jake got over longing for the past, he got mad again.

"Let's go see if the truck is gone. The movers should be done by now and I want to tell Lisa what happened. I can't believe that fucker found us."

We got up and headed out of the pool house. After I threw the empty beer cans deep into the trash can by the garage so nobody could find them, I grabbed Jakes arm, and shyly at first, wrapped my arms around him in a big bear hug. "Don't worry about that asshole. I'll be right behind you," I said into his ear.

He stood there with his arms at his side and let me squeeze him tight, and he relaxed almost immediately. In fact, he got so relaxed that after a minute or two he popped a boner and started to grind it into my cock. I let go of Jake and reached down and grabbed his hard dick through his pants.

"Let's go back inside and let me take care of this for you. But we've got to hurry," I said.

"OK, but I don't know why you make me so horny. I just want to keep getting naked with you!"

"Same here, bud. Come on, let's go in and lock ourselves in the bathroom."

We went in the pool house, shutting the slider and I turned on the stereo. Janis Joplin was singing one of my favorite songs of all time, Ball `n' Chain, a song written by the great Big Mama Thornton. I cranked it up as we headed into the bathroom, locking the door behind us.

"Unbutton those jeans right now, mister, and pull out your cock!" I demanded.

"Geez, getting a little forceful are we? Just don't bite it off," He said pulling down his pants and underwear in one quick motion, his hard cock sticking straight out over his lightly haired balls.

"I won't," I laughed, "I was just being funny." I got on my knees in front of Jake while he leaned back against the sink, parting his legs as far as his pants would let him. Wetting my lips, I went down on his throbbing cock, licking up and down his shaft and humming on his fleshy shaft like it was a harmonica. I licked all around the engorged head, slurping up his sweet juices, and squeezing his balls with my hand.

"Quit fooling around and suck me, boy. See how much of my cock you can get in your mouth," Jake pleaded.

"All right. Here goes."

Taking a deep breath and opening up my mouth up real wide, I guided his hot cock down my throat, surprised that I could get two-thirds of it inside my mouth so easily. I bobbed my head up and down on his dick and tried to swirl my tongue around it at the same time. Remembering why they called this sucking, I wrapped my lips around my teeth and tried to suck him like a vacuum cleaner. I went at it pretty good, judging by the moans that Jake was making now.

Letting go of his balls and wrapping a fist around his hard shaft, I directed his cock straight out and into my waiting mouth. Still taking hard sucks on his shaft and breathing heavily through my nose, I was surprised at how easily I could get more and more of his long shaft into my throat. I continued to suck up and down on his teen dick.

"Oh, yeah man. That's it. I'm almost there. That feels really, really good, Ry. Keep it going."

A half dozen more sucks and I could feel his hard cock starting to throb, and I knew I was going to get that sweet reward that I had been looking forward to. I really started to suck in earnest now, as Jake was so close because he was rocking back and forth and trying to shove his dick deeper and deeper into my waiting mouth.

All too soon I was filled with his hot white goo, five or six big squirts landing in the back of my mouth. I pulled my stretched lips off his cock and swallowed all of his delicious seed, taking a quick look up to see his smiling happy face. Damn that was good!

As Jake wrapped his arms behind his head and squeezed his stomach tight and shaking a little bit with shivers of enjoyment, I asked him if he was still with us.

"Earth to Jake. Come in, Jake."

"Oh man. That was so fantastic. Your mouth was so warm and it felt so good to blow my wad all over your tongue. Let me suck you off now."

"No, we don't have time. Pull up your pants. I don't want somebody coming out here looking for us."

"OK, but you make me so horny. I'll do you next, all right? I just can't get enough of all of this hot boner action!"

"You got it, bud. Come on, let's go find Lisa."

Jake got dressed and I rinsed out my mouth because I didn't want to smell like sperm breath and then I led Jake out and around the other side of the garage so we could look down the street to see if the moving truck was gone. The coast was clear, so we walked down the street past my house and across the lawn toward Jake's house. Almost everything had been hauled inside, so we picked up a couple of the last few boxes and headed for the front door. Just as we were about to go inside, Lisa came bouncing through the front door, her boobs straining her thin top and leading the way. And of course, Jordan was hot on her tail.

"There you are. Where were you guys? I need to talk to you," she said.

"What's up?" Jake asked.

"You're not going to believe this. Do you remember seeing that tall dorky-looking mover? He told me that Dad says `Hi'. What a prick. How does he know us? And does that mean Dad knows where we moved?"

"Yeah, he told me the same thing. I told him to tell Dad to fuck off. I guess we should let Mom know. What do you think?"

"Fuck!" she shouted. Then, turning around to make sure no one heard her, she looked down at Jordan and told him "You know you can't say fuck, right little man?"

"I know. Mom will kick the fuck out of me if I fucking said that."

"Fuck yeah. Me fucking too." I added, laughing.

"Let's wait on telling Mom. I don't think Dad will do anything. Let's just wait and see what happens."

"OK. But I don't like this."

"Guys, let's take the rest of these boxes inside. Then maybe we can get out of here and find something fun to do," I said. "Hey, Lisa. Does your mom let you drive the microbus?"

"Yeah, why?"

"If we ride our bikes downtown, do you think you could pick us up later and bring us back up the hill?" I asked.

"Oh, I guess so," she said trying to sound put-out. Then, changing her tune said, "I promised Jordy that we'd go to the record store to buy him some new 45's for helping me out. Right little man?"

"That's right. I want to get Sugar, Sugar' by the Archie's that they play on TV. Oh, oh, and maybe that new Little Green Apples' song."

"Oh, man. I think I'm gonna barf right here. How can you possibly like that kind of music?" Jake asked, looking cross-eyed at Jordy.

"I think it's cute. If my little man likes it, then it's good enough for me." Lisa said.

"Yeah! It's good. I can teach you the words if you want," Jordan said looking up at Jake.

"OK, little man. Maybe you're right. I'll listen to it again and maybe you can convince me."


"How about we do this," I said, looking at my watch. "It's almost noon. Jake and I are going to ride our bikes downtown, get some lunch and maybe go by the high school. Let's meet at Wiggy's Records about three. That should give you and Jordy plenty of time to paw through the bins. Jordy knows where it is so he can show you how to get there."

"Cool. See you guys then," Lisa said, smiling for the first time today.

"Later gators," Jake said. "Let's get our bikes."

"All right. But let me go tell my mom or dad what's up. I'll meet you here out front in five."

Next: Chapter 8

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