
By Barry Gold

Published on Jan 7, 2023


Sarah & Allison When Two Lovers Meet

Mrs. Deering was handing back the English projects. "...Sarah Black and Jennifer Browning, an excellent paper, A+. Please see me after class. The rest of the class went "OOOOOOO." She handed back the rest of the papers and went on with her lesson for the day.

When class was over, Sarah and Ginny moved towards Mrs. Deering's desk. "Ladies, I asked to meet with you because I want to submit your paper to a literary magazine for possible publication."

"That's wonderful. Mom and dad will be so proud."

"It's quite an honor," Ginny added.

Mrs. Deering continued, "I need you both to get this permission form signed by your parents before I can submit the paper."

Ginny asked, "Both my parents are deployed in Iraq. Would a guardian suffice?"

"Yes, it will. Please get it done ASAP, though."

"We will. Thank you, Mrs. Deering."

Just before the girls made it out the door, she called them back, "Ladies, I just wanted you to know that I'm aware Jennifer is a published poetess. It made no difference in my assignments. I imagine you have an agent, Jennifer. You'll probably want him or her to look at the form."

The girls looked a little sheepish, "Yes, Ma'am."

Sarah and Ginny went through the cafeteria line and sat down together. They talked about their upcoming final exams and how hard they thought they'd be. People came over occasionally to ask what Mrs. Deering had wanted. They were impressed when they heard about the magazine.

"Allison and Rikki are coming over tonight. We're having a 'Study for Finals' weekend. Wanna come?"

"Sure. Do you have a fax machine? I need to send the form to my agent."

"Sure do."

"I need to stop by the homestead, pick up some clothes, and tell my neighbor where I'll be. What's for dinner?"

"Don't know. Mom usually cooks when finals are coming up. We may have to clean-up, but that's all."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Sarah picked up Allison and Rikki at West. They dumped their bags in the back and climbed in. "Afternoon, Ladies. Did you have a good day?"

Both sighed at the same time, "TGIF!"

"Well, I had a pretty good day. Got an A+ on my English project and Mrs. Deering wants to submit it to a literary magazine for possible publication."

"Cool...Most excellent."

"I invited Ginny to join us."

"The more the merrier."

When they got to the house, everyone dropped their books on the kitchen and headed upstairs. Rikki dropped her clothes bag in the other bedroom and joined Sarah and Allison in hers. "Do you mind if I shower first? I know Allison probably wants to congratulate you properly. I can read your paper and wait for Ginny."

Sarah walked over and kissed Rikki on the nose, "Thanks, AngelFace. Paper's in my bookbag. Bring Ginny up when she gets here."

Rikki showered without washing her hair. While she was pulling a pair of sweats and a T-shirt out of her bag, she saw Sarah and Allison pass by, naked of course. She went down to the kitchen, pulled a Diet-Coke out of the 'frig, and sat down to read Sarah's and Ginny's paper. She was about halfway through when the doorbell rang.

She opened the door to a young blonde, "Hi, Ginny!"

Ginny stood there a moment, as if transfixed, before answering, "Hi, Rikki."

"I'm about halfway through your paper. Very impressive!"

Ginny had to shake herself again, "Thanks."

"Sarah told me to take you upstairs when you got here. Leave your books on the table." Rikki showed Ginny where to drop her clothes bag. They found Sarah and Allison in their favorite spot in the Jacuzzi, Sarah in Allison's lap with her head resting on Allison's shoulder. She had a dreamy look on her face, "Hi, Ginny. Welcome to our little soiree." She bent down and whispered in Allison's ear, "Say, 'Hello Ginny'."

''Hello, Ginny." Giggling.

Ginny saw one of Allison's hands running up and down Sarah's back and the other was out-of-sight under the water. She could imagine what it was doing. Sarah sighed and looked up again, "We'll meet you in the kitchen in a few minutes. We can talk about who needs help with what subject and in what order we'll take them while Sunshine and I get a comb-out. OK?"

"Sounds like a plan." Ginny and Rikki were talking about various topics when Sarah and Allison came down in identically colored T-shirts and shorts with comb, brush, and hair dryer.

Sarah blushed, "Don't say a word. It was just coincidence that we pulled out the same color."

Rikki smiled behind her hand, "I was only going to say that it looks very cute."

Allison seemed to go off, "I don't want to be cute. I want to be beautiful and exotic and ..."

Ginny decided to play 'Nuke Laloosh'* to Allison's 'Annie', "You are. You are exotic and beautiful and...cute." All four girls broke out laughing. Rikki started on Allison's hair and Ginny started on Sarah's. They were still chuckling when Sarah's mom got home.

Sarah popped up and hugged her, " 'Evening, Momster. Have a good day?"

"Pretty good, Darling. I see the gang's all here. 'Evening everyone. Are we working or partying?"

" 'Evening, Dr. Black. We're just about done cleaning ourselves up before getting to work."

"Dinner will be ready in about an hour."

"Just let us know and we'll get the table set." The girls broke out their books and they talked about various subjects. Ginny offered to help Rikki in English. Sarah would help Allison in History. Allison would work with Ginny on Math and Rikki and Sarah would study Biology. Any other subjects would be handled on an 'as-needed' basis.

Ginny turned to Sarah, "Where is your fax machine? I need to send that form off if we're going to get it back by Monday."

Sarah's mom's head came up, "Why do you need to use the fax machine?"

"We were going to wait 'til dinner, but here it is. We got an A+ on our English project and Mrs. Deering wants to submit it to a literary magazine. She needs you to sign a permission slip for me and suggested, since Ginny was a professional, that her agent needed to see it. I told Ginny she could use our fax machine to send it off. Mrs. Deering wants the signed forms back soonest."

"That's quite an honor. Of course you can use the fax."

Ginny sent the form to her agent with a note explaining what it was for and that she needed it back soonest.

When it was time, they cleared and set the table. During dinner, Ginny cleared her throat to get everyone's attention, "I have something I need to tell everyone. I am pregnant."

"How'd it happen...That's wonderful...Boy or girl."

"It was a summer fling that ended when he wanted a commitment I couldn't give him. It's too early to tell if it's a boy or girl. The doctor thinks I'm 6-7 weeks along. Dr. Black has agreed to take me on once the baby is born. That's enough seriousness, what's for dessert?"

After dinner, the girls cleaned up and got busy. They studied for two solid hours before deciding to quit for the night. They put some music on the stereo and paired off to dance. Sarah and Allison hugged close and glided off.

Ginny turned to Rikki, "May I have the pleasure of this dance?"

"Of course, my Lady." They wrapped their arms around each other; Ginny laid her head on Rikki's shoulder, and led them off. Ginny reveled in Rikki's kinesthetic aura, her physicalness.

Sarah kissed Allison during "Snowbird." Ginny drew Rikki's lips into a kiss during "Maybe It's You" by The Carpenters. They swapped partners and danced some more. Ginny kissed Sarah's nose during "The Girl From Ipanema."

Sarah's mom poked her head in, "We're going up to bed. Try to keep things down to a dull roar and be sure to lock up."

"We will, Mom. G'nite."

"Good Night, Dr. Black."

After Henry Mancini played the "Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet," Rikki and Ginny decided to go up too. Sarah and Allison would lock up and turn out the lights before coming up themselves.

"I think we deserve some Jacuzzi time. You didn't get any earlier 'cause you came down to wait for me and I didn't get any 'cause I had to go home."

"Won't it be noisy?"

"Not if you don't make any."


"Well!? You can soak while I get a shower and then I'll join you." Rikki started filling the tub, undressed, and sat in front of the jets. Ginny undressed and got in the shower. When she got out a few minutes later, Rikki's eyes were closed and her head rested against the edge of the tub. Ginny carefully slid between Rikki's legs, took a hand in each of hers, and wrapped herself up. The jets and the hot water soon worked their magic and Ginny's eyes closed.

Ginny felt Rikki wake up. Wanting to have a little fun with her, "What's this? The innocent maiden is trying to ravage the old spinster lady?" She made no move though, to disengage herself.

"It wasn't my plan, but I think I could manage it, if that's what you want." Ginny sputtered a little. "I was actually kinda comfortable."

"I think we need to get out before we get all pruney."

"If we must, we must." Ginny and Rikki got out and dried each other off. "One more step. Turn around." A moment later, Ginny felt Rikki's hands glide across her shoulders. She smelled a lilac scent. The tactile sense of Rikki's hands continuing down her back, over her ass cheeks, down her legs was exciting.

"What is that? It smells nice."

"Dusting powder. Something I introduced Sarah and Allison to. It's a nice feeling after a shower or Jacuzzi. Turn around." Rikki glided her hands up the front of Ginny's legs, being careful not to get any powder on her mons. Rikki briefly caressed Ginny's stomach and breasts before drawing her down into a chaste kiss.

"Your turn." Ginny repeated the treatment on Rikki. They slipped on sleep shirts and went back to the bedroom. Ginny slipped under the covers first. Rikki hesitated before cuddling up to Ginny. They heard Sarah and Allison across the hall. It was obvious that they were making love.

Rikki slipped out of bed and shut the door. "We don't need to hear that all night."

"I agree. I have other things in mind."


"It's a surprise." Rikki got under the covers and Ginny cupped one of her breasts, drawing her close. Ginny nestled into Rikki's neck, "Sleep now, Darling."

Rikki's breathing evened out. Ginny had trouble getting to sleep, her mind awash with thoughts of Rikki. How she got lost in Rikki's eyes. How Rikki's physicalness drew her in. "I love you."

It wasn't until Rikki murmured "I love you too," that Ginny realized she had spoken aloud.

("Was it true? Did she have 'feelings' for Rikki?") Ginny kissed Rikki's ear and down her neck while she considered her feelings. Ginny realized that, down deep, she had a connection to Rikki that she'd never felt before, outside of her mom and dad. Remembering what Sarah told her about Rikki and her parents, Ginny knew she would have to take it slow. That was it OK. It would be a journey of discovery for them both.

Rikki sighed contentedly and burrowed deeper into Ginny's arms. Ginny moved her hand from Rikki's breast down to her stomach. Rikki moved it back and held it there. Ginny finally fell asleep.

Sometime during the night, Sarah's dad checked on the girls. He padded over to the bed, drew the covers up, and tucked them in tight. He bent over and kissed each on the forehead, "Sweet dreams, punkin."

Rikki and Ginny were up first the next morning. They went down to the kitchen to explore breakfast. Ginny started the coffee and then made sure there was juice available. Rikki pulled out the fixings for French toast. There was no cinnamon-swirl raisin, her preferred bread, so she was working on another option.

A little cinnamon in the batter, along with a dash of vanilla and using Texas toast slices of bread, Rikki prepared a piece to check the taste. Satisfied that it was good, she started filling a platter. Canadian bacon was the choice of sides today. The smells of breakfast wafted through the house. While they waited for everyone else, Rikki and Ginny sat down to talk. Rikki nursed a mug of cocoa, Ginny, a cup of coffee.

Rikki started, "I thought I heard you say 'I love you' last night."

"You did. It surprised me too. I think I've been in love with you since we were introduced when you got back from State."

"I feel a connection to you too. I do know that I want to explore it further. How much have Sarah and Allison told you about me?"

"Some. We can start to fill in the blanks later. There's no hurry. Right now, I think I hear someone stumbling down the stairs."

Sarah and Allison rounded the corner into the kitchen and plopped into chairs, "Morning, Ladies. How long have you been up?"

"Just a little while. There's coffee, juice, and hot water for cocoa. Preferences?"

"Juice, please."

Setting a glass in front of each, Rikki asked, "Did one of you come in and kiss me on the forehead during the night?"

"It wasn't Ginny?"

"I was spooned up behind her all night."

"Probably was one of the 'rents," Sarah inserted. "They usually check on us during the night." Sarah's mom and dad entered the kitchen, "Did one of you check on Rikki and Ginny last night?"

Sarah's dad answered, "I did. I tucked them in and kissed each on the forehead. I checked on you, but you were facing the wall, so I just touched your hair."

"One of us always checks during the night. It's one way we create a sense of peace and security in the house. Everyone pitches in around the kitchen and we're always talking across the table. Homework is always checked. Sarah knows she can come to either of us anytime, about anything. I hope you girls will treat us the same way." Ginny had set a cup of coffee in front of each while Sarah's dad talked.

Rikki chimed in, "Well, I hope I was able to take some of the love you continually pour into us and return it in this morning's repast." With that, she sat platters of French toast on the table, Canadian bacon, powdered sugar, butter, and syrup.

After a few minutes, Sarah's mom spoke up, "Rikki, the only thing I can say is, after this meal, I will absolutely make sure there's cinnamon-swirl raisin bread in the house when you're sleeping over."

Rikki blushed. "Right on...Here, here...Super yummy...Author, author."

Sarah's mom continued, "I think we can handle the clean-up while you get started on your studies. We'll let you know when lunch is ready."

"Thanks, Mom...Dr. Black."

The four girls cracked the books and made good progress before Sarah's mom called them to lunch. There was soup, sandwiches, chips, along with several choices of drinks. As a treat, Sarah's mom had them go into the family room. Hitting play on the DVD player, the opening of "Garden State" came up. They 'ooooo'd' and 'ahhhhh'd', whooped and hollered throughout the movie.

When the movie was done, they took their dishes back to the kitchen and got back to studying. Concentrating on the material, they finished reviewing most of what remained. Sarah's mom called them to set the table for dinner. During dinner, it was as if they were a family of six, the conversation and banter flew across the table. After cleaning up, the girls studied some more before breaking for the night.

Sarah's mom and dad joined them for the dancing. Playing Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Nat King Cole, they showed Sarah and Allison, Rikki and Ginny what it meant to slow dance. After a couple of songs, Rikki and Ginny excused themselves so they could shower before bedtime.

Rikki started the Jacuzzi filling before the two new lovers got in the shower. Rikki lingered over Ginny's breasts and made sure her pubic hair was thoroughly cleaned. Ginny lost herself washing Rikki's hair. "It's my turn for the soft pillow this time."

"After I finish your comb-out, you're welcome to me." They slipped into the Jacuzzi and Ginny started doing Rikki's hair. When she was done, Rikki took a hand in each of her's, scooted back, and laid her head on Ginny's shoulder. Sarah and Allison came in a moment later, "May we join you?"

"Be our guests. The water is fine." Sarah and Allison jumped in the shower and then slid into the Jacuzzi.

Sarah's mom poked her head in, "Don't fall asleep in there. We're going to bed."

" 'Nite, Mom...Dr. Black."

Rikki and Ginny dried off, powdered, and donned their sleep shirts. "Don't fall asleep, guys. Probably should get out."

"We will in a minute. 'Nite."

Rikki got under the covers first this time and Ginny spooned up to her. Rikki palmed Ginny's breast with one hand, hugged her close with the other, and nestled into her neck. Very softly, "Am I your first girlfriend?"

"Actually, you're the second. I was in a serious relationship before the guy who knocked me up."

"Tell me about her?"

"If you're real good, I may some day. What about you?"

"You will be my first serious relationship. Some of the girls and I experimented, but didn't get close."

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"No. I went to an all-girls school and the only way I could be in the same room as a boy is chaperoned."

"What do you think your mom will say?"

"I think she'll be OK with it, but we need to talk to her."

Ginny hesitated, "I'll totally understand if you don't want to answer, but, have you cum?"

She could feel Rikki blush, "I think so."

Ginny turned around and snuggled up under Rikki's chin, "Don't worry about it. We'll make sure you know." She spent some time kissing along Rikki's neck and ear before sleep claimed her.

Sarah's mom came in, pulled up the covers, and kissed each on the cheek, "Pleasant dreams, my lovelies."

Rikki murmured sleepily, " 'Nite, Mom."

Ginny and Rikki were first up again, "My turn to cook this morning."

"Fine by me," and Rikki fell to the coffee and juice while Ginny pulled a canister of cinnamon rolls out of the 'frig. She started mixing basic waffle batter and extras while the rolls baked. Using a smaller bowl, Ginny mixed batter and raspberries for one waffle, batter and strawberries for another, raisins, bananas. Rikki took the cinnamon rolls out and frosted them.

"Do your parents support you being bi-sexual?"

"They trust me to know my own mind and not put myself in danger. They're not going to be happy about the baby."

"When are you going to tell them you're keeping the baby?"

"As soon as I can. With both of them overseas, it can be tough to coordinate a call."

Sarah's mom and dad beat her and Allison down this time. Rikki set a mug of coffee in front of each of them. Sarah's mom inhaled deeply, "Ah, nectar of the gods. Thanks Honey."

"You're very welcome. Sarah's love of the kitchen is rubbing off and you've put up with us many times. This is one way to say thank you."

Sarah and Allison rounded the corner into the kitchen. Rikki handed them a glass of juice, "Morning, Munchkin...Sunshine. Sleep well?"

"Very well, thanks."

Sarah's dad deadpanned, "You weren't disturbed by the wolf howling in the middle of the night?"

"Daaaaaaad?!" Everyone started laughing. Rikki set out the cinnamon rolls. Ginny laid out the plates of waffles, butter, syrup, garnishes, sausage.

When all were replete, Sarah's mom asked, "How much would it cost have both of you come over and cook breakfast every weekend? I haven't eaten so well in the mornings for years."

Ginny and Rikki both blushed a bit, "We're always available for requests, but others have first call. Thank you, but we're afraid we must decline the commission."

"Oh well. I had to try. Let's get cleaned up. Church is in one hour."

Rikki loaded her bags into Ginny's car. She was giving Rikki a ride home after church, rather than having Sarah's parents or Rikki's mom make an extra trip.

After church, Ginny turned to Rikki, "Would you like to go to dinner and a movie Friday? Kind of an 'end of finals' celebration."

"I'll have to ask Mom, but it should be OK. Let you know tomorrow." When they got to Rikki's house, she leaned in the driver's side window and kissed Ginny, "Thanks for the ride."

"You're welcome, AngelFace."

    • `Durham Bulls'

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Copyright 2004 Donal

Next: Chapter 24: Another Bump in the Road

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