Spade Is a Spade

By Andrew Clubs

Published on Aug 21, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not know the sexuality of any celebrity mentioned in this story. This story is FICTION.

What's up everyone?

I know it's been too long since I last updated, I'm sorry I had two birthday parties and a baby shower to go to and to top it all off my sister in law went into labor, it's been a busy few weeks. I would also like to thank the people who sent me feedback. Now, on with the show!

********************************************************************* Six months later. July 4th 1998

Well, telling Madonna my name was the smartest thing I did. The last few months have been crazy I completed my first album; written entirely by me, I might add. As I'm sure you all know I'm gay and when I signed with Madonna, I told her I'm not gonna hide that fact. She was happy about that, as I've come to learn, she loves controversy. I just didn't have any idea that I was gonna cause more controversy than she ever did on a global scale.

Right now, I'm in Orlando Florida getting ready to promote my first single "Touch Me", I released it five days ago and so far the feedback has been amazing. I'm sitting in a green room waiting to appear on a local TV program called "Fred's Morning", Madonna warned me to just be myself and speak my mind. I'm watching his first segment with a singing group called NSYNC, I've never heard their music but their cute, especially the one with the curly hair. I think his name is Justin. The first segment ended and a stage hand led me over to the side of the sound stage to wait for my cue to walk out.

The camera man signaled they were back from break, and it was show time. Fred started the introduction.

"Welcome back, my next guess released his first single called "Touch Me" less than a week ago. Please welcome to the show Spade!" Fred said as I started walking out.

The bright lights hit me, and I squinted slightly as the crowd started applauding. After shaking Fred's hand, I shook the hands of the guys of NSYNC, when I shook Justin's hand, I felt a spark. I looked in his eyes and smiled which he returned, he held my hand longer than I think was necessary. After letting go of my hand, I sat down next to him, and we started the interview.

"So, Spade, that's an interesting name. How did you get it?" Fred smiled at me.

"I have no Idea, It's been my nickname for as long as I can remember." I smiled out at the audience.

"Cool, so, have you met the guys of NSYNC yet?" Fred asked with a smile. I couldn't resist being a smart ass.

"Yeah, just now." I turned to Justin, who sat next to me and asked. "Was he not paying attention?" I turned back and smirked at Fred, who, along with the Audience and NSYNC laughed at my behavior.

"Your quick. Now, your single has been creating a lot of buzz and not just because it's a good song." he said. I wasn't sure where he was going with this.

"Some parents have gotten upset by the lyrics in the song. Specifically, the chorus. You sing about a guy touching you. How do you respond to the people who are offended?" he smirked at me. This was not something his producer discussed with me. I mean why didn't I know this going to come up?

"I say lighten up. It's just a song." I responded, I hoped that would be the end of this kind of Questioning.

"Don't you think by putting this kind of song out there that you'll be encouraging kids to be gay?" he said. His demeanor was starting to change. I realized quickly Fred was homophobic, and he was trying to throw me under the bus.

"I mean, do you really think that you should be promoting kids to choose that kind of lifestyle? A lifestyle the Bible clearly states is wrong." Ok, this jack ass is starting to piss me off, it's time to rock his world.

"I don't think anything is wrong with me singing about wanting to be with a guy, because I do. I don't need to Justify to you or anyone else myself or my music. If parents don't want their kids listening to my music then they shouldn't let them. However, I'm not gonna apologize for something that isn't even wrong." I was clearly getting annoyed, the entire studio was silent, but Fred just didn't seem to get it.

"The bible clearly states that it's wrong. If your gay that's your choice but don't make kids think it's an okay choice, it's not." he said. This ass hole is crazy.

"First of all, of all it isn't a choice, you don't choose to be gay, you just are." I said before he interrupted me.

" I'm sorry, but it is absolutely a choice, just like people who think about killing somebody, some people think about it, and some follow through with those thoughts, you have to resist the temptation."" he said.

"That statement is very offensive to me, to compare murdering someone to loving somebody is ridiculous. I can't control how or when blood rushes to my dick! If it is a choice, fine, you and me right now in the green room, I want you to flip that switch and give me a blow job, and I want you to enjoy it. No crying while you do it, anyone can give a blow job, but I want you to climax while you do it, and when you're done you can flip that switch in your head and be straight again." I said while hearing NSYNC laughing at what I said while the audience was silent. Fred was red in the face I could tell he was pissed.

"I'm not gay..." I cut him off.

"That doesn't matter, according to you, it's a choice so you can choose to get on your knees, put my cock in your mouth and enjoy it. Unless, it's not a choice." I said very annoyed.

"The Bible clearly states God hates fags, just the other day the Pope said...." I shut him off again.

"The Pope? You mean the man with the funny looking hat? The very same guy who could sell the hat and use the money top feed an entire third world country but is too selfish to actually do it?

As for the Bible, give me a break. The bible also says that if a Bride isn't a virgin on her wedding night, she should be put to death. Furthermore, have you ever read the story of Johnathan and David? The Bible clearly says those two MEN, were in love! So don't even go there with me cause you'll lose!" I was almost shouting at this point. With that said I stormed off the set and back into the dressing room where Madonna and my Manager Jack a guy in his Mid 20's were waiting. I slammed the door behind me and walked over to my back pack and lit a cigarette and sat by Madonna, who smiled at me as she put her arm around my shoulder.

"That was fucking awesome! You told that fucker off! You're gonna get a lot of press over that interview." she said trying to calm me down. I just kept silent and continued to smoke my cigarette. Then a knock came to the door, and Madonna went to answer it. I heard her open the door and heard a commotion. I looked up and saw the guys of NSYNC at the door looking at Madonna in awe. She laughed at their reaction and ushered them in.

"Can I help you guys?" I asked trying to get my anger in check. Justin spoke up, looking at me with a small smile.

"We just wanted to see if you were alright, you seemed pretty pissed, not that we blame you." he walked closer to me and smiled. I noticed out the corner of my eye Madonna and Jack share a knowing smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine, the fucker just blind sided me. Oh, by the way, my name is Spade, you can just call me Sean." I stuck my hand out towards him. He smiled and took my hand in his, there's that damn spark again.

"Nice to meet you, my names Justin. That's Chris, Joey, JC and Lance." he said gesturing to the guys behind him. I shook each of their hands individually. I took another hit off my cigarette and realized I was being rude.

"Nice to meet you guys, ya'll want a smoke?" I pulled out my pack offering it around the room. Joey, Jc and Justin took one. I offered Justin my lighter, and he took it while letting his hand linger on mine for awhile.

"Thanks." he said while ex hailing. I know a lot of you people are disgusted by smoking, I know it's bad for you, but, to me, there is nothing sexier than watching a hot guy smoke. The rest of the guys of NSYNC turned and started talking to Madonna, I turned to Justin.

"So, Justin, how old are you?" I asked I sat down on a nearby couch. He came over and sat by me putting his arm on the back of the couch and turned to look at me.

"Sixteen, I'll be seventeen in January. How about you?" Taking another hit off of my smoke, I replied.

"I'm twelve." I said smiling at the shocked look on his face.

"No way! You can't be twelve, you act way to grown up to be twelve." he said in amazement.

"That comes from the way I was raised, but you can ask Madonna if you don't believe me." I said getting a kick out of shocking him. Justin turned and face the others.

"Is Sean really twelve?" he asked talking over the others. Madonna turned and smiled at the both of us.

"Yep, he's really twelve. He seems older don't he?" she asked.

"Hell yeah he does, I thought he was sixteen at least." Jc said looking at me.

"Hey, you guys wanna go get something to eat with us?" I asked them all but looking at Justin. The guys, all agreed and we made our way into the waiting car.

To Be Continued....

Let me know what you think, sorry it took so long but it's been crazy here since my neice was born.

Next: Chapter 3

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