Splash in the Pool

Published on Aug 7, 2006




Jack Scribe

Warning:  The following story contains graphic descriptions of sex between consenting adult males. If you are underage or do not wish to read such materials, or if reading this sort of material is illegal in your jurisdiction, then read no further. This multipart story is entirely fictional, and any resemblances to actual persons are completely coincidental.

Special acknowledgements to Brad from Denver for providing diligent proofing and editing of the story, and to Carey for being a patient teacher.

If you have any comments or suggestions for the author, feel free to write me at jack.scribe@gmail.com. I love feedback. Support Nifty!



I drove my Acura Sport Coupe up the base hill into Officer Country. The car had been my father's guilt payment. When I needed him 10 years ago, he wasn't there. Visitations were infrequent once he remarried. So, instead of a father I could count on, a great car appeared.

Easing the car into a space close to the BOQ side door, I was amazed what had occurred today. So fast. This morning I was doing my weekly reports and tonight was hopelessly in love...with a sailor. 'Oh, Ann Landers, get out your reading glasses. Dave, what have you brought into my life?' I wondered.

A full summer moon was like a giant Klieg key spot on a still theater set. Looking across the parking lot, I stared at the darkened clubhouse and pool area, illuminated only by the blue silver light bath. Playing back the day brought a smile to a slightly weary face as I walked into the BOQ.

The perchance encounter with a stranger. The energy experienced that would herald a special bond. The physical euphoria of sexual connection.

'Quiet,' I thought entering the room. There were usually muffled sounds coming from the TV or stereo next door. 'Doug must be on a date tonight?' I concluded. Quickly removing my clothes, I went into the head and mechanically went through the evening routine while thinking of Dave. Looking at the mirror, I noticed a satisfied expression mixed with a goofy grin.

Turning out the lights and easing into bed, I considered this incredible man who had entered my life 13 hours ago. 'Was I crazy?' I mulled over. 'No fucking way. I was experiencing the thundering rush of being in love...for the first time.' The beginning of a friendship and trust between two people that can only grow and deepen. A smile returned as I drifted away.



Chicago, nicknamed the "Windy City," was originally named so because of all the 'long-winded' politicians who gathered downtown from all around the city to harvest the spoils for their constituents and themselves. Double dipping, payoffs, phantom payrolls...it was all part of doing business in this town a hundred years ago. Today, the wind that blows off the lake has taken precedence over this tale of lore. Most people think of the Windy City because of the physical force in the atmosphere. But the politics are still the same.

My family lived in a comfortable home in Oak Park, an old, established, middle class suburb 20 miles west of Chicago. The main fame of the township was the preserved studio of Frank Lloyd Wright and several residences he designed. My parents, Jack and Martha Cole, had a home that was more conventional. Built 50 years earlier, the two-story home was frame and stucco with an attractive front porch that ran along the front of the house. The youngest of three siblings, I had a small bedroom on the first floor. My older brother Rick and sister Liz had bedrooms on the second floor, along with the master bedroom for the folks.

We came into the world two years apart, making me four years younger than Rick and two years younger than Liz. Other than occasional tense moments between us, most of the time we were a terrific support group. I naturally gravitated to Liz because of age. Rick was usually in the background, more involved with his own friends. While there was a familial friendliness, I didn't feel comfortable discussing personal questions with Rick. And Dad was always away working while Mom was juggling running the house and selling real estate.  I just figured out sex stuff on my own and with a few close buddies.

By the time Rick was 16, Liz was 14, and I was 12, it became apparent to all of us that Dad's frequent time spent away was making home life more difficult. When Mom found out from the wife of one of his co-workers that my father had been having an affair with some secretary for the past two years, she confronted him one evening after we had gone to bed.

Shamelessly, he acknowledged these accusations and told Mom that he didn't want to continue this sham of a marriage they were in. I found this out later.  That evening, Dad took his clothes and left the house.

Fortunately, the house was in her name. Mom had inherited it from her grandparents. So, there was no mortgage to worry about. Her commissions from the real estate sales often led her office's goals. With foresight, the folks had set up a college fund for us. And, because Mom handled all the family bills, all of the bank accounts were in her name.

At breakfast the next morning, she asked all of us to gather at the table before going to school. After the juice had been poured and the cereal and milk passed around, Mom said that this was an emergency family meeting.

"Where's Dad," asked Rick. My brother was closest to Dad. They were both very laid back and smart with a subtle sense of humor.

"Your Dad has left our family, Rick," Mom wistfully replied as a tear formed in her eye. "He's found someone else he loves and decided our marriage is over."

We sat in shock. "He's not coming back?" questioned Liz, whose eyes were absorbing the scene before her with a feminine understanding.

"Your Father has moved out. I will be filing for divorce.  This doesn't mean that he doesn't love you. I'm sure he'll want to talk with you after we figure out a few things." She looked down at the table and said, "I know he loves you in his own way. We'll figure out a way so you'll be able to spend time together. But it's over between your father and me."

I piped up in a cracking mid-pubescent voice, "Does this mean that we're going to have to move?" We all stared intently at Mom.

"No, we're staying here. The house has been in my family for generations. This is our home!" Martha stated vehemently. Except for trimming the expenses a bit, I think we'll do just fine with my real estate commissions."

With that said, we hugged her and left for school. My family was never quite the same after that morning.



Tuesday morning and I was up at the crack of dawn. I turned on CNN for early morning news. The local news before the "Today" show was really boring. I mean how many traffic accidents and Elvis sightings can an adult handle?

After getting pulled together for the day and nibbling on breakfast with my NY Times and a cup of standard issue coffee at the BOQ Mess, I walked across the parking lot. I arrived in the club kitchen and repeated my daily routine with the staff. I really was concerned about their well being. They made the operation tick. No news yet concerning the future of the base.

Walking into the office, I saw Marge grinding the numbers. "Hi Marge. Have we got all the prizes for Bingo tonight?"

"Mike. 'Morning," she said in an upbeat manner. "Yes, they are all here. The large 32" TV is really bulky. We had to store it in the small conference room."

"OK. I'll make sure that it is brought out for display in the lobby today. It's a great prize." I went into my office and turned on the lights. Looking out of the window, I fantasized about the reunion that would soon occur.

"Mr. Cole," Marge hastily announced as she entered the office, Mrs. Clifton is in the lobby and wants to speak with you." The 'Mister' was a buzzword signal that the two of us had established when someone of rank was within hearing range.

'Oh, shit. What does the Admiral's wife want this early?' I wondered, as I smartly left my office. Coming into the lobby area, I greeted her. "Mrs. Clifton, what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?"

"Mike, save the charm for the younger girls." She extended her hand and I gripped it lightly with both of mine. "I was driving by, and I wanted to know if you had contacted the single men we're going to need for the Carnival Court?"

"Consider it done. In addition to Ltjg. Di Marco, who you know, and me, I've rounded up a great group. Dr. Kriendler from the Dental Clinic, Lt. Bronson at Air Ops, and Ensign Spelling from Public Relations have confirmed."

"Excellent, Mike. I'll tell Louise today of your progress. I'm off to the city. Thanks, I really appreciate your help." This time, she took my one hand into her two. With that, Mrs. Clifton left the Club.

'Whew. A couple more brownie points,' I thought, returning to my office.

The next hour was very routine, checking invoices, payroll, and reservations. I was amused that I needed to book the entertainment for New Year's Eve in June. But I had to lock up a good group. I winced at the premium price we had to pay. Almost three times the normal fee. I signed the musician's union contract and placed it in the out basket. At some point, I'd have to work with the Chef on a special menu and establish pricing. Marge had already warned me that the higher-ranking officers always bitched about prices.

Around 0930, I noticed Dave arrive. Conveniently, at the same time, the gardeners and their supervisor were working on the grounds. Admittedly, I was a tad bit paranoid about being seen with him too often, now that a new relationship was being established.  Marge was very perceptive.

Grabbing my cup of coffee, I walked out of the office. "Marge, I'll be out in the patio area. I see the supervisor of the gardeners. There are a few problems we need to discuss." With that I walked outside. I greeted the gardener team. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dave. He was grinning at me. I slightly turned, waved and winked before walking over to the head landscape guy.

"Good morning, Mr. Cole. Everything looking alright?"

"Morning." We shook hands and discussed the general planting schedule. Finished with the general conversation, I said, "Zeke, just make sure the guys don't over water."

"Don't worry, Sir. With my boss over here for lunch almost every day, I'll make sure everything looks ship shape." We shook hands again and Zeke returned to his men.

I moved over to my main target.

"Dave, I've thought of nothing else but you." I made sure that I was out of earshot.

Grinning in an open, loving manner, he said, "Mike, do you have any idea what effect you have on me?" As we got closer, he extended his hand. We both experienced a surge of energy greeting each other with a traditional male grip and shake.

"Fuck, Dave. I want to take you home right now."

"In your dreams, Sir." A mega-wattage smile appeared. "I don't think the Chief at the BOQ would approve."

"Short of my attacking you on the pool deck, have you got any ideas?"

"Yes Sir. I do need some help. The filter system seems to be acting up," he said with a raised eyebrow and a grin.  

"Let's go to the pump room and figure things out." With that we casually strolled to the small building behind the pool complex. To the unknowing eye, it was the Club Manager helping one of his staff.

Entering the locked room and turning on the lights, this special lifeguard turned to me and whispered, "Do you think you can fix it?"

"With you around, I can fix anything." We closed the door.

I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up face to face. "Fuck Dave, I've wanted to touch you since we said good-bye." That said, I moved him closer and flicked kisses over his face before moving in to tongue-rape his ear.

Pulling back, he asked, "Mike, this is for real?"

"I've never experienced anything like this. Yeah, babe, this is the real thing for me. How about you?"

"It's incredible. I've never felt this much love. Neve.r"

'Oh, fuck. He said it. The "L" word. Well, when in doubt, go with the flow.' "Dave, I gotta admit that I've never been able to say this before. It's only been one day, but I am ready to stand on the highest mountains and say I love you." There, the egg was hatched.

In a low almost whisper, he replied, "I love you too. Very much."

At that point, we embraced each other tightly. Our lips lightly touched as we feathered our tongues at each other. I felt his hard cock pressing against mine. We simultaneously pulled our heads together and locked together as my tongue aggressively entered to duel with his. Both hard cocks were fighting to be released.

"Unless you want to do it right now on the pump room deck, we'd better cool it," Dave breathlessly suggested.

Pulling ourselves apart, I nodded and asked, "We're going to get together this weekend?"

"God, yes. We're going to hunt for an apartment Friday, aren't we?"

"Yes. Of course. I started looking in the paper today. Furnished studios."

"Mike, after we go hunting for a place Friday morning, you can drop me off downtown when you have to get back to the base. By the time you return, I'll figure out where we can meet for the night."

"You'll be OK while I get back to the Club for the Friday activities? I won't be able to get back downtown until around 8 pm."

"Sure. I'll bring my dop kit and a few changes of clothes in my gym bag. By then, I'll have a place for us to stay."

"OK. By the way, have I told you how much I love you, Dave?" I pulled me closely to me.

"Not for the last two minutes."  We embraced and ended with a tender final kiss.

I noticed tears streaming down his face. Licking his cheeks, I asked, "Babe, is anything wrong?"

"Wrong? No, everything is perfect. These are tears of happiness. But Mike, let's get out of here. I'm about to cream in my trunks, and I've just started the work day."

That said, we straightened up, allowed the tenting in our crotches to deflate, and returned to the real world.


The next two days were pretty much the same. I discretely found some reason to be out in the pool area in the morning. In the late afternoon, I did my lap swimming. Except for some groping and kissing, we were very cool about our actions in the locker room.

Thursday evening, Dave gave me a surprise. After finishing the exercise laps, I was drying off in the locker room as he came up behind me, grabbing me around the waist, and said, "Are you ready for a little adventure tomorrow night?" He moved me around so we were facing each other.

I knew we were going to be together off and on Friday and Saturday. "Adventure?" I asked, bringing my arms around his.

"Yeah, just you and me." Dave squeezed a little tighter.

"Where are we going?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, you are going to get a call from Mr. Davidson. If you're not in, the message will be to return the call to Mr. Davidson at a designated phone number." He started grinding his crotch into mine.

"Bastard," I smiled. "You're not going to tell me where we're going, are you?"

"Just play the game. You'll be rewarded." What a shit-eating grin.

We quickly kissed and disengaged.  Making sure that we were not being monitored, I left the locker room first. Returning to the office, I was on a high that only clandestine lovers can feel.

Early Friday morning, I picked up Dave at the bus stop and we drove into Memphis. In the car were the marked real estate classified sections to the Commercial Appeal. I had made five appointments with various rental agents between 0900 and 1100. Stop number three was the winner.

Dave and I walked up to the second floor and inspected the small, clean efficiency apartment. Apartment #202. Well, it wouldn't be much more than a convenient fuck palace and lovers' rendezvous. It was furnished in student Ikea modern, with the queen bed dominating the 600 square feet in addition to a desk, two easy chairs and a dining table. With a small kitchenette and bathroom with shower, it was just what we needed. The University of Memphis was two blocks away. We filled out an application and paid a deposit and one month's rent. We could occupy it starting tomorrow. I told the landlady that I was the restaurant manager in Millington. I gave her my direct office telephone number for an emergency contact. She didn't ask any questions, and I didn't mention that I was an officer. Sincer we were renting in the summer, she was probably just happy to have extra revenue.

After dropping Dave downtown, I returned to the base. Lunch, while a non-event, was very busy. Around 2:00 pm, I returned to the office. Of the five messages, one read, "Mr. Davidson called. Please return his call at 529-4000, extension 1429."

I dialed the number. It was answered, "Good afternoon, the Peabody Hotel. How may I direct your call?"

"Room 1429, please."

After two rings, the phone was answered with a voice I recognized. "Hi, babe," I replied.

"Hi. You know I'm going to fuck you silly in six hours," came this sultry, husky statement through my handset. "Meet me at our hotel suite."

"I'm ready." With that, the line went dead and I hung up. 'Getting fucked? Now that was an adventure I hadn't considered,' daydreaming for a few moments as I imagined what was going to happen this evening. Dave and I hadn't really discussed the "top" and "bottom" roles. I had the feeling that this weekend would expose me to new experiences. 'I hope Dave knows how to handle that dick of his,' I concluded.

And he mentioned a suite? Dave was a man of more substance than I first realized. Beneath the handsome, boy next door "aw shucks" appearance was a man sophisticated beyond his almost 21 years. After the phone call, I was ready for Happy Hour to get underway and more.

The opening bartender arrived, and I reviewed his extra provisions for the evening. We always broke out additional glassware, beer pitchers, dice, and dice cups. I also had an arrangement with the Navy Exchange to send over a couple of hundred pounds of ice to get the late afternoon going every Friday.

At 1630 the kitchen staff set out the weekly freeola buffet of chicken wings, nachos, spicy meatballs, platters of cheeses, crudités, and salsa with tortilla chips for dipping. By 1730 the bar was crowded with around 100 officers of all ranks wolfing down the food and sucking up the drinks. At 50 cents for a draft and $1.00 for well mixed drinks, this was a very popular hangout on Fridays.

Because several senior officers used this time as a weekly after-work wind down for their junior staff, I was constantly roving throughout the large bar and lounge greeting the men and making sure service was flowing. By the end of Happy Hour at 1900, the food had been replaced three times. I budgeted $500 per week for food and made sure that we didn't run out for this crowd.

Seeing all was well, I split to the BOQ and changed into civvies. I had pre-packed my stuff for a fast getaway. At 1915, I was on the road for my "adventure" with this gorgeous guy. Gorgeous, bright, charming, sexy Dave. I was definitely falling head over heels in love. This was not a lustful encounter.

Next: Chapter 6

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