Star Child

By Rhaven (Rhaven2002, Rhavenlore)

Published on Apr 22, 2004


This is a story of full fiction, no robot or fantasy creature was harmed in its creation. Please check out the ALL-NEW Rhaven Lore at

Coming soon to Rhaven Lore. original artwork for Star Child




Dango sighed. Nighttime had arrived and still Puck foraged forward. The climb down the mountainside had been extremely dangerous, only because of Puck's hast. Though the forest they traveled now was thick and filled with hidden dangers, Dango was happy to be here. Climbing wasn't something he liked nor favored.

"So you want to talk now?" Dango asked for the twelfth time, still without a response from Puck. It wasn't unusual for the Eller to throw out a radical idea or to change his mind in the blink of an eye. However, Dango had been partners with Puck for too long not to notice he was holding something back. Whatever Puck had dreamed, there was more to his vision that he was sharing. It had scared the Eller so deeply, that reaching the Sememman Sea was all he could focus on, and nothing else mattered.

"So here we are once again.rushing forward without knowledge of where we are going or even how to get there." Dango said aloud.

"I know where we are going." Puck said flatly.

"Oh really. to the Sememman Sea and then what? Look for . how did that song go? A light afar, beyond our reach, a stretch of black sanded beach. To the tower rests the edge of light. Hidden away, hidden within sight." Dango stopped walking and leaned against a tree. "Oh that makes perfect sense." He said sarcastically.

"I know where we are going." Puck said again.

"Well I'm not taking another step, until you tell me." Dango sat down and pulled out his flask of water. "I want to know what you really dreamed Puck. I think you owe me the truth."

The Eller steadied himself against a tree and sighed loudly. "Dammit Dango, can't you just trust me? Why do you always have to be so difficult?"

Dango gasped and slapped himself on the chest. "Me difficult? Are you serious? You're the one marching through the woods blindly, driven by a dream into splitting the group. Personally I think you've lost your mind."

There was a long moment of complete silence between them, finally Puck slowly walked over to Dango and sat next to him.

"I." Puck inhaled deeply, as if trying to gather his strength. "I dreamed that Ash destroyed the sword."

"You can't be serious, why would Ash do something like that?" Dango said and wrapped his arm around the naked Eller.

"That's not all." Puck shyly looked over to Dango. "In destroying the. sword, he took magic away from Thrae. "

Dango pulled Puck closer to him. "You know that not all your dreams have come true. Maybe this one was. just a dream."

"I can't take that chance, I've. we've got to hide the blade from Ash. Dango. Ellers and many other races were created through magic. We will cease to exist if magic was removed from Thrae."

Dango simply nodded, as he tried to comprehend what Puck was telling him. They sat there in silence, listening to the crickets sing and the night wind rustled the leaves in the trees around them. After a while, Dango pulled out some of the food and gave a slice of dried beef to Puck. He didn't believe that Ash would purposely destroy the Star Child, but the idea of Thrae without magic, was frightening. Ellers, Centaurs, Dwarves, Darellers, Meedrans and so many races that made Thrae unique. What would happen to Thrae, for centuries these magical races had given so much in making the world what it is today. Without their influence, could Thrae survive? Dango was drawn out of his reverie, realizing that Puck had rolled over on him, kissing him softly on the chest.

"Do you know how much I love you?" Dango whispered.

"I know." Puck whispered back. "I'm sorry I've been such a pain since I've gotten back home." He kissed Dango's neck, shivering from the delicate warmth of the human's skin.

"It's been a stressful reunion." Dango said almost sadly. "It's not how I wanted you to come back. babysitting a Prince wasn't in my


Puck laughed weakly and sat himself on Dango's stomach. "If you had your way, we would never leave the bed."

"Damn straight!" Dango agreed and let his hands rest on Puck's smooth buttocks.

"Oh and I should tell you. the key is the Caverns of Erland." Puck suddenly said.

"Caverns of Erland? What are you talking about?" Dango asked.

"Where we're going or actually where we're following." Puck said simply. "The Caverns of Erland has many tunnels, but one runs all the way to the Sememman Sea. I think that's where we'll find the blade."

Dango frowned. "If you knew this why didn't you share it with the others?"

Clearing his throat nervously, Puck whispered. "I saw that in my dream too. You have to believe me Dango. This dream is real."

"I believe you." Dango kissed Puck on the forehead.

"And I too, believe your dream."

Before Dango or Puck could react to the intruder, a giant blade was pressed against Puck's back.

"Who the hell are you?" Dango screamed, but didn't dare move, in fear of Puck being hurt.

The man laughed. "Does it really matter who I am? I believe what matters is what's going to happen next. But to satisfy your dying curiosity. my name is Fylgiar."

Puck cringed as the cold blade rested against his bare back, he looked up into Dango's eyes and knew there was nothing they could do, any movement and the blade would pierce him easily pressing the air out of his lungs, it's weight was almost unbearable,. "Fylgiar the Cursed." Puck whispered. "A ruthless mercenary."

"What the fuck do you want?" Dango growled. He had heard of Fylgiar, he knew of how dangerous this man was.

"I want many things and I need only one thing now. I have been hired to capture Prince Asrais."

"Go fuck yourself; we won't help you get Ash." Dango barked back.

"Boy." Fylgiar called over his shoulder. Dango's expression changed from pure anger to amazement as the mechanical boy appeared.

"Boy please fetch me the collar." Fylgiar said with a sinister smile, but it quickly vanished as he turned his attention back to the lovers.

Puck tried to think of something to do, some spell he could cast to save them. However, laying on Dango and the sword resting on his back prohibited any hand movements. Boy returned and though Puck couldn't see what was happening, he felt the metal ring placed around his neck. His body shivered suddenly and Puck's body went limp. The world swirled and twisted into an unreality. He saw all that went on around him, but it was nothing more than an inanimate picture.

"Puck?" Dango cried from fear of seeing Puck slump down, lifeless. "What the hell have you done?"

"It's a Neurochoker. Now your dear Eller will be easier for me to handle. No unexpected spells or attacks to worry about." Fylgiar said pleasingly. "Boy take our captive to the horse."

"You piece of shit." Dango growled, his mind was racing, trying to find an escape. The ancient mechanical boy picked up the limp Puck and carrying him away. Dango felt around the leaf covered ground until he found a rock. It wasn't large, but would work.

"Do you really think by using us, you'll be able to capture Prince Asrais? No matter what you do, we will never help you. If Ash doesn't get the Star Child, then Prime will destroy this world. Are you so full of greed, that you'll allow an autonoid to obliterate all humans? Is your gold worth a million lives?"

Fylgiar shook his head and moved his sword over Dango's chest. "Our race is filled with blind fools. I have my mission and it isn't Prime' s work. You seek the Star Child, that's all you see and feel. But this war is larger than that; I am Thrae's only true savior."

Dango laughed sarcastically. "You Thrae's savior? God protect us from self-proclaimed liberators. You fucking egomaniac, you're the one that 's blind." Dango flung the rock, now transformed into a spike. Fylgiar screamed as the stone spike pierced his right eye.

Dango felt the heavy blade sink into his chest, splitting his ribcage and slicing through until only the tree stopped its plunge. Dango closed his eyes, folding back into the eternal memories of his life with Puck. He had failed his lover, failed the mission and failed all of Thrae. A cold chill flooded over his body and with a somber sigh, Dango died.

Fylgiar forcibly yanked the spike out, taking his punctured eye with it. He painfully weaved a spell to stop the blood spilling out and seal wound.

"Fyl. Fyl what happened?" Boy rushed forward and stopped seeing the blood covered Fylgiar.

"I'm. I'm fine." Fylgiar lied. "Let's get out of here." Fylgiar pulled his sword free of Dango and stared into his dead face. "No worries, I' ll take very good care of your Eller, he'll live long enough to see Prince Asrais die at my hands."

Maelstrom Mountains loomed in the distance, towering high into the quiet night sky. Lord Aero frowned and shook his head. Their forces had traveled quickly across the Salvane terrain, marching to this destination all because of a stupid song. Aero and Prime rode upon a silver chariot that skimmed across the air as if it was water. Behind them two thousand Darellers rode or marched, an ominous parade of death.

"Prime, do you truly wish to take on all the Dwarves? If you ask me this is nothing more than a fool's errand."

"I don't believe I have asked for your opinion Aero." Prime said quietly. "But my decision is true. I have many eyes upon Thrae and this is where we are meant to be."

"Many eyes?" Aero said nervously, if this was so, did Prime spy upon him? Did this autonoid know about Grem?

"At this moment." Prime continued either not noticing Lord Aero's edginess or not caring. "Prince Asrais and an autonoid dwell inside the Dwarf kingdom."

"So the Star Child resides with the Dwarves." Aero said greedily, rubbing his hands together, almost feeling the blade in his clutches.

"Don't be so fooled, this will not be our final destination. Even now Fylgiar rides to our last objective, carrying with him an Eller."

"How could you know that?" Aero didn't like the idea of Prime seeing more, knowing more than him. "I have heard no news from Fylgiar since he left my castle."

"I have eyes upon Fylgiar; eyes that he doesn't know exist." Prime muttered, suddenly throwing up his hand. "But now isn't the time for mindless chatter, we must prepare for our raid upon the Golden Mines."

"This would have been much easier if you had used your robots, instead of the Order of Blood." Lord Aero said.

"And you are a fool." Prime spat. "The next time you question my command, I will rip your heart from your chest."

Lord Aero staggered back; he had hoped the autonoid would confess to him, his fears in using the robots. From Prime's angered response, there was a dark secret there, which Prime feared. Aero smiled wickedly, Prime's deep secret was the autonoid's weakness. Aero was pleased to see that Prime wasn't invincible.

Prime motioned for the Dei-Monks to approach. He waited patiently as they circled their horses around his chariot.

"Gather your Shah-Monks forward, they will strike first." Prime said. "Attack hard and fast and then once we have made an advance into the Kingdom, bring in the Monks. but remember our goal is Prince Asrais and not treasure." Prime looked soberly towards each Dei-Monk. "With speed and calculated performance, this engagement should not last long. Our only purpose is retrieving Asrais." Prime stressed the word 'retrieving' staring seriously across the Dei-Monks once again. "Let the attack begin."

The Dei-Monks cheered and rode back to their squads. Aero growled silently. How easily the Darellers had turned their service to Prime, how loyal they were to his word. When Aero ruled this world, the Darellers would pay for their betrayal, he will kill everyone last one of them. Aero watched as the Order of Blood moved forward, up the twisting pass towards the great door into the Dwarven kingdom. Towards they rode indeed on a fool's errand, Aero was the true ruler of Thrae and soon that power would be his.

Ash woke up and stretched wildly, the motion felt wonderful. He opened his eyes and stared up into Otto's smiling face.

"Did I fall asleep?" Ash asked looking around the small room and to the bed where he rested.

"Yes, you fell into a deep sleep." Otto sighed. "How do you feel now?"

"I feel good. but I don't remember coming into this room. The last thing I remember is Sovereign Abto handing me the hilt." Ash sat up and stretched again. "Where is the hilt?"

Otto pointed to the wonderfully designed box. "It is back inside. I had feared the hilt had. had attacked you in some way. Once you picked it up, you. you collapsed to the floor."

"I don't remember that." Ash confessed. "I really do feel fine." Ash added seeing the worry in Otto's face. "The hilt sang to me, that I do recall. It sang a song with words I couldn't understand, but I knew. somehow. I knew it was singing about me. It won't hurt me Otto, it gave me something. but I can't remember what it gave me." Ash shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

"If you are sure you're all right." Otto said putting his hand on top of Ash's head. "The Dwarves are holding a celebration and want us to attend."

"But what about the blade? Puck and Dango are going there now; shouldn 't we start out now to catch up with them?" Ash shrugged off Otto's hand and stood. "The hilt and blade need to be rejoined."

"We have the way to the blade." Otto said casually. "Sovereign has shown me the path which Jerico himself took. We travel through the mines into the Caverns of Erland." Otto smiled. "Abto let me see a map, which I recorded. It will only take us two days traveling underground to reach the Sememman Sea; we will get there ahead of Puck and Dango easily."

"Only two days." Ash repeated smiling widely. "Two days and the Star Child will be whole again." Ash cheered.

Otto laughed at the boy's excitement. "Then shall we join the celebration?"

Ash fell back onto the bed. "What if we. celebrate by ourselves?"

Otto sat next to Ash. "What do you have in mind?"

Quickly sitting up, Ash threw his arms around Otto's neck and kissed him; mad, wild kisses all over his face.

Suddenly Ash pulled away. "Could you. get undressed? All that armor and stuff gets in the way."

Otto almost eagerly stripped, as Ash also quickly removed his shorts and underwear. Otto fell onto the bed with a bounce, catching Ash as he flew into the air and pulling him on top of him. Ash giggled and rested his head on the autonoid's chest. He closed his eyes in elation as Otto caressed his back and buttocks. Ash kissed Otto tenderly on the neck, moaning with utter pleasure as he rubbed his erection across Otto's stomach. Without having to speak, Ash rolled onto his back so that Otto could move his hands upon his erection. All of Ash's muscles tensed as Otto began stroking his penis. He had the urge to jump up and dance, but didn't want Otto to relinquish his hold. Ash gritted his teeth, trying to hold in his moans. It felt as if his body bloated up, then suddenly with Otto's gently stroking, the pressure erupted and released. Ash exhaled deeply, only then realizing he had been holding his breath.

"Wow." Ash whispered excitedly, reclining back against Otto in joyful exhaustion. "I could stay here forever."

"I enjoy the Dwarves, but I'm not sure I would like to live here." Otto said seriously.

Ash laughed and sat up, he looked over his shoulder to see Otto's wide grin. "You are such a geek."

Ash leaned forward and wrapped his hands over Otto's erect penis. "Does your. your penis work just like a humans?"

"I believe so, I know that Dango made it extremely responsive to touch and it appears to almost have a mind of it's own, becoming erect without warning or encouragement."

Ash scooted down, so that he could press his cheek against the warm penis. "I'd say it's as human as mine. I think I spent all of last year in school with an erection."

"That must have been uncomfort." A large echoing explosion interrupted Otto.

"What was that?" Ash yelled above the resounding noise.

"Get dressed." Otto said urgently. "The Golden Mines are under


Ash was frightened by how fast Otto got dressed, it meant things were dire. Once they were dressed, Otto cautiously opened the door and looked out. Ash opened up the box and without hesitation grabbed up the mystical hilt. This time without any ill effects or otherworldly songs.

"The battle is still on the first level." Otto said ushering Ash out of the room. Ash quickly looked around, they were four levels down the large pit, Dwarves ran by without acknowledgement as they rushed towards the battle.

"Who's attacking?" Ash asked squinting his eyes as he looked up, in hopes that could help him see.

"The Order of Blood." Otto whispered as he continued to stare upward. "Prime has found us."

"How. how could he have found us?" Ash asked dumbfounded. Another explosion erupted on the first level, sending huge chucks of rocks raining down around Otto and Ash.

Otto shield Ash from the debris. "We have to leave now."

Ash nodded, unable to take his eyes off the brilliant light show above their heads. So much magic blasted, streaked and exploded above them, it was almost unreal. Again, an explosion sent rubble showery down, a Dwarven war hammer fell in front of them.

"The Dwarves are losing." Ash said quietly. Without a thought, Ash reached down and ran his finger over the war hammer. "I wish I could help them."

Otto stared amazed, as the war hammer began to glow, a shine that transferred across the entire Golden Mine, as every Dwarven weapon shimmered with newly bestowed magic power.

"What did you do Ash?" Otto asked, looking around as the once dark cave was now illuminated in the magical shine of magic.

"I. I don't know." Ash giggled nervously.

"What ever it was, I believe it is safe to say the Dwarves have a better chance of victory."

"Yeah they do." Ash said unable to stop smiling.

"We need to head down to the bottom level to get to the tunnel that leads to the Caverns of Erland."

"And from there to the Sememman Sea and then to the blade." Ash said to himself, looking happily at the pure white hilt in his hand. "Won't Puck and Dango be surprised when they see us there?"

"Very surprised." Otto agreed and quickly ushered Ash down the stone road, they had seventy levels to go before coming to the tunnel they needed. Otto hoped that the Dwarves could keep the Darellers occupied long enough for them to escape.

Next: Chapter 13

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