Star Trick

By Kelvin Brightsider

Published on Mar 15, 2003


STAR TRICK : INTER-GENERATION or I was Wesley Crusher's sex-toy

Disclaimer: All rights TM and (C) to the characters and storylines in Star Trek: the Next Generation are owned by Paramount. They have a fantastic website at if you want more details.

When they produced their chronicles of space exploration and its heroes the people at Paramount wondered at some puzzling gaps. Why was Captain Picard always too busy to pursue a successful relationship with women; why was he so bad with kids; and why did he promote Wesley Crusher to Ensign before he was 17? I would like to say that we found a secret stash of personal diary tapes on Omicron Ceti III and have recently broken the security code - but the truth is, we made this up. Though plausible, therefore, there is probably absolutely no truth in the following. It goes without saying that this is not intended in any way to reflect the sexuality of the characters involved. But wouldn't it be nice?

This story involves Man/Boy(16) sex and though legal on Federation property in 2364 where the action takes place it may not be where you are now. So if you live in one of those awful places (like the Ferengi home world) where it's even illegal to read about stuff like this, or if you find it offensive, don't read. However, if you are drooling at the prospect, get on with it!

I'd be interested in any feedback: brightsider @ hotmail . com. If you do write please put the story title in the subject so I can spot it in all the junk that ends up there.

(C) brightsider March 2003

Computer! Personal log: status: highly confidential, level 3 security access only.

I felt I had to put down what has happened. I can scarcely believe the circumstances I have found myself in. All my Star Fleet Academy training never prepared me for this - defeat at the hands of a mere boy! What had seemed so beautiful turned into my worst nightmare. I have seen off the Romulans, the Ferengi - half the scum of the quadrant, and yet I find myself... Computer, pause!

Computer, resume! Calmly, dispassionately. Let's start again. Maybe by putting this down, and thinking it through, I can see a way out of this. But I fear the worst! A Starfleet captain reduced to a sex slave! Let's start from the beginning.

We were laid over for minor repairs after the incident with renegade Romulans on the edge of the neutral zone. We were very fortunate in being able to use the facilities of Omicron Ceti III, the famed 'pleasure planet' discovered by an earlier Enterprise. This was of course very popular with the crew. We were able to arrange rosters to allow almost all of them to beam down for extended periods, a much needed break after almost a year of continuous, difficult and dangerous events. I stayed behind with Commander Data and kept an eye on progress on the repairs. This was mainly to make sure that Jordi got a break - well, if I'm honest, I'm not much of a one for pleasure planets at the best of times.

I remember finding it strange that I kept bumping into Wesley Crusher. He seemed to turn up wherever I went - almost like he was following me. When I asked him why he hadn't gone down to the planet, he said he was working on a special school project. I'd come to admire the way this young man has developed, after initially complaining to his mother, Beverly, that he was getting in the way and being altogether too pushy. But a year into our mission, I had come to realise that his youthful curiosity was backed up by very real skills and he had already made a big contribution to the success of Enterprise's early trips. He certainly was a pleasant young man, always eager to help, and at the time I felt he admired me and almost looked on me as a father figure - his real father Jack was a good friend of mine, but died when he was young.

One day I was down supervising the unloading of a new supply of dilithium crystals, when once again he appeared beside me.

'How's the project going?' I said, trying to show an interest.

'Well, Captain Picard,' he said. 'In fact,' he went on nervously, 'I'd like to show you something of it, if you have time.? He was looking at me intently with those big serious eyes, and though I admit I have little time for children, I did feel I should show some interest.

'Well, I'm not too busy at the moment. This refit is well in hand. How about this afternoon?'

'Tha'tll be fine, Jean-Luc. I was surprised at his use of my first name - he'd never used it before - but let it pass. There was a strange look in those eyes, indefinable, a mix of excitement and anxiety maybe. 'Meet me at Holodeck 3 at 15.00.'

'What's the project?' I asked - expecting some minor exercise like a 3d model of the innards of a replicator.

'I've developed a new holodeck programme,' he said; 'it's unlike anything you will have seen before.' I smiled wrily - I doubted it, but thought it best to encourage the boy. I felt the urge to pat him on the head, but realised that would be too patronising.

I arrived at the holodeck promptly, but Wesley wasn't at the door. However, as soon as I arrived, the door opened, without prompting the computer, and I saw a programme was already running.

I could see young Crusher in there, and so I walked in. We were in an apartment on Earth, I noticed through the window. Wesley was sitting at a table with a party hat on, and the table was covered in cakes and other goodies. A sign hung across the wall saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I realised he was wearing a Starfleet uniform, with the rank of ensign.

'Well, you look very fine in that uniform,' I said. And I had to admit to myself that he really did.

'Thanks, I'm going to be an ensign this year.'

I laughed. 'Well not quite, but if you study your Starfleet entrance exams...'

'Not quite, not quite' You're wrong, Jean-Luc.'

'But you're only a boy.'

'Well, we'll see. Anyway, do you know what the date is?'

'It's stardate 41...'

'No, in the Earth calendar?'

'It's July 29th I believe.'

'Yes, it's my 16th birthday!'

'Well, congratulations, Wesley!' He jumped up and came towards me and hugged me. I took him rather awkwardly in my arms and hugged him back. I was puzzled. 'Why aren't you celebrating with Beverly?' I said. 'And your friends?'

'Friends, what friends? Some kids?' he said. He looked bitter. I started to see him in a new light, and, yes, it occurred to me now that I never saw him much with children his own age. He was always around adults, and to be honest, he was so bright that this started to seem right, natural. Suddenly, he went a little coy. 'I wanted to spend it with you, if I could spend it with anyone.'

This remark left me feeling slightly uncomfortable. I always have a problem when people start to express their emotions. Counsellor Troi says it's because I try to suppress my own emotions too much. Perhaps she's right. I tried to change the subject.

'So tell me about your project. This program is all very good, but it doesn't seem particularly unusual.'

'It doesn't huh? Did you notice anything unusual about me, Jean-Luc, like when I hugged you?'

'Apart from calling me Jean-Luc, no' I said.

He suddenly punched the air, and ran and hugged me again. 'Excellent,' he said. 'Still nothing?'

'No,' I said at length, trying to extricate myself.

'Good, because, you see, I'm part of the program!' He stood back, spread his arms and did a little dance and spin.

'You mean...?'

'Yes, I'm a hologram; I'm not Wesley at all, I'm just his program.'

I laughed and took a long hard look at the boy. I moved over and felt his arm. The uniform, the flesh beneath, all very realistic. But most of all, the personality.

Now I should confess that I have used holodecks in a physical way from time to time, like any crewman stuck on the ship for months on end. But I have never found the physical side of them appealing. A visit to Yosemite, a sunset off Maui, my brother's vineyard - these were the programs I came back to. I never was convinced that the programs of human beings were convincing. And even if they were, there was something slightly tawdry about having physical contact with a hologram - and knowing it could be programmed to do anything you wanted. People said the same about replicator food. However close, it still wasn't totally real.

But this was something else. I had had no idea that there was anything unreal until that moment. Even now, I confessed I couldn't see it. The reactions of the programmed hologram were so good that he - it - seemed totally real.

'Well, I'm very impressed,? I said. We'll have to show a recording of this to your mother and the crew.

'I don't think so,' he said, suddenly serious and looking up into my eyes intently. 'I've switched off all recording and tracking on the holodeck,' he said. 'Computer! Confirm all recording is closed down.' The computer so confirmed. I knew the way the holodeck protocols worked; they had to obey a no recording command - think what went on in these places sometimes!

'Why did you - why did Wesley - do that?' I was finding it hard to remember he wasn't real.

'Because,' and he gave a deep breath and a sigh, like he was screwing up his courage. 'Because he wanted to say things to you that he couldn't say to your face, Jean-Luc. Can you understand that?'

'I - I think so, I said nervously, 'W-what sort of things?'

There was a long pause. Then: 'Jean-Luc, I love you.' He stood limply in front of me, watching my reaction. I was suddenly sweating: I raised my hand to wipe my brow - and he flinched. Did he seriously think I would hit him?

'Now look, Wesley....'

'I love you, Jean-Luc, I really do, and I think you love me too!' I saw there were tears welling in his eyes.

'Look, Wesley?' I put my hand on his shoulder, and then realised again it was a hologram. But just then, he shivered, like the touch was exciting him. 'I know you had a hard time when your father died, and what that meant to you at an early age. It must have been shattering.'

He was nodding, looking at the floor, trying to hold back the tears.

'Please Jean-Luc, we can be totally honest. That's why I set it up this way. I can tell you exactly what I feel, and you can tell me. And no-one need know. Not even Wesley. What I'm hoping is, I can break through that coldness and make you realise, so that after this you will go out and tell Wesley for real.'

'Realise?' I was starting to feel shaky now.

'Realise the truth. I love you, not as a father; as a man, a real man, a friend, a... lover!'

I was stunned.

'You were always so cold to me when we first came aboard. Always to me, weren't you? Why was that, do you think?' He started to walk away and around the room. He looked out of the window. There was a fine panoramic view across San Francisco, the Coyt Tower in the foreground, and the bridge in the distance.

'I don't think I was any colder with you than...'

'Oh you were, you were!' he suddenly shouted. 'Don't lie to me, Jean-Luc! And when you found me always trailing you, always asking you things, you always always just turned the conversation to something technical, something boring.?

'I'm sorry if you saw it like that, but... I had a ship to run, Wesley. We always seemed to meet up during some crisis or other.'

'Yes, yes, my darling, I know, I've told myself that.'

'Look, I think you should get together with Counsellor Troi as soon as she gets back...'

'No, there you go again, deflecting me. It's not Counsellor Troi, it's you I want!' He stopped and stared wildly at me for a minute. 'Can't you admit it? You were suppressing your feelings for me, weren't you? Weren't you?'

'Wesley, I know from your perspective - maybe you are gay, that's perfectly fine, but - you are young and...'

He suddenly started shouting again. 'No, no, don't give me that patronising bullshit, Jean-Luc. Can't you even admit it in these four walls to this, a load of non- sentient electrons held together by a plasma field? Can't you even admit it to yourself?'

Then he came forward and hugged me, his face against my chest, and burst into deep sobs. I ran my fingers through his soft dark hair. I could hardly control my own tears. 'I really didn't expect this,' I said.

'Does it feel good?' he asked. 'It does to me.'

'I've always kept an eye on you, since your father died. Beverly has been a fine mother to you, and I would ever do anything that hurt you.'

'No, of course not,' he said, and looked up at me through his tears.

'But you always kept your distance. You never gave anything away. It was only recently that I realised why. You were suppressing it.'


'I'm not Wesley, remember?'

I laughed, and he looked up and laughed through the tears.

'Wesley - I'm going to call you that anyway - I did love you as a friend of your father would who cared for you.'

'Can I ask you one thing?' He looked up at me eagerly.

'Go ahead.'

'You never seem to be close to anyone. I mean romantically.'

'There have been a few.'


'Yes girls.'

'No boys?'

I hesitated too long. I couldn't bring myself to talk about those adolescent flings, even in these circumstances.

He sighed a little. 'So... there was a boy?'

'Well look, at Starfleet Academy...' I started to redden. 'Look, Wesley, we're not about to get into some...'

'Why not?'

'I'm about 30 years older than you!'

'So' That's nothing in Vulcan years!'

'I promised your mother to look after you.'

'So? What could be better than making me happy?'

'I'm the ship's captain - it's unethical.'

'So? Who's gonna know. Look - Wesley asked me to say one thing.' He pulled away, then as an aside: 'You have to admit it's a good likeness, huh?' He showed himself off. 'He asked me to say this: here's your perfect opportunity to try when no-one will ever know. Not even him.' He pulled off his tunic revealing a beautiful hairless tanned chest. 'If it's horrible, well, put it down to experience. If it's good, well, enjoy it, and tell Wesley.'

I looked at the stunning body. Suddenly, it all came flooding into my head. >From who knows where. Such a clever boy to know me better than I knew myself ? and find the one way to break through my stubborn self-control. Yes, I wanted him. Badly. This boy that had irritated me, got in the way, impressed me, showed off to me, loved me.

He bent down to pull off his boots. 'And one more thing he asked me to remind you: how you once told him, the unknown is what makes life worth living. I want you to know me, Jean-Luc.' With that he shrugged off his pants and underwear, and I was left staring at something totally unknown to me - a naked adolescent boy's body, throbbing with life and wanting me. Yes, I wanted him so much.

I took one step towards him. I saw the joy entering into his eyes. My god, the boy had programmed him so well. Maybe he had exaggerated in one department though! His cock seemed huge on the slender frame, rigid and pointing up, slapping his belly as he moved. And he moved towards me so gracefully, and slowly undressed me.

He kissed me gently, then harder, full on the lips. I took him in my arms and held him tight, my hand behind his head, mussing his hair. I felt years of contained passion suddenly bursting out of me, felt the warmth of that body, and the firmness of the muscle beneath the skin. This was what Wesley felt like, I thought, this was how the real thing would feel. And it felt so good. Everything he had said was true. I knew it now: I had wanted him for so long, ever since he first arrived on the ship.

We were deep kissing now, my tongue pushing deep between his teeth. My cock was pressing against his, both rock hard. I couldn't remember sex that felt this good. His eyes looked deep into mine as we continued to kiss. Then he started to kiss and caress my body. I leaned back against the wall as he worked his way down, murmuring 'O Jean-Luc, Jean-Luc, I've dreamt of this every night and day!' between kisses on my chest and nipples and trailing down my stomach.

Suddenly he was kneeling and gently touching my cock-head with the tip of my tongue. A pleasant shiver ran through my whole body. Holodeck sex was never this good - but what would I tell Wesley? I took hold of his head and guided it onto my cock. The boy willingly allowed me to push it deep until it hit the back of his throat. His tongue moved along it and he pressed it between the tongue and the roof of his mouth - deliciously moist and wet and feeling so wild. He was giving out ecstatic moans, and I suddenly realised I was too. The pleasure was so intense.

He pulled away from my mouth and looked up with love in his eyes.

'You have always been my hero. My hero, my lover!' he said.

'I feel like you have awakened something deep inside me, boy! I love you; what you have done is so clever!'

'If only you knew how clever!', he said and winked at me. I winked back, though not sure exactly what he meant.

I lifted him up. He whispered in my ear. 'I am yours, Jean-Luc. You can do whatever you want, you know! It won't hurt, I'm programmed that way!'

It was too good to be true. I had started that day like any other, yet now here I was with 20 years of suppressed emotions coming tumbling out. My cock had never been so hard. I kissed him gently then, almost roughly, twisted him to face the wall. I knew I had to do this, take this beautiful image of a boy, experience at least once this forbidden delight, this present from a boy on his birthday.

He seemed to be reading my mind: 'This will be your present to Wesley, taking his virginity on his 16th birthday.' I hugged him from behind, my cock now urgently finding the little puckered rose that was designed for it. I pushed forward and there was a gasp and a groan, whether in pain or ecstasy it was impossible to tell. My cock slid easily further into that warm, tight place, and I started to thrust, gently at first, then more rapidly and with more force. The boy was urging me on, with little moans and dirty words: I wouldn't have believed how much this turned me on.

I felt close to an orgasm.

'Tell me when you are about to cum,' he said. I want to shoot with you. He was rapidly jacking his own cock. Yes, I wanted him to cum with me, and feel him tighten on my cock as it shot deep into him.

'I'm near,' I said.

I kissed his neck and kept ramming him harder and harder.

'I'm cumming,' I shouted.

Just then, as my cock started to pulse and the first load pumped into him, the boy shouted 'Computer, off!' and the room around us started to dissolve and the black and white grid of the holodeck appeared. Simultaneously, the boy started screaming 'No no no', and thrashing around. I thought he was having the biggest orgasm ever; then I got worried that he was in pain; then I realised he was in pain. I pulled out, the last few gobs of sperm spilling on his leg and ass.

'What is it? The program has gone wrong!?

'What are you talking about you fucker! You raped me, you bastard!'

'I- what?? Computer! Stop the program!'

The computer replied. 'The program stopped 17 seconds ago.'


Wesley looked up at me. 'Computer! Stop recording. Go to playback!'

A disembodied screen appeared.

'So, Jean-Luc, you do like boy ass, don't you? I knew it all along.

Those sly lingering glances, and all those times you just happened to turn up.'

'What are you talking about? What just happened here? Why can I still see you!'

'Saved half the quadrant and you still haven't worked it out, huh?' He sat up against the wall, still naked, and sneered at me. 'I am Wesley, you jerk! It wasn't a hologram!'

I was scared now. 'Wesley, how did we just go from a loving and...'

'... brutal sex act!'

'... from a loving and good relationship to - this?'

'You really fell for all that lovey dovey stuff, yea?' He laughed contemptuously.

He moved through the recording until the very last section, when the program had shut down and he started screaming and struggling. 'Computer! Delete everything before this point!'

'Computer! Belay that order!'

'Sorry, Captain, that's what my project was about: I programmed it to follow only my voice command, and to react in certain specific ways; so for example, when I told it to confirm it wasn't recording, it agreed, even though it was!'

I had been stuck on one spot up this point, transfixed. My hand was shaking. I now reached for and pulled on my pants. 'Look! Wesley. What's this about?

Why are you doing this?'

'You were so fuckin' high and mighty, man! So good at everything, so patronising to me. Well now we'll see whose boss.' He smirked. 'I wanna be an Ensign, Picard. Now.'

'What? You can't be! You're only 16! You have to go to the Academy and..'

'Make a field appointment! You can, I checked it out!'

'This is crazy! Look, let's forget about this whole thing and cool down, then talk about it a little later. I'm sorry if things went a bit wrong here. I thought you genuinely...'

'You still don't get it do you?'

I stared at him - where had this devilish creature suddenly sprung from? It wasn't the Wesley I knew and - I had to admit it now - loved.

I finished getting dressed and made a move towards the holodeck door.

'Come and see me tomorrow and we will talk about it.'

He laughed. 'Computer! Transfer that recording to the Bridge and 10 Forward main view screens in one minute.'


'No, Wesley! You can't do that! Computer! Belay that!'

'Not recognised. 50 seconds.'

'Wesley, I'm begging you!' He just laughed.

'40 seconds'

'Look, Wesley! What do I have to do?'

He smiled and slowly got up. 'You look hot in that uniform, Jean-Luc! You always did.'

'30 seconds.'

'Wesley, come on!'

'You know what you have to do, Captain.'


'20 seconds'

'You like the way I programmed it to give the countdown? I thought of everything.' He gave a fake laugh. He was so enjoying my agony now. He was actually getting hard from seeing me grovelling.

'10 seconds'

'All right, I'll - I'll make you Ensign. Field appointment. We'll have to find some incident to trigger it, but I'll do it, you have my word. Now stop that recording!'

'Computer! Belay that!

'Recording already released.'


He laughed long and hard.

Then the computer voice announced 'Only joking!'

'I programmed that too, man! You practically pissed yourself!'

'Wesley, you are evil!

Yea, man, get used to it! I've got that recording safe and sound. Never forget that for the rest of your life! And by the way, Picard...'


He took his cock in his hand. It was very real, and very big. 'You're my bitch now - so bend over!'

Next: Chapter 2

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