Stately Servitude

By moc.loa@284kcirreD

Published on Apr 24, 2023


Stately Servitude Part Seven

Aden's last memory was the pain as he had stretched himself to the limits. The pain from stretching his aching cum filled ball sack. How the links of the chain had met each other with only the thin stretched skin keeping them apart. How his cock had bent as the tension drew his foreskin back beyond what he thought were the bounds of possibility. The rough floor and sawdust scratching the tender skin as he pressed himself to the floor in order to stretch.

He had reached the food. The morsel of meat was first. Followed by the piss covered food from the tipped out bowl. He had not tasted any of it, such was his hunger he didn't notice.

The surroundings were clean. The tube running under the bandage that enclosed his hand was the first thing hat he noticed. The body could be sustained in many ways without the need to take nourishment and fluid orally. A small matter, given the doctor's skills and knowledge. The crisp white linen felt good against his skin. Reflecting on the recent days when his body had suffered abuse that was even beyond his comprehension.

Pushing back the crisp white sheet that covered his body his mind was in turmoil. Nothing! Not a mark from any of the implements that had so recently in his own inflicted their will on his naked body. A new coating of black pubic hair had started to once again cover the once bald area. Without thinking he moved his unbandaged hand down to touch his semi erect cock. Suddenly remembering the rule of touch as the chain around the crook of his elbow drew tight. Moving the bandaged hand only produced the same result.

The monitor that had set of the alarm brought two of the doctors aids into the room. Trying to hide his naked young body from view he watched as they advanced towards him. They were about thirty five dressed only in white surgical boots and trousers. Upper bodies devoid of all hair. The black hair on their heads cut flat top style. One wore round wire framed glasses. Both were very slim and approx. 5'9'' tall.

They proceeded to remove the tube and bandage. No words were exchanged, they knew what to do. Instinctively they worked together. Taking one arm each they drew the boy up on the bed passing each arm over the rail at the head of the bed. Each chain unlocked and passed around his slim arms to fasten them to the headboard rail. The sheet had slipped down his naked upper body and lay crumpled across his groin area. The two men then slipped their hands beneath the sheet, drawing both the boys legs up and under him. Reaching beneath the bed one passed the restraining strap across and behind the bent knees. At this point flash backs came into the boys mind. His buttocks squeezing together. The butt plug was gone now. They passed the strap under the bed, then passing it across the front of his abdomen it was secured in place. Was the offensive hair that was again growing to be removed? His body pulsed as every nerve went into a state of expectancy.

The door to the room again opened. The doctor entered. No white robes or green gown. He wore an ordinary business suit. Behind him followed Marcus and Tom. Both wore only shorts and tee shirts, no footwear. Marcus pushed a small steel trolley which he drew to a halt beside the bed. Whatever was on it was covered with a green linen sheet.

Aden's eyes watched as the doctor approached the side of the bed. The two men now stood to one side as if awaiting further instructions. As the doctor reached a hand towards Aden, Aden made to move but was totally restricted. Unable to move no more than his head and his upper torso to a slight degree. Reaching beneath the green sheet the doctor produced a black. On passing it to one of the two aids placed it over Aden's head then fastening it around his neck and ensuring the mouth piece was passed between his teeth to keep it open. The eye holes were kept open to allow him to see.

The crumpled sheet was pulled away to leave the now hooded youth, s naked body again exposed and vulnerable. Aden now looked down at his nakedness. His eyes widened as he saw that his balls were now about three inches lower. They had been stretched just as the jewel in his boy arse had been as he would later learn. His ball sack now swung back and forth as he strained against the chains that now tethered him.

The boys semi erect cock which now had the full attention of the two men and boy's with the skin now covering the young helmet at its head. Aden gasped as the doctors hand took the now stretched sack drawing it downwards so as to pull the loose skin back to reveal the smooth helmet and tender pink skin on its shaft drawing the slit at its tip open. The doctor indicated to one of the aids who willingly stepped forward to take the boys cock in his eager hand and start to draw the loose skin back and forth. At the hands instant touch the boys cock began to warm and become erect.

As the boys cock became erect the doctor drew Adens legs even further apart and indicated to the aids to take them and hold them apart so as to leave the boys cock and now stretched balls free and with full access.

A drop of pre cum trickled from the open slit at the tip of Aden's cock. The doctor drew on a pair of thin surgical gloves. Marcus removed the green sheet from the trolley to reveal a tank of water. Attached to which was a length of clear thin plastic tubing. The doctor took the end of the tube in his right hand and in a very matter of fact manner took the boys erect shaft in the other.

Aden let out a muffled scream through the hole left in the mask for his mouth. He threw his head back and from side to side as the tip of the tube was directed at the open tip at the end of his cock. The doctor nodded to his two assistants. They took hold of the boys head holding it still and in a position so as to make him look down and watch the events that were about to unfold. The form of the eyelet's in then hood prevented the eyes from closing therefore forcing the boy to watch.

The doctor gave several pulls on the boys cock to maintain its erectness. Slowly the tube was placed into the pink slit of the boys cock. The boys body now held rigid as the doctor now placed lubrication on the tube. No sooner had the tube entered the small hole the boy let out a gurgling scream, his chest heaved as his breathing became more and more intense. One inch of the tube was now inside the boys rigid cock the doctor gave the thin tube a deliberate twist causing Aden to try and wriggle and squirm. This pleased the three men and two boys. The two boys displaying their pleasure by the obvious bulges in their shorts. The two men parted the boy's thighs even more. The tube was again pushed further into his penis another inch followed by another, the boys throat gurgling as his cries continued to be smothered.

The doctor now held the inserted tube ten inches away from the point at which it disappeared into the boys cock. He pulled it back and forth, twisting and flicking, causing the erect cock to dance at his bidding. The mixture of pain and involuntary pleasure that coursed through Aden's body was becoming unbearable. Stopping the twisting and flicking the doctor now took the tube and guided it further and further into the boys cock. Instantly the young body tensed and a long muffled scream came from the hooded face. The tip had touched the boys prostate. Sweat now ran in trickles from his naked body, dripping from every point, down his hairless chest down to the stretched balls and onto the once crisp white sheet.

Content that the tube had entered the boys bladder the doctor reached toward the water tank on the trolley. The whirr of the small motor could be heard as the pump began to slowly move its contents along the length of transparent tubing. As it vanished into the boys now throbbing penis he again jerked, the cold liquid now slowly filling his bladder the swelling now causing great discomfort. Switching off the pump the doctor snipped the tube leaving six inches protruding. Keeping the water filled tube upright he placed a gloved hand around the boys shaft slowly and deliberately he masturbated the boy pulling the skin down as far as it would go, back up again gripping it to the tube as it covered the bulb back and forth back and forth he knew the agony and ecstasy that the boys body was experiencing reaching now to the boys filled ball sack he squeezed and pummelled it speeding up the process of bringing the boy off. Feeling the tension rise in the wretched boy he squeezed the end of the tube as he slowly withdrew it inch by inch, slowly and painfully from the pulsating young cock as the end was extracted the mixture of fluid and boy cum flew from the now red slit as the doctor continued to pump and pump until exhausted, the boys head slumped to his chest.

Tom produced a steel measuring jug and placed it below the boys cock, the sheet was being soaked now as the boy could no longer retain the water in his bladder. The jug began filling slowly filling with the boys now warm fluids up until it reached the two pint mark on the jug. Removing the jug almost another pint must have continued to flow until only short spurts were produced with each convulsion the boy made.

The tired body was unshackled from the bed pulled now to the floor. Aden was forced to his knees. Each of the men levering an arm each up behind the boys back, trapping each leg to the floor with a foot placed behind each knee. Marcus stood between them and behind the boy pulling back Aden's head so that he now faced up to the ceiling.

The mouth hole in the hood made it easy for Tom to raise the filled jug and slowly trickle the contents into the hole ensuring not one drop was spilled and that every drop was returned into the boys body. As the final drop was dispensed the tired body was released to slide helplessly to the floor. The doctor, well satisfied, left the room. The excitement the two boys had experienced left them both with wet patches at the front of their shorts where the cum from their cocks had leaked out and soaked into the thin material. Aden was turned onto his back. The boys knelt either side of his hooded head. Pulling down their shorts they directed their now semi erect young cum soaked cocks at the mouth hole and slowly discharged the contents of their bladders into Aden's throat, again ensuring that not a drop was spilled.

The two boys having finished their business left the room and Aden to the two men. The men were not permitted to inflict any pain or physical punishment on their charge. They did however, in turn, make use of the mouth hole in the hood to deposit their fluids into the boys body. Only a slight tell tale trace of man cum was visible around the mouth hole.


The hood now removed, allowed to rest and dwell on the experiences of the day Aden was allowed a cold shower. His two guardians taking great delight in his suffering under the cold jets and even greater delight in towelling his young body dry, ensuring no area was missed.

Now dressed in regular fit blue jeans that defined his two firm buttocks and white sleeveless tee shirt the boy was taken from the building where he knew not how long he had been. He winced as the daylight hurt his eyes, unable to cover them as the two men had taken a firm grip on each of his arms and each wrist now in the firm grip of the black steel handcuffs that had been placed on them. The hot sun was warm on his exposed arms and face. The tailgate of the landrover gave sslightly as he was placed in the back accompanied by one of his guards while the other fired up the diesel engine.

Jerking and swaying as it slowly made its way up the dusty track after about a mile it drew to halt. The tailgate was lowered Aden was hauled out by his guard who had taken a firm grip on the foot length of chain which separated each wrist. Sharp stones tried to penetrate the thin soles of the black espadrilles that protected his feet. Carefully planted areas growing all manner of produce surrounded a row of greenhouses. Immediately to the right stood a long timber shed with high windows. The door opened. Two elderly men came out, They were probably in their mid fifties. Aden's guard secured him to the vehicle framework and joining the driver they walked over to speak to the two gardeners. Aden watched as they talked, laughed, looked towards him gesturing then more conversation. Still handcuffed the boy was handed over and into the custody of the gardeners.

The sound of the Landrovers engine faded into the distance. Aden felt a rough strong hand grip his arm. The other gardener opened the shed door into which the two men and the boy entered. All the staff on the estate had been told the reason for the boy being on the estate and the limitations of their duties. However they were to ensure that the boy was punished. Work benches ran down either side of the shed cluttered with a host of tools and miscellaneous equipment. Shafts of sunlight shone through the high windows falling onto and old wooden dining chair. Aden looked straight ahead of him. The gardeners stood behind him. Talking quietly. Taking in the sight of the boy that had been delivered to them for them to do with as they wished (within the doctors guidelines) for however long it took. They slowly walked around the youth drinking in his features, his slim body, the blue jeans that pronounced each small firm bum cheek, the seem that vanished between them. The slim fitting white tee shirt that showed that his nipples were firm and pressing at the thin material, drawing in at the slender waist and vanishing into the waistband of the jeans, on down to the black handcuffs on his wrists.

Aden was sat down on the chair. A length of coarse rope was taken from a nail on the shed door. Rough hands passed it around his waist crossing it tight over his chest under his arms over his shoulders to be tied off through the back of the chair. The other gardener had removed the boys footwear and bound each ankle to the feet of the chair to keep his knees apart.

The links of the length chain felt cold as it was wound around his neck several times to be locked off together with the rope behind him. This sight had caused them to get aroused. They both stood in front of the boy who was staring ahead of him, each rubbing at the front of their work trousers. Aden could not avoid seeing that they were well aroused.

Each took their working knives out and folding out the main blades began to cut away at the tee shirt, removing a large panel from the front to expose the naked flesh of his chest and folds of his firm stomach their fingers eager to ensure that the rough rope passed directly over each of his pert nipples. Aden's face contorted as the rope rubbed and cut into him. Shreds of the white material formed a frame around his naked flesh.

Each of them next crouched in front of the tethered legs. Slowly they cut through the end of the legs of the jeans up the outer seam of each leg to the hips followed by the inside seam stopping about ten inches form the crotch. They each drew the now freed material away and to the outside of the boys legs. Even more aroused now at the sight of their handy work. A young lad, bound and chained almost stripped naked and for their pleasure.

Each took it in turns to run their rough hands over the naked parts of the boy's body. One gardener kneeling between the now naked legs the other standing behind. Hands travelling up and down his slim legs the inner thighs, fingers vanishing under the remaining material. The boy could feel them getting nearer and nearer to his concealed ball sack and now almost erect cock. The other pair of hands running through his black hair, round the slender chain encased neck down over the naked chest to take the crossed ropes and rub them forcefully over each nipple reaching on down pressing fingers into his belly button, again the little cave was to be explored by new adventurers that pushed, trying to force themselves in. Aden's head turned from side to side as he was becoming more and more aroused with the mixture of pleasure and pain being inflicted on his helpless body. As if in tune with each other both pairs of hands worked up and down to reach between his legs. Down now to unfasten his jeans. Up and inside what remained of the lower part of the jeans. Aden's rigid cock now being fondled the rough skin of the strong hands scratching at the tender skin. The other set of hands pulling and squeezing his balls. Again his balls were being stretched to their limit and beyond causing him to moan loudly and cry out. The jeans were unfastened in a frenzy and pulled down to leave his lower body now naked. The sight driving both the aged gardeners to unfasten and pull down their work pants. Each taking his own rigid cum soaked cock moved to either side of the boy and filled his mouth with their thick lengths of man flesh. Aden gagged as they forced themselves into his throat both men still continued to fondle him and caress his naked skin. Both men tensed as their fluid spilled from their cocks, withdrawing from the soft orifice they splattered his face with their cum running down and falling onto his stiff cock and balls, onto the ropes that bound him. A rough hand pulled on his ball sack as another still pulled at his tender shaft. Allowed to cum, a hand caught all of his boy cum as every drop was pumped out of him. The hand moved to his mouth where he was made to lick every drop from it and to clean both his tormentors cocks. The men dressed. They replaced the blue jeans and untied the ropes and chain around Aden's neck. He was led from the shed where he was hosed down with cold water to wash off the residue of body fluids. The remains of the now soaked tee shirt and blue jeans clung to him as he was now led barefoot by the gardeners into the woods.

Where is he going? Who will he meet on his tour of the gardens and grounds?

Find out in Part 8

Next: Chapter 8

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