Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Mar 6, 2017


Steppin' Out (Book 4) Perfect Man Copyright 1993-2017 By Lila Mosher


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now. DO NOT GO PAST HERE! 18+ ONLY!

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2017 and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at: *I've had my work stolen before and I WILL contact my lawyer who will contact ANYONE who takes my material!~

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. They are used to enhance the writing this is ALL. All mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental

To see currently see my stories in full please go to:

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******************************** OK so it's been a few ywars... I think a little background recap for this story is REALLY NEEDED. If you want to refresh yourself you can check the stories ALL out at the link above.

Sam is the Twin brother of Dante Ericson Sam out of the two is the more "agressive" of these two twins yet he's a hair/estetics master LOL go figure yes he loves beauty but he can be a hardass as well, this story shows more of his soft side. ;)

I hope my fans enjoy this 4th selection to my series, It's taken a LONG time to get here. Life decided to kick me while I was down and that battle was more important than writting at the time. BUT I WON! So I'm back.

Hope you enjoyed Sylvia Alice White/Lila Mosher (Pen name)

Chapter 5 - Planning

Xavier awoke and rolled over to see a tousled head of dark hair. He smirked at the massive mess and snuggled against his boyfriend's back sliding his arm around Sam's waist. Sam stirred but didn't open his eyes; he just snuggled down deeper into the sheets.

Xavier smiled. He relaxed and thought with the drama that Sam's brother and his boyfriend faced that it would be difficult for him and Sam to be staying with Sam's mom at their home so he figured they would need another plan as It would be a full year before the shop was fully up and running and they still needed to work on the main aspects to the shop in the first place. He knew without a plan they would be sure to face more challenges than they'd want to deal with. He mentally marked that to be talked about when they had time. Sam rolled over and stretched, opened his eyes a crack and sleepily looked at Xavier.

"Morning." He mumbled drowsily as he yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Mmm...uh, what time is it?" Sam was proving to Xavier he wasn't a day person, he chuckled to himself rolled to his side and looked at his bedside clock and then turned back.

"Its eight." he smirked as he watched Sam groan Ugh, "and hide his head back under the sheets.

"Oh come on sunshine, it's not that bad." Xavier said as he wrestled the sheet off of his head and leaned in and kissed the side of his head.

"That's easy for you to say there rooster boy." He grumbled and hid again. "You're use to getting up early, I hated it for school." he mumbled this from under the duvet.

"Rooster boy?" he cocked his head and looked at the man beside him and debated on beating him with pillows or dumping cold water on him. Instead he got up ruffled through his clothing to get some clean gear and headed to the bathroom. He knew Christine would have left hours ago for work so was safe to wander in the buff. He noticed that Sam had rolled over and was watching him but he didn't say a word.

Xavier hummed to himself as he turned on the shower taps adjusting the heat to his satisfaction. He stepped in and let the spray run over his body, the heat felt good and he leaned back with his eyes closed. He was there only a moment when he heard Sam slip in beside him.

"Mmm, I thought you weren't a morning person dear." Xavier said as Sam leaned into him from behind. "I'm not, but watching your ass parade around your room and knowing you were in here... Hell; well I kinda woke up, unwillingly mind you, but I woke up."

Xavier turned around and chuckled. With a smirk he leaned in close but not to play but to reach for the shampoo.

"Excuse me." He flipped the lid open and squirted a generous amount of soap into his hand and then lathered it into his hair.

Sam watched him lather up his flames and decided he was going to play. He reached over and started to massage the suds into his head as well and Xavier stopped and let Sam take over. It was a nice change to be pampered with the head scrubbing. Xavier relaxed and leaned into the spray when Sam guided him into the stream. When his hair was rinsed he opened his eyes and looked at Sam who was now lathering up the loofah he had.

"You're going to scrub me to?" He watched as the bubbles gathered on the sponge.

"Sure, you have a problem with that?" He asked as he flicked a dollop of soap suds. They landed on his midriff and Sam just chuckled.

"No..." Xavier just watched Sam's eyes get wide as a devious smiled crept across his face. Xavier didn't know what to think once he saw that grin and braced himself for whatever onslaught that Sam was planning to dish out on him. A few minutes into Sam's scrubbing and Xavier realized he wasn't going to be molested or tormented but pampered.

"Well dear if you pay this much attention to your clients when the shop is opened you're going to be REALLY popular." He waited to see if Sam was going to respond.

"Mmm, that's the idea." He said as he tapped Xavier's foot and got him to raise it so he could scrub it. Xavier giggled as it tickled like crazy.

When Sam was done Xavier felt pretty good and decided it was his turn to spoil Sam. He took the loofah from him and gave him a kiss.

"Thanks babe that felt great! Now; it's your turn." He watched as a smirk crawled across his face. He turned around and let Xavier start at his back and I made sure to spoil him with attention. When he made it to his front he was obviously turned on and Xavier smirked at the fact that he was able to get him going so easily.

Xavier leaned in towards him, his belly touching Sam's and nearly touching his lips with his own; he tossed his arms over his shoulders and smiled. "Mmm, I think someone is a tad excited with all the attention he's getting."

"Is it that obvious?" Sam whispered as he wrapped his arms around Xavier's waist and then kissing him firmly.

The intoxication from that kiss was enough to leave both their heads swimming with delight. Slick bodies and the heat of the room from the steam only intensified. So did both their arousals. It wasn't long till Sam had Xavier consumed in the most literal way leaving him grasping onto the shower curtain so as not to lose footing when his desire peaked over and spilled down Sam's throat. The shower was the most thrilling and most draining to Xavier and he needed support and leaned against the stall wall. Sam smirked as he rinsed his face off and then kissed him.

"I must say, that was well worth waking up for." He winked and then proceeded to shampoo his own hair since it was the only thing Xavier hadn't paid attention to on Sam's body.

Xavier chuckled and stepped out and dried off. He grabbed his electric razor and ran it across his face. When he was done he padded barefoot and assed to his room. He heard the water shut off and waited for Sam to follow after him.

Xavier picked up the red boxers briefs he'd picked out off of his bed and slid into them. "Damn hun, everything is flamin' on you!" the smart ass come back from Sam made Xavier smirk.

"Yep, I'm a flamin hot rooster...and I love it when you nibble..." He stopped dead with his comment as he watched Sam's eyes get big and then busted a gut laughing.

"Good God the look on your face. It's priceless." Xavier chuckled and picked up his jeans and slid into those to, adjusting his nuggets and strip so they didn't get crushed. Sam's eyes hardly left Xavier the whole time and he again just chuckled.

"I swear to God, you're worse than a horny teenager."

"Oh hun, you have NO idea; and you think I'm bad. Goodness my brother has me beat hands down." Sam's retort was a tad counterproductive since he was standing there in the buff with a massive hard on. Xavier just snorted at the comment rolled his eyes.

"My dear man, I think your body has other ideas. I also wouldn't need to know if your brother is worse than you. I have no interest in him. He doesn't have all these nice piercings like you do." Xavier flipped the nipple ring on Sam and he sucked in his breath through gritted teeth.

"Well come on sweet cheeks," He slapped Sam's ass as he walked towards the door of the bed room with his t-shirt in hand. "We need food and I'm starved. You need to get dressed if you're going to go out with me. I can't have you parading in the buff now." He winked at him and left the room. He laughed as he heard Sam curse under his breath.

Breakfast was quick and simple. They stopped at the local coffee shop called Jay's and had the early bird special. When that was all done Xavier and Sam headed over to Sam's place.

"Hello." Sam called out as he walked in the door.

"I'm in the kitchen." They both heard a voice and aimed for the location.

"Ahh; Good morning sweetie." Michelle said to her son as he walked through the doorway. "You had me worried last night, it's not often you don't call, or pass out at a friend's place."

"Sorry mom. I guess with all the drama in the last few days it zapped all my energy from me." Sam walked over to the fridge and grabbed an orange juice; popped the top and took a swig. "I just wanted to check in and let you know I'm alright and to see if you needed anything."

Michelle smiled at her son and looked over at Xavier. "Do you two have any plans today?"

"No not really." Xavier liked this woman and wanted to see if she needed their help as well.

"Well this is great. Sam hunny, we still need some outside repairs done around here and I have to get the yard cleaned up. If you and Xavier could help that would be a great deal of pressure off of me. Your brother is at work right now and Josh is still sleeping."

"Sure ma. No problem." Sam never had issues with giving his mother a hand and with Xavier's help things would go much faster. He finished his drink and motioned to Xavier with his finger for him to follow him. Xavier did so and with a smirk Sam commented with, "Do you always come so easy when you're fingered?"

"Sam! Sheesh!" Xavier was laughing hard at the joke as they wandered out the back door and down the deck steps.

"So do you know what your mom wants done?" He asked as he surveyed the yard.

"Well more than likely the leaves raked. I have to fix the rest of the fence at the side of the house where buddy slammed into it. I know the foundation needs some minor repairs as there are a few cracks I'm just hoping they didn't go all the way into the other side. Mom is worried about flooding come this spring."

"Well let's get to work." Xavier clapped his hands together and looked around. "Where are the work gloves and rake?" Sam pointed to the shed and Xavier went to it and rummaged around for the items he needed and started on the yard work while Sam fixed the fence.

Two hours later both were standing side by side admiring their jobs and Xavier draped his arm over Sam's shoulder. Sam let out a satisfying sigh. "Thanks for your help." He said to Xavier.

"Anytime dear. I rather enjoy doing things like this and it's more fun when we do them together." "Good cause I'm going to get you to help me with the shop when it's time." Sam elbowed his playfully.

"When will you have all the info on the shop?" Xavier was curious he wanted in on the prospect of owning a shop even if it was a co-ownership as the potential for growth in Curre was staggering as the city was growing so fast.

"I have to see the loan officer through the bank in a month's time. I have to bring him a start up cost analysis for the shop. I need everything from the building; either a straight up purchase or rental agreement. I even need supplies and more. It's going to be a tedious pain in the ass to do but I know I must get the estimates done soon." he sighed he had hated his business course when he was in university but he knew it would help him with this part of his goals. Sam picked up the rake and walked back to the shed putting the tools and gear away as he spoke.

"I'm going to overestimate, just for the sake of being on the safe side. I don't want to fall short and fail due to the lack of funds." He wiped off his hands and shut the shed door. He looked back at Xavier.

"Are you still sure you want to take on helping me establish this place? It's going to be aggravating and time consuming." Sam walked back towards Xavier still unsure how all of his plans would turn out.

Xavier reached out to him and took his hand as they walked back to the house. "Yes dear, I'm quite sure, besides growth in this city is pretty much guaranteed and I know it's going to be trying at times but I'm sure we can do this." He gave Sam's hand a squeeze and they headed back indoors, they had some planning they needed to do.

********************* The evening meal went without a hitch, Josh cooked for everyone much to Michelle's delight even though she was quite the accomplished cook herself it was always nice to have an extra hand. "So Sam what's your plans this week?" She asked him as she took a bite of the delicious meatloaf Josh had made.

"Xavier and I need to get a cost list for the bank next month; we brainstormed earlier today and decided on what we needed to focus on." Sam stuffed potatoes into his mouth and waved his fork in the air like a baton. "There's just so much to think about it makes my brain hurt." He mumbled with a full mouth.

"Sam, don't talk with your mouth full." His mom sighed, and shaking her head she continued, "It's great you're working together on this. If you need any ideas or input let me know."

Sam knew his mother was trying to get her own restaurant started and she was doing pretty much the same thing, only she had more collateral to work with than Sam did. All he had was his car and Xavier's help. It wasn't going to be easy. He nodded at his mom and continued stuffing his face. Dante spoke next and let his mother know that he and Josh would likely be staying for a bit; Josh had to sell the house.

"It's on the market now." Said his head hung low. "Too many bad memories there now, even if it was my grandma's place." He pushed his meal around on his plate and sighed. Dante reached over and laid his arm on his back trying to give what support he could.

"I understand its hard Josh, but you must do what you must and you're always welcomed to stick around here if you want. I don't mind." Michelle was always easy going and Sam loved that about his mother. This conversation reminded Xavier that he needed to speak to Sam about their accommodations in the near future.

They all finished their meal with relative chat about pending things they were working on and upcoming plans. Dante and Sam cleared the table as their mom did the dishes. Josh swept the floor. Michelle rather enjoyed her home being busy again. It'd been a long time since her husband passed away and this made her evening.

****************************** "Oh damn it! For fucks sakes! How Goddamn hard is it to get an estimate on five, 70 gallon tubs of tinted paint? You'd think I was pulling teeth here!" Sam was about to blow a gasket and he had been on hold for over twenty-five minutes with the company he was trying to get an estimate from but they were giving him the runaround. He was cursing and muttering out loud as he worked on his costs sheet.

Xavier gave him a kiss on the side of the head and prayed that the people he was on hold with would hurry before he simultaneously combusted. They only had a few days left before they had to have their info into the loan manager. "I swear to god this damn paint is going to be a pain in my ass and I'm going to have it out with the owner, I can see it now." He sighed as he scribbled in the corner of the paper he was using to write info on. Xavier listened to him mumble more and then agreed to something and hang up.

"God it's about time someone gave me what I needed." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair which was getting much longer. He needed to trim it and soon. He closed his costs records book and got up from his seat and wandered over to Xavier who was now on their computer trying to finalize the shops design. He placed his hands on Xavier's shoulders and leaned down.

"Looking good dear." Sam rather loved the design concept that Xavier had done for the shop and was very pleased they didn't have to pay for a designer. Xavier stopped with the CAD program and swiveled in his chair.

"What can I do for you dear?" Xavier asked after he hit print on the program was working with.

"I was wondering if you could cut my hair." Sam said, as he ran his hand through his long hair. "Sure I can do that for you." Xavier got up from his chair. "When you want me to do it?"

"Whenever it's convenient for you." Sam said as he watched Xavier walk to the printer and pulled a piece of paper that had finished printing.

"I can do it a few minutes if you want me to." Xavier passed him the printed image of the studio to Sam. "What do you think?"

His pending hair cut all but forgotten, he looked at the paper. "Damn this looks really good. I wonder how much this cost." Sam asked as he looked over the schematic drawing of the shop.

"It shouldn't be too expensive." Xavier stated as he grabbed a list of materials that would be needed. He passed this over to Sam.

"Geez this is freaking awesome! Thanks for all the help. This is definitely going to help in the long run."

"If we enlist our friends to help us, and then utilize their skills maybe we can cut costs that way too." Xavier commented as he took the papers back and placed them on the desk.

"Well shit! That's a brilliant idea as well. I'll have to ask Aikrii and see what he has to say. He might have some ideas and other resources we can tap into." Sam walked over to his desk picked up his costs book walked back over to the desk and Xavier was using and grabbed the schematic for the shop and added it to his book. "I should probably scan this stuff to him and see what he has to say."

"I'm sure he'll be as excited as you are to lending a hand." Xavier said with a smile. "Come on let's take a break, I'm starving; I could use coffee to."

"Sure, let's go to Jays for a bit. I could use a cappuccino myself." Xavier smiled at Sam's comment.

In a few days both would see their dreams start to grow in an amazing way.

Chapter 6 - SEXY

Xavier was holding Sam's hand tightly as the loans officer; David; whom they met earlier left the office after their presentation and outline for their shop. It looked promising and they both were excited but scared to.

"God I think my guts are churning like a washing machine." Sam said as he leaned his head on Xavier's shoulder.

"Ditto." Xavier said.

Sam looked up at him concerned and worry showed on his face, Xavier slid his hand up alongside his shoulder to rest his hand in his hair. It was a reassuring motion that conveyed understanding with the simplest of gestures. "But I am sure we got this in the bag." He slid his hand back to his shoulder and gave a squeeze as well.

They heard the click of the inner office door and they both sat up and looked back at the door opening. The manager of the bank and David both walked in. There was no tell tale sign from either of them whether the outlook for them was positive or not. This kept both Sam and Xavier on edge.

"Um-hmm, just this." The manager said as he pointed to something on the paper work David was holding. They both walked to the desk and David laid down the paper work. The manager leaned against the desk while Dave took his seat.

"Good day gentlemen, I'm Stanley Coe." The manager reached out and shook both of their hands and smiled. He sighed after he finished and clasped both his hands together.

"Well fellas, I got to say, your presentation for this business was stellar compared to some we've seen in the past. I've had many come through our doors and ask for their dreams to be brought forth and it's always amazed me when I see some of the work that's put before me. It's worse still when I see how poorly some plan. Your presentation was far from poor planning." Xavier and Sam let the breath they didn't realize they were holding go.

"I'm happy to say that I have no problem to help your future out and grant you the loan you're requesting."

Xavier was certain he'd not see Sam smile so big other than when they got together. Sam stood and shook Mr. Coe's Xavier followed suit.

"As nerve wracking as that was; I'm so very happy with the positive outcome." He said. "Well," Stanley said as he watched the two young men sit back down. "I believe you have a good game plan and with aesthetics being the new rage these days; I'm sure you'll do fine."

They were pleased to hear this info, and Xavier asked. "So when can we start?"

He placed the file back down on David's desk and leaned against it. "Just give me a few hours to draw up the contracts. We need to smooth out some details and you can contact your lawyer and insurance broker and we can get the paper work signed by the end of the week. How does that sound?"

Sam was stunned. "Really? That fast? I thought I had to have a shop or land to go to before that happened."

"NO, you can shop around; we don't force anyone to make rash decisions when it comes to business ventures. We want to see people succeed. Without that we don't make any money either." Stanley smiled he was glad to be helping these young men start their business.

"Then I guess we should get going and start our end!" Sam said as he stood, reaching out again for the managers hand and shaking it. Xavier shook David's hand and they parted ways.

Out in the parking lot Sam jumped into the air and shouted out a large WHOOP! His jubilance danced on his face. He then grabbed Xavier's hands and danced around with him in a circle. Xavier beamed. "We did it! I can't believe it; we're going to do this!" Xavier could hear Sam's excitement and how breathless it was making him.

"I think you should call your mom to let her know." Xavier said, petting him on his shoulders as he slowed down and walked to Xavier's unique car.

"Mmm, yeah; you're right." Sam stopped and leaned against the holographic colored car with the brightly colored flames on the side. Pulled out his cell and called his mother. Xavier pulled out his own cell and took a picture of Sam. He really liked what he was seeing. His guy; all dressed up leaning against his car and looking like a GQ model. Sam winked at him as Xavier closed his phone after the picture. He absently caught some of Sam's conversation.

"It's still surreal mom, I can't believe that we got the funding. Now I have to look for property to set up shop...Uh-huh, I'll tell him. OK. Love you too. Bye." Sam closed his phone and slipped it into his suits inner pocket. He pushed off the car and leaned forward towards Xavier. He reached out and held onto Xavier's suits lapels.

"Mom said we need to celebrate, so she's inviting us to go out to dinner tonight." He looked into stunning green eyes and waited for Xavier's response.

"I love the idea of celebrating." He replied as he snaked his arms inside Sam's suit jacket to his waist. "What time is she expecting us?"

"We're to meet mom at home around seven and then she's surprising us with where we are going." Sam leaned his head forward and touched Xavier's head to his own. "Well let's get going to your place. I need to pick up my clothes. And I want out of this monkey suit." Sam said as he pulled back and started to walk to the passenger side door of Xavier's car. "Hey! I like you and that monkey suit." Xavier said as he opened his car door. "You look sexy as hell and it." He settled into his car seat and looked over at Sam as Sam sat down. "Well I'm glad you finally so appealing in this thing. I'm sure you'll find me appealing out of it too." Sam smirked. "Oh is that an invitation now?" Xavier looked over at his passenger; chuckling as he started the car. Sam just chuckled and turned on the radio. The drive to Xavier's place was a quick one and entertaining as Christine was home when they got there.

"Are you off for the rest of the night?" Xavier asked his roommate.

"Yes! Three full days of partying, bullshit and sleep." She said as she hauled off her work shirt right in front of them both and grabbed a tee and slid into it. "You wouldn't not believe; how fucking draining; my new partner is. I'm about to lose it on the asshole." She wandered to the kitchen and put on the kettle. She turned around and looked at the young fellas. "You ever meet someone you instantly dislike?" Her question was aimed at Sam.

"Twice actually." Sam replied as he sat at the kitchen table. Xavier walked down to his room to get Sam's overnight bag and returned to their convo. "My brother's former roommate Chet for one."

"I can see that being a given." Christine said as she turned back to the now whistling kettle and turned it off and started to make coffee for them all.

"I don't know what it is about this guy. He just comes off as slimy to me." She placed his coffee in front of him and returned to the kitchen to get hers and Xavier's who had joined them.

"You use to always tell me `Trust your instincts'. Maybe you need to follow your own advice there girl." Xavier said as he took the cup from her hand when she returned to the table and sat down.

"I have to be civil with this guy. He's not done anything for me to warrant my unease. It's just a feeling. My boss won't allow me to sack someone based on my gut reaction." She sighed as she took a sip of her drink. "Some days I wish my `superpower' was reading minds and not healing."

"Christine, you don't mean that. Just be careful; alright?" Xavier's concerns were reassuring to Christine. She didn't want anyone thinking she was overreacting but there were days she just couldn't shake that nagging feeling when she was paired with this particular guy for training. She decided to let it be and focus on her free time.

"So what do you and Sam have planned?" She asked, tactfully changing the subject.

"Actually," Xavier said with a smile as he looked over to Sam whose face cracked with delight. "We got approval for the shop today."

He watched as excitement spread across Christine face making her glow like melted butter.

"OH MY GOD!!" She leaned forward and slapped her hands on the table jiggling the cups and making everyone's drink slosh. Xavier nervously jumped and giggled. "That's amazing news! You guys must be so thrilled!"

Sam chuckled at her titillating joy. "We are, but I think astonishment is more the line we're walking at the moment seeing as we both weren't expecting this to be so..." He paused..."Well; easy." He looked delighted as he reached over to Xavier's hand. Their fingers connected and relaxed.

"I hope you two plan on celebrating. It's not every day that one becomes a business owner." Christine was a whirl over possible party plans for when their business was up and running. She LOVED a good party.

"We're going out with Michelle tonight." Xavier said. "She's surprising us with an evening out." Sam laughed "Knowing mom she'll shanghai a restaurant and cook for us." Xavier shook his head with glee twinkling from his eyes. He could envision her doing that too. "Well you guys should get ready." Christine got up and started to clear the cups as Sam finished his own drink. He got up and placed his own mug into the sink.

"This should be an entertaining evening." Sam said with a smile as Xavier grabbed his jacket and cell and Sam picked up his overnight bag.

They got into his car and headed to Sam's place. The traffic was mild and Xavier decided to swing into Jay's drive-through for a coffee. "Want anything?"

"Just you baby." Sam replied winking. Xavier gave a crooked smirk and pulled up to the mic and placed his order. When they pulled up to the window Xavier was surprised to see Kolten. Kolten had grown out some since the last time he'd seen him. He still had the dirty blond hair but it was a bit lighter, likely from spending a lot of time outdoors, and his Orlando Bloom look alike face had filled out some and Xavier noticed he was about twenty pounds heavier which make him look healthier.

"HEY! Eric! Long time no see man!" Xavier said to his friend. "How have you been?"

"Oh my God! My `Savior'!" Eric said to his friend. A long time running inside joke they had. "I'm doing good man! Finished College this year!" He was grinning like crazy.

"Awesome stuff!" Xavier fist bumped his friend at the drive through window after he placed the drinks he'd ordered into the cup holders in the car. "We really need to catch up man. When are you off next?"

"Not till next week, got a full run here now that I'm manger." Eric visibly puffed up at that and Xavier was mentally chuckling at that. Sam meanwhile was confused who the young man was who obviously idolized his boyfriend. He smiled and waited for them to finish talking.

Eric leaned down some and looked at Sam and waved. "You must be Dante's brother Sam." He said. Sam was befuddled.

"Uh, Yeah; I am. How do you know that?" He said chuckling.

"Your brother was my swim coach at the rec center." He replied smiling. "I had to look twice. You two sure do look alike."

"That tends to happen with twins." Sam said he was amused. He heard a honk and realized they were holding up the through traffic to the coffee shop.

"We have to go but I'll spin by next week and see if we can't hang out for a bit." Xavier said as they slowly pulled out of the drive through.

"Sure thing! See you soon." Eric said to Xavier as they left.

Xavier had a smile on his face as he pulled away. It'd been almost a year since he seen Eric last. He knew he'd gone to back home to the Netherlands for a bit and there'd been changes with his living situation although he wasn't quite sure what. Xavier pulled up to the red light and waited for it to turn green, he absently broke the silence in the car. Sam had been super quiet.

"I haven't seen him since last year. I can't get over how much he's filled out." He looked at Sam. "You got quiet hun. Is there anything the matter?"

"No. Actually I'm just curious who Eric is. Apparently he knows my brother. How do you know him?"

Xavier chuckled. "Oh goodness, sorry about that. Eric tutored me a few years ago when I went to Holland."

"You went to Holland?" This baffled Sam a bit but then again he didn't know Xavier a few years ago.

"Sure did. Backpacked across Europe with my sister Catherine for a year; after high school was over." Xavier smiled at Sam and continued. "My father felt bad after all my sister and I had faced. I think because for two years after my parents split up; life was a rollercoaster. He was very impressed with how mature we'd had been over it all and proven that we could handle things." He pulled into the driveway of Sam's place and parked the car. "He covered the cost of our get away. His way of saying he was proud of us." Sam nodded and looked at Xavier.

"It must have been hell dealing with their divorce." He said.

"Actually it wasn't the divorce we had problems with." Xavier said

Sam's questioning look made Xavier realize he needed to elaborate on what he said. Xavier took a deep breath and as they exited the car he delved into the chaos that was his life from grade ten till the end of grade twelve.

"Well I'm not too sure this is something you want me to get into when we're supposed to be having a good evening celebrating. It's not the best story in the world and I really don't want to bring you down." Xavier felt consideration was best given freely before taken advantage of.

Sam looked at him and reached for his hand. "If you want to tell me, you can. I'll listen because I want to know more about you. If you don't want to tell me that's fine too, I'll accept that and you can decide when you want to let me know. Either way it's not a big deal. Just know we can still have a great night regardless of what you decide."

Xavier felt that the maturity of Sam was what drew him before and it only enforced his choices. He decided to fill Sam in on things now instead of later where things could end up being more of a surprise than he'd want it to be.

"Well first thing you need to know is I have a half brother. His name is Devon but I don't see him much. He's got another half brother named Kolten. When we lived in England my mom was having an affair and got pregnant, this is what caused my parents split up." Sam opened the door listening intently to the story Xavier was telling him. "It was my father's mental decline after the split that we had to endure. He changed. Blamed himself for my mother cheating on him because he was always working; but as a businessman he had to. Catherine and I never blamed him for providing for us. As kids we understood more than our mother did and that's what made it so sad."

They walked across the kitchen and Sam stopped at the fridge and grabbed an orange juice pack and shut the door. His mom entered the kitchen and hugged Sam and she too listened to what Xavier was telling her son.

"My mom got vindictive when we chose to stay with our father. She tried over and over to turn us against him but we did all we could to make things easier on him. Not once did he alienate her from us. It was pretty bad and once Devon was born she started taking the mean streak we never knew she had out on him. Kolten has been trying to protect his little brother as much as he can because he's out there more than Catherine or I. There have been a few times he's had to go back to England to take care of his brother so my mom isn't being so selfish and cruel to him." Xavier sighed as he remembered the hateful words he'd heard from his mother's mouth time and time again. Michelle reached out to him and laid a hand on his upper arm. Her loving smile put him at ease. He knew it wasn't his fault his mother was the way she was. Some days however he wished he could make her see the light and stop with her behavior, he hated explaining his past sometimes, but he felt Sam should know.

"If you feel uncomfortable with talking about your past Xavier I'm sure Sam will understand." Michelle said. "Everyone has skeletons they hate rattling, but if you need to talk we're still here to listen to you."

Xavier smiled at Michelle. "He's told me so much about you and your family. I think it's only fair he knows the complicated mess I had to face." He laid his hand on hers and then let go. The understanding was there. He relaxed in knowing he had the support he needed as well.

"Anyway after the hell we faced; with all of the fights they had my dad finally got fed up with her shit and got counselling for himself. Catherine and I were so damn proud of him for doing this for himself. He learned that it wasn't his fault and that he couldn't change how a person was if they didn't see what they were doing was wrong too. He moved on and in turn decided we needed to get away from all the negative. He went to find himself and my sister had wanted to go see Europe and I agreed to go with her. Dad paid for us and in order to go we needed to have tutoring to speak Dutch." He smiled and continued. "It was the most fascinating thing I ever dove into. Eric taught us a lot and learning a new language baffled the hell out of my sister and I but we had fun too. Once we learned enough we left and had a blast. So in the long run the hell my mother put us through was sort of worth it." They had made their way to the kitchen table and were seated by the time he'd finished the story on how he'd known Eric to Sam. To Sam it felt kind of felt cruel for him to have asked how he knew him now.

"I'm sorry I questioned how you knew him now. I feel so bad for having to make you drag that up." He said.

"Oh God don't feel bad. You wouldn't have known if you didn't ask." He chuckled. "Besides it's all water under the bridge and it's been over a year since I saw Eric last. He was looking for help to tutor other kids and wanted to know if I could assist. I did; for a bit until I had to go help Kolten with Devon when my mom took a freak shit and walked out on him."

"Oh good lord." both Sam and his mom said in unison.

"Is your half brother OK now?" Michelle asked him.

"For now he's alright. Kolten had gone up and took care of him. Far as I know Kolten is back in Kearney now. So Devon must be OK." Xavier was still worried about the crap his mother dished out but today was a day to celebrate and he wasn't going to let her shitty behavior ruin his evening tonight.

"Anyway it's not an issue right now and we have some place to go. So Michelle where; my lovely lady do you plan on taking us?" Xavier was determined to move on with the evening.

Aphrodite's was packed when they showed to the five star restaurant. Sam was blown away his mom even managed to get seating in a moment's notice but she'd pulled it off.

"Mom how the hell did you get a seat here in thirty minutes. It takes months to get a spot here!"

Michelle smiled and patted her son's arm and winked. "Oh baby, it's not important. Just know I know people who helped."

Sam's and Xavier's eyebrows both rose in unison. The unspoken words of "OH REALLY?!" was clearly written on their face and Michelle got a kick out of it. She faced the Maitre'd and the man smiled and spoke to her in recognition.

"Ah, Mademoiselle. So wonderful to have you here again, right this way." He offered his elbow and she graciously took it and walked with him as her son and his boyfriend followed dumbstruck. The spot he took them was breathtaking. They were in a secluded spot to the back of the establishment facing the harbour. Windows were on two sides like a half box and their table was situated so it was over the water. The third side had an ornate wall with Greek gods hand painted all over it with the entrance was draped off with a heavy brocade curtain done in deep red. Sam's stupefaction was apparent with his sharp intake of breath. Xavier had always wanted to come here but never in his life thought he'd ever be able to. That was now one less thing on his bucket list. He smiled at Sam in delighted awe.

"Your attendant will be here shortly." They all picked a seat, his mother seated first and Sam pushed in his mother's chair. "Shall I get you a wine list?" He waited for her response as Sam took his own seat.

"Yes, that would be lovely Étienne. Thank you so much." Michelle reached out and gave his hand a gentle squeeze and smiled at the man as he laid down menus and then left.

"Okay, now I really need to know. How the HELL did you pull this off mom?" Sam's bewilderment was overwhelming him and he needed answers. Michelle didn't have to answer as the answer came to their table with a huge smile and a chef's hat.

"Francis!" She got up and left her seat and reached out to him with both hands which he took and then greeted her with a kiss on each cheek. Sam and Xavier both sat there even more stunned.

"My dear boy, this is Francis. The head chef and owner here at Aphrodite's. He also works part time at the 4 Sails restaurant with his brother." She felt satisfaction at the surprise she gave her son. "Not bad for an old broad now is it?" She said laughing as they continued looking at her stunned. Francis chuckled too.

"Come on my dear, sit back down and let me spoil you all. I hear it's an evening to celebrate, is it not Sam?" Francis said to him as he pushed back in Michelle's seat.

"Uh, yeah it is. We got our load to start our own business." He looked at Xavier and felt the tightness from the overwhelming shock lift. He took a deep breath. "We're pretty stoked about getting things going. Mom has been a huge help." She grinned and then patted Francis's hand that laid on her shoulder. He looked to her and said. "Well let's get on with the evening's festivities, my treat." With that he gave Michelle a kiss on the cheek and clapped and a young woman with a violin came and started to play some soothing tunes and it didn't take long for Xavier to recognize Vivaldi's Sinfonia. His dad was into the classics so he'd heard it frequently growing up. Francis disappeared and they waited to see what would unfold.

Chapter 7 – Nothing ventured

It wasn't too long of a wait before the wine was brought to their table and their meal ordered. Francis ensured he cooked for Michelle and her son and his partner personally as he wanted to guarantee they had the utmost exquisite dining experience. For Michelle's order she'd chosen Parmesan Risotto with Roasted Shrimp and he made sure to use the freshest he had in stock.

Whenever a staff member asked if he needed assistance he'd shoo them off and tell them to tend to the other customers. Sam's order was roasted salmon in truffle oil with Portobello mushrooms and a vegetable side salad that consisted of beans, baby tomatoes, quinoa, baby red potatoes, corn with a red wine vinegar dressing. Francis was very pleased to see that Sam had a fine selection for his meal and ensured he would love every bite.

He moved onto Xavier's choice and decided to add some flare to the already delicious meal. He used fresh made linguine this time instead of the premade stuff he usually had on hand. Adding a zing to it was easy with some whiskey cream he made from scratch; a simple favorite of his. He sautéed the scallops for this meal with a delicate white wine, real cream butter, green onions and parsley as the topper. He dished them onto the linguine and sprinkled the greens on top. Everything smelled divine. Francis was pleased with everything and got his top servers in to follow him to her table with their meals.

The meals showed with flare, more wine and the music picked up as well. Francis was going all out for Michelle and she could see it clearly with his presentation. She was blushing hard with all of the wonderful attention to detail. "Your meals are served my lovely lady." Francis said with a bow and a wink she was sure her son and his date missed. "Oh Francis! This smells absolutely delicious! Thank you." She was delighted and couldn't wait to eat.

"Anything for you my dear. Enjoy your meal "He bent over and planted a kiss on her cheek and left her to celebrate with her son and his date. She blushed and giggled like a schoolgirl which amused Sam. It had been a long time since he had ever seen her at the receiving end of an obvious amorous man and he was actually delighted for her. It was also something he honestly never thought he'd see.

"He's got quite the flare for the wonderful doesn't he mom?" Sam said with a smirk trying to get her to blush more.

"He does, but he's always been like that." She didn't hide her sigh of contentment as she sipped her white wine.

"Oh?" Xavier said. Even he found this evening's fan fare a tad amusing and now her response left him wanting to know more, and Xavier just couldn't help himself. "How long have you known him?" He watched her and she hesitated on her response but still left it vague.

"Oh, awhile I suppose." She left it at that and continued on with her meal.

"Well I dare say my mother has a suitor who's courting her." Sam watched his mother's face warm, the spread of color trickled across her face and pulled up the corners of her mouth.

"He's a good friend Samuel, who just happens to enjoy my company." She replied, the whole time the smile not leaving her face. Sam knew there was more to it than that but he felt prying wasn't an option and he wasn't about to make her uncomfortable when she seemed to be so happy. The playful banter however was something he was more than happy to provide.

"Well ma, if he's a good friend, maybe you should invite him to the house. I know with four men in the house now days a chef for us would make life easier... don't ya think?" He listened to Xavier chuckle at the comment and watched his mom raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner of `Oh really now?' Sam forever the smart ass winked at his mom and she laughed out loud. "Sure! Why not make something sizzle together?"

"You my dear boy are mischievous." His mother comment wagging her finger at him only like a mother could as she took another sip of her wine, but in the back of her mind the notion he suggested hasn't slipped past her. She was after all just older... not dead.

The evening progressed as expected and Sam and Xavier spoke to Michelle about the plans they had with getting the shop up and running and what they wanted to do for the future. Their mom found the aspect behind her son's business adventure fascinating. She was also pleased at their excitement and eagerness to get things going.

"I hear this `all natural' thing is the big rage now. What in the world does that really mean? I always thought most stuff now days were processed stuff." Sam chuckled at his mom's comment as he sat back and savored his drink.

"Well mom, now days people want beeswax, and avocado and honey contained in with their hair care products or with their cosmetics. It's not easy coming across something like that locally but it's done in small amounts by some people. The big problem is the cost."

"So men and women want chefs making them things they can wash their hair with? What a waste of food!" Her naiveté when it came to beauty products made Sam chuckle. He always found it amusing that he knew more than his mom did considering she was after all a lady and they were the ones more into the beauty aspect compared to most males.

"It's more than that Michelle." Xavier said. "But in the light you're speaking of, it pretty much is chefs making beauty products, only they aren't going to waste. You'd be surprised how many people will pay top dollar for all natural products. The fancier and better smelling they are and the more exotic, the more money it will make. Most people believe it's the lather they get from a product that cleans but in reality it's not. Things in commercial products are made with chemicals to give it the lathering quality." Michelle was absorbing what he was saying and Sam could literally see the wheels turning in his mother's head. "Think about it this way. Right now beeswax is the rage and Argan oil is slowly getting there. Soon it could be coconut or avocado oil that's got people scrambling for the next `NEW' item on the shelf... but it's still processed if it lathers like crazy, if it has added dyes or compounds you can't pronounce." Michelle nodded at Xavier's knowledge and Sam added to the conversation.

"If I was to say for instants... take raspberries and boil them down then strain them I'd have a natural scent and color. I could add coconut oil to the product to help with moisturizing and then glycerin or even castile soap which is pretty much the same thing and blend them really well. I could add a bit of lemon, honey or even an egg depending on how I wanted to use it. It would smell good, It's safe if a child was to eat it and it will above all clean your hair as well. I'm a cosmetician but I am in my own rights a chef as well if I'm using natural products to create things like this, and Xavier's right some people will pay top dollar for genuine all natural products."

Michelle listened intently to her son and his boyfriend explain the aspects to the natural product lines and considered herself lucky that she had these two fine people in her life to teach her something new because it helped her realize that her goal to be a decent chef was actually just the beginning of something much bigger.

"So all the information you've giving me so far gives me a wonderful idea." She pondered for a minute before she continued, "Now I don't know a lot about this as of yet, but I've got this notion that I could actually do something with this. If given sometime and with a little experimenting which all chefs really do; naturally. I think I could actually pull this off." She stated as if just rambling to no one in particular. "What are you getting at mom?" He looked at her little confused. "Well it's just that if what you're saying about those who make natural products are just chefs then I was thinking maybe I could give that a try and see where it gets me. Sure I'm not familiar yet with all this yet but, If I did manage to make something nice... could you guys sell it in your shop?" She stared at him questioning her own thoughts but eager to get an answer.

"Well, if it passes health and safety regulations I honestly can't see why not. I actually think that is an awesome idea too." Sam watched Xavier nod and give thumbs up as he chewed his meal.

Michelle was tickled over the notion, her brain a-whirl with ideas and she now needed a means to write some of those ideas down. Xavier chuckled and passed her his Nokia smart phone.

"There's an app on it for writing notes. Use that." He said as he showed her where it was. In a matter of minutes she was asking Sam what the most popular smells were now days amongst those he had worked with at the school. Her fingers flew across the tiny letters writing out things that were consuming her thoughts.

He told her most of the items the ladies go for was fruity smelling things but there would be a great market if she could get more masculine scents going as the male population seemed to be forgotten when it came to natural products. She nodded with the info and was content after she got her thoughts down. She passed Xavier back his phone, asked if he'd send her a copy via email and thanked him and went back to finishing off her meal.

Francis came out not long after they had finished their meal and spoke with Michelle about their evening and she assured him they had a lovely time. It wasn't often she got out to celebrate something as wonderful as what her son and his partner were venturing in on.

"Ahh; Mon belle femme, you're very lucky to have such ambitious sons. Perhaps you would all like to join me again sometime soon where I can meet them both and their partners."

His comment to Michelle was more of a statement than a question. Michelle chuckled He was determined and she could see it and he was slowly picking away at that wall she'd built herself because being lonely wasn't as bad as being alone.

"I guess we will have to wait and see come Christmas time now won't we? He is after all in Kearney right now." She chuckled as Francis bumped his forehead in notion that he'd forgotten. "Oh! Mon du! I beg your forgiveness." He said red faced. "Yes, Christmas it will have to be then. Now, would you all like to try something for dessert?"

All of them begged off from the delights they were sure Francis would have provided them. They all had major plans to set into motion. Michelle was eager to learn some things so decided she'd like to stick around for a bit but on a different notion.

"If you wouldn't mind Francis, I know my son and his partner must head out. Celebrations can only last so long, but if you have a moment after they go; could we sit and chat a spell. I have something I need to pick your brain on." She watched his face light up, his response was as expected.

"I will make time mon cher." he replied reaching out for her hands and taking them as she stood to see her son off.

Sam and Xavier hugged Michelle and kissed her cheek. "Thanks for the wonderful outing mom." Sam said. "I had a lovely time." Xavier added. "Call me when you're done here and I will come back to get you." said Sam

"No need my dear boy, Francis will likely drive me home anyway." She said patting his cheek and smiling at him. "I love you kiddo. Go home. Relax and I will see you later."

Sam nodded and then looked at Xavier who was ready to leave to. They waved and headed of.

The wave of traffic that night was smooth and steady. Sam had the radio going in the car and was delighted with the tunes tonight. Bain, a friend to Nye and Mani's was DJ'ing as per usual and Sam thought a call into the station for a special request was in order. He pulled into Jay's and parked. He asked Xavier to hang on a moment and headed in. He weaved his way to the bathroom and pulled out his cell and dialed the station's number he knew so well.

"CURRE FM. Spinnin' the best on request, what can I play for you?" Bain said into the phone as he always did when it rang through the request line.

"Hey Bain." Sam said smiling into the phone.

Bain recognized his voice immediately. "Good effin god, SAM! How ya been man!" He said happy to hear his friend on the line.

"Good. I actually have a few requests... and I want you to make sure you play these for the fella I'm seeing now." He ran his hand through his hair as he looked in the mirror in the bathroom. His face reddened in a blush. He felt awkward but so very happy.

"OH SHIT! REALLY? ... OK tell me now my set is getting to close." Bain was excited to know more but he had to set a new track up. Sam rambled off his choice and who it was dedicated to.

Love story' by Taylor Swift, Forever' by Chris Brown and `I'm yours' by Jason Mraz.

"Sure thing... hold on a min OK Sam." Bain put him on hold. Sam knew he was switching tracks and waited a moment before he returned to the line.

"Dude you NEED to fill me in on details. It's been like YEARS since Jake." Sam flinched. Even though Jake was gone, the memories on why still stung. He would never forgive Jake's parents for it either.

"Yeah, uh. I'll try and see if I can't pop by soon. We can talk and catch up." Sam was happy his friend was interested in what was going on, however he wished he'd not brought up past loves.

"Awesome." Bain said. "Well give me a few mins man I'll play your tracks in a bit." They said their good-byes and Sam headed back to the car.

"Let's go for a drive." Sam said as he climbed back into the car smiling at Xavier.

"Sure. Where to?" Xavier was in a fantastic mood and the night was still young. Sam pondered that for a moment then focused on a spot he knew would be awesome to go to. He pulled out of the parking lot without a word, but gave a wink and turned the music up.

"I got a great friend out there; from his music selection says he has love in his heart. I shall say his new partner in crime is one lucky person. Xavier these three are for you, dedicated from the one who loves you." Sam's 1st choice came on as Xavier blushed at the dedicated requests.

"So that's why you went to the bathroom." He chuckled out loud and reached over and grabbed Sam's hand. Sam nodded as he deftly wound through the city and aimed for the outskirts of the city, he knew of an amazing view point and he wanted to show Xavier.

The 2nd and 3rd songs played as he drove and by the time the end of the 3rd song came around they were cresting the top of the road to the lookout. Sam smiled as he shut off the car and exited it. Xavier looked a bit confused but Sam wouldn't leave him in that state for long.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere special." Sam said to Xavier as he took his hand. "Come on, walk with me."

They did so quietly aside from the crunch of the gavel on the pathway as they absorbed the fresh night air and wandered along the well marked trails hand in hand. Xavier pondered Sam's wonderful mood other than their success today with the loan they'd applied for.

"I really liked the requests you'd picked for me." Xavier put his arm over Sam's shoulder and pulled him closer. He planted a kiss on the top side of his head. Sam reached up and touched his hand and smiled to himself. They had made their destination but Xavier had been paying most of his attention to Sam. Sam stopped and waited for Xavier to notice the view. When he did he was enthralled.

"Oh my God, this is beautiful!" Sam took his hand and pulled him over to the benches that had been installed off the look out. They sat and soaked it all in.

"I just wanted to show you one of my favorite spots. I felt it was the perfect end to a wonderful evening. Thanks for being here with me to share it." Sam leaned against him. Somedays he didn't feel as strong as he let on to others but it was getting easier knowing he didn't have to be all the time. Having Xavier was making things easier.

"I had a wonderful night hun. I'm still blown away your mom knows the owner to Aphrodites. I bet there's a story there." Xavier chuckled at the notion and Sam had an inkling that he was right. Xavier was happy to be there but he was concerned that Sam was worried about something and was just keeping it to himself.

"Are you OK dear?" Xavier asked Sam.

"Yes I am. I'm content, in a relaxed wonderful mood and I just want to absorb some quiet time with you. I hope you don't mind." He looked up at him and waited.

"Oh goodness! I don't mind at all. I was getting worried there for a moment. I thought you were stressing over something because you're usually so hyper." He smirked back down at his very quiet boyfriend.

"I'm just enjoying having someone to spend time with you Xavier. It's been nearly five years since I have had anyone in my life that has meant more than being a friend. I'm not sure if you've ever had the "at home" feeling when you're with a person but as corny as that sounds that's how it is for me right now. He'd shifted in Xavier's arms and looked at him waiting to see what he'd say. Xavier answered with "I'm glad to be home too."and then kissed him senseless.

Sam's head swam and he had to cling to Xavier for dear life. He came up for breath and muttered breathlessly. "Let's go home!"

********************************************** Their love making that night was urgent, passionate and for some reason brought their connection closer. Xavier felt on his own level that Sam urgently needed him and Xavier willingly gave to him all he could so that Sam understood that he would be there no matter how much he needed him. The moments after Xavier just relaxed with Sam in his arms and stroked his head as he stared at the ceiling.

"Do you ever worry that we're not going to last Sam?" He had to know what Sam thought of that notion.

"I don't worry that we won't last Xavier. I worry that I'll lose you like I lost Jake. I don't think I could handle a second loss like that." Sam rolled over in his arms and looked at him through the dim light coming from the window.

"I'm going to tell you now I was no saint when I was younger."

Xavier chuckled. "Me either." He said but Sam put a finger on his lips to get him to listen. He continued with a smile under his finger.

"But I learned what love was back then as well. I got a taste of it and then it was selfishly ripped from my arms. It hurt... bad." He hesitated and took a deep breath trying to push past that knot that wasn't as big as it use to be.

"I never in my life thought I'd get a second chance, but I did; with you. You taught me that it was possible if I let those walls down. I don't know what attracted you to me but you did. I couldn't get you out from under my skin and now I'm over joyed you're here. You've helped heal that hurt so it's bearable now." Sam looked at him intently trying to put to words his concerns and his love for Xavier at the same time.

"I know people think once you love someone you should scream it to the world... but I much rather whisper it to you instead." He blushed in the dark but he couldn't help himself because he'd let the floodgates opened and let out a bit too much.

`Why whisper it to me?" Xavier asked him.

"I don't need to yell it when my world is in my arms."

Next: Chapter 24: Steppin Out IV 8 10

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