Steve Grows Up

By Pete Brown

Published on Dec 12, 2005


Steve Grows Up

By Pete Brown petebrownuk @

Read all of Pete's stories at

Part 10

I knew I had to act. I didn't like being a slave, really, but I had kind of grown up into it, and I suppose I was used to it. But the thought of being "docked" was too much. I lay there at night in my narrow slave cot, listening to the snuffles and snores of the other household slaves, and tried to work out what to do. If I told Rob's parents, he'd have me flayed, I felt certain - sooner or later, he'd get around to it, find some reason for sending me to the public whipmaster. And I couldn't even plead with Rob, as then he'd know that I'd been reading his "secret" e-mails and stuff, and that would result in at least a whipping. And pleading with him probably wouldn't do any good, anyway.

So I decided to run away. It seemed to be the only thing to do. Except that I remembered what dad had said about how difficult it was to run - even if I could overcome the difficulties of not having a credit card or a ration card or a work permit, there was the tracker chip. As soon as Rob realised I was gone, it would be activated and they'd soon be able to find me.

And I remembered also that even if I managed to slip away for a couple of days undetected, dad had said that in the border areas there were automatic monitors, and that slaves who lived and worked in those areas had to be specially registered to avoid triggering them.

I lay there awake, tossing and turning, an constantly evaluating schemes and plans. And then I hit on it - but it would require daring and courage, and a whole lot of luck! And there would only be a very, very narrow "window of opportunity" to put it into action, as Rob's parents left.

The great day arrived and it was decided that Rob would accompany his parents to Atlanta for the transatlantic flight, and I guessed that when he got back home the next day we'd be off to the veterinarian. So as soon as he'd driven them away, I waited until dusk so that it was harder to see me, and ran up to the forge. I looked in at the window and saw the usual family scene inside - mom and dad at the head of the table, all my siblings neatly arranged down the side, and Cliff and Karen in the middle. They were at supper, and it just looked so homely, and so comfortable, that I felt like crying. My heart was almost breaking, but I knew I shouldn't alarm the kids, so I waited until they'd gone to bed, and mom and dad were as usual sitting on either side of the fire enjoying their "quiet time" together for a few minutes as they did every night. I desperately wanted to see mom, but thought that the sight of me in a slave collar would really upset her, but then, before I weakened and gave in to my impulses, she kissed dad and went to the stairs up to bed, leaving him alone there for a few moments.

I tapped on the window, and dad came to the door. He almost shouted out in joy and astonishment, but I pressed y hand to his lips. Then I hastily told him I didn't want to upset mom and the kids, and that the fewer people who knew about my plan the better - I had to ask dad to do something that risked his whole life - if his part in my escape was discovered, the least he could expect was a severe whipping and the Colonel might even decide to sell him and the family!

"Dad, I need help - but I'll understand if you say no.

It's risky, dad..." I then told him as much as I could compress into a couple of minutes about Rob's hellish plan for me.

Dad gripped my shoulders, looked deep into my eyes, and said "Steve, you're my son. No father could turn his son down when faced with what's going to happen to you...." We hugged each other, and I knew I was crying, and I suspect dad was, too, although, being dad, he tried to hide it. "But you're right, Steve", he went on. "Let's not worry your mom more than she is already - she talks about you every single day, and wonders how your life is going. And it's not fair on the kids either - let them enjoy their childhood, as you did."

We went into the forge and dad blew the fire into a white heat, then, using all his skill, he managed to grab the rivet holding my collar closed with hot tongs and carefully, and with a huge amount of brute force, slice through it. My collar fell open, and for the first time in a year I was able to stand up without its oppressive weight around my neck.

"They enslave free men who take a slave collar off a slave, Steve", dad said, grinning. "I wonder what they do to a slave who does it?"

"Dad, we have to say goodbye.... I've got things to do.... If I get to Canada, dad, I'm going to make a lot of money, then I'll come back and buy you and mom and the kids and free you all..."

"Yes, son, I know you will..." The tone in dad's voice said that he knew we were both fooling ourselves, but what else can you say at times like that?

"And dad", I said finally, "Remember - all of them early to bed tomorrow night - and if mom thinks she hears noises outside, tell her it's only the cats!"

From the forge I went over to the Colonels, and as it was now near midnight, fortunately all the guys sleeping in the slave barn for the outdoor servants were asleep. I crept into the stall where Dob and Sam slept and gently shook Sam awake, holding my hand over his mouth to make sure he didn't make too much noise..

We crept outside, and I told him what I wanted - one of the bridles and bits that Mr Stryker used on Dobbin. Sam knew where the grooms kept these, and I took one - Sam was so pleased to see me, but I didn't dare tell him of my plan , of course. As we hugged each other I remembered how much I'd enjoyed his lovely muscled butt and I was very tempted to take Sam off for a little fun, but I knew I'd got a tough day the following day, and that I needed my sleep, so we said our goodbyes.

I loped back Rob's place, then had to hide myself from the other slaves as I was without my collar. Fortunately Rob had insisted I'd bought some of Jed's clothes back from college with us as they were in need of special cleaning and Rob had airily suggested that it would "keep me occupied" during the summer, and so I was able to pick the best of them to dress in. It felt really odd to have long pants on again, and a shirt with sleeves, as I don't think my arms and legs had actually been covered at all since before I was sixteen! Then I hid in Rob's room, hungry, as I'd forgotten to get any slave chow secreted there, but able to drink from the taps in the bathroom.

I saw Rob's SUV drive up around lunchtime the next day after the long drive, and a slave ran out to assist him. Rob looked annoyed, as it should of course have been me, and he stormed into the house, shouting my name and telling me to get there instantly, if I didn't want to feel the cane on my butt! I remained in hiding, and then heard Rob on the phone in the hall to the veterinarian, confirming the appointment the next day "...and just as well, too, if you ask me, as I've been away less than a day and the slave's idling somewhere and not working properly!", he stormed.

Finally, Rob bounded up the stairs, and as he came through the door I grabbed him. Although he was strong from all the swimming, I was stronger. And surprise was in my favour. I had to slap him around some to get his attention and subdue him properly, and before he knew what was happening to him, I had the bit in his mouth and the "bridle" (actually just the under-chin and around the head metal straps) firmly locked in place. He stood there, almost purple with rage, but the shouts and cussing just came out as totally incomprehensible mumbles as the spiked plate on the bit pressed his tongue painfully to the floor of his mouth.

"OK, Rob.... Shut up!", I snapped at him. "I know you're trying to tell me I must be mad, to do this to you. But I'm not, Rob - I'm bigger and stronger than you are, so focus on that. And if you give me any more trouble, I'll hit you again and this time I'll hurt you: really hurt you. Now, strip."

There was a renewed volley of muffled shouts, and I could see the veins in Rob's temples standing out in anger. "Rob, I can't hear you!", I told him cheerfully. "But this anger isn't doing you any good.

Now, get out of those clothes, as I need you naked."

He just stood there still, so I forced him down on to the bed, pulled the punishment cane from its holder on the wall, and gave him a light stroke across his butt. Honestly, you'd have thought the end of the world had come, the way he seemed to be trying to howl and cry. And it was only one stroke, and not even on the bare butt - he had his pants and boxers on still. And I didn't even wield the cane as hard as I could - although I'd lost some muscle tone, I'm still a pretty strong guy, remember!

I let him stand up then, and I looked at him sternly. "Now, Rob, you've used the cane on me often enough - or allowed Jed to. So how do you like it? Now, if you want to avoid two strokes, I suggest you start to obey me... I told you to strip, remember? You're surely not shy, are you? How many times have I seen you naked, after all? Every morning at least, as I've had to suck you off. Now, get out of those clothes!"

Slowly, and reluctantly, Rob did as he was told, and stood there in his boxer shorts. I looked at him again. "Rob, I said strip. Get naked. Have you lost the power of understanding as well as the power of speech? Get naked, boy, before I cane you again."

Rod dropped the shorts and stood there, looking vaguely defiant. "I'm glad you've kept in shape, Rob, as it will make it easier for people to believe you're a slave", I remarked cheerfully, and at once saw his demeanour change from one of resignation, to one of anger and disbelief, coupled with a lot of angry muttering.

"I can't hear you, Rob, and I don't fucking well care, anyway. We used to be buddies, Rob, and I'd have been a good slave to you if you'd treated me right..... But you and Jed used me as if I was an animal. And then I found about your plan to have my dick cut off...." As I said this, I reached out and grabbed Rob's familiar dick in my hand. "So, Rob, do you think I should take you along to that veterinarian tomorrow and have this removed? He wouldn't know that you weren't 'Steve' and that I wasn't 'Rob', after all, as you've only communicated by e-mail."

Rob was shaking his head violently and trying to say something, and I was gratified to feel that he was starting to go hard in my hand. I used my thumb to push his 'skin back, revealing his head, and scratched at his piss slit idly, causing him to flinch. "Or should I just have the dick head taken off, Rob? That's where most of the sensation is, after all. I guess you'd still be able to fuck - not like what you had planned for me, with a minimal residue!"

He was shaking his head wildly now, so I slapped is face- hard - to shut him up, and to remind him of who was in charge here. "Anyway, Rob, don't worry - I have other plans in store for you.... We're going to take a little trip together, up north, a long way north.... Now, let's go into the bathroom...."

I decided he'd look better completely hairless from the eyebrows down - it would make him look more slave-like, and, at the same time, would help him to begin to realise his new position, and there was a certain satisfaction in having his naked body there, covered in shaving foam, as I wielded the razor all over him. Then I used the hair clippers to take him down to a normal slave crop on top. I pushed him in front of the big mirror, and saw him looking at himself. "Yes, Rob, it makes a difference, doesn't it? You had my pubes shaved off totally, remember? But sadly I can't make you wear a permanent cock ring as you made me do - but even so, it does emphasise your dick, doesn't it, when it can't peek out from its little nest of pubes? See, you're beginning to look like a slave already. It's a pity about your white butt, but I think we can do something about that...."

Rob had always been vain, and in his bathroom he had lots of that "fake tan" for use early in the season. I made him stand there as I smeared the stuff liberally all over him - and around my own neck, too, as the part under where my collar had been cut off was distinctly lighter than the rest of me.

We had to wait until dark then before I could put the next part of my plan into action, so I passed a relatively pleasant time with Rob in his bed - although he'd always fucked me at college, I soon found out that he must have been screwing around as he was no stranger to taking a dick in the ass. Mind you, from the way he wriggled and squirmed and tried to get away from me, you'd have thought I was trying to rape him, rather than just pass an afternoon with an old buddy doing the things men enjoy!

As the sun fell, we needed to leave and I decided to keep Rob naked as he'd probably be easier to manage, but he wasn't used to going around barefooted as slaves were and so I did allow him to pull on a pair of sneakers. It looked quite funny, actually - a nice-looking body like his, with a presentable dick, but with legs sticking up out of the big sneakers as we stood there.

I couldn't take the SUV of course as that would wake mom and the kids when I drove up to the forge, so I had to "encourage" Rob along the track with which I was so familiar. He was a real pain, always trying to stop, and turn back, and in the end I cut a switch off a bush and then "herded" him in front of me using it to swish and slash at his butt, back and thighs if he didn't move properly - from the way he was acting you'd have thought it really hurt, but, if you think about it, it's a lot less harsh than the tawse.

Dad had left the forge door open and there was still a cheery glow from the fire. I had to act quickly now, before Rob realised what was in store for him and tried to do something really foolish, so as we went in I grabbed his arms, pilled his wrists behind him, and slipped on a pair of the cuffs that were always hanging just behind the door in case some of the niggas who were brought in were "uppity". Once cuffed, a man's pretty helpless - especially if he's naked - and extra vulnerable. Rob found this out as I scythed his legs away from under him, catching him as he fell, and almost propelling him across the anvil. It took only a moment to pull the restraints up over his body, and there he was, totally helpless.

Look, I know it's an utterly vile thing to do to a man - searing his flesh with a white-hot branding iron. And as I looked at Rob's naked body lying there I did doubt for a moment whether I should continue. It hadn't been him who had ordered my branding, after all - that was the Colonel. But, on the other hand, if Rob hadn't intended to have me "docked", he wouldn't be lying there now. My only chance of escape was to have Rob as a slave, and even with a collar, without a brand he'd always be a risk as any really suspicious cop could just yank down his shorts and look at his butt. It was risky enough as it was - Rob had that other thing that free men have but slaves don't, his 'skin - but I didn't want to risk taking him to a veterinarian for that! So it had to be done. I had no choice, had I? As Rob tried to struggle and moaned and cried through the bit, I fanned the fire into a glowing heat, and plunged the branding iron into the middle of it. Then, when it was done, I moved slowly and deliberately (a few slaves have been seriously scarred in the past when the smith has tripped and sent the iron spinning out of control into the slave's skin!). As he felt the heat of it approach the white skin on his butt his cries became even more insistent, but I said, calmly, "Sorry, Rob.... this will hurt, but it's got to be done....", and plunged the iron home.

I'm glad I'd had a lot of practice with the niggas, as the moment the smoke starts to rise and that dreadful of charred meet assails your nose you're tempted to let go, but for a good, crisp brand you have to hold the iron there, perfectly steady, for a few seconds. And exert the right pressure to get it through the outer layers of the skin. I did wonder for a few moments if white skin reacted differently to a nigga's, but there was nothing I could do about it, so I just stuck to what I knew. Of course, the moment I judged it ready I tossed the iron to one side and at once slathered some of the special healing and soothing salve that mom made onto Rob's butt, but he was't a bit appreciative. And I realised, too late, that I'd forgotten to put some straw down to catch Rob's crap and piss that his body had involuntarily expelled.

Still, whilst he was on the anvil, strapped down, it was as good a time as any to do the other thing, and collar him. He was a pretty standard fit, so there were lots of spare collars in the store room, and I could kind of imagine what Rob must be feeling as I closed the heavy, cold iron around him for the first time. Still, I had a lot of experience, so I was able to reassure him by saying "This really won't hurt, Rob. The rivet is very hot when I put it in the collar and you'll feel the heat against the skin, but I won't let it burn you. And even though the hammer sounds pretty gross in your ears, I'm good at this and I've never missed and destroyed a slave's ear yet!".

When I'd finished and let him up, he stood there in front of me and what I'd hoped for was indeed true - with a collar on, a collar that was causing his head to bow almost automatically because of the weight, and with his body totally shaved and his hair cropped, and the marks of the "S" on his butt, he really did look like a slave. Gone was the "fashion model" in his fine clothes, and now here was a naked slave - what a small difference there was really between a free man and a slave! Mind you, he looked the picture of misery - tears were streaming down his face and there was a very unpleasant trail of snot from his nostrils, and the inside of his thighs was discoloured from where he'd crapped. So I led him over to the big trough of cold water and then, when he at first refused to get in to it, simply used my strength to tip him in - with his hands still cuffed, he could hardly resist.

He sat there spluttering and trying to shout and complain as the water was cold, but, it seemed to me, I was doing him a favour - as well as cleaning him up, the cold water would take some of the "heat" out of the brand. I stood there, almost laughing, and said "Rob, shut up!". He didn't, of course, so I taught him a little lesson in obedience by pushing his head down under the water, and then holding it there - he was quite unable to resist, and it must have occurred to him that I could easily drown him if I'd wanted to.

When I did let him come up for air he was gasping and spluttering, but at least he'd stopped making that dreadful noise.

I cleaned up Rob's crap, put away the tools and doused the fire, then got Rob out of the trough. He was shivering as the water ran off him, so it seemed to me it would only be "kind" to make him run back to the house, to help him warm up. As we started down the trail, I looked back on my old home and there was dad standing at the door, his arm raised in a farewell gesture. It almost broke my heart - I wanted to go back, to hug him again. I wanted everything to be like it used to be. But I knew that's not possible in life, and to avoid losing my self control, I gave dad a clenched fist salute back to tell him I was OK, I was my own man, and set off.

I locked Rob in the back of the SUV and wrote a note for the house slaves saying that Master Rob had decided to take me to the coast for a couple of days, then I drove off - it's not all that hard to do, actually: a whole lot of that driving licence stuff is to do with the law and everything, and almost nothing to do about steering and braking and stuff like that, and by the time we'd gone five or six miles I felt totally confident. After all, I was already in so much trouble with the law that if I broke a few more to do with traffic regulations, it would hardly matter, would it?

As we drove north I started to get really worried in case Rob's disappearance was thought to be "suspicious" - my note, and the fact that his parents were in Europe, ought to be OK, but you never know! Fortunately Rob's parents were a bit cheapskate and didn't call his cell directly - his father texted him every day, though, but of course when I replied, they had no way of knowing it wasn't Rob doing it.

I thought it was less risky to draw a whole lot of cash from Rob's account with his card than to take it in bits and pieces as we journeyed, which would leave a trail. Fortunately Rob was such a lazy bastard that he'd often not bothered to go to the ATM himself and had made me run across the campus when he needed cash, giving me his PIN of course, so now I had no problems.

There was more than enough to pay for a succession of one-night stops in cheap motels: I'd never eaten in proper restaurants before so really enjoyed hamburgers, pizzas and all that kind of crap, although Rob didn't seem to like me squeezing slave mush (that's some sort of homogenised, liquefied slave chow) down his throat from one of those disposable squeezy packs you can buy for slaves whose owners are on the move: I thought it best to keep his bit in place, and most of the time I had him cuffed, too. At first he'd been really embarrassed at me taking him out of the SUV into the motels when he was naked, and even though he was cuffed he tried to twist and turn his body away from other people who were unloading their luggage. It was pretty decent of me, actually, to let him be free in the room - I stopped at a slave suppliers as we drove and bought a short chain and manacle, so when I went out to dinner I could leave him chained to one of the "slave tethers" in the wall, by his ankle. It was much easier that way as he could get to the bathroom if he needed it, but couldn't get out of the door or anything (and I did of course remember to unplug the phone and take it with me, in case he knocked it off hook and pressed buttons at random!).

I suppose we could have stayed in a bit more upmarket place where the rooms come with a slave cage by the side of the clothes closet - after all, it wasn't my money I was spending! But it seemed a bit of an extravagance, and as Rob was needed in bed every night as I enjoyed fucking him before I went to sleep, so the big metal ring set in the wall for tethering was perfectly adequate. Oh yes, he was needed in bed:

after being fucked steadily for a year by Rob and Jed, my dick really needed to do what it was designed for! I mean, I could hardly fuck his throat, could I, with that bit in the way? So it had to be his ass, but I did try to be very careful and avoid putting any pressure at all on his brand, which was scarring over nicely. Of course you can do this by having the other guy lie on his side and you kind of lift his leg upwards and slide your body behind his and get in, but what you save by not touching his butt you probably make up for as the insertion angle seems to cause a certain amount of, shall we say, discomfort? Well not for the dick, of course, but for the guy's ass. So it was swings and roundabouts, I suppose, but at least I thought I'd made the effort, which is more than rob ever did with me!

Most of the major sights on the way we bypassed, of course, so I didn't get to see New York, something I'd always wanted to do. After five days on the road Rob had calmed down a lot (I kept off the major highways, mostly, as I didn't much like all the heavy truck traffic), and I think it was because he knew we were heading for the border, and that then my slave chip would be caught by one of the automatic monitors. I don't think he understood that I'd thought about this, and as he'd been particularly good that morning I'd even allowed him to wear a pair of my shorts that day as I, too, was cheerful as freedom got ever closer. So when I saw the lights flashing in my rear view mirror and heard the siren wailing, the two highway patrol cops found an owner, and a slave, as they might have expected.

They were neat looking guys - one in his mid thirties, I'd say, and one in his early twenties. The younger one tried to make out that he was in charge, but I sensed that the older one was kind of "mentoring" him.

He commented that they didn't get a whole lot of out of state plates up that way at that time of year, and I was easily able to put up a convincing patter: parents off on vacation, all my college friends with other plans, so I had decided to see a bit of the country and I'd always wanted to go to Niagara Falls. The older one looked in the back and saw Rob writhing around, as if he was trying to attract the cops' attention, and he came over and asked me about him. "Oh, the slave is always uppity! I'm thinking of having him gelded before the next semester...."

"Sir, the problem is that the monitors have detected a slave chip in this area, and as we're in the "frontier zone", it alerts us. You really should have checked in at a patrol station and informed us...."

"I'm sorry, officer, I didn't know.... Can I go and do it now.... I'm sorry for all the inconvenience, and trouble..."

"No, sir. We can do it from the car, but we'll need to look at the slave first just to make sure there's no problem..."

"Of course, officer", I said, and outwardly confidently, but trembling inside, I went over and pulled the rear door open, and half dragged Rob out. He was trying to shout and tell them something, of course, and there was a trace of blood on his lips where in his urgency he'd overridden the pain that he must be in as the spikes on the bit's tongue plate dug into him. I grabbed him by the biceps, digging my fingers in so it really hurt, and half dragged him over to the officers.

"This is the slave", I said. "Properly collared.... And I'm sorry for the confusion over the chip."

"Nice looking piece of meat you've got there", the older officer broke in now. "We hardly see any whiteys up here as they're just too damned expensive."

"Well I wouldn't have got this one if my old daddy hadn't gone in to breeding them before I was even born", I countered, putting on a fake southern accent.

Or was it fake? After all, I'd been brought up in the south, and I thought I sounded a lot like Rob.

"Nice skin", the officer continued. "We really don't see too many whitey slaves up here...."

"Perhaps you'd like a closer look....?"

The older guy gave me a big wink, and moved towards Rob. With a very practised hand - how many times had he done this, I wondered - he yanked Rob's slave shorts down, then stood back to appraise Rob properly.

He ran his hands lightly over Rob's torso, muttering "Nice...." To himself, but then, when we got around to Rob's butt, he looked at me "This is a fresh slave brand...."

"Oh yes, officer. He's only recently been enslaved. He was rather a wild kind of guy, I think, and they finally nailed him for statutory rape of a minor."

I thought the officer was going to hit Rob. "Bastard!

These guys think they can go around harming our kids...."

"Oh, it wasn't like that, actually. As far as I can see from the court papers, she was only just under sixteen, but a real minx: R... Steve here wasn't the first man she'd seduced. He ought to have known better, though, as we are touchy about that kind of thing in my state, and most guys demand to see the birth certificate of girls. But he was half drunk....

And even then he'd have got off if he'd just paid up when she demanded money. So it's his own fault." I paused, glad that I'd remembered that Rob was supposed to be a slave, Steve - I didn't know how much information the officers' tracker display gave them. "Still, now Steve's a slave, all that's in the past. And he's taken to proper sex quite well - he still struggles and screams a bit when he's fucked hard, but we're getting there."

"Oh, you use him for sex, do you?"

"Oh yes, officer. My folks want me to make a good marriage - you know how it is these days - but they know that 'm subject to all sorts of temptations at college.... So buying me a slave with a good ass seemed the obvious solution. Still, he can be a bit awkward, even now...." I could see the cop looking at Rob kind of curiously, and decided I needed to deflect his mind into other channels. "He needs more experience, of course.... Someone big, and strong, and..... And mature, I guess, to really show him what it's all about. I do my best, but..... I don't suppose, officer, you'd help me out, would you....?"

I saw the man's eyes glinting, as in truth Rob was actually very desirable. "I'm sorry, sir, but we're on duty. We're not allowed to have sex on duty, are we Scott?", he said, laughingly, turning to his companion the young officer.

"No, sir.", the young guy replied, but as he did so he kind of looked down, as if he was ashamed of something.

"Anyway, sir, sorry to have troubled you.", the older officer went on. "If you're touring, might I recommend the motel on the left, the first one you come to, in the next town? They have a good coffee shop, too. One of my cousins owns it, and it's really good value."

"I'll remember that. Thank you."

The two men climbed back in their car and drove away, and I looked at Rob. "See, we can even fool the cops.

There's no hope for you, Rob - you really look like a slave now, and even experienced cops can tell it! Now, get those shorts on.... That motel sounds like what we need, as it's been a long day and I need to plan for tomorrow."

The motel was good, actually - a nice room with two big beds, at a very reasonable price, and I left Rob tethered to the wall, sprawled out on one of them, as I investigated the coffee shop. I was just finishing my pie a la mode, after a very good meat loaf, and was telling myself this had to stop or else I'd get as fat as a pig, when the two officers came in. They looked across and saw me, and came and slid into the seats opposite. I felt a cold trickle of sweat starting to run down my back, and drip out of my pits to fall on my ribs.

"I was just saying to Scott here, sir", the older one cut in without any preliminaries, "That we needed to show a southern visitor a bit more courtesy. You asked for our help, sir, and we had to turn you down as we were on duty. But we're on our meal break now, sir, officially off duty....." He was smiling as he said this.

"...and I'd just finished, officer, and was about to go back to my room. Would you care to come and see the slave again?"

The older man didn't even reply, but got to his feet straight away. I paid the check on the way out and picked up a couple of the squeeze bottles of slave mush for Rob, and we all three went back.

As he saw us come in Rob at first seemed to really look hopeful. He sat bolt upright from where he's been sprawling idly, and started to mumble something that sounded very upbeat. He obviously thought I'd been found out. But that all instantly changed to one of despair as the big, burly older cop grabbed the chain and used it to haul Rob to the foot of the bed.

Rob was at first surprised, but then started to struggle, and the cop gave him a couple of really vicious slaps across his face, before ripping off Rob's shorts. "Sorry about this, sir", he said to me, as he pushed Rob back onto the bed. "There'll be no permanent damage to the slave, but he needs to know who's boss. And I'll pay you for the shorts...."

I shook my head, watching in fascination as the guy pulled down his pants and underwear, then stood there, his dick jutting out from under his uniform shirt. He stroked his dick lovingly a couple of times - I always do this myself, and I think a lot of guys who are proud of their equipment do that when other guys are watching them - and asked "do I need a condom, sir?"

"Oh no. He's clean. And I wouldn't want to spoil your fun."

"Thank you, sir. Very considerate." He turned to face me then, his big dick swinging around manfully as he did so., "I'd like to take him without lube too, sir, if that's OK with you.... These uppity slaves need a good, hard fucking every now and then to remind them who's in control. He'll be really sore afterwards, though.... It might spoil it for you tonight, sir..."

I could see the look of terror on Rob's face, but now this cop was so wrapped up in it all, I wasn't about to turn him off. "No, that's OK.... In fact, it might do him good to have me take him when he's sore. But what about officer Scott? Won't he want to use him next?"

"Oh no, sir. The officer isn't like that!" The older cop was laughing as he said this, and turned back towards Rob, grabbing his ankles and pulling his legs apart and up onto his shoulder.

I went and sat on the couch, to watch. Although he was an older guy, the cop was in good shape and had a wonderfully beefy butt with an interesting line of thick, dark curls peeping out from his crack. The young cop, who I now say could only have been a couple of years older than me, sat beside me. He was nervously twisting a wedding band around his finger.

We both sat there as the cop entered Rob, with a lot of muffled shouting from him and thrashing around of his arms on the bed. I glanced down, and Scott was definitely hard - he was now trying to at the same time conceal the bulging crotch in his uniform pants from me and gently stroke himself through them. "That's a good partner you've got", I whispered to him. "Do you often get to see shows like this? I wish I had someone like that to buddy up to and who gave me a lot of fun... But do you take it in turns? Do you get first pick of the slaves sometimes, or do you always have to take sloppy seconds?"

The guy looked really embarrassed, and kept on twisting his wedding band. "Oh, no, I'm married...", he stammered.

"...married, but really turned on by watching two guys go at it", I commented, keeping my tone light. I reached over and put my hand on top of his where it lay on his crotch, and then, when he didn't protest, I moved his hand away and began to explore the outline of his hard dick for myself.

Well, as the older cop fucked away, I began to seduce Scott, first putting my other hand behind his head and pulling his face towards me so I could kiss him gently, and as he didn't resist - indeed, he turned his body towards mine as if eager for more - I thrust my tongue into his mouth and began to passionately tongue fuck him and bite at his lips. It was easy as I did this to slide my hand down into his pants - he seemed to have a good, toned belly, I noticed - and as my fingers touched his dick I felt that unmistakable moistness of pre-cum. There was no doubt about it - Scott was ready for fucking, and I was ready to do it:

the thought of fucking my first free man as an (almost) free man myself was intoxication, and I threw caution to the winds and pulled Scott to his feet and led him to the second bed.

It struck me that Scott was potentially a bit subservient, so I pushed him down on his belly with his ass overhanging the edge of the bed, and without any more discussion or anything pulled down his pants and boxers. His butt was really nice - not unlike my own - still with that special firmness you get in guys in their early twenties, and I could tell that he must work out, or swim, or run, or something, as I could see the long lines of muscles reaching down his thighs. I gave him a couple of reassuring slaps with my bare hand, as I think that signals to a guy that you know what you're doing, and that you're in control, and then roughly kicked at his ankles to get him to spread his legs some more so I could reach underneath him to pull his erect dick back and begin stroking it. With my other hand I forced his butt cheeks apart and started to scratch gently at his pucker.

The older officer - sweat pouring off his face as his vigorous fucking of Rob continued - shouted out "Ride him, cowboy! Scott likes a rough ride..." and I then I knew that normally it wasn't slaves getting the pounding that poor Rob was getting, but the young officer. So I decided to be gentle, and let go of Scott's dick - which was drooling pre-cum in a steady leak - and focussed on playing with his ass to relax him. My own dick was straining so hard against my pants that it was painful, and then the thought struck me: the moment I stripped off they'd see my "S"! But I couldn't stop now, could I? In spite of the terror surging through me, I had to go on.

I hauled Scott around the bed so that we were at right angles to the cop fucking Rob, and let my pants and boxers fall to the floor. Then I did all those things guys really like - trailing my dick head up and down Scott's ass crack so he could feel it's hard, velvety warmth against him, before moving on to tease it gently, ever so gently, into him. At least like this I might be safe - Scott, face pressed into the mattress, was in no position to see my butt; and the older cop was at the wrong angle (and anyway totally focussed on fucking Rob).

Frankly, I could have fucked Scott all night. He was extremely responsive once we got started and his cries of sheer delight as I varied my pace and length fed back to me and made me even more turned on. But the older cop finally shouted "Jesus fucking Christ.....", and I saw him arch backwards in that characteristic way guys do as they shoot, then stay there for a couple of minutes, before collapsing forwards onto Rob, utterly exhausted. Well, I had to cum then, didn't I? I needed to get out of Scott and get my clothes back on before the older cop did - if he came to watch me, as we'd been watching him earlier, it would be a total disaster. But, as I'm sure you're all aware, it doesn't matter how much you're turned on by another guy or how hard your dick is, you just can't "cum on demand"! I really had to start pounding Scott quite hard before I finally shot, and then pull out of him much more quickly that I'd have wanted to, so I could stumble towards the bathroom and quickly wash my dick, before coming out with my pants pulled up.

The older cop was sitting with his arm around Scott on the edge of the bed, and he was saying "Good boy, Scott. I told you we'd find you a nice guy who'd give you a good time. You need more experience, boy, as you've been a bit unresponsive to me recently."

Poor Scott just sat there, still twirling his wedding band nervously. "Would you officers like to shower or anything - are you going back on duty?"

"No thank you, sir", the older one said at once. "Just a quick wash of my dick, and we must be going. And Scott needs to wipe his ass, of course...." He laughed almost cruelly as he said this, and I thought of the number of times I'd been like that in the last year, sitting there waiting for either Rob's or Jed's cum to leak out from me.

After they'd gone, I lay next to Rob on the bed and as I toyed with his nips and fondled his balls, I showed him that I was at least considerate, unlike him. "Sorry, Rob", I said casually "But I needed to distract that officer. He gave you a pretty good going over, didn't he? But don't worry, old buddy, tomorrow you'll be a free man again. And I've decided not to fuck you tonight, just to say 'goodbye', as I guess you're really sore."

The ungrateful bastard didn't even acknowledge me, or try to mumble "Thank you."!

End Of Part Ten

Next: Chapter 11

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