Studs of Emmerdale

By Scott Dera

Published on Mar 16, 2013


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving gay sex between consenting adults. I am in no way suggesting that the characters involved, or the actors who play them, are gay. I have no idea of their sexuality. It is not intended to imply the true sexuality of the celebrities involved or any personal knowledge of their private lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by Yorkshire Television/ITV Studios/Emmerdale.

WARNING This story in places contains some BDSM that some readers may find offensive. If you are uncomfortable with those then please do not read on.

The Studs of Emmerdale Part 14 - Cain's Wrath

Dawn had risen over Emmerdale and left a glow resonating all over the village and while many residents were enjoying their lazy Sunday morning lie-in, one man in-particular had awoken from his slumber with a dirty smile creeping along his face. Mere hours previous, the dastardly Cain Dingle had drugged and then tied up farmer and long time nemesis Andy Sugden in the basement of his Mechanics Garage. His smile grew wider as he remembered how he'd left Andy; Blindfolded, Gagged and each of his four limbs chained to a vertical X-shaped contraption that wouldn't look out of place inside a BDSM Mistresses dungeon. Cain knew the drugs he had used wouldn't keep Andy asleep and unaware for much longer and he wanted to be there when his captive woke up in a hazed panic.

He turned his head to the side, noticing that the man he had shared intense, heated sex with last night, Nathan Wilde, was not there. He threw the covers away quickly and pulled on a clean t-shirt along with some faded and slightly ripped jeans, choosing to forgo changing his underwear from the night previous as he made his way downstairs. Cain was surprised to note that Nathan wasn't downstairs like he thought, he had left the house entirely and quite early it seemed as Cain glanced at the clock; barely 8:30am. He moved over to the kitchen area and raised an eyebrow when he saw a folded note on his breakfast table. He opened it up and read it;

'Call me when you see this and I will meet you at garage.

I have stuff to take care of in the meantime.

N x'

Cain smirked, a part of him relieved to know that Nathan hadn't snuck out early on purpose to get to Andy first and use him before Cain could get his hands on him. Besides, it was Cain's plan in the first place and he fully intended to have first pickings on Andy whether Nathan liked it or not. He mind did start to wonder however at just what Nathan would be upto so soon after returning to the village that theoretically cast him away. Was it revenge? Wrath? Maybe even starting over properly, Cain didn't really care, all that was on his mind was Andy and the sheer amount of punishment he was going to give him. He fixed himself a coffee and some toast before sitting down to let his mind wander about all the good times that were about to come his way...

Speaking of Nathan, the corrupt Wilde sibling was currently sat on a bench near to the cafe, providing a perfect spot for him to observe the house which occupied David Metcalfe and his sexual conquest from the previous evening, Nikhil Sharma. Nathan looked down to his phone and scrolled through some names until he came upon David's, having received it from Cain last night. He composed a message;

'I know what you did last night. It makes me sick, I'm going to tell.'

Nathan couldn't help but smile evilly to himself, he knew soon enough he would have the duo right where he wanted them, but for now he chose to leave the message on standby until he saw the front door open and a nervous Nikhil check the coast was clear before giving David a lust filled kiss on the doorstep and hastily making his way to his car that was parked a little down the road to avoid suspicion. Nathan knew this was his chance and moved for a little more cover as he clicked send on the message.

He quickly peered his head around the building he was hiding behind to see David recover his phone from his dressing gown pocket, his face draining of colour as he read the text. He couldn't believe he'd been caught, he knew he was drunk last night but he thought he'd taken all the right precautions to keep it a secret, and even if he didn't Nikhil was sober and would've made extra sure. His mind raced as he checked all around him before shutting the front door and biting his bottom lip with worry, unaware at the full extent of the situation he had gotten himself into...

Cain had finished his breakfast and rushed upstairs for a quick wash before making his way over to his garage but as he walked into the room he was startled to find Carl King asleep on the floor! Cain simply smirked, remembering how he had left Carl in charge of taking care of Scott last night and low and behold, as he looked to his right he saw him, Scott Windsor, semi-naked and asleep in the bath. Cain knew he could wake both men up and get serviced like he deserved but that just wasn't on his mind, shaking the thoughts from his head as he splashed his face with water before quietly leaving the room.

He raced downstairs and threw on his leather jacket before leaving his house, eager to get to Andy and it took him all of a quick minute to reach the garage he worked at. He made sure no-one was around to see him enter before shutting and bolting the door, ensuring there would be no interruptions as he made his way to the back and moved an oil barrel that stood in the way of a wooden door. Upon opening it the naked eye would on first glance see nothing, but Cain moved a box of car parts to one side to reveal a trap door. He closed the wooden door behind him before opening the trap door, walking quietly down the small wooden staircase that proceeded it until he was inside the basement where Andy still was, tied to the X with his head bowing down, apparently still asleep as Cain turned on the dim light that hung in the centre of the room.

The light reveal just how small the room was, two tables filled with a vast array of sex toys and equipment being the only other things occupying the room. Cain smirked as he admired all of his sexual tools that lay strewn across red velvet covered tables; whips, chains, cock rings, dildo's of various size and shape, chastity devices, sounding rods, butt plugs, handcuffs and all manner of items, all bought for the purpose of humiliation of Andy Sugden. Cain knew that after he was done with the farmer, Andy would have no choice but to be his bitch, to be at his beckoned call for every sexual and devilish fantasy he wanted to live out, regardless of whether he wanted to or not. He wouldn't have a choice, not when Cain was done with him, his mind would be well and truly warped and he would finally learn just how big the consequences were when you messed with Cain Dingle.

The Dingle bad boy took off his shoes, remembering not to ruin the comfy, padded floor he had installed before making his way over to Andy and delicately taking the ball gag from his mouth and moving over to a simple fold out chair that was placed in front of Andy and sitting on it, patiently waiting for Andy to wake up and it was whilst he did this that his mind started to run over the plan he had in his head, the action he was going to take against Andy Sugden and just the sheer thought of it was making him rock hard. Knowing he was alone and Andy was asleep, Cain silently unzipped his jeans and pulled his t-shirt over his head so it rested behind his neck as he fished out his raging hard ten inch shaft. His beast of a cock looked ready to explode despite having dumped a load inside Nathan Wilde's tight little arsehole only hours previous, this moment called for him to be at the peak of his hormonal awareness and that was right where he was.

Cain silently and slowly tugged on his dick for more than hour, the plan he had for Andy making his cock drip copious amounts of pre-cum that ran down the head and into his hand, providing him with the perfect lube. His head was tilted back, eyes closed as he used his spare hand to explore his nipples, gently pinching them and sighing with pleasure at the resulting pang of pain he received from doing it. He was so wrapped up in his bliss however that he failed to notice Andy starting to stir and it wasn't until the farmer let out a low groan that Cain's head shot back up and his intense, eager eyes focused on Andy. He positioned his t-shirt back to normal and tucked his hard shaft away, forgoing doing up the zipper as he watched, observing how Andy would react to his predicament.

Andy simply stirred at first and continued to let out low, heavy groans, presumably from the hangover that was kicking in after drinking so heavily from the night before. He eventually tried to stretch and it was at that point he started to realise he couldn't move freely, but since he was blindfolded he simply had no idea what was going on as his eyes opened yet still remained in darkness "What the?...what's going on?! Is anyone there?" Andy spoke.

Cain didn't reply, he simply sat and watched Sugden struggled against his restraints. Cain knew Andy was a big boy and had made sure to get the toughest restrains he could find.

"'ELP! Is anyone there?!" Andy shouted, louder this time than before as his struggling became a little more frantic.

Cain let out a soft chuckle as his rose from his seat, slowly making his way toward the alarmed farmer who now aware that someone was in the room with him "Who's there! Stop messin' with me and let me down! Where the fuck am I? Hello?!"

"No use tryin' can hear you where you are." Cain whispered roughly into Andy's ear, startling him.

"Cain? What the fucks going on?!" Andy responded as he turned his head in the direction of the voice to get a better visualisation of where Cain was.

"I'll tell you what's fucking going on Andy..." Cain said as he roughly pulled Andy's blindfold off of his face, allowing him to take in the room "Do you really think you can go around fucking around with my boys, huh? Carl, Nikhil...I know all about it Andy, not to mention the fact you pulled the last straw the other day in the Woolpack...I'm sick of you walking 'round 'ere thinking you're a big shot well guess what? After I'm done with yer' you'll see who's the big man 'round here ya hear?" Cain scowled as he squashed Andy's face in his strong hand.

"What the fuck Cain! You jealous or somethin'?" Andy shot back in retaliation "'Cause I'm sure we can settle this another way..." Sugden continued.

"Fuck you!'s time you were taught a lesson on who's the alpha male 'round 'ere after I'm done we'll be begging me like the little bitch you are..." Cain said as he then proceeded to spit right in Andy's face, the foamy white liquid slowly running down his cheek that was burning with anger.

"I fuckin' swear Cain when I get outta here you're a dead ma-" But before Andy could finish his sentence, Cain lifted the ball gag that was around his neck and proceeded to replace it back into Andy's mouth, significantly reducing any noise that Andy was trying to make as his face grew redder and redder with anger "mmmm! mmmmm!"

"That's more like it..." Cain smirked "Now let's see what we have under here..." He continued as he pulled out a Swiss Army knife from within his back pocket, Andy's eyes bulging with fear upon the sight of it drawing close to his torso "Oh don't be such a wimp, I ain't gonna hurt you...yet." Cain evilly smirked.

He pulled out a section of Andy's white shirt before stabbing a hole in it, Andy wincing as he felt the cool metal delicately poke his skin, relieved that it caused no damage. Cain acted quickly, pulling the knife upward through the materiel of the shirt, creating a massive tear on the right side. He continued this motion all over the shirt until just the collar and Andy's black tie remained over his now bare torso, the remains either scattered on the floor or hanging from tucked in parts of his trousers. Cain slowly ran the sharp knife down Andy's bare chest, the farmer jumping as the cold steel touched his warmer skin "Nice..." Cain remarked as he flipped the knife back into it's compartment and placing it on one of the tables.

Cain slowly bowed his head and delicately flicked Andy's left nipple with his rough tongue, hearing the farmer grunt from the sensation. He continued the motion, repeating it on the right nipple also before returning to the left and taking a hard bite, using his teeth to pull away from Andy's chest, the skin stretching as he did so "MMMMM!" Andy cried out, his sounds blocked by the ball gag as he wriggled against the restraints.

"Oh I'd keep still if I were you...don't want these tighter do ya?" Cain said as he removed his mouth from Andy's nipples "See, the more your co-operate Andy the better this experience will be for ya...if ya keep on strugglin' then this thing won't end pretty..." Cain smirked

"Fmmck...ymmm!" Andy spat, his words barely audible behind the ball gag but it was clear enough for Cain to hear "Oh I don't think so Andy..." He responded.

"'Cause the only person round 'ere who's gonna get fucked is you pretty boy..." Cain grinned as he reached around to cup and squeeze Andy's muscular arse within his hands, the farmer once again flinching at the touch "What's the matter eh? It's not like yer' ain't done this before lad..." He grinned.

Andy simply glared as Cain went back to work on Andy's nipples, taking each one between each of his thumb and fore-fingers before pinching them hard and twisting them roughly. Andy's eyes quickly rolled to the back of his head and moans started to radiate from his mouth as Cain continued with the motion, a grin once again forming on his face when he felt Andy's thick cock grind against his leg; this was turning him on.

"Well well well...looks like someone's horny.." Cain smirked "Want me to take it out?" He asked Andy, the studly farmer immediately nodding.

Cain couldn't help but grin at Andy's new found willingness but it soon changed to a scowl as Cain roughly grabbed Andy's cock and balls and gave them a powerful squeeze, making him go wide-eyed "It ain't that fucking easy no more, understand?" Cain grunted as he stared straight at Andy.

The farmer nodded quickly, wishing the pain to go away from his crotch as soon as possible and it did, Cain removing his hand before once again picking up the pocket knife. Andy watched as Cain got to his knees and sliced all the way up both trouser legs before ripping every last bit clean off, leaving Andy in nothing more than a pair of white Calvin Klein boxer-briefs that were bulging obscenely. Cain set his knife down for a second time as he rose to his feet and gave Andy's cock and balls a firm slap, making the farmer jump in pain "Want me to get this cock out?" Cain growled in Andy's face

Again Andy frantically nodded but seemingly that wasn't enough as Cain slapped him in the same place, this time a little harder and much firmer, making him groan loudly in pain "I you want me to get your cock out?!" Cain shouted in Andy's face

"Ymmmmh!!" Andy screamed against his ball gag, his face turning a little shade of red from the effort he expelled in order to get Cain to stop punishing him.

Cain grabbed a hold of Andy's hair and pulled it back hard before shouting at him once again "I can't hear you you little bitch!" And again another slap impacted on Andy's crotch, the worse one so far as the farmer did his best in the situation to double over in pain.

Cain removed the balls gag from Andy's mouth, immediately providing him with a little relief "So what's the answer then eh?!" Cain asked as he looked Andy square in the eyes.

"!" A defiant Andy replied.

"That's not what I wanted to hear!" Cain roared as he his time brought his knee up to crush it hard into Andy's crotch, sending a massive wave of pain up the farmers body "AHHHHH!!" Andy screamed out

"Now...want me to get your cock out? Hmm?" Cain grunted.

"Ahhh...fuck...sounds like yer' wanna suck it bad...uhh so go ahead..." Andy panted as the pain continued to ripple through his body but he was able to produce a deviant smirk which only provoke Cain even further.

"Think you're so cocky don't ya? Eh? Well yer' won't be after I'm done we' yer'." Cain growled before delivering a hard slap to Andy's face.

"Prick! Yer' won't get away we' this! People will know am missing!" Andy fired back.

"Oh that's where yer' wrong lad...I told anyone who wanted to listen that yer' had gone to visit your brother for a couple weeks..." Cain grinned.

"A couple weeks?! You keepin' me here for that long?!" Andy replied, shocked at what Cain had just said.

"Maybe..." Cain grinned devilishly as he got down to his knees before pulling down Andy's boxer-briefs to reveal his rock hard and throbbing nine and a half inch cock "Knew you wouldn't measure up to me..." He continued as he wrapped a hand roughly around Andy's dick.

"That's cause I'm bigger dickhead.." Andy smirked but instantly grit his teeth due to the grip Cain had on his fat shaft.

"Oh...that's where yer' wrong lad.." Cain replied as he stood up but kept a hold of Andy's shaft whilst using his other hand to unbutton his jeans and whip out his ten inch trouser snake, Andy's eyes going wide upon seeing it.

"Fuck..." Andy muttered under his breath. If Cain was going to be fucking him he at least wanted him to have a small dick, not one that was bigger than his!

"What's the matter Andy? Never experienced a REAL man's dick before?" Cain chuckled as he slowly stroked both his and Andy's dicks within each of his hands.

Andy didn't reply, he simply tilted his head back and closed his eyes, momentarily enjoying Cain stroking his cock. He had to mentally prepare himself for whatever Cain had in store but the pleasure he was currently giving him made it hard to concentrate. He train of thought was eventually broken however when he felt Cain's hand break away from his hard dick, choosing to open his eyes to see what was going on.

"Don't want you goin' soft now do we." Cain smirked as he walked back to Andy with a rubber cock ring that looked two sizes too small in his hand as well as something gold that Andy hadn't seen before.

"What the fuck is that?...ahhhh fuck that's tight..." Andy whined as Cain slid the rubber cock ring down his shaft before pulling through his low hanging balls.

"Oh you'll see..." Cain wickedly grinned as he pulled the foreskin back on Andy's cock before using his index finger to swirl the small amount of pre-cum that had formed around Andy's fat cockhead "That should do..." Cain said to himself as he reproduced the gold ring into his hand.

Andy watched intently as Cain rotated the gold ring around his fat mushroom head, the ring slowly gliding around his head and tightening until Andy was swept with relief when it slipped down and nestled itself right under the bulbous prick. It was much too tight but there was something oddly pleasurable about it Andy thought to himself as Cain used his hand to glide up and down the incredible length and girth, rotating his hand as he moved whilst Andy moaned an groaned with each move, his pitch going higher each time Cain moved across the gold ring.

"Fuckin' like that don'tcha?" Hmm? Knew ya would..." Cain taunted as he continued to stroke Andy's length.

"mmmm..." Andy groaned, the only response he could give as he submitted to the pleasure that was running through his body.

If you like these...I got a few more surprises for you lad..." Cain winked as his hand once again left Andy's shaft to walk to the table, his captor watching eagerly but also curiously as Cain came back to him with items in his hand.

The first would come to be a set of nipple clamps that Cain quickly attached to both of Andy's nipples, the farmer groaning lowly at the sensation as Cain pulled down the chain that hung between them, the end of it hanging another cock ring, a steel one this time as Cain rolled it down Andy's shaft, the latter winching as it rolled over the Gold Gland Ring before it came to rest next to the rubber cock ring. It wasn't as tight as the rubber ring but it still made the blood thicken inside his cock.

The second thing Cain had in his hands was much more intriguing to Andy however; it was a set of thick steel rings, bigger than the cock rings he was currently wearing so he knew it wouldn't be more of those "Let's see how yer' like this..." Cain grinned

Andy could only watch in dismay as Cain slipped one ring onto his ballsack, immediately limiting the amount of skin and space they had. One...two...three rings followed the first, stretching Andy's ballsack to it's limits as they practically bulged through the skin. Andy could only moan lowly in discomfort whilst Cain grinned in front of him, his groan turning into a sigh of pain as Cain flicked his swollen balls that had now turned to a light shade of purple.

Despite the pain however, Andy started to feel the pleasurable side of this erotic art. His dick was the hardest it's probably ever been in his entire life and as much as he hated to admit it to himself, the abuse was kind of the icing on the cake. He watched intently as Cain got down onto his knees in front of him and in one gulp took his shaft to the base, his lips not touching Andy's hard shaft until it was all the way down his oral passage "Ohhh shit!" Andy groaned loudly, shocked at the skills of Cain.

Cain said nothing however as he slowly glided his mouth back up Andy's shaft, using his tongue to caress every vein and piece of skin before whipping his tongue around the head, sending shivers down Andy's spine. He repeated the motion, gulping down Andy's shaft until his nose bashed against Andy's trimmed black pubes before making his way all the way to the top, occasionally dragging his teeth along the skin for added effect. This continued for multiple minutes until Cain withdrew his mouth, remembering that this wasn't about pleasuring Andy but to punish him, adding a slap to the hard cock in front of him to reiterate his thoughts.

"Didn't know you were such a slutty cocksucker Cain...I've had better..." Andy spat, trying to get the mechanic mad but Cain didn't rise to it, instead just smirking as he grabbed Andy's swollen balls and gave them a hard punch, Andy's welling up from the sheer pain.

"We'll have less of that dirty mouth, got it?" Cain asked as Andy bowed his head slightly, unable to take another shot to his balls should he disobey "Good, now I'm gunna let you down but don't even think of runnin'" Cain said.

It wasn't like Andy could anyway, Cain had already attached bars between his hands and feet onto the cuffs so any possible chance of running was eliminated. Cain proceeded to unclip Andy from the X he was attached to before throwing him to the floor, then attaching his handcuffs to two chains that lay separately to the floor. Andy looked up to see that they were attached to two poles in the ground and firmly in place; there was no way to escape "Look at you now eh...pathetic." Cain growled before spitting in Andy's face.

"Fuck you Cain...when I get outta here yer' fucked!" Andy grunted as he felt Cain's spit roll down his cheek.

"I look forward to it..." Cain wickedly grinned.

Andy burned holes into Cain's skull with his eyes as he watched the mechanic get undressed, revealing his toned body to the farmer. Andy tried his best not to be impressed but it was hard to deny that Cain had a nice body, although it didn't hold a candle to his Andy reminded himself. He watched as Cain got on his knees and lifted Andy's legs up, resting the long bar that kept them restrained on his back as he slithered up Andy's body so they were practically in missionary position, his cockhead nestling itself in between Andy's crack, right at his hole.

Andy's eyes immediately showed worry as he felt Cain's cock rub against the entrance to his arse, copious amounts of pre-cum leaving their mark as he continued to grind against Andy whilst he snarled above him "Ready for me dick then eh? Think yer' can handle it?" Cain grunted into Andy's ear before lightly biting on it.

"G-Get off me!" Andy said worriedly as Cain lifted himself up so that he could place the farmers legs on his shoulders, giving him prime view of Andy's hole.

"What? Not scared are ya? Thought you were a big man eh?" Cain cockily said as he teased Andy's hole, rubbing his cockhead up and down, wetting it even more with pre-cum.

"No! But aren't you at least gonna use lube or summat'?" Andy said as he could feel Cain getting more and more eager to fuck his virgin hole.

"Nah...want you to feel it raw..." Cain grinned as he looked down and pressed his cockhead against Andy's hole and with some force managed to push it in "Uhhhhhh..." Cain groaned loudly.

"AHHHHHH! Fuck fuck fuck!" Andy screamed as he grit his teeth in pain. Only the cockhead was in but he could already feel his back passage burn in pain as he tried to wriggle around to get it out of his hole.

"Mmmmm...stop being such a pussy..." Cain groaned as he slipped inch by inch of his thick dick into Andy's ex-virgin hole, eventually managing to get half way before stopping to revel in the feeling of Andy's hole clamp down on his cock "Fuck you're tight..."

"Pull out! Urghhhhhh..." Andy groaned in pain as his chest moved frantically from the panicked breaths he was taking.

"'ll feel good in a sec..." Cain replied before slowly sliding his shaft out of Andy's hole until just the bulbous head remained before shoving it back in hard, this time going all the way "Ohhh yeah!" He grunted.

"UHHHHH! Arghhhhh..." Andy screamed out once again as he felt himself get entirely filled by Cain's thick weapon.

Cain continued with his thrusts, starting out slow at first before getting progressively faster until he was eventually fucking Andy like a jackhammer, his cock relentlessly pounding the farmers tight heat. Both men had worked up quite the sweat in the twenty minutes that had passed since Cain first entered the virgin hole and now Andy was not groaning in pain but moaning in pleasure, he couldn't believe how much he was starting to enjoy it!

"Yeah...fuckin' like that don't ya eh?" Cain snarled as he roughly slapped Andy in the face multiple times "I asked you a fuckin' question!"

"Fuck! Ahhhh shit...yes! FUUUCK yes!" Andy exclaimed as he started to get off on the rough treatment he was receiving, his rock hard cock a prime example of that.

"'Course you do, fuckin' bitch..." Cain grunted as he reached forward and pressed down on the clamps that confined Andy's hard and swollen nipples.

"AHHHHHHH!" Andy screamed out in pain, but it wasn't an ordinary pain; it was a pain he got off, his cock immediately leaking pre-cum.

Cain quickly put it to good use, rolling his finger around the slick, pre-cum covered head before rubbing his messy fingers all over the handsome features of Andy's face "Dirty little slut aren't ya!" Cain growled as he once again delivered a slap to Andy's sore face.

"Uhhhhh...fuck you!" Andy angrily spat back as he tightened his hole into a vice grip around Cain's cock in retaliation.

"Ahhhh fuckin' little bastard, tryin' to make me cum are ya?" Cain grunted as he pounded away at Andy's arse but the new tightness was causing him problems; namely bringing him closer to cumming (not that he would let on to that.)

"Awwww what's wrong Cain?...mmm my arse too good for you?" Andy cockily smirked, still showing signs of defiance toward Cain.

"Shut the fuck up!" Cain roared as he replied to Andy's mockery by punching him hard in his extremely tight balls.

"FUUUUUUUUUCK!...mmmmmmmm!" Andy screamed as he writhed around in pain, not being able to protect or save himself as Cain put the ball gag back into his mouth, muffling his screams.

"That's better..." Cain wickedly smirked but was immediately distracted by a text alert coming through on his phone "Urgh." He grunted, knowing he should check it as he unmercifully yanked his cock out from Andy's sore asshole and went over to pick up his own.

'Where are you?

N x'

Cain smirked as he read the text from Nathan, he knew that he would be desperate to play by now as he walked back over to Andy "Looks like you got off lucky this time lad...I gotta head off but don't worry, you'll get another visitor soon." He winked "But in the meantime, think I'm gonna bust on yer' face...good for your skin and that." Cain said with a devilish grin.

Andy's eyes immediately went wide like a rabbit caught in headlights as he watched Cain squat down and straddle his chest, the taller and more dominant man (currently) wanking his throbbing dick mere centimetres from his face. He desperately tried to move his head in such a position he would avoid the facial Cain was about to give him but it was no use, there was no escaping his fate.

"Uhhhh....get ready lad cause here it...COMES!!" Cain grunted loudly as he stroked his cock one final time before it exploded!

Shot after shot of his thick, pearly white cum fired from his piss slit and landed perfectly on the cheeks, nose and forehead of Andy, the farmer wincing slightly as the hot liquid slashed against his face before starting to drip down. Cain gave his cock a few more tugs before gently slapping it against Andy's face "Try not to have too much fun without me." Cain winked as Andy looked up at him with a face like thunder...

Meanwhile over at Cain's house and his overnight guests in the form of Carl King and Scott Windsor were starting to stir inside the bathroom they had crashed out in. Scott started to stretch and hazily open his eyes whilst Carl brought his upper body up and rested on his elbows as he strained to see due to the sunlight coming through the bathroom window " head..." Carl groaned.

"Tell me about it, what happened last night?" Scott replied as he sat up, noticing he was wearing nothing more than a pair of boxers that weren't even his! "These yours?" He quizzed Carl.

"Sure what am I...oh I remember what happened last night now..." Carl grinned as his eyes gazed upon his flaccid dick which still had a cum filled condom on it that the duo had used precious.

"Did we uhhhh...y'know..." Scott asked, a little embarrassed that he couldn't remember.

"Fuck?" Carl replied with a cheesier cat like grin.

"Yeah..." Scott blushed.

"Sure looks like it...but if you don't remember we could always have a repeat performance..." Carl smirked as his cock began to get with the confines of the condom.

"Sounds like a plan..." Scott said with a lick of his lips as the two embraced...

Back at the garage and Cain was just making his way out of the main entrance.

"Sneaking off and not telling me huh? Typical." Nathan smirked as he hopped off the bonnet of Cain's car that had been parked outside "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist coming here and getting him before I could..."

"Yeah was my plan after all, plus he needed his virgin arse broken in by my big fuckin' cock, not yours." Cain smugly grinned as he folded his arms across his chest.

Nathan didn't reply, instead choosing to place his hand on the crotch of Cain's jeans, softly rubbing the mound before starting to unzip Cain's jeans to reveal his flaccid six-inch cock "Your eager ain't ya?" Cain said with a raised eyebrow.

"I wanna taste him..." Nathan smirked naughtily as he took Cain's length straight into his mouth.

"mmmm...kinky fucker..." Cain moaned as he kept his eye out for anyone that could catch them out at a moments notice, after-all they had no cover at all!

The blowjob didn't last long however as Nathan gave it a few loving sucks before removing it from his mouth and sharing a passionate kiss with Cain "Tasty...think I might have to pay him a visit." Wilde smirked as his fingers wandered around Cain's now semi-hard dick. Despite blowing a huge load over the face of Andy just minutes before he was still horny.

"Go right ahead, just don't clean him up..." Cain asked, receiving a nod of confirmation from Nathan "Don't be too long, meet me in the Woolpack at four..."

"It's a date." Nathan grinned before leaving Cain to enter the garage.

He swiftly followed the instructions Cain had given him to access the basement and a rush of nervous excitement washed over him as he slowly made his way down the stairs, immediately becoming hard at the sight in front of him; Andy Sugden, face covered in cum with a ball gag between his lips, chained to the floor for the taking "Hello Andy...remember me?" Nathan grinned.

Andy simply glared at Nathan in response as the former resident of Emmerdale walked closer to him "Remember how we always used to fight? How you always tried to intimidate me? Be the bigger man? Well just at you now...pathetic..." Nathan said before spitting down on the already cum covered face of Andy "But now it's time for me to get even...and boy do I plan on getting even."

Andy simply grunted against the ballgag inside his mouth as he watched Nathan get down to his knees inbetween Andy's legs, groaning in pain as Nathan practically yanked the ball stretching rings away, the little relief it gave made him more comfortable. Nathan didn't stop there however, choosing then to take Andy's swollen egg-shaped balls into his velvety mouth.

"mmmmm..." Andy groaned as he felt Nathan's lips and tongue caress his tender balls. He didn't even mind when he felt Nathan's lips lock slightly tighter, he was getting used to his abuse now so any pleasure was very welcome in his eyes, no matter how twisted it was.

Nathan wouldn't stay on the balls for long however as he moved his attention to the throbbing nine and a half inch length that Andy was blessed with. The two cock rings were still in place, giving Andy the hardest erection of his life that had still yet to be satisfied but that was all about to change as Nathan wrapped a hand around it.

"Do you want me to suck your fat cock hmm?" Nathan asked in a dirty voice as he removed the ballgag from Andy's mouth.

"Oh fuck yes..." Andy groaned as he loved the feeling of Nathan's hand alone paying attention to his rock hard dick.

"Ask nicely!" Nathan shouted as he delivered a firm whack to Andy's pulsing dick, sending a wave of pain shooting up his body.

"Ahhhhhhh...please suck my dick!" Andy cried out as he looked at Nathan with almost begging eyes.

"That's better..." Nathan smirked as he drew his head down to dance the tip of his tongue around Andy's throbbing mushroom head that was slick and slimy with the sheer volume of pre-cum he had produced.

"Ohhhhh yeah..." Andy groaned loudly at the simple sensation.

Nathan decided to take things further as his lips wrapped around the head and moved down, gliding over the tight glad ring as he past down the inches but as he did so he also inserted a finger into Andy's asshole, adding yet more pleasure for the farmer.

"Ohhhhh...Uhhh fuck yeah..." Andy moaned loudly as the combination of Nathan's mouth on his dick and his finger inside his sore asshole was sending him into a pleasure overdrive.

Wrapped up in the moment, Andy suddenly started to buck his hips against Nathan's mouth in a desperate attempt to take more into his mouth but it had an adverse effect. Instead of going deeper, Nathan completely removed his mouth from Andy's dick "Hey! I'm the boss around here! Got it?" Nathan scowled.

"That's not what Cain said." Andy spat back, sensing the potential to drive a wedge between the two men.

"Well Cain isn't here now is he, so it's my turn to make you my bitch." Nathan grinned wickedly as he moved over to the table of toys.

"Yeah...fat chance of that happening!" Andy scoffed before he saw Nathan approach him with a nine-inch dildo in his hands "and just what do you think yer' gunna do we' that?" Andy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh isn't it obvious?" Nathan asked in the most innocent voice he could pull off but he pushing the head of the dildo against Andy's asshole, the puckered hole eventually submitting and allowing the head to slip through.

"Uhhhhhhh..." Andy groaned as he felt the dildo slowly slide into his sore asshole until it was pretty much all the way in "Fuck it's too much...take it out!" He complained.

"Not a chance." Nathan smirked as he slowly slid the dildo out of Andy's hole before ramming it right back in, causing the muscly farmer to fidget against his restraints, a displayed that amused Nathan greatly.

He continued the motion, slowly withdrawing the thick dildo before ramming it back into Andy's hole with speed, causing the farmer to groan in a mixture of pleasure and pain as he also had a firm grip on Andy's cock, his hand moving at the same pace of the dildo. Eventually, after a few more moments of this action, Nathan grew bored. It was almost impossible for him to keep his mind occupied with just one thing.

He got up to his feet and started to undress as Andy looked on "Now, you're going to put that pathetic mouth of yours to good use...and fuck me with it." Nathan smirked.

"How the hell am I s'pose to do that?" Andy asked. But as soon as he asked the question he was given his answer. Nathan walked over to him and, before he could protest, placed around two inches of a ten inch dildo into his mouth that was strapped to a gag, effectively allowing Nathan to sit on the longer side whilst Andy had no choice but to suck the shorter length.

And sit on it he did "Ohhhhhh...mmmmm.." Nathan moaned as the length slid slowly into his heat. He instantly took his hardening eight inch meat into his hand to stroke it as he slid down more of the length, his eyes making contact with Andy's as his body moved closer to the farmer's face.

Andy could only watch in dismay as Nathan made it all the way down, his balls resting on the farmers face for a moment until he made his way back up "mmmmm...uhhhhh..." Nathan groaned as for the next five minutes he would work his hole, moving briskly up and down the black dildo whilst Andy occasionally sucked the piece that was inside his mouth.

Feeling suitably warmed up, Nathan removed himself from the dildo and pulled the gag off from around Andy's head, quickly replacing it with the ballgag from before "Now you are going to fuck my tight little hole now it's nice and warmed up, understand?" Nathan asked, to which he received a nod response from Andy "Good."

In reality Andy was quite shocked at the request by Nathan, he wasn't expecting to get any real pleasure from this experience, least of all from Nathan but there he was, squatting himself over Andy's fat weapon and he couldn't help but groan loudly against his ballgag as the thick mushroom head of his cock that still had the gland ring around pierced Nathan's hole "Uhhhhh...."

"Ohhhh that feels's been too long." Nathan said as he too groaned upon Andy's dick entering his tight heat. This wasn't the first time these two men had messed around with each other, Nathan could never get enough of Andy's big willy, it was just a shame it was attached to such a prick he always thought to himself.

He continued to slide down the length with ease until he bottomed out, his smooth, pert arsecheeks feeling the two cock rings preventing him from going any further as he slowly started to work his way up before coming back down, starting slow as he worked toward a rhythm.

Andy was practically helpless below him; without being able to grab a hold of Nathan's hips or even thrust his own for fear of the punishment he may receive if he did, he could do nothing more but lay there. Not that Nathan minded, he'd already gotten himself into a perfect rhythm as he rode Andy's dick "mmmmm...Ohhh yes...yes yes yes!"

Both men were now moaning and groaning as the fucking continued, Nathan occasionally pulling on the chain that attached Andy's nipple clamps up his cock ring, reminding him of where he is and that he shouldn't enjoy it too much. The dastardly Wilde bully used all the strength he could to bounce himself on Andy's dick, the length constantly getting engulfed in his tight heat as he could eventually feel Andy's shaft begin to throb after more than half an hours worth of shagging "'re going to cum soon, aren't you?" Nathan asked before looking and then looking directly at Andy.

"mmmhmmm..." Andy managed to say behind his ballgag as sweat poured from his face. He also nodded to back up his response as Nathan just smirked.

"I want you to cum inside me...fill me up you dirty farmer bastard." Nathan growled as he reached forward and harshly slapped Andy's face.

That was all the encourage the farmer needed to begin throwing his hips into action, bucking them hard and fast, completely throwing Nathan off of his rhythm and for a moment he could tell that he had turned the Wilde rich boy into a cock loving slut. He smirked as he pounded into Nathan's hole a few more times before his orgasm gave way and started to rip through his body "MMMMMMMM!!"

Nathan couldn't help but smirk as the dick that was buried inside his mancunt was now blasting cum that coated his inner walls. Shot after shot of creamy white spunk made their way into his insides as Andy's shaft throbbed and spasmed from the intense orgasm it had just released. Neither man said a word, instead choosing to pant and sigh as Nathan removed the ballgag and lifted himself off of Andy's dick, clenching his hole tight so no cum would escape.

"Fuck that felt good I-" Andy spoke but he was quickly cut off by Nathan who squatted down and planted his hole right on the farmers mouth. Before he could even register what was going on, he could feel his warm cum drip from Nathan's hole and into his open mouth as the Wilde rich boy ground his arse all over Andy's handsome face.

"Oh yes that's it...clean my dirty hole." Nathan moaned as he then felt Andy's tongue worm it's way up his hole, bringing him dangerously close to the edge as he stroked his shaft.

A couple more strokes would be all it took for Nathan to eventually blow, his cum flying from his raging cock as he continued to bounce on Andy's sweaty features. Shot after shot of watery spunk flew from Nathan's piss slit as he sighed and groaned in pleasure, the perfect way to end this session he thought to himself as lifted himself to a vertical base "I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did, because there's going to be alot more where that came from..." Nathan said as he smirked down at Andy.

"I've had better..." Andy scowled.

"Oh well that's a shame...because I was going to remove that dildo up your backside, but now I don't think I will." Nathan said before evilly chuckling.

"What?! You can't leave me here with this in me are!" Andy shouted as he once again tried to struggled against the restrains he was in.

"Forget it. Anyway I have to dash, I'm sure Cain will be around later to...assist you." Nathan said as he dressed himself and swiftly left the basement.

Andy just couldn't believe the situation he was in and the crazy twenty four hours that lead up to it, but unbeknownst to the farmer things were about to get a whole lot worse...

  • TBC -

Next: Chapter 16

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