Summer Camp

By Jodie Owen

Published on Jan 4, 2007


_________________________________________________________________ Find Singles In Your Area This Christmas With! Disclaimer: This story is my own story, and if you are offended by lesbianism and such things, don't read it. Also this story is mine and only mine so no stealing please! Also, this is a work of non-fiction, although some names and appearances have been changed! If you don't like the story, well, it's a true series of events so I'm not in control! Feedback, PLEASE, good or bad - Thanks, Jodie

Part 4

I woke up to my alarm bleeping continuously in my ear. Reaching over, I scrabbled around on my drawers and swiped the alarm off. Groaning, I produced a mental list of things I needed to do today. 1. Have a shower. 2. Drop in at Rachel's house to return the book she lent me. 3. Finish my summer assignment so that I had the rest of the summer free, which was only a few days, but a few days I'd be grateful for. 4. Go to Leanne's. It was a week since camp and tonight was the night we were meeting Ashley and her boyfriend at Leanne's. After that, it was just the weekend until school again.

I swung my feet over the side of the bed and recoiled in disgust as my foot landed in something wet and sticky. I peered onto the floor. My cup of orange juice from last night was spreading all over the wooden floorboards.

"Man, that's not nice," I muttered as I walked awkwardly over to the shower, my feet sticking to the floor as I went.

In the shower, I sighed and relaxed. I was excited about tonight. I hadn't seen Leanne since camp so that was a plus. Also, it was supposed to be a laugh. But the possessive, jealous part of me wished that Ashley and her boyfriend would not be there. I just wanted the girl all to myself. I hoped there'd be time for me to be alone with her for a while. I closed my eyes as the hot water cascaded down my back. All I could hear was the sound of the rushing water against my ears. I exhaled again and realised I was about to fall asleep again. Looking down, I noticed my nipples were hard. From the cold? No. From thinking about Leanne? Most likely. I smiled as my fingers crept down between my legs, seeking the treasures within.

My shower lasted considerably longer than expected and I realised I was running late, as always. I'd told Rachel I would arrive at about 11 to return her book. She had lent it to me to help me with my summer assignment and had text messaged me recently because she needed it for hers. I dashed out of the house at ten past eleven, my wet hair slapping my neck and chin as I ran, and my jeans rubbing uncomfortably against my damp legs. Finally I made it to Rachel's and knocked on the door. Sub consciously I straightened my thin, black jacket and swept my hair away from my face. Glancing at my tousled reflection in the glass of Rachel's door, I decided I was acceptable. After a short delay, Rachel rushed to the door and ushered me inside.

"Thanks, Jodie! I'm glad you could bring it. I'm really struggling with that stupid assignment." She smiled.

Rachel had elegant, long hair that curled lusciously just below her shoulders, and a figure to die for. She was small breasted, but her long legs and deep, mysterious eyes made up for anything she lacked in the breast department. Rachel and I had been friends for a good time, and I'd never really acknowledged her as a close friend, but now, looking back, she was. We always got on great and I knew I could say anything to her without sounding weird. We were very alike. I smiled warmly and we chitchatted about nonsense for some time.

"I can't stay too much longer," I said, as we chatted over a cup of coffee. I have to get to Leanne's and she lives quite a long way away," I mused, wondering when I should leave.

"That's fine, I'm glad we got a chance to catch up before school began! Leanne's your friend from camp, right?" she said, in a strange tone that I was unsure of.

I pondered for a second. Why was I lying to Rachel? All the time I had known her, she had never once judged me over my actions, and I had done some pretty foolish things in my time. So why should I be lying now? Rachel was a mature person. What harm could be done? She was not the kind of person to spread things about me. I trusted her. I decided not to outright tell her that I was in a relationship with Leanne, but I was not going to lie.

"Well, sort of. I mean, she is my friend, but..." my blood pounded in my ears and my breathing hastened. Should I tell her? I had, after all, misjudged Adrienne, and she had even told me she was not homophobic. Could I be wrong about Rachel? Am I making a mistake? I stared into my lap as I wrung my hands, which were cold and clammy, my mind racing for the right words. I was so nervous; it had gone so wrong when I told Adrienne. Would this be the same? Would I lose Rachel? I thought this was the hardest thing I had ever done.

"..but..?" Rachel pushed. She was watching me thoughtfully, and I dared not meet her eyes for fear of bursting into hysterical tears, or hysterical laughter. I felt my face flush.

"Leanne and I...we," I gasped for air, staring intently into the corner. Rachel rested her hand on my shoulder. My head span, momentarily.

"Jodie, you and Leanne are what? You can tell me anything, you know," she said meaningfully. Taking a deep breath, I opened my mouth and tried to look Rachel in the face. I found myself looking at her forehead instead.

"Leanne and I are, sort of, well not sort of, we are in a relationship together. I hope you don't mind," I rushed, digging my fingernails into my hand in anticipation. Rachel's face split into a smile and she looked me over.

"I knew it! I could tell by the way you spoke about her after last year. I've known for so long. You finally told me!" she cried in delight.

I exhaled noisily with relief. She didn't care! It was okay by her! Everything was wonderful!

"I was scared that, you know, you might not agree with it," I said.

"Jodie, what kind of a person would I be if I did not agree with you for being happy? I have nothing against gay people. It's not a problem at all. And your secret is safe with me," she said, matter-of-factly. She seemed almost insulted that I would assume otherwise about her. Rachel wasn't an incredibly emotional person, so I was not expecting a large speech about how we would always be friend and the like, so I knew this was her way of saying it was fine.

Feeling on top of the world, I left Rachel's and danced home, my hair having now dried and the summer sunshine glazing my face. I later received a text message from Rachel, saying;

"Hey J, hope u have a nice time 2nite, be a good girl ;) R xxx"

After packing my things to spend the night at Leanne's I approached my mother. Entering the kitchen, she had her back to me, standing at the sink in front of the window, washing up. Her sleeves were rolled up to above her elbows and she was swaying slightly to a tune on the radio, which was beside her on the table.

"Hey Mum, you ready to go?" I asked, cheerily.

"Yes, dear, I'm about ready, just let me finish. Are Leanne's parents going to be bringing you home tomorrow?" she replied.

"Yep, don't worry, I'll be back late-ish though," I shrugged, grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl and bounding out of the kitchen. Mum flicked soap at me as I left and I chuckled. I was always energetic before I went to Leanne's.

Finally, we were in the car. I flipped down the mirror in the passenger side and checked my appearance. I had spent an hour straightening my hair, which as usual, was now a mess. But that was how I always looked. I was wearing a striped blue and white tee with blue jeans. I thought I looked the part. My top was considerably low and showed off a reasonable amount of cleavage. I smiled devilishly at myself and realised I couldn't wait to get to Leanne's. The car journey was long and I drummed my fingers on the dashboard, impatiently. When we finally arrived, I kissed my Mum goodbye and dashed up to Leanne's front door. I waited, nervously tapping my foot. She opened the door and I smiled, taking in her faded jeans and brown vest top. It matched her eyes perfectly.

Stepping forwards, I kicked the door closed behind me and I took her soft body in my arms, inhaling her scent. She felt so delicate and small as I held her. My lips found the nape of her neck and I began kissing and licking, sighing with happiness. Leanne stroked my hair, her left hand tightly grasping my hand, squeezing hard.

"Missed you," I said, choked with emotion.

"You too, baby," she panted, sinking her lips against my mine. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip. She tasted slightly salty and I drew back, confused. That was the way she always tasted when we had just had sex together.

"What?" she asked.

"You taste..." I began.

"Salt and vinegar crisps," she said triumphantly, raising a packet of half eaten crisps that I had not noticed in her hand.

"Oh!" I sighed, and I pulled her into me. I felt angry at myself for even suspecting, but soon I was feeling her silky smooth tongue gliding across mine and it was forgotten.

"Let's go upstairs. Please," I begged,

"No baby, not now, you can wait till later," she whispered, sucking my earlobe as she rested a hand on my stomach. My body was flooded with warmth and I felt my pants dampen as I my eyes glazed over. I felt slightly light headed as she kissed patterns along my neck, behind my ear, sending intense shivers through my body. My crotch ached and I groaned, cupping a hand under her breast.

"Naughty. Not now," she said, swatting my hand away.

I ignored her, gently leaning her back against the wall. I hushed her protesting by closing my mouth over her soft lips and inserting my tongue once more. My hands moved slowly up and down her sides. She pushed her body forwards, surrendering herself to my touch. She had her eyes closed as I delicately kissed her lips. And then our kissing became more lustful as she gripped my head, pushing me down towards her collarbone. My hands artfully slipped down the material of her jeans, caressing her pants, which were soaked. I ran a finger lightly down the length of her slit, causing Leanne to release a deep, shuddering breath. I was suddenly aware of a scraping sound from upstairs.

"What's that?" I asked, frantically, withdrawing my hand from her warmth.

"My Mum, she's upstairs, getting ready, she's going out soon," she grunted, resting her head back against the wall.

"Damn Jodie!! You always know how to get me going. I can't bare it," she was close to tears. I couldn't help but smile.

"Baby, you wanted to wait. Now, we'll wait," I said softly, taking her in my arms and leading her through to the sitting room.

"Well, let's choose a movie to watch before Ash and Steve get here, we have about two hours," Leanne told me.

We chose some cheap, overrated action movie and turned the volume low, so that we could still chat.

"I told Rachel about us," I said, tentatively.

"Did it go okay?" She fretted.

"Yes! It was fine, we're going to be fine," I smiled, wrapping my fingers around hers. Leanne still had not told anyone about our relationship and as she was worried half to death about the Adrienne scenario repeating itself. On one occasion, she had attempted to inform her mother, but when her mum did not take her subtle hinting, she resigned to tell her. She was afraid, as anyone would be. But most adults would simply assume it was "just a phase," or try to convince us that we were "confused," and that we would soon discover that we were straight, afterall. They did not realise we had already given it time, we had already turned over these possibilities in our head, over and over, willing them with all our might to be true. But in the end, we had reached this conclusion and there was nothing to be done about it. We were already past trying to deny our feelings, and all it did was leave us feeling even more confused, even more demented, and even more depressed for having to hide who we were, even to ourselves. And then, when we finally become at peace with these emotions and decide that we are who we are and are ready to tell the world, we are told that we are "going through a phase." So you can imagine our frustration, and hesitation in telling our parents.

Leanne rested her head on my shoulder, delicately. I stroked her hair and looked into her eyes. She looked frightened.

"I'm never going to be able to tell anyone," she said, quietly. "I'm too afraid that they'll take you away from me." She was searching my eyes for comfort, for hope, for a promise.

"It's just not going to happen. I don't care if we never tell anybody else. I'm happy as we are, and I will always be happy with you, no matter what the circumstances are," I stopped. I wanted to tell her that I loved her, but I didn't want to overuse those precious three words. I knew that if I told her this too much, that it would not be special when I did. I wanted to save it, so that when I did say it, it would be the most special thing in the world. Something to be treasured, remembered. Not something that was slung meaninglessly around like it could be said anytime, without real meaning. But I didn't need to say it, she could read it in my eyes.

"You are so special to me, Jodie. I had a relationship before this, you know," she said it almost guiltily. I have to admit, I felt a small twinge of jealously. But I put my mind at rest because this was before. Before we had even met.

"Go on," I urged.

"It wasn't like this, at all. It was my first and only other relationship with a girl. I had always assumed that I was straight until I met her. I mean, I know alot of people say they knew their sexuality when they were younger, but I had no idea. And then I met her, and I was so confused, I was feeling all of these feelings that I had never experienced before, and it was for a girl. It was so hard to come to terms with. But I knew I wanted her, deep down. Even if that did mean being gay. Turns out, she was actually a closeted lesbian, and she had feelings for me too. But she had thought I was straight, which she was right to assume, because, I guess I was, at first. Anyway, we tried going out for a bit, but it was all too new to me. All too scary. It was only because I didn't understand myself. I didn't even know if I was bisexual or fully gay. So I ended it. She was hurt, but she got over it. Listen, what I was trying to say is that this, between us, makes so much sense to me. I am sure of myself now, and the confused part of my life is over. What I mean to say is that, without you, nothing would make sense," she finished, and looked away awkwardly. Then something struck me.

"Leanne, the first day we got together, you told me you had liked girls for as long as you could remember. You said I was your first kiss," I recalled, hurt.

"Well, the last bit was true. I never kissed her, we never even got close to it. I couldn't handle it. And well, I kind of bent the truth about always knowing I was gay. I guess I was just afraid to tell you about when I discovered it. It was a painful part of my life, and we weren't that close yet. I just didn't want to complicate things, I'm sorry,"

I decided to dismiss it. Why would she tell an someone who was near enough a stranger about these personal details? The important factor was, she had told me now. Which just proved how much our trust had grown, just like our relationship had. I hugged her close again.

"Yeah, you did bend the truth alright, cause you are bent," I joked, poking her in the ribs.

"Well, I can always turn straight again, if you like," she teased, sticking her tongue out at me. She looked so unbelievably cute, and happy, that I just stared at her in awe. She was all mine. This adorable girl infront of me, is all mine. Why am I not kissing her? I leaned in, and kissed her gently, lovingly, on the lips. Just a peck, but it carried so much feeling.

"Yeah, well, maybe I won't," Leanne laughed, smiling contentedly.

"So, what do you have planned for when Ash and Steve get here?" I wondered.

"Well, Mum is off out but she got some booze in before she left. So I guess we can just put some music on, kick back and relax," she replied.

"Sounds good to me, I'm just off to the loo," I heaved myself off the sofa and skipped out of the room and up the stairs. On my way up, I bumped into Leanne's mum.

"Hi Allison!" I sang cheerily.

"Hello sweetheart! You're not going to trash the house tonight, are you?" she giggled.

"Of course not, we're good girls!" I said, flashing her an angelic smile.

"Right! Well you two better behave yourselves tonight, if you catch my drift, with their being alcohol and no adults around!" she said, more seriously.

"Oh no! Don't worry, Steve is going out with Ashley you know! We won't be doing anything like that!" I cried, a little embarassed.

"Yes, I knew that, I didn't mean with Steve..." and then she had swept past me and disappeared down the stairs. I was in shock. She was clearly referring to the two of us being up to no good. I guess she did know about Leanne and myself. I thought I had better not tell Leanne until her mum had left, otherwise she would only panic and get in a flap.

I went to the toilet in a daze. After I'd finished I splashed my face with water and took a deep breath. I suddenly felt nervous. I had always felt smug about sleeping with Leanne under her mothers unsuspecting nose. And now she knew, I was unsure how I would feel around her.Would I embarassed? Too afraid to hug or touch Leanne infront of her, the way I always had, incase she didn't approve and scolded me? Well, she had to be okay with it, I mean she didn't seem upset, or angry, did she? I reasoned with myself.

I trotted down the stairs and saw Leanne giving her a mother a kiss goodbye.

"Bye, Jodie!" She shouted, waving at me.

"Er, bye.." I replied, uncertainly. I didn't know how to act around her mother, just incase she did secretly hate me for being with her daughter. As soon as her mum had left, Leanne turned to look at me, her eyes glinting. She glanced at the clock on the wall, then back at me.

"We have around 20 minutes before Ashley and Steve get here," she said, mischieviously. As she looked me over, my feelings of dread and worry ebbed away. When Leanne stepped towards me and took me in her arms, I remember thinking, "I'll tell her later,"before resigning to her touch. Our mouths, hungry for each others, connected, and I gripped the wall, weakly, as Leanne felt her way across the roof of my mouth with her tongue. I clutched at her, desperately, as she pressed her body against mine. What had I done before I had found this diamond among the rocks? Who had I been before this ray of hope had entered my world? Nothing and nobody, was the answer. And now? I'd never felt more beautful in my life. Never felt so much self-value, never felt so desired and never desired anyone more in my life, than I did Leanne. As she made love to me with her hands, there, in the hallway, I realised I was so full of emotion for her, it was almost overwhelming. Without warning, I burst into tears. Leanne quickly let go of me, thinking she had hurt me.

"What? What is it? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry!" she gasped, frantically wiping my tears away.

"No, no, I just, Leanne, I'm happy, I'm so happy, and I just, you know when you're so full of emotion and you need to express it somehow...I just, Leanne," I swiped at my tears, "I love you," I sobbed.

"Jodie! Jodie, don't cry! I love you. So much. And you must know that! I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes it's hard to breathe when you aren't here, because you're everything to me. You know that, don't you?" she squeezed my shoulders so tight that I yelped.

I leant forward and began to laugh quietly into her neck.

"This is stupid, you know, both of us standing here in tears, when neither of us are sad at all. Infact, I think I'm the happiest person in the world. And the luckiest," I whispered.

"It's so strange, love is. How one other human being, one combination of flesh, bone and blood, can you make you so happy. That the words from this other persons mouth can make you feel better than any amount of money, or anything else could."

I straightened up, suddenly.

"Come on, Ashley and Steve are going to be here any minute, and we still need to clean ourselves up," I smiled, gesturing to Leanne's unbuttoned top and my own jeans, halfway down my thighs. We dressed, lightheartedly chatting. We put the radio on and danced around the kitchen, getting alcohol out of the cupboard and clearing up the dirty dishes from earlier. Soon, the place was sparkling and we still had a few minutes to spare before our friends arrived. We sat at the kitchen table, a crap pop song playing in the background.

"I am sorry about earlier, Leanne, it was stupid, I know, I don't know what happened," I apologised, tucking a strand of loose hair behind Leanne's ear.

"Hey, baby, it's okay, I understand, it's fine. Infact, I'm flattered that I make you feel that way. Love makes people do crazy things, just don't go killing anybody!" she grinned. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Excitedly, we leapt up from the table and ran to the door. I opened it and stood aside to let Ashley and Steve in. After making our way through to the sitting room, it was time for introductions.

"Jodie, Leanne, this is Steve, my boyfriend. Steve? This is Jodie and Leanne and they are girlfriends," Ashley said, smiling.

"Very nice to meet the pair of you! No chance of a shag then, I suppose?" he winked at Leanne as he spoke. I felt my stomach churn in rage. He'd better have been fucking joking, I thought.

"Ha, sorry darling!" Leanne countered. I sighed, relieved. It was clearly just a joke aimed at us for being lesbians. Ashley didn't appear bothered by Steve's behaviour at all, so I guessed Steve was just the joker type. Steve was tall, around 5"12", with quite a muscley build. He had jet black, short hair which was mastered stylishey with hair gel. He was good looking, I had to admit. Ashley was looking good too, she had died her hair jet black aswell, presumabley to match Steve's.

We idly chatted for a few minutes, getting to know abit about Steve, before venturing into the kitchen to start on the alcohol. Grabbing a bottle of beer each, we put on a CD and generally had a good time, dancing and talking with each other. After we had all gotten through about 4 bottles each, Leanne, slurring her words, suggested that as we were so drunk it would be fun to play "Truth or Dare." Initially, I had laughed at the idea, after all, we were 16 year olds, and truth or dare was a kids game. But in the end we reasoned that we had drank enough for it to be okay. So, feeling childish and silly, we sat in a circle on the carpet. We span a bottle as a pointer, and Leanne was the first to be picked.

"Truth or dare?" We all asked, simultaneously.

"Thhtruth," Leanne garbled, trying to sit up straight, almost knocking over her beer. She must have been extremely drunk.

"I've got one!" Steve piped up, swigging from his bottle at the same time he tried to talk, "What's the dirtiest thing you have ever done?" he leered, gesturing to me. Leanne looked at me, raising her eyebrows, and I looked back through slightly disorientated eyes as we both reached the same conclusion in our minds.

"Well," Leanne began, twirling her hair in her fingers, "once, Jodie and me were really horny, yeah, and, yeah,, what was I saying again? Oh, yes, so, er, anyway, we were, you know, horny, and we were in Jodies kitchen, and her mum said she was...where was she again, Jodes? Oh yeah, she was in the bath. So yeah, I just laid Jodie back on the table, and I pulled her jeans down to her knees, and I just, hahahaha, I just licked her pussy right there on the table! And, and, and when Jodie was coming, she - "

"Hahahahahaha, that's enough now, Leanne!!" I drunkenly interrupted.

Leanne was gazing with misty eyes into space as she remebered that day, and I have to admit, being told the story like that had turned me on. Steve was almost drooling as he stared lopsidedly at the two of us. Ashley was looking at us curiously. Not with disgust, just curiosity.

"Right, lets spin again!" I suggested. This time, it landed on Steve.

"Truth or dare?" He was asked.

"I'll be a man and take a dare," he said, flexing his muscles. Ashley laughed almost hysterically and moved over to us to discuss Steve's dare. Ashley whispered something in my ear, and chuckling, I whispered, probably not very quietly considering the state I was in, to Leanne. Leanne laughed and turned to Steve.

"You, boy, have got to take off your clothes and run outside!" She announced, merrily.

"All right, you're on!" Steve cried, jumping up from the floor. We watched, amused, as Steve began stripping rhythmically to the music. He pulled his T-shirt over his head, ruffling his hair, and discarded it carelessy in the corner of the room. I looked over his chest, it was hairless and muscley. Ashley was staring up at him in awe as suddenly he was down to his boxers. Steve lost his confidence then and looked around, bashfully.

"Hey, are you all just going to sit there an gawk at me while I take these off?" He muttered, looking to Ash for support.

"Steve, this was your dare! Now get 'em off!" she said in reply. As instructed, Steve hurriedly slipped out of his boxers and stood with his hands covering his modesty. I looked at his body, skeptically. I was glad I was a lesbian. How could I have ever endured that??

Leanne directed Steve to the front door and, excitedly, we all rushed to the front window, which was overlooking the street outside. We watched with mirth as Steve streaked across the rode, his modesty now flowing wild and free. Cringing, I had to look away. I turned to Leanne who was also grimacing as Steve turned around and began racing back. Ashley appeared to be enjoying the show, as she was creasing up with laughter.

"Quick! Lock the door!" she laughed, and Leanne ran to the door and pulled the bolt across. We waiting in anticipation as Steve approached the front door. As soon as he realised what we had done, he was banging angrily on the door, piercing the midnight sky with his rage.

"Argh, lemme in, you bastards!" he yelped, helplessly. The three of us stood by the window taunting him. To agitate him further, Leanne put her arms around Ashley and pretended to be undressing her. I joined in, caressing Ashley's neck for show, trying to make it look like I was kissing her neck. Steve grew more and more frustrated until finally, in fits of laughter, Ashley gave in and released the lock. Steve marched in and replaced his clothes, then turned to face us.

"Considering as you just locked me outside, completely starkers, and then proceeded to touch up my you think I deserve a real show now?" Steve asked, his eyes glinting in hope as he looked at us.

"I really don't think Ashley would be up for that, - " Began Leanne,

"Well, I don't mind, I'm pissed out of my face," Ashley interrupted. Questioningly, I looked across at Leanne. I didn't mind messing about, I guess, as long as it's nothing serious. Leanne glanced back, nodding her affirmation, letting me know it was okay to succumb to this.

"Please?" Begged Steve, his eyes wide and round as he regarded us, making our decision. Ashley hiccoughed to break the silence.

"Okay then," I agreed, somewhat uncertainly.

"Great! This is every guys DREAM you know!" Steve exclaimed, as he settled down on the sofa to watch.

"What exactly do you want us to, you know, do?" Leanne faltered. But to all of our surprise, Ashley turned to Leanne and kissed her hard on the mouth. My mouth dropped open. Was I okay with this? I really didn't know. The only reason I was not tearing Ashley off her is because I knew Ashley was straight, drunk, and we had just agreed to this, so I supposed it was okay. I watched the pair of them as Ashley deepened their kiss. I felt a pain in my chest, watching this, but I tried to stay in control. Leanne's arms were flapping about uselessly, as if she was unsure what she should do with them.

"Get the other one involved, then!" Steve called from the sofa.

Ashley stopped kissing Leanne and turned to me, so I took the oppurtunity to glance at Leanne and see how she was feeling about all of this. I could tell by her expression that she was just as bewildered and unsure as I was, but she shrugged and gave me a loving smile, and suddenly, none of this mattered. We were all drunk, afterall, and Ashley was straight anyway. She was simply curious, I guessed, to see what it was like, the alcohol was spurring her on. Before I had time to think about it anymore, Ashley was closing the gap in between our faces, and her lips were on mine in no time. She tasted of beer, but her lips felt warm and inviting. I couldn't help myself, I had to see what was inside. I slithered my tongue through her lips, placing my arms around her neck to heat things up for Steve. Ashley responded, rubbing her tongue against my own. It felt nice. Nice, that's all. It was nothing compared to the light headed-ness and the fireworks I felt with Leanne. We kissed for a few seconds, before I felt myself being tugged away. Confused, I looked up, blearily. Before I had time to register anything, a new pair of lips were on my own. I recognised that sweet, tantalizing taste instantly and I knew Leanne was now kissing me. She kissed me more urgently than Ashley. Perhaps she was a little jealous, and trying to prove that she kissed better than Ashley, I didn't know, but if that was it, she was succeeding. As usual, I felt the darkness tugging dangerously at the corners of my eyes, threatening to drag me into unconsciousness. But I fought it, and kissed Leanne furiously as our kiss turned from love to lust in an instant. I completely forgot my surroundings as I pushed Leanne backwards, down onto the carpet. I straddled her and immediately began grinding my hips against hers. God, I lived for this feeling. I grabbed her wrists, without breaking our kiss, and pinned them back above her head as I began to ravish her neck with my starved mouth. My tongue took in the taste of perspiration as I bit and licked her collarbone. She moaned a low, erotic moan and it was driving me wild. I longed to make her scream my name. Barely thinking straight, I pulled at her top, dragging it over her head. Then, I pulled her bra down, not bothering to unclip it, and took one of her small, hard nipples into my mouth. We simultaneously moaned as the sensation seeped through our bodies. Her nipple felt cold and rock hard as I swirled my tongue around it, gently nipping. Leanne clawed at my hair, her chest rapidly rising and falling as I worked on her breast.She wrapped her legs around my body, drawing me in closer to her. My other hand flew down to her crotch, grasping it tightly over her jeans.

"Oh, jesus," Leanne sighed. I was so horny, I had to feel her, there and then. I fumbled with her jeans, tearing the zip open. Working my hand in, I brushed my fingers over Leanne's clitoris, before sliding my finger into her hot pussy. She was already extraordinarily wet, and I groaned as I brought my lips back to Leanne's, our tongues thrashing against each other as I pushed my finger in further. Feeling this wasn't enough, I slid in another finger and began to push against her spongey walls, twisting and turning my fingers. Leanne was on my neck now, her warm mouth sucking at my neck, just below my chin. Her hot breath going in my ear was enough to finish me off then, but I concentrated to stay conscious, desperate to deliver to Leanne this pleasure. I pulled my fingers out of her and roughly grabbed her jeans and savagely pulled down. I instantly caught the smell of Leanne's arousal and it only made me more crazy. Tasting my glazed fingers, I carefully traced them over Leanne's stomach before licking off the trail I had drawn. Finally, I got down to her delicious womanhood, and blew on her clit, causing Leanne to cry out.

"Oh, oh my god, Jodie, please," she gasped, breathlessly. I loved having this control over her, and my groin twinged at hearing her erotic calls. In a swift movement, Leanne's clit was sucked into my mouth and I was relentless, sucking it as hard as I could. I pushed my fingers back into her, hard, moving them rapidly inside of her. Leanne bucked hard against my mouth, screaming out in pleasure now as her orgasm came. Mercilessly, I carried on, feeling Leanne's legs squeezing my head viciously. I felt her come soaking my hand and finally, I let go, releasing her clit and sucking my own fingers dry. Leanne was panting on the carpet and I suddenly became very aware of where I was. I looked up at Ashley who was eagerly performing oral sex on Steve, whilst masturbating herself ferociously. I was disgusted at the sight, but I had just done the same to my girlfriend infront of them. I was about to speak up and apologise, when a pair of hands jerked me down onto the carpet. Leanne started to kiss me passionately, and I wrapped my whole body around her. Leanne began to rip off my clothes, violently, carelessly tossing them behind her as she regarded me in bra and pants. Grinning wickedly, she released me of my bra and then ripped my pants off. She looked like a starved, crazed woman as her eyes roamed my aching groin. What she did next was new. She took off the remainder of her clothes and clamboured on top of me. I ran my hands over her smooth body, kissing and licking bits, my fingers tweaking her nipples. I felt her wet pussy sliding around on my stomach and I eagerly waited for her to fuck my brains out. I felt her nimble fingers parting my lips and I closed my eyes, excitedly. But then I felt a sensation that I had not felt before. My eyes snapped open and I saw that Leanne had lowered her own pussy on to mine. She looked back at me and began wilding kissing me, yet again. Then she began to grind on me. I had never felt anything like it before in my life. It was like the first time she had ever licked me out, and it felt so incredibly good. Our pelvic bones were rubbing against each others as she thrust her wetness up and down my. Our clits touched and I nearly lost control. I could feel the wetness from the pair of us on my thighs, on my stomach, everywhere. It felt so sexy that I was panting for air, saying Leanne's name over and over again she rubbed hard against me. We slipped and slid across each other and all too soon, I felt an intense, almost agonizing orgasm growing. Looking up into Leanne's flushing, sweaty face, I could tell she was too. I started to move my hips underneath her and she began grinding harder and harder, the both of us were screaming, crying out each other names and clawing at each other. I dug my fingernails hard into her shoulder as I felt the biggest orgasm take over my body. Our bodies shuddered against each other as we moaned into each others ear. Finally, Leanne collapsed on top of her, breathless and exhausted. Peering up to the sofa, I noticed that Ashley had fallen asleep across Steve's lap and his head was lolling sleepily against the back of the sofa. I let a sigh of relief. He hadn't been watching all of it.

"Leanne," I groaned, exhausted, "We have to get dressed, come on," I half heartedly pulled her up and we woke Ashley and Steve up and lead them sleepily to Leanne's bedroom. Leanne and I put on some pyjamas, and we slipped into her bed, Ashley and Steve were sleeping on the floor. I spooned with Leanne and held her tightly in my weary arms.

"That was some night," I said, sleepily.

"It really, really was," she sighed. She turned around in bed to face me. I felt her delicate body completely relax in my arms. "I love you," she whispered, looking straight into my eyes. I was too spent to reply, and fell asleep feeling content.

The next morning, I awoke with an incredible hangover. My head was pounding and I felt like I was about to spew my guts up. Groaning, I licked my dry lips and turned over to Leanne. She wasn't there and the bed was cold where she had been lying. Disappointed, I rolled back onto my back, clutching my head. Suddenly I leapt out of bed, dashed into the bathroom and puked up into the toilet. I sat there for a while, sweating and catching my breath. Then I wondered, where were Ashley and Steve? Holding my queasy stomach, I limped back into the bedroom and surveyed the floor. The bedcovers they had used were rolled up and stacked up in the corner. The curtains were open, and the smallest window was open, letting in a refressing summer breeze. Casually, I looked over at the clock.

"CRAP!" I shouted, involuntarily. It was two-thirty in the afternoon!! Ashley and Steve must have gone home, I thought. Although quite upset that they hadn't said goodbye, I gathered that they had probably not wanted to wake me up. As I was feeling pretty rough, I decided to go downstairs and get a glass of water. I padded softly down the stairs, taking small steps so as not to hurt my aching head. Finally, after what seemed like hours, I made it to the kitchen. Leanne was there, leaning on her elbows on the worksurface. She had her back to me, and I could not see her face. She was wearing a baggy T-shirt and a pair of black short shorts. I was filled with joy at the sight of her, as usual. Smiling, I crept up behind and encased her in my arms.

"Morning, baby," I said softly, nuzzling her neck. Leanne leant back into my touch, sighing lightly.

"Hey, sweetie."

"What time did Ashley and Ste go? They didn't say goodbye!" I moaned, feigning sadness.

"Well, they had to shoot off early this morning, and if you hadn't been so wasted you would have remembered that they did actually wake you up and say goodbye," Leanne snapped. Cringing at her words, I span her around and surveryed her face, puzzled.

"What, what is it?" I said, tentatively.

Leanne collapsed into me, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Oh, Jodie, I'm so sorry, that was uncalled for," she whimpered, desperately clutching me. Now, I was even more confused. What the hell was going on? I was becoming increasingly paranoid. I grabbed Leanne's shoulders and stood her up straight.

"Leanne!" I almost yelled, shaking her slightly, "What's gone on? Why are you crying, Leanne, what...?" I trailed off noticing the look of complete devastation and exhaustion on her face. She was just looking at me, and I felt my heart prepare for a breakage. She was going to split up with me. She couldn't do this. I loved her! She was my everything!

"No, no, you can't, please, don't! I mean, I, is it me? I can, well, what do you want me to do? Where did I go wrong?" I was frantic with worry, running my hands through my hair again, and again, and again, "I mean, you can't just throw it all away, Leanne, I," I continued, throwing my hands up into the air in bewilderment. Leanne grabbed my arms roughly, and clamped them to my sides. She was crying now, tears making neat little trails down her face and dying on her lips.

"JODIE. I am NOT throwing anything away. What are you talking about? I love you!" Leanne said seriously, inches from my face.

"I'll do anything, Leanne, do? You mean, you aren't breaking up with me?" I said in disbelief. "No, Jodie. No, I'm not," she sighed. However, she continued to look sorrowful and I couldn't understand what was going on.

"Then, what is it? Please, Leanne, just tell me. You know that you can tell me anything. I will always be here for you," I whispered, stroking the side of her tear stained face with my hand. "That's just it, I won't be here for you, and I need to be," Leanned murmmered. She looked down and I noticed more tears. My mind was racing, searching for what it was she was trying to say. She wasn't ending our relationship, but she wasn't going to be here for me?

"Leanne, what on earth do you mean? I can't understand what you are saying to me," I pleaded. "Jodie, this morning my Mum told me that we had to move away," she said weakly, her arms falling limply by her sides.

"WHAT? But, why? Is it because of us? Is it because she disagrees? Just last night, she was speaking to me fine!" I cried. Then I remembered that I had not told Leanne of the conversation with her Mum. But I guessed that now wasn't a good time.

"No, no, last night, you know she was out? She was at a staff party. Her boss had announced that he was promoting her. We have to move away because of her work. And, what do you mean, she doesn't know about us!" Leanne sobbed, pulling me to her once more. I couldn't speak. I had a lump in my throat that was so painful I was grimacing. My eyes stung with tears and I felt cold, colder than I had ever felt. I tried to speak but could only utter small sounds. I wrapped my arms tight around Leanne, burying my face in her neck, inhaling her sweet, clean scent. Why was God taking this away from me? Why couldn't he just leave our relationship be? We had never had it easy from the start!

Finally, I managed to speak; "Leanne, where are you moving to?" I croaked. "France," Leanne said it so quietly, I barely heard her. But I did, and I was so utterly broken that I could not reply. France? A different country? It appeared to me, that everything was against our relationship. We were being put to the test again, and again. I wished it was easy, but it wasn't. Suddenly, I shook myself. We had gotten through hard times before, even when people had deliberately tried to split us up.We could get through this, I knew we could.

So that was part four! As you can see, Leanne and myself were not without our fair share of obstacles...Sorry that it took so long! I will try to update quicker because I know it's at a cliffhanger. Thanks again for the copious feedback on this story. More is ALWAYS appreciated.!! x

Next: Chapter 5

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