
By moc.loa@htidaX

Published on Dec 30, 2002


Subject: Gay male Fantasy/Science fiction Author: Xadith Comments welcome. These characters are mine and copyrighted. Any reference to real life people is unintentional. Contains gay sex, forced intercourse, and a little bondage. Summary: Two friends go on a hunt for a tabloid beast and get much more then they bargain for.

"You're full of shit Jack."

"Man Damien, I'm tellin' you it's true. It lives up on the mountainside facing the river. People have seen it."

"There is no way I'm going to believe in that stupid fairy tale. And you should feel stupid for believing in it yourself!" Damien Bradic punched his best friend Jack Corbin over the arm and laughed. The fool had been lost in fairy tales of witches and demons under bridges since he was old enough to talk. The two boys had grown up together all the way through college and while Damien was gay, Jack remained a firm heterosexual. Still that hadn't kept the two men from moving in together when they both started their internship at the local city hospital. Med school had been a real trial for Damien; unlike Jack he didn't have a wealthy father that could afford to pay his every need. He had loans and debt up to his neck and was looking at another fifteen years to pay them off.

Jack breezed through everything and he never tried. It drove Damien nuts that Jack could sleep through class and still come out with straight A's while Damien had to study day and night just to scrape by with B's and the occasional A. Despite Jack's easy ability to excel at anything he did, he was a hopeless dreamer. Every day he would wake up to the National Inquirer and finish three or four Sci-Fi books a month. The stack of comic books and Manga was so high at one point that they had to look into getting a bigger place before Damien had convinced his friend to just get rid of some of the tattered ones.

Damien had his head on straight, or so said Jack's dad. He grew up without family and only an elderly aunt that he hardly knew before she shipped him off to boarding school. How the two unlikely pair had ever met was just as unlikely as the sun turning purple but some how they had run into one another at a back street hang out and had been friends ever since. Now, even at twenty-six, Jack was still trying to convince Damien of the bogyman and sex crazed monsters that lived in the high mountains out side their small town.

Damien just shook his head and folded back in the easy chair, his length legs pulled up over the recliner in a most relaxed pose. Jack and Damien had very similar builds. Damien with thick silky chocolate hair and Jack with a lighter more amber brown. Upon meeting them, you thought them more brothers then friends. Both men worked out together and ran in the mornings. Their sleek muscled forms were meant to get a bit more attention then the average male and both liked to show off their physics.

When Damien had come out of the closet in the middle of med school, Jack seemed to be his only friend. Jack's older sister was, and had been, a lesbian for seven years at the time so he didn't judge. He accepted Damien for who and what he was, with the occasional tasteless joke at his friend's expense. But over all he remained loyal and true to his buddy.

Jack looked up from his newspaper and smirked. "You wouldn't say that if you saw this thing. Look at his picture, it's practically a Big Foot!" He held up the front-page image that was far too dark and shadowy to be any real proof of anything but a bad cameraman. Damien closed his dark blue eyes and shook his head.

"When are you going to learn those stories are only for gullible people like you to buy newspapers?" Jack frowned and looked back to his paper.

"Fine Mr. None believer. I bet you next Saturday night's dinner that I'm right." Damien opened one eye as he tucked his palms under the main of long brown hair. He met Jack's brown doe eyes and let his gaze trace over the few stands of short amber hair that had fallen against his cheek.

"And just how are you going to prove it Jack-o, bring back it's head?" Jack frowned more so and sneered his reply as he stood.

"No, I'm going to go up there and get a good picture of it." Damien shook his hand and laughed softly.

"You're nuts. You haven't been mountain climbing in three months, you will fall and break your ass." Jack threw the paper at Damien and barked a short laugh.

"Ha! That's why you are coming with me." Damien growled and pushed the paper from his chest as he looked up to his friend and finally gave up on his nap.

"I'm not climbing up the side of that mountain so you can prove you're an idiot." Jack smiled in his usual "I've got a plan" manor that always made Damien's stomach sink.

"You come with me, and if I'm wrong, I'll do the laundry and the all the chores for a month." Damien thought a moment.

"And if for some perverse turn of nature you are right?" Jack shrugged.

"All you owe me is an apology and dinner. But you have to cook it, and make those little cheese cake pies I love so much." Jack adored those small homemade treats. Damien didn't make them often because it took several hours to make and he hadn't the time of late.

"Alright, deal. I need the small vacation any way before we start work in the real world. When do you want to go?" Jack nearly jumped with his glee and grinned as he took swift steps toward his room.

"We leave in the morning!" Damien sighed; he was going to regret this.


"Come on Jack, just swing your leg up and use your arms to do the rest."

"Ack! I'm trying damn it, I can't get my grip on the damn ledge!"

"Uh, you really are a helpless pain in the Uh!" Damien gripped his friend's leg and yanked him up over the thick ledge. Jack yelped in pain as his manhood was squished against the hard rocks between his legs.

"Oh, that's going to hurt in the morning."

"You all right baby?" Jack snarled. He hated it when Damien called him that. For more reasons than one. Those that new Damien was gay always took it the wrong way and Jack had to spend the next half hour explaining that he wasn't gay.

"I'm fine fruit cup." Damien grimaced. All right no more pet names for now.

Turning around he looked over the high peak still left to climb. Not many people were allowed in the park and those that were had to have special permits to climb the mountain. He had gotten them from a ranger friend he had a fling with and so he shocked both the park officer and Jack when he showed the permit off. Jack was completely ready to climb the mountain, permit or not.

Jack rub himself through the blue jumpsuit and groaned, yeah that was going to be tender for a while. He looked over to Damien and smiled as the other man took a rather feminine pose with his hands on his hips and one foot protruding farther out then the other. He couldn't help but snicker. There were time that you could forget Damien was gay. Both his intelligence or simple demeanor didn't give any hint and then when you least expected it, one look at him was enough to know.

Damien turned around to the smirk on Jack's face and lifted a brow behind his sunglasses. The weather was great. Cold but with a warm sun that heated up your back and kept the rest of your body comfortable. He traced Jack's gaze to his own posture and growled, taking a few steps and moving out of the pose. Jack laughed and just rolled his thick shoulder. Damien through his backpack over one shoulder and began up a small slope in the hillside. They could walk upward for a while, then take the small valley between the mountain's two peaks and short cut around to this plateau that Jack swore was there.

Jack followed up behind him at a swift trot, the clips on his climbing belt jingling softly as he came up beside his friend. He still wore that amused grin on his handsome face and Damien just shook his head.

"I can't believe you dragged me out here." Jack grinned more so.

"You've said that this morning, and in the car, and when we got here, and when started climbing, and..."

"All right all right, I'll stop just to shut you up." Damien elbowed Jack in the side and smiled when he gave a high-pitched "Ooow."


"I can't believe you dragged me out here..."

"I dragged you!?" Damien scoffed as Jack lugged himself onward through the ankle deep snow, panting hard and trying his best not to lean to heavily on his friend. Damien was a better runner then Jack, making his breathing in the high altitude easy and calm while Jack was huffing and puffing. He mused at Jack's need for a hand now and then and finally relented into taking a break. Damien wasn't in a hurry to get to the plateau, he was in a hurry to get there, prove Jack wrong, and then go home. Jack slumped to the ground and through off his backpack. The small bottles of water each had brought with them were nearly empty but the snow was easily gathered and used to fill them again.

Flopping back against the snow bank, Jack groaned and rubbed his sore balls. He took out a Motrin from his med kit and swallowed it with a sip of water. At least that would hold the growing ache. Damien looked unfazed; his thick body sat silently looking over the town below them. It really was small in comparison to every thing else on the planet. It left him with a deep sense of loneliness and solitude. Even with the only real friend he had had most his life sitting right beside him, he felt that deep rooted need for love and affection, the way only a lover could give.

It had been what, three years since he lost Andy? They had been together since Damien came out and then one day up and left with nothing more then an "I need my space." The memory brought a hard rush of pain flooding over Damien's heart and he drew in a deep breath, enjoying the sting of icy air when it hit his lungs. Jack noticed his friend's expression and smiled sympathetically. He knew exactly what that expression was; it was the "I miss Andy" face. A gloved hand touched Damien's knee and shook him lightly. Damien blinked and turned back to look at Jack with a blank face.

"Hey, you okay Dame?"

"Yeah fine, just...thinking." With a groan, Damien fell back into the snow bank and tucked his hands behind his long chocolate locks. The melting snow felt good on the back of his hot neck and he closed his eyes to take in another deep breath of the frosty air. "Let me know when your ready to get going again. We should find a sheltered area and make camp for the night." Jack nodded and then spoke a verbal "yeah" as he could tell Damien's eyes were closed.

A few hours later the two had found a reasonable place to rest for the night. A small grove of trees would provide them with firewood and shelter from the late night winds. Jack gathered wood and began to make dinner while Damien set up the tent and made sure the local wild life wouldn't get into their food supplies while they slept. They opted to bring just one tent, since it was just the two of them and carry an extra would be needless weight, they each brought sleeping bags and pillows to bundle up with once inside.

The fire was roaring by the time both men were done with their chores and Jack had some frozen chicken patties grilling in the small frying pan. In long johns and a few heavy sweaters, both of them sat down to a glass of whiskey and a rubbery meal of chicken and rice.

"Yuck. After this, those cheese cakes of yours are going to taste great." Jack smirked as he took another bite of the near flavorless chicken. It couldn't be helped; salt was the only spice they brought. Damien smirked and shot Jack a playful wink.

"Yeah, yeah. And I'm going to love all the reading time I'm going to have when you're busting your ass on the house work." Both men chuckled and finished up their meals. The sun fell swiftly behind the tree line and with the fire and a kerosene lap their only light, they both laid back to enjoy the view of the clear mountain sky.

"There are so many of them." Jack smiled.

"Yeah, I have to admit, I can't see us being the only life when there are just so many other places." Damien brought the glass of hard liquor to his lips and took a sip. The satisfying burn eased down his throat and he purred softly as it hit his stomach.

"Really Dame? You never said anything before, and you have always called me nuts for believing that."

"No Jack, I call you nuts to believe that a woman in Ohio gave birth to a big eyed bug looking creature that she claims if the product of her impregnation from aliens called Norph-fats." Jack laughed and threw a piece of snow at Damien.

"Come on, you have to admit the pictures are convincing."

"Jack, you are about to become a doctor; a person responsible for the lives of hundreds of people in your life span, and you have never heard of Photoshop?" Damien smirked as he tossed back a bit of snow right back at his friend. Jack shrugged and looked back to the stars.

"I got to believe in something Dame. Why not something more interesting then a deity that sits on his butt and watches me while I'm in the shower?" Damien chocked on his drink and laughed.

"Yeah all right, I'll give you that much." Jack smiled and rolled his tired shoulders. Damian just shook his head slightly and looked back up to the night stars. "So tell me about this...thing we are looking for."

"Oh, man, just wait. The paper says it's at least seven or eight feet tall and built like a bull. They think it's male but no one can really tell."

"What is it exactly?"

"I dunno. The paper says it's like some kind of troll with green skin and bright red hair like a lion's main, but it had the face of a kangaroo and big purple horns on its head." Damien laughed softly.

"Right. Anything else I should know?'

"Well, the paper also said that travels should be careful because the thing is reported to be s sex addict. Two campers said they were sleeping when the beast came after them and rapped the girl's husband. Just dragged him right out the ten and into the mountain."

"Great, a gay monster." Damien mumbled into his mug. Jack grinned.

"Maybe that will be a little more motivation for you fruit cup?"

"Not, funny." Jack laughed and pulled himself together long enough to make kissing noises with puckered lips toward his buddy. Damien cracked up but still put up his middle finger.

"Ha! You wish!" Jack darted up to his feet and shook his tight ass in Damien's direction. Damien's blue eyes narrowed and he lift his foot, kicking Jack in the tailbone. Jack stumbled forward off balance and put his hands to his backside.

"Oow!" Damien just smiled. Sticking his tongue out at Damien, Jack made his way to the tent behind thwm. "I'm going to bed, I want to get up early and reach for the plateau before nightfall, okay?"

"All right. Night." Jack vanished into the tent, leaving Damien to the rest of his drink and the bright sky overhead. He sighed softly and then smirked. "Gay monster."


The sound of the venial tent rubbing against something caught Damien's attention. Still, it wasn't enough to pull him from the thick coma like sleep he was in, but he did remember hearing it. Jack was sleeping beside in him in another sleeping bag and the heat of their bodies was enough to keep the small tent warm. However a chill was racing swiftly up Damien's back and he was grown uncomfortable. Blue eyes finally tore themselves open to the pitch-blackness of the tent. His eyes narrowed to try and gather what light he could from the dying embers of the fire out side but that just wasn't enough to see much of anything. He looked to his feet and saw that the tent zippered door was wide open and letting all the heat out. A brow lifted and he rose up from his stomach to sit on that pert ass and ponder a moment through his hazy mind. A hand reached out to touch where Jack lay and it kept going to the ground.

No Jack.

That was odd.

He pulled himself harder form his sleep and moved to the tent entrance, looking out on the dimly lit forest line and the fire. Still no Jack. His hand traced back to Jack's sleeping bag, it was cold. He had been gone a while, and the flashlight was still here. A tiny ember of panic began to stir up in Damien's stomach. Could the beast have taken him? No, no, that is stupid. He quashed the idea from his mind and snatched up the flashlight. Flicking it on, he slipped on his boots and exited the tent.

"Jack?" He called out through the still night and frowned when there was no reply. Damien was growing worried. He took a few steps away from the tent and shown the light out over the trees. Something moved in the bushes, something big. Damien swallowed hard. No, he refused to believe that a big green monster of the mountains was rapping his best friend and only companion in his life. He took a breath and called louder.

"Jack!?" Damien took a few more steps toward the bushes that had moved and paused. They moved again. Oh gods, oh gods. He broke out in a cold sweat, curiosity and fear drove him on while the idea that he was about to come face to face with a horrific scene of violence and sex couldn't be driven from his mind. His hand lifted, pulling back a hunk of the bushes and shown the light into the mess of evergreen shrubs. Something slammed down on his shoulder and Damien screamed, dropping the light as he fell to his knees and pushed back into the foliage. His hands went up over his eyes and he curled up tightly, trying to fend off whatever blow was to come. What came however was far from what he was expecting.

"Whoa! Damien! Easy man it's me." Damien lowered his hands slowly and looked up to Jack's handsome face. His panting began to slow as his heartbeat thundered in his ears. He finally lowered his hands to his side and regained his composure.

"Jesus Fucking Christ Jack! Are you trying to give me a fucking heart attack?!"

"Sorry man, I had to piss really bad, I forgot to close the tent. What did you think, I got dragged off by the beast?" Damien snatched up the flashlight and stormed off past his friend; glad to know he was okay, but angry as hell as Jack's laughter filtered through the air. They both settled back into bed and Damien placed his back to the snickering male beside him.


Dark yellow eyes glittered off the remaining light of the flashlight. Heavy chest fell with a deep breath it had been holding. Once satisfied the two males had returned to sleep, and convinced of such by the deep rhythmic breathing of both human's, he stood. The men's scent was heavy on the air, but not so much as the one that approached his hiding place. It was a spicy masculine mix with hints of something sweet. It was a delicious smell and should the male have recognized what he had seen behind that bush, he might have been tempted to take the male down. Lumbering steps were made light in the snow, the soft twinkle of gold flashed from his long pointed ear and with nothing more then a long deep intake of that wonderful scent, he moved on. They would come to him soon enough.


"Come on Damien, wake up!" Jack gave the sleeping form another soft nudge with his boot as he spoke in near a whine. Damien grunted and lifted his ruffled head.

"All right, all right, I'm up." It had taken him forever to get back to sleep after Jack's vanishing act. He was bothered by an image in the back of his mind. Something big, with bright yellow orbs gleaming at him when he closed his eyes. It had haunted his mind even as he slept and it was not until an hour before dawn that he finally was able to fall into his coma like sleep. He was tired, too tired to go running after Jack on this damn adventure. Still, he knew what Jack would do next if he didn't get up. A cold glass of ice water over his head, and he really didn't want to have to kill Jack. Not up here where no one would find him for weeks, where no one could hear him scream in agony and pain, where no one would see. Ah well.

Groaning softly, he rose up and ran his palm over wild strands of chocolate. This was going to be a hard day, but at least it will be mostly down hill. He rolled himself up onto his knees after putting on his boots and worked his way out of the tent. The sun was bright and he squinted as he looked off into the direction they would head. Jack had already cleaned up most of the gear and had his pack ready to go. Damien blinked as he even saw breakfast simmering over the small fire.

"Wow, I have to take you out monster hunting more often if you do all this."

"Ha ha, you are just thankful the beast didn't get me." Damien rolled his eyes; he was never going to hear the end of that, even if they did find the thing. Sighing, he sat down to eat as Jack packed up the last of the gear and the tent.

After breakfast, they put out the fire and put on their jumpsuits, heading down the mountain once more toward the river. Damien yawned, as tired as he was, he was still keeping a swifter pace the Jack would have liked. At this rate, they would get to the plateau well before nightfall and have time to take a dip in the hot springs before setting up camp.

Rounding a bend in a large rock cove, the two were met with the beautiful site of the river and forest below. The valley held warmer weather, odd as it was, but it was never below seventy-five in the shallow dip of land. Geologists say it's because of rising gasses from the long dead volcano the mountain used to be but it really was anyone's guess.

Damien paused and looked behind him for the hundredth time and frowned. Jack noticed and lifted a brow.

"I'm grateful for the concern pal but I really don't need you to look in on me every three seconds." Jack flashed a charming smile and came up to stand beside his friend.

"Heh, it's not you Jack, I keep getting the feeling we are being watched. Ever since we left the forest. Like were being followed." Jack lifted a brow and looked behind him to the empty path littered with nothing but their footprints.

"Oh. I haven't seen anything. Or heard anything for that matter." Jack shrugged and pressed on. The river was close enough he could almost hear the rushing water. Damien drew in a light breath and kept walking. He wasn't so convinced.


The human was perceptive. He had been close to discovery three times now and the idea was slightly exhilarating. No one had ever been able to tell when he was following him or her before, but this male could feel it, sense him. A spark of want was growing in his bowels now, and he made up his mind that this human would be greeted properly.


Jack lunged into the heated waters of the bubbling hot springs. The Jacuzzi like spring was a wonderful way to relive the soreness of his back and shoulders. He lowered down to a polished rock shelf and purred his enjoyment for Damien to hear.

"Oh yes, that's the good stuff." Damien laughed and entered the water with a little more care and grace. He smiled as he watched Jack melt into the folds of hot water and soon enough found a place for himself on the wall. Both men were silent for a long while. Letting the hot water stroke and caress their bodies until both men were sporting thick hard-ons. Without thinking, Jack slipped his hand inside his swim trunks and began to gently fondle his erection. A soft moan left his lips in the next breath and brought Damien's attention to what his friend was doing.

Blinking back the surprise of the scene, he just closed his eyes and blew it off as nothing. He had seen men jerk off before; he just hadn't expected it out of his friend and here of all places. It was clear that Jack was else where in his mind. Leaning back against the wall of the hot spring, he listened to Jack's soft moans and bit down on his lower lip. The throbbing cock between his thighs was aching now and with every soft groan Jack released, it only got worse ten fold. Finally Damien couldn't take it any more. He snatched up his towel and exited the pool swiftly. Jack didn't even notice.

Gods, what did he think he was doing, jerking off with him sitting right there. Did Jack just want to drive him insane? It was bad enough that Damien couldn't be affectionate with his friend physically, and only on small levels emotionally, did he have to go and tease him with the prospect of sex when he had gone three years without it? Damien just wasn't the one night stand kind of guy. He had had all of two male lovers in his life, and one female when he was sixteen but they never got past first base. His swim trunks were bulged out at his groin and he moaned as the wet fabric ran over his cock. He was so horny he couldn't stand it. He would just have to find a nice quiet place to jerk off himself or something in his stomach was going to explode. Damn Jack for teasing him like that.

He found a nice pile of smooth stones a good ways from camp and the hot springs. The unusual warm weather had dried his skin and hair, leaving only the light blue swim suit to still need airing out. He figured he was safe enough. Stripping off the shorts he found a comfortable place on the grass and sat. He licked his palm, running it over the coarse erection. A soft moan left him as he rolled his head in his thumb and began to firmly jerk the lengthy shaft.

Jack was just as tall Damien, both men stood at 6'3 and both with impressively sized packages. While Jack was slightly thicker then him, Damien held a good inch over his friend in length. He had always been proud of his ten inches of raw fuck power. Andy had liked it too, when he chose to give up dominance of the relationship for an evening. Dame had always been submissive in the bedroom, but that really was the extent of his submissive personality.

He jerked harder, feeling his hips begin to rise and fall as he thrust into his own palm. Jack's moans and the sight of his pleasure-hazed face were pushing him harder. He groaned as he stroked his thumb in the beads of precum and began to pump harder. His tight ass clenched and he bit his lower lip as he felt his body start to clime over its own peak.


He had followed the male to the hot springs. His, hot springs. A low growl vibrated his throat as he watched; at least he was able to see more of the human's body. He was lean and muscled, thick at the arms and powerful chest. His thighs were sculpted in round muscle and his skin looked like honey gold. He licked his lips; he could already taste that sweet flesh under his mouth and tongue. The scent of sex took the air and his nose lifted the breath in a bit more. His groin twitched, the round red head ventured from his sheath and he shifted those heavy legs to accommodate the tightening of his massive balls. The other human started to moan and he growled with frustration. He couldn't take the one he wanted while the other was around.

He was ready to pounce by the time his target shifted and rose from the water. Somewhat relived, he followed silently in his trail as his prey moved deeper into the forest, away from the other male. Perfect. The smell of sex was stronger now; deeply haunting the air with its intoxicating affects to his bestial senses and his own cock began to grow from its birthplace. The thick shaft was bobbing with his steps and once the male came to lean on the rocks he hid behind, he knew this would be his opportunity. However, he would sit in wait. Watching the male as he pleasured himself. His cock throbbed, its shaft nearly as thick as the human's calve. It would be a hard fit but he would be sure that his prey took its full eighteen inches and loved every moment of it.


Damien groaned, his hips were rocking hard now, thankful he had put the towel under his naked ass to keep it from getting scratched up on the grass and dirty below. He was close now, his hand began to pump harder and he threw back his head as a light sheen of sweat broke out on his forehead. Crystal blue eyes opened to look at the white clouds overhead but something was blocking them. A pair of glowing yellow eyes peered down at him as a small muzzle like mouth was pulled up into a deep snarl. Red flame like hair with bright yellow accents branched out from the green face of the monster perched over him.

"Holy Shit!" Damien sprung forward, throwing his body weight to try and get away from the massive form. He struggled to his feet as something like a deep laugh came from behind him, low and menacing. He managed to take two steps and then a hard weight slammed into his back, sending him to the ground with a painful thud. He drew in a breath to scream, to try and get Jack to come help him, but a green furred hand with thick black claws came over his mouth. Half his face was engulfed in the incredible large hand and he wagered if the thing atop him wanted to, it could snap his neck like a twig without even trying. His nostrils flared, dragging in breath after deep breath in sheer panic. His felt his naked thighs thrust apart by one huge knee and his flailing arms were swiftly pinned under the hard weight of the other clawed hand. His hips were ground hard into the cool grass and he whimpered. His legs were locked in place more then shoulder width apart and a thick hot slab of hard flesh was dragged over his tight ass.

Oh gods he wasn't being killed he was being rapped! He screamed into the monster's palm struggling with all his power to get some leverage and pull away from the massive force on top of him. His hands were jerked over his head and he could see the green monster to have the same coloring hair on his forearms in one large patch. And those eyes, those eyes that had haunted his dream, the feeling of being followed, it all had led up to this. Oh gods, why hadn't he stayed next to Jack? Why had he come to find something four times his size and not bring a weapon?

He felt sharp teeth bite the back of his neck hard, just shy of breaking the flesh, and then a deep voice like thunder echoed slightly muffled in his ears.

"Silence. I'm going to take my hand away and you will remain silent, one sound louder then a whimper and I'll snap your neck. Agreed?" Damien panted, trying to gather his wits as he thought about the prospect of dying over being rapped. He finally relented and nodded against the creature's hand. "Good." Slowly he withdrew that massive hand and Damien could tell now that it could engulf his entire face if the beast so desired it. He stayed silent, still slightly pulling against the immense weight on his back. He felt the weight shift just enough to let the free hand run its sharp talons gently over his shoulder and back. Damien whimpered and bit his lower lips, choosing to try and plead for his life.

"Pl..please don't hurt me..I..I wont tell anyone about you, I wont.." He went silent as a dark snarl ripped from the creature's throat and he stopped his talons close to Damien's hip.

"Behave yourself and I wont hurt you, try to run and your dead. Scream and your dead, got it?" Damien nodded slightly and he felt the hot tears of fear run down his cheeks. His heart was thrashing against his chest and in his veins. He felt that hand travel down his hip and then under. His hips were lifted as the beast released his hands and moved to its knees behind him. His body trembled and he fought to keep from hyperventilating. One hand slipped behind him and a thick taloned finger pressed against the tight ring of muscle, the creature smiled as Damien moaned. He was still so horny and though the fear was over whelming he couldn't deny that his body enjoyed the tease. His cock throbbed hard and his balls tightened more so. Then that finger slid inside him and Damien chocked on his own breath. The finger alone was thicker then any cock that had ever entered him. He found himself arching up, his spine stretching as his canal stretched to accommodate the massive digit.

The finger began to move inside him, massaging his prostate and sending electric shocks up his body. The feel of the fine sleek fur stroking inside him drive him into a frenzy of lust and want. Before he could stop himself, he was up on his hands and knee thrusting back against the hand that fucked him. Each time it forced deeper and stretched him winder and soon he felt the other hot palm move under him, cupping his bobbing cock and stroking it with hard jerks and deep massages of the thumb over his head. That finger in his ass pushed forward, scraping the sharp nail over the most tender of glands and Damien lost it.

He loudly moaned his pleasure as streams of hot cum exploded from his cock. Humping hard into the stroking palm, he bucked both back and forth and gasped his orgasm over and over again. Tremors rocked his body hard and he shuttered so intensely that he fell over onto his stomach and the palm that still gently milked his cock. Moaning softly, he flexed around the digit that was still buried in him, still deeply massaging inside his tight walls. He groaned as the hand on his cock finally retreated. Bringing the taste of his cum to the large mouth where it was slowly licked off.

" taste good. That wasn't so bad now was it?" Damien sighed softly and shook his head.

"No." He whispered.

"Good, because I'm not done with you." Damien shifted slightly grinding back against the digit that still stroked inside of him. He wasn't afraid any more, at least not as bad as he had been. His orgasm had relaxed him and he now took a much calmer approach to the situation.

"Can...Can I look at you?" He hadn't turned to get a good view of his attacker yet and he wanted to see the face of the voice, not just the haunting eyes.

"Soon. First I'm going to ride that hard ass of yours." Damien blinked and swallowed. The beast's finger was thicker then anything he had ever had inside him, he couldn't imagine something bigger and he was willing to bet the creatures cock was bigger then his finger.

"Please, go slow?" He knew he couldn't stop the beast; his only hope was to get the creature to go easy on him and pray he came fast. He heard the creature scoff as he worked his finger harder in his ass. Damien moaned and felt himself being lifted by the other hand, back onto his hands and knees. He held the submissive pose and clamped his teeth together. This was really going to hurt. That finger was joined with another and he cried out from the hard stretch, but he was also grateful this was happening. If the beast didn't warm him up and stretch his ass enough to get the head in with minimal pain, the entire thing would be extremely painful and he would most likely die from internal bleeding.

The two fingers began to fuck him, moving in and out deeply, he felt his cock coming back to life and groaned. His head still spun from the last orgasm and here his body was already ready for another one. He felt his hips being adjusted and he bit his lower lip, the two fingers had worked him open well and he felt incredibly stretched. Finally those fingers removed and he felt something intensely hot press against the puckering entrance. One swift motion sent the molten head past the ring and deep within him. Damien arched in silent cry of pain, he felt as well as heard the creature growl from the vice like grip around his tip.

He remained still, allowing the human to get use to his size before he would begin to rid the beautiful male. His hand ran down Damien's back and lightly scrapped his nails along the lengthy spine. He smiled as the human shivered and arched up into the touch. He was hungry for it. The human was lonely and in need of his touch. He liked that. He pushed another few inches into the tight ass and groaned, feeling the male tighten around his cock and throbbed with his own need. The pressure on the human's gland was like nothing else on earth and he would no doubt climax several times before he was done. Slowly, he worked in the massive cock, inches at a time until he was hilt deep into the male's ass. It was so hot and slick with small bits of blood and natural fluids. He groaned as the human did.

Damien couldn't believe he had so much cock inside him. He felt so full and at the same time fearful of the damage it would do to his innards. The pressure inside him was amazing. Any movement at this point was going to make him cum and cum hard. He held very still as he grew use to the massive length. All of a sudden the cock inside him flexed and shifted back. Damien was reduced to a pile of moaning whimpering flesh as hot white fire ran up his body in electric shocks. He came again, white seed gushing from his tip all over the ground below him. His balls tight and his member quivering, he wanted to fall over again but two large clawed hands on his hips kept him up. A few long strokes were given, nearly all the way out and then back in again. Damien was dazed from his orgasm and barely felt anything but the pressure in his ass and against his glad.

Then is happened. The beast behind him left his control behind and began to pump and thrust hard into him, fast deep stroke after faster deeper strokes. He was being pounded like dough and his body was reacting like it had a mind of its own. His cock never softened and as he was being ridden so hard by the powerful force behind him, he felt another climax on the rise.

"Oh gods...oh gods, so good!" He didn't know why it didn't hurt, why it didn't feel like he was being torn in half, but it was the most amazing sex he had ever had and he never wanted it to stop. His hips bucked and he ground against his odd lover. This brought a deep moan from the creature's lips and he lowered his mouth to gently bite Damien's shoulder. Sharp teeth drew blood and he lapped a slightly rough tongue over the tender area to sooth the tortured flesh. Damien gasped and moaned as his head fell down and brown chocolate washed over his sweaty face.

The creature growled deep and pumped harder still. He lifted Damien off the ground and pressed him hard against the wide chest of green fur. Both bodies panted and gasped as gravity helped to push him deeper still. Damien laced his hands in the fire red main and tugged gently, arching his back up against the wonderful heat of his furred body. The creature moaned and fucked him harder still, snarling as his animal lust was unleashed on the tight ass. Damian sobbed, tears flooding down his face from such a hard pleasure that was taking over every fiber of his being.

The creatures heavy balls tightened and he lowered his muzzle like mouth to bite firmly on a tender shoulder while hot streams of cum erupted inside Damien's ass. His stomach budged, his bowels filling with the hot thick seed and filled him worse then a large enema. He screamed his pleasure as his cock spewed white seed once more, trembling violently from the pleasure and the exertion of three mind blowing orgasm. The beast was still going, still filling him with seed and Damien whimpered as his stomach grew outward and finally could take no more. The yellow seed of the creature seeped from his ass. He could feel it between his thighs. It was very thick, like molasses and it had a potent sweet smell. It was so hot it almost burned and he was willing to bet it was like industrial strength glue when it dried.

Looking down with hazy blue eyes washed in lust, he couldn't help thinking he looked pregnant; his stomach bulged out so badly. Damien moaned as the creature wrapped its heavy thick arms around him. He couldn't take it any more. Damien fainted dead away, passed out in the powerful arms of his bestial lover.


It had been hours since Jack had seen Damien and he was getting very worried. At first he thought it might be payback for vanishing last night or even for what he did in the hot springs. He didn't think his friend would get so upset over the matter. He had expected him to join in, not run off. He was starting to feel really guilt now. Wishing he hadn't teased him about the monster getting him and it being gay. It would be nightfall soon and he wouldn't be able to search for Damien in the dark. They both had satellite phones but Damien had run off with nothing but a towel and his swim trunks. If he was hurt or lost, his friend would have nothing to help.

Jack huffed and folded his arms over his cotton-covered chest. He would just have to hope that Damien made it back before nightfall and then go look for him in the morning if he hadn't come back yet.


" ass." Damien woke the next morning to the soft throb in his ass and the sound of trickling water passing near his ears. Blue eyes slowly fluttered open yet there was not much light to give him any idea where he was. Blinking a few times to get his eyes used to the lack of light he felt something cool and wet touch his puckered opening. He jumped and moved to scramble away from whatever it was but a firm palm came to his back and pressed him down to the soft bedding under him. He fell with an "Oof" and blinked a few more times. "Hello?"

"Hush, let me finish." The same voice, it was the creature and he was attending to the sore muscle of Damien's rear. The cool cloth pressed against him again and he shivered.

"What are you doing?" He asked timidly.

"Cleaning you." Damien blinked but remained still. He had no wish to upset the beast behind him. Soft sigh left his lips as felt the cool cloth caress slowly down the line of his plump cheeks and under to clean his tired balls. It was rather odd. He would have expected the beast to just kill him or leave him for dead on the grass where he passed out, but being taken to its home, or at least he assumed that is where they were, and being looked after was not even on his possibility list. He grunted as the cloth pressed against the puckered entrance. It was an intimate moment he didn't know if he wanted to be sharing with the other but it seemed silly since they had royally fucked. He kept his thighs open as the other wished and folded his arms under his chin as he waited to find out just what the beast wanted with him.

The pain in his rump was slowly subsiding and the heat was eased with the cold of the water on the cloth. He purred softly despite himself; he was rather enjoying this. After another few moments, the touches of the rag stopped and the creature shifted in the darkness. Damien looked up toward the beasts face and waited patiently. He smiled as a warm palm cupped his backside and slowly rolled him up into a furry lap. He could feel the soft sheath of the creature press against his back and the hot grapefruit sized balls gently resting against him as well. He kept his hands in his lap, still waiting with no wish to get dead.

A soft muzzle came down and lightly bit his shoulder. It moved slowly up his neck and grasped his ear in a light hold before a tender tug was given and Damien moaned. Beast or not, the thing was talented at what he did. His fingers played in the creature's fur over those thickly muscled thighs. Damien could tell the creature was big before, but now he found out just how big, and it was all pure tight muscle. He felt a little uneasy as he was manhandled and tossed over the creature's wide shoulder. He could feel them moving upward. Each step was long and heavy but surprisingly there was little more sound than that of his breathing.

The place they were in was getting lighter; they must be heading toward light because he could now make out what the walls were made off. He was in a cave. The stone walls were polished and smooth with small streams of water running down the sides. The sound was pleasing, almost relaxing but with his hard stomach pressed against an even harder shoulder of thick muscle, he was more concerned with where he was being taken. Pert ass in the air with a clawed hand resting over it to keep him snuggly pressed to the beast, he had little choice in the matter of where he was being taken. However, now there was enough light to see his attacker. At least the back side of him. Looking down from the strands of chocolate hair, he smirked as he watched muscle ripple under the animal's back and plump ass. His legs were long and ended with gargoyle like feet. Black claws dawned his long toes just like his hands and two more patches of the fire and bright yellow hair was on each leg.

Damien grunted as his body was bounced on the other's shoulder. He couldn't believe just how small he was compared to it. It must be eight feet tall and its chest was the expanse of four of his own. The arms were as thick as he was in some places and its thighs bulged under the fine green hair. The creature was built like a tank, an immovable force of muscle and power. Damien drew in a breath and tired to keep calm. If he could just get to his gear he could make a run for it. Even if it was the best fuck of his young life, he was more concerned with his death then his sex life.

It had grown very light in the cavern and he now had to squint as they came from the mouth of the cove. He felt the muscle under him shift and hands cup his hips as he was lifted and set on the ground. Blinking up to the huge figure, he was taken aback by the face. The long pointed ears look like exaggerated elf ears and his face held strong characteristics of the kangaroo like Jack had said. The bone structure narrowed down to something like a cat's nose. Just below it a human mouth with white human like teeth that held a slight smile. The small brown strip of fur ran up the bridge of its nose and stopped between the soft eyebrows. Just behind the ears stood a pair of dark navy blue, almost purple horns that curled downward like a ram and ended in blunt points.

Over all it was attractive face, not hideous or drooling or any of the stereotypes that one might associate with a barbaric beast. Damien returned the smile timidly. He had to admit, the creature was attractive, and a great lay but he was on edge and jumpy.

"Are you all right?" The deep voice purred softly and Damien realized he was staring, not only that but he was being held protectively against the creature's body. That limp sheath rested against his stomach, another thing he noticed had returned to normal. Thank the gods. Dame smiled slightly and nodded, tearing his eyes away from the brightly colored main of red and yellow.

"Yeah, sorry." His hands remained at his side as he felt the clawed hand gently work it's way down his back and cup his defenseless rear.

"I mean all of you." Damien smirked and nodded slightly, lifting a hand to push back a few strands of unruly hair. Then the powerful arms that held him released, he felt prone and more naked then he already was. Not to mention drafty. His hands folded down to his groin, casually trying to cover himself a little. Looking behind him to the valley below, he noticed just how high he really was. The creature's home seemed to be imbedded in the mountainside and sure enough, he was standing on a small rock plateau. Jeez, if Jack could only see him now. Gods, Jack, he must be going out of his mind with worry. Damien looked up to the creature and then away again, trying to think of a wait to ask nicely for his life to be spared.

"What do you want with me? And who, or what are you?" Well that wasn't as polite as he would have liked it but it was the foremost questions on his mind. The creature smiled slightly and lowered to sit on one of the polished stones.

"My name is Loric, I'm an Acarian. What I want from you I have taken, and I'm going to take it again and again until you collapse dead, or I tire of you." Damien swallowed hard and met Loric's bright yellow eyes, he felt very small and powerless but he held his ground.

"So I'm your prisoner?"

"Not exactly, more like a pet. One I plan on taking good care of." One taloned hand lifted and motioned for him to come closer. Damien took a step back and put his arms up, he might be able to get away, this might be his only chance. His legs made up his mind for him as he sprung back from the arm that lashed out to capture him. He turned swiftly and bolted down the first small cliff of rocks. Without shoes or clothing he had to move slower, relying on his balance and climbing skills to get him out of here. He heard Loric snarl, it was so close, he pumped harder, moving faster down the rock cliff and he screamed Jack's name in the small hope his friend might hear him. Blue eyes looked up to the small dot of the tent as he felt Loric's breath on his back. He had only one hope, leap to the next pile of rocks and pray for a softer landing then what he was going to get.

Just a few more strides and he could make the leap. Running full tilt, he slapped his feet on the rocks and moved to jump. His foot lost its grip on the rock and he slid with force down the small jagged pile. Damien shouted as he plummeted downward. He heard the flesh tear and felt the hot blood that ran over his back, sliding down on his thigh and arm and trying to stop the fall that would break him in half. Suddenly something gripped is wrist and yanked him upward. Damien began to shout but it was cut off as his temple struck a smooth rock and everything went black.


Jack had been looking all morning. His friend was gone without the smallest trace. He was worried, very worried and he had not a clue what to do. Exploring the forest for signs of a struggle or blood or something that would lead him to Damien, it was mid afternoon before he finally found a clue. Damien's towel and swimsuit were in a crumpled mess by a large rock pile. The grass around the area was flattened and a hard amber colored substance was all over the ground. There were tracks in the softer dirt, large and almost like Tyrannosaurus prints. The smell of sex was still on the air and Jack's eyes opened wide as his imagination ran wild. Wherever Damien was, he was nude and not alone.


It was several hours before Damien awoke again. He had never gotten so much sleep in his life and with so little the night before hand he was almost grateful for the rest. He was someplace new. There was enough light here, from what looked like electric lamps, to see. With a soft groan he attempted to move. A warm body was behind him. Something hard but with a silky velvet coating that was rather comfortable. Something was wrapped around him as well. He tugged at his hands; they were tied firmly behind his back, as were his ankles tied together in the same manor. His wrists and ankles were then connected by a thick metal chain that left him little to no movement at all. To top it off, something was wedged between his knees, braced there to keep his thighs widely parted and open. Something else was constricting him. A thick band of what felt like leather was wrapped around his neck and connected with a thick silver chain to the rock wall.

He jerked his head back and grunted as a sharp pain pulsed in his head. Great, a minor concussion. He would only imagine what else was broken on him from that stunt. However the only pain he felt was from his thigh. Looking over he could tell it was rather raw, the scratches and scraps from his fall burned but there was some kind of blue oil on them. Must be some alien healing agent. Damien lowered his head to the rather soft padding under him and exhaled. He was in deep shit. Awkwardly, he attempted to get up on his knees but the position of the metal bar between his knees was not making it easy. He toppled over several time and finally gave up as Loric rolled over and draped a heavy arm over him.


Next: Chapter 2

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