
By Brady York

Published on Dec 29, 2001


I am honored to have had some of the best known Nifty authors write to me about Superheroes and offer their support. How incredible to get email from the author of Bleeding Hearts and Duck Blind, two of my favorite stories and inspiration.

Also, I was totally unprepared for the volume of email I got from everyone, and I'd really like to say thanks for the encouragement. Please feel free to continue sending suggestions, even the guy that wanted me to do a Christmas chapter (maybe).

Thanks again, everyone!

Brady York a.k.a. Yorktown!

P.s. Special thanks to Rimshot, ya big mush!

Superheroes: Part 2

"C'mon, Dino. Robin never ignored Batman when he said get up." Bastian pulled the comforter and sheets off the bed, leaving Dino shivering on the mattress in his underwear.

"Robin never stayed up all night making out with you." Dino grumbled and sat up, hugging himself. "Jesus Christ, does the furnace work?"

"The power's out." Bastian tossed the covers back on the bed. "It's cool, though. I woke up at a quarter to seven like I always do. We're not late. I made a fire and put coffee on in the silver pot on the hearth. I'm gonna hit the shower."

"There's still hot water?" Dino grabbed the robe he'd gotten Bastian last year for Christmas and wrapped up in it and followed Bastian out of the room.

"Yeah, I guess it doesn't need electricity, or it hasn't been off very long." Bastian went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Dino got a mug from the cabinet and went to the fireplace and poured some coffee. He sat on a pillow near the fire and let the caffeine soak into his system. He hated mornings with a passion, and intended to find a career that didn't require getting up early when he graduated. Anything so he could sleep in.

He was almost awake when he heard the bathroom door open, and he turned to see Bastian coming down the hall wrapped in a towel. He smiled at the sight of such a beautiful body and face, every muscle moving under the skin, and he chuckled.

"What?" Bastian returned a dopey grin. He was brushing through his hair and stopped.

"I like waking up with you." Dino stood up and handed the mug of coffee to Bastian. "I've been watching you do your morning thing since I was in pre-school, and I never noticed how gorgeous you are."

"Thanks." Bastian blushed and looked at the floor. "You know, I was real worried that you'd hate me if you found know,....."

"That you loved me?" Dino reached up and touched Bastian's cheek. "Dork, I already knew that. I just didn't know how much."

Bastian closed his eyes and pressed his head against Dino's hand. "I don't think you're supposed to call people you're in love with dork."

"I have to shower, Batman." Dino stood on his toes and kissed Bastian on the lips and then headed down the hall to the bathroom. When he came out, Bastian was pulling on his silver boots and had pulled his purple spandex suit on but hadn't been able to zip it up. Dino did it for him and went to the bed for his suit.

"It's a lot easier if you wait until you're all the way dry." Bastian said sheepishly. "It's a bitch to pull up when you're wet."

"Got it. Since you're ready, will you start the Subaru? That way it'll be warmed up." Dino headed into Bastian's room to get dressed.

There was nearly a foot of fresh snow from last night, and the drive to the elementary school was a challenge but not bad. Bastian looked out the window as they passed out of the hills to the north of town and into the small commerce district. The elementary school was near the library where Dino worked on the south end of Main Street. The river ran through the middle of town and was a favorite spot for swimming and ice-skating.

"Dino, are there other gay people at school?" Bastian asked quietly. He felt Dino's hand wrap around his and looked back to him. "Do you know any?"

"There's a few. Why?" Dino kissed Bastian's hand and released it, going back to driving. "Are you going to attend the meetings?"

"They have meetings?" Bastian pulled a face.

"Bast, relax. Nobody has to know about us but us. The ones at school are known about because they want to be." Dino took his hand again and squeezed it reassuringly.

"I just don't want anybody to fuck with you. I don't care about me." Bastian looked at Dino's hand and smiled slightly. He lifted their hands up a little. "I kind of like this, though."

"Nice, isn't it?" Dino glanced at him and blushed a little. "I like it, too."

They arrived only a few minutes after Roxy and walked over to help her unload the comics. She laughed and took her sunglasses off as they approached. "Oh my GOD! You two look incredible! You're dead ringers for the characters!" She kissed Bastian on the cheek and hugged her son. "Thank you so much for doing this."

"He does look good in tights, doesn't he?" Dino teased. Bastian's face darkened and he punched Dino in the shoulder just hard enough to get his attention. "Ow, you big dink. I was kidding." He put his mask on and stuck his tongue out.

Bastian put his mask on and picked up several of the boxes to follow Roxy inside. He dreaded the next few hours. Bastian wasn't very fond of kids, but for some reason they loved him. He went to a friend's house one time to return a video game and ended up wrestling for an hour on the floor with twin five year olds.

Now, as they went into the school cafeteria / gym, his chest tightened and his stomach flopped. He could feel cold sweat on his forehead, and his hands felt clammy. Dino looked up at him and smiled, and then realized that something was wrong.

He set his box of books down and went over to Bastian. "What is it, big guy? You okay?" Bastian shook his head al little and held his hand out. It trembled. "Stage fright?" He asked, and Bastian swallowed and nodded.

Dino led him out into the cool air by the cars. "Just take some deep breaths. You'll be fine. I'm going to be right here the whole time, your faithful side kick."

"God, I'm nervous." Bastian's voice sounded strained.

Dino thumped his new boyfriend's chest lightly with his fist. "Tell you what. I'll give you something else to think about when you start getting nervous, okay?" Bastian nodded, and Dino leaned close to his ear and whispered for several seconds, then licked Bastian's ear.

"Jesus Christ!" Bastian whispered loudly and folded his cape around himself to hide some accidental reactions. "Dino, I'm wearing goddamn near nothing. Don't do that!"

"Not afraid anymore, though, are ya?" Dino flashed a grin and pulled the door open, swatting Bastian's ass as he went by. "Go get 'em, Captain Saturn."

As it turned out, it was a blast. Bastian stood near the small stage in the gym surrounded by clamoring first and second graders signing comic books, and Dino stood facing him not far away with his own crowd. Every now and then Bastian would look up and meet his eyes, and Dino would lick his lips, causing Bastian to blush furiously and look down.

For two hours they met with each of the grades, and with Roxy's prompting, Bastian started picking up some of Captain Saturn's lines and knew some of the answers the character would give.

Dino felt his heart swell as he watched Bastian smiling and talking to the kids, and marveled at how well he was doing. The kids loved him and had to hug him as they went by to leave for their classrooms. At eleven, the gym was empty. He watched as his mother and two of the teachers chatted and walked out of the cavernous room and then he walked over to Bastian and held out his fist.

Bastian smiled and popped his fist on Dino's and then got his popped. "It was cool, wasn't it? Did you see their faces?"

"I saw yours, ya big mush." Dino shook his head and put his hand flat on Bastian's chest. "I was really proud of you, Bastian. The kids loved you."

"Thanks." They turned and headed for the door. Bastian pulled his mask off and looked at it. "I hate to say it, but I kind of liked this."

"What's wrong with that?" Dino asked. He pulled off his mask and twirled it around his finger.

"My dad never was much on heroes, remember? I thought G.I. Joe was like the coolest guy on earth. I really wanted to be him when I grew up."

"Yeah, I remember." Dino felt anger build up in his stomach. "Your dad bitched you out for imagining shit and told you to get your ass back in reality." He slipped his arm around Bastian's waist as the walked down the hall. "That was messed up, Bast. He shouldn't have done that. Heroes are good for you."

"If I tell you something and you make fun of it, I'll beat your ass, okay?"

Bastian said seriously. Dino nodded, and Bastian cleared his throat. "You were kinda my hero. Every time dad kicked my ass or screamed at me, you made me feel better. You always made it okay."

Dino had to swallow before he could speak. He stopped in his tracks and felt his chest hitch. Bastian looked at him, worried, and Dino smiled and shook his head. "I'm okay, Bast." He swallowed again, trying not to cry. "I think that's the best thing anybody ever told me, man. I mean it." He blinked several times and pointed at the door, embarrassed. "Let's get out of here."

True to her word, Roxy had excused them from school for the rest of the day, and they got in the Subaru to head home. The rain had started and it was still very cold. In some places on the road the rain had frozen and made it slick.

Dino stopped in front of Bastian's house and put the car in neutral. "Get changed and come over. We can make some soup or sandwiches and play a game or something." He squeezed Bastian's hand quickly. "Hurry, okay?"

"I will." Bastian closed the door and trudged through the snow to his porch. Dino waited until he was inside before driving the rest of the way home. He parked under the carport and ran in the house. Neither of them had worn coats over their thin costumes, and he was freezing.

"I got you two subs on the way home." Roxy called as he ran down the stairs to his room. "They're in the fridge, and there's chips and drinks. You had a message from the library. They're closing because of the storm so you don't have to go in tonight."

"Thanks, Mom!" He called back and pulled at his boots. "Are you still going to your bridge club thing?" Roxy played in a club every Thursday afternoon. He reached behind his neck for the zipper and went to the door to listen for the answer.

"No, I'm going with Barb Conrad to finish Christmas shopping. Need anything?"

"No. Bastian's staying. We're doing burgers for dinner. We'll cook if you'll stop and get salad stuff." He pulled the front of the suit down around his waist and looked up the stairs at her. "We've got frozen fries. We just need something to go with it."

"I'll stop on the way home. Tell Captain Saturn I said thanks again." She blew him a kiss. "You two were awesome. Stay out of trouble. Don't forget to eat your lunch." She turned and headed into the kitchen.

Dino finally got the suit off, nearly falling on the floor in the process, and pulled on some boxers and sweats. He turned on the computer to load while he rummaged for a t-shirt. He heard the door open and close, then open and close again. It was way to early for his siblings to get home, so it had to be Bastian. "Grab a couple of cokes." He hollered.

Bastian tromped down the stairs and came up behind Dino. He touched the cold can of pop to Dino's neck and made him flinch. "Miss me?" He offered a shit-eating grin.

Dino turned around and rolled his eyes. "For eight minutes? Of course I did." He leaned up and kissed Bastian. "I'm really getting used to that."

"Me too." Bastian chuckled and tossed his coat over the chair. "Can I put the weather channel on? I wanna see what's up with that storm." Bastian found the remote and flopped on the bed. "That zipper was a bitch. I thought I was gonna have to wear it over here and get you to help. Is that to loud?"

"No, that's cool." Dino sat down at the computer and started up the internet, glancing over his shoulder every now and then. He wanted information, and he didn't really want to tell Bastian how he got it.

"Holy shit." Bastian sat up on the end of the bed and pointed at the TV. The weatherman showed several scenes of flooding and cars off the road, commenting that the momentum of the front hadn't gone down any. "We're gonna get bombed."

Dino found what he was after and read furiously. He'd always had the ability to rapidly digest information, and this went straight to his brain. He flipped to another site and read that, half listening as Bastian described the chaos that was coming later in the evening.

"God, look at this, Dino. There's two semis on their sides in the river over in Plattston." Bastian shook his head and sipped from the can of coke.

He kicked of his shoes and slipped back on the bed. "Think they need help doing sandbags and stuff?"

"Maybe." Dino closed down the computer and jumped onto the bed behind Bastian, wrapping his arms around his chest. "If they do they'll put it on the news." He took the remote and turned off the TV. "We have three hours to ourselves, and I really don't give a shit about the weather." He kissed Bastian and slid his tongue in.

"Me either." Bastian grinned and laid back. He pulled Dino down on top of him and kissed him again, longer and sweeter, gaining confidence. "Did you mean what you said at the school?" He stroked Dino's dark bangs out of his face and tucked them behind his ear.

"Time to find out." Dino gave him a wicked grin and slid his hands up under Bastian's shirt, pushing it up in the process. He leaned down and licked one of Bastian's nipples, causing him to inhale sharply.

"Man, that gave me goose bumps!" Bastian whispered. Dino grinned at him again and licked the other one and sucked on it. "God, that's good."

Dino ran his fingers across the tiny blond hairs on Bastian's chest and put small kisses all over. With a slight urging, Bastian sat up just enough to get his shirt off, and Dino continued his work.

Bastian let his hands roam Dino's back, enjoying the feel of every rib and the smoothness of his skin. He got bold and slid his hands under the elastic waistband of Dino's sweats. Dino arched his back and groaned.

"I like that." He said quietly. "Pull my shirt off." Bastian did so, and the held each other and kissed. After several minutes, Dino sat up. He was astride Bastian's waist, and he could feel what was happening between them. It was happening to him, too.

"Relax." He said and smiled, then reached down and undid Bastian's belt. "I've been waiting a long time for this." He opened the fly on Bastian's jeans and then looked up surprised and tickled at the same time. Bastian didn't have any underwear on.

"You told me not to at the school." Bastian's face was red.

"God I love it when you listen to me." Dino leaned up and kissed him and then moved to the side. "Lift up." Bastian swallowed hard and did what he was told. Dino quickly slid his pants down and off, unable to take his eyes off Bastian's beautiful cock. It popped right up and was almost eight inches long. There was a fair amount of darker blond pubic hair around it, and very little on his legs.

Dino had seen Bastian naked frequently for as long as he could remember, but he couldn't ever remember him looking as beautiful as he did lying there on the bed right this minute. Hesitantly, he reached out and put his hand around it, praying to God that he wasn't dreaming.

Bastian groaned softly as Dino moved his hand up and down. He looked at Bastian's face and saw bliss, and he knew he was doing something right. Getting braver, he leaned down and put his mouth over it, doing what the website described, and felt Bastian arch up under him.

"Oh my God!" Bastian hissed. "Jesus, that's so incredible." He pulled at the blanket with his hands and curled his toes.

Dino used his tongue to prod and lick Bastian while he moved his head up and down, keeping rhythm with his hand. It didn't seem very long to him before Bastian groaned loudly and began to move his hips, coming up to meet Dino.

"Oh! Oh God!" Bastian whimpered. A feeling he couldn't describe caused his stomach to knot up, and he half crunched up, pulling the blanket towards him. "Oh! Oh!" His hips moved involuntarily, and he squeezed his eyes shut tight. "Oh, Please!"

Dino was totally unprepared for the power of Bastian's orgasm. It was like trying to take to big a drink and getting fluid in the wrong pipe. Blast after blast hit the back of his throat, and try as he might, he couldn't keep up. Bastian bucked hard again and again, his cock hitting the back of Dino's throat, and he choked and coughed, blowing cum all over Bastian's legs and stomach.

"Are you okay?" Bastian sat up and lifted his face up. "I'm sorry, I couldn't talk."

"Good." Dino wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Tastes funny but I like it." He grinned and punched Bastian in the chest. "I thought you were gonna fucking drown me, though."

"I never had it happen like that." Bastian smiled wistfully and pulled Dino down onto his back. "I never had sex before." He kissed Dino, tasting himself on Dino's tongue. "That is kinda different, ain't it?"

Dino nodded and closed his eyes. He was actually a little winded. "Yeah, but it tastes and smells just like you."

"My turn to find out." Bastian smiled and slid his hands palms up under Dino's ass and pulled his sweats. "I want to see what you taste like." Dino grinned and lifted his hips to make it easier. Bastian tossed the sweats on the floor and ran his eyes from Dino's face to the tip of his toes.

"You are so incredible." He said quietly. Dino was not built as large or as heavily as Bastian, but he was cut and had wide shoulders and a square chest. His stomach was perfect, each ab muscle perfectly square, and his cock was almost as long as Bastian's but slightly thinner. Dino almost no body hair, and his pubic hair was just a bit more than a tuft.

"What did you tell me? Oh yeah, relax." Bastian winked and slid his mouth down over Dino's hard on. For Dino, it was an entirely different experience for both of them. Bastian had to stop frequently and push Dino back down on the mattress. After several minutes and one near laughing fit, he finally wrapped his arms around Dino's waist and used his own body to hold him down.

"Aaaauuugh! Oh!" Dino yelled and curled up around Bastian, his orgasm sending his mind reeling. "Ah! Jesus!" He clutched at Bastian's shoulders and wrapped his legs around his waist and shook as his load convulsed into Bastian's mouth. There were tears in his eyes when he collapsed back on to the pillows, and when Bastian crawled up beside him, Dino wrapped his arms around him and squeezed as hard has he could.

"Easy, Dino. Hey, calm down." Bastian held him and rubbed his back as Dino trembled and cried. "Please don't cry, baby. Please, Dino." Bastian was scared as he tried to look into Dino's eyes.

"I'm okay." Dino sniffed and buried his face in Bastian's strong chest. "Oh, that was so perfect. I love you so much, Bastian, you have no idea." Bastian pulled the covers up over them, and Dino molded himself to Bastian's body.

"I have a pretty good idea. You scared me shitless." Bastian kissed his forehead. "I didn't expect it to upset you like that."

"It didn't upset me." Dino chuckled and swiped at the tears on his cheeks.

"I can't describe it. I just love you, okay?"

"Okay." Bastian smiled and kissed him, and then put his head on the pillows, holding Dino close. "I'm kinda wore out. Can I just hold you for a while?" He closed his eyes and sighed, stroking Dino's hair.

"Only 'til hell freezes over." Dino mumbled and drifted off to sleep.

They woke up almost an hour later to a horrendous thundering noise. It sounded like rocks being dropped on the house, and they jolted awake. "What the hell is that?" Dino slid out of bed and ran to the window, pulling the blind up. His jaw dropped. "Oh my God, Bast, look at this!"

Bastian pulled the comforter up around his shoulders and brought it with him, encircling Dino when he got to the window. At first he couldn't believe his eyes. "That's hail." He said in awe. The hailstones landing in the backyard were almost the size of baseballs. They exploded when the hit something solid like concrete, and Bastian looked into the neighbor's yard to see the hail destroying their greenhouse.

"I hope Mom isn't in her car." Dino said quietly and looked at his watch. "Paul and Annie should still be in school until three." He looked up at Bastian with worry on his slender features. "I gotta call mom." He moved out of the blanket and grabbed his sweatpants. "I hope she's still at the mall."

"I'm sure she is. Didn't she say she'd be home for dinner? It's only been two hours." Bastian dumped the comforter on the bed and searched for his jeans. "Don't worry about something that hasn't happened yet, okay?"

"Goddammit!" Dino threw the phone at the desk. "The fucking line's dead."

He went to his dresser to look for his cell phone.

Bastian shook his head and hung up the phone. Dino was well and widely known for his occasional tempers, and when he was stressed, even a little, he went off like a cork. One of the reasons they had been friends for so long was that Bastian would simply pick Dino up and squeeze him until he quit kicking. Most of the time, Dino hated being picked up and would chill out. Other times Bastian just let him blow off until he was done.

There was a sudden silence, and they both looked towards the window. The hail stopped as suddenly as it started, and Dino sighed in relief when his cell phone started ringing. The caller ID said it was his mother.

Bastian jogged up the stairs three at a time and made a quick circuit of the house. Nothing was broken that he could see, and he checked all the windows and doors. He stopped in the kitchen for a couple of cokes and looked out the window as the rain started again, much heavier than it was earlier.

"Did you find anything?" Dino came up the stairs holding the cell phone to his ear. He tossed a t-shirt to Bastian. Bastian shook his head and pulled the shirt on. "No, mom, there's no damage from the hail. We'll chill out here and wait for Annie and Paul to get home. Me too. Bye." He turned off the phone and leaned his head against Bastian's chest. "Man, she makes me crazy."

They ate their subs and some chips and waited for Dino's brother and sister. The rain let up for nearly half an hour, then came down harder than ever. Dino looked out through the laundry room window while he folded his clothes, worry nagging at his mind.

"Wow, that sucked!" Paul stepped in the front door and pulled his soaked coat off. Bastian got up off the couch and tussled the eight year old's hair and took the coat. "Where's Dino?" Paul asked and headed for the fridge.

"Doing laundry. I'll have him stick your coat in the dryer." Bastian walked through the kitchen and spoke over his shoulder. "There's a half a meatball sub in there if you want to nuke it."


Dino looked up as Bastian came in and sighed. "Did my cell ring?"

"No." Bastian opened the dryer and threw the coat in. "I would've brought it. You need to calm down." He reached up and began to massage Dino's shoulders, his powerful fingers digging into the knotted muscles. "It's just a rain storm and everyone's fine."

"I know. I wish Mom was home." Dino closed his eyes and leaned back against Bastian. "I hate bad weather."

"Well everyone else loves it, dumbass, what's the matter with you?" Bastian said sarcastically. "C'mon, dope." He propelled Dino out the door.

At six it was already long past dark outside, and Annie and Paul had been fed and were in their rooms. Roxy had called and told them that the police were routing traffic away from the main part of town because the river was rising, and that she would be home by nine.

Dino sat on the bed in his room reading his American History assignment. Bastian was stretched out behind him lying on his stomach doing his geometry. Paul came down the stairs and leaned against the door jam. "There's a guy at the door for you, Dino. Says his name's Rori."

"Peterson?" Dino unfolded his legs and reached back to push on Bastian's shoulder. "I'll be right there, Paul. Thanks." His little brother nodded and ran up the stairs. Dino climbed off the bed and followed with Bastian in tow.

Rori Peterson stood in the front room, his six foot six muscular frame an imposing presence. He was the captain of the basketball team at their school. His normally spiked blond hair was soaked from the icy rain. Rori's angular face was tight with tension as Dino and Bastian came up the stairs.

"What's up, Rori? You're drenched, man." Dino stopped and held up his hand to shake.

"My dad called and asked me to hitch the boat up." Rori's father was the County Sheriff, Duane Petersen. Rori ran his hand over his wet hair. "The Mayfair River is flooding. They need any boats they can get to pick up stranded people." He jammed his hands in his pockets. "Can you guys help me get the boat out of the driveway? There's a shit-load of snow around it."

Dino turned to look at Bastian, and Bastian nodded and headed down stairs to get his coat. Dino turned back to Rori and smiled. "Of course, man. Give me a couple of minutes."

"Thanks, Dino."

"You want some hot chocolate?" Paul asked. Dino pushed Rori towards the kitchen and then turned to go down into his room. Bastian was in the process of tearing through Dino's dresser where he'd had a supply of his own clothes for years. He looked up at Dino and tossed him the Gor-tex turtleneck shirt he wore to go skiing and snow mobile riding.

"Thanks." Dino caught it and dropped it on the bed as he pulled his t-shirt off. "Yours is in the bottom drawer, Bast."

"Think they need help now?" Bastian found the shirt and pulled it on. "I can shovel sand and stuff."

Dino went to the closet for his insulated ski pants. Bastian's were still there as well from the trip they took with Dino's dad two weeks ago. "I'm right beside you, Batman." He tossed the snow pants to Bastian. "I hope the library's okay."

"I hope the bridges from the other side of town are okay." Bastian said and pulled the pants on.

"I hope mother's okay." Dino looked out the window at the downpour and shook his head. "Rain in December. Who's fucked up idea was that?"

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