
By moc.loa@0821eoDnowKxeR

Published on Dec 13, 2006


Alright so this is definitely fiction and what not. I do not own Supernatural, CW does. I do not know any of the actors from the show, so this is all made up. I don't have a lot of experience with writing these stories, so please send me some feedback at and help me learn. Enjoy!


(P.S. Ah! i just realized that i said that they drove in their car. MY BAD! just ignore that and pretend like they walked. ha...sorryyy)

Me: Oh! There's a place. I saw a club down the street.

Dean: Casey...i'm not much of a dancer. He was nervous about dancing with was obvious.

Sam: Ditto.

Me: You guys will be fine. I really wanted to dance...let loose.

Dean: I'm not so sure.

Me: Please don't know where else to least we'll be somewhere. I was gonna get to way or another.

Dean: Fine...but i'm not promising any dancing.

Me: O you'll dance...both of you. They need to let loose too.

Dean turned and led us to the line. The bouncer checked our ID's and let us in.


The club was pretty packed, and people were dancing. Dean and Sam still looked nervous, but i was happy. We went to the bar, got a drink, and watched the people.

Me: You guys look so nervous...never danced? I laughed a little.

Dean: We've danced...just not in a little while.

Girl next to me: Casey?! She seemed to know me.

Me: Yea...who ar --- Dani?! I knew her from back home.

Dani: Yea...what are you doing here? She looked past me at Dean and Sam.

Me: Lettin loose...what about you? Dean and Sam waved.

Dani: Same died...a little while ago but i just accepted it and now i'm trying to let loose. She whispered it all to me.

Me: Why this far from home?

Dani: Well...home isn't there anymore...can't pay bills, so i packed up all my stuff, put it in my car, and drove off.

Me: O did your mom die? Her mom used to baby sit me.

Me and Dani (or Danielle) have known each other since 3rd grade. We stopped talking for junior year in high school, then picked right back up like we'd never stopped talking. Her mom and my mom had been best friends, and we usually ended up spending entire weekends together, and vacations and everything. Then after we graduated, me and dad moved to a close by town, and me and Dani didn't get to see each other anymore. I still thought of her as my best friend. And god was she pretty. Brown hair, green eyes, dancer's body (we danced together too)...clothes fit her perfectly.

Dani: Like your mom. She looked worried about me.

Me: Dean...can she come with us? I turned to him without even replying to Dani.

Dean: wouldn't be safe.

Me: Her mom died the same way our mom's died...she needs to come with us...she's got nowhere else to go, and besides...she's got a car. I gave him my best pleading look.

Dani: I don't want to impose or anything...don't worry about it.

Sam: Do you mind going from motel room to motel room...and occasionally living out of a car? He smiled at her.

Dani: I could learn to live with it. She smiled back.

Sam: Welcome aboard.

Dani: Thank you...wanna dance? She winked at Sam.

Sam: Sure...let's go.

Me: Wanna go dance too? I gave him the pleading look again.

Dean: Casey...what if someone sees? He STILL looked worried.

Casey: Who cares...come on! I grabbed his hand and dragged him onto the dancefloor.

We found Sam and Dani and started dancing next to them. Dean and Sam looked a little awkward at first. Me and Dani got some laughs out of it. We showed them how, grinding like everyone else in the club. I could see Dean gulp, and Sam shifted a little. I took Dean's hands, turned around so his front was to my back, and started grinding back onto him. He immediately boned up (so did i), and eventually got the hang of it and started grinding with me.

Sam and Dani looked like they were diggin each other. About time too. Sam always seemed alone. I can't see why either...he's pretty sexy too. Dean's sexier though. Speaking of Dean, he's getting pretty good at grinding. His hands were on my hips, sliding down my thighs.

Me: It's so hot...can we go chill at the bar or something? I was almost panting.

Dean: I'm kinda liking this though. He was whispering in my ear.

Me: We're gonna go get something to drink. I had to yell for Sam and Dani to hear me.

They nodded and went back to dancing. Me and Dean made our way through the crowded club, occasionally pushing people aside. He ordered us some drinks once we were finally at the bar, and i fanned myself off. Then the lights went off. People screamed and panicked as something flared up in one corner, and the lights started to burst, one by one. I saw a couple men with flaming eyes. Oh god...they're still following me. I felt a pair of hands grab me from behind and yank me over the bar.

Dean: Casey! That was the last thing i heard.


My eyes opened and the first thing i noticed was that it was dark. Very dark. I felt bark beneath my clothes, pressing uncomfortably into my back. There was blood running from the left side of my face. I could vaguely make out some hooded figures to my right. They were chanting something. Lights started flickering in the middle of their circle. Little balls of light started dancing in between them, and then just dropped onto the ground. The ground started to glow where the light had dropped, and something started to rise.

Hooded-man: It's done...get everything ready, Ominous much?

A figure started to emerge, until i could see a winged man. Spikes sprouting from random parts of his body, and he was fully clad in armor. Samael. Well they got what they wanted. Now what the fuck am i supposed to do. I'm alive but i'm tied to a fucking tree. I'm panicking. I started squirming. I felt my hands come a little loose. I squirmed as hard as i could, feeling the ropes drop finally. I sprinted.

Hooded-man: He's running away...stop him! He started chasing after me.

Another hooded man jumped out from behind a tree. I reacted and punched him, knocking him down. I continued sprinting, seeing that now Samael was following too. I ran blindly, tree branches whipping me in the face. I saw a clump of trees up ahead. I ran to it and hid behind it, putting my hand over my mouth to stop the sound of my heavy breathing. Suddenly, one of the tree's above me split clean in half, and a hand grabbed me, pulling me up...higher --- higher --- higher.

Samael: Try getting away now! He flung me from the air. I hit a tree and hurtled toward the ground, hitting occasional branches. My body felt like it was on the verge of breaking. I hit the ground hard...but i still managed to get up. I started running (well...hobbling) again. He threw something, and it hit the tree next to me, obliterating it.

Me: SHIT! I willed myself to run (ha...hobble) faster.

The pain in my leg, which i'm sure should be ridiculous right now, seemed only like a numb throbbing. I picked up a pretty big tree branch on the way...just in case. Another tree next to me blew up. It knocked me down, and i started to almost crawl forward. I saw someone running at me and thought it was one of the hooded men. Then when he came closer i saw it was.

Me: Dean! I saw him running towards me.

He grabbed me and helped me up, running with me. I saw Sam and Dani up ahead taking out some hooded men. We ran past them and i saw Sam throw something in front of Samael. There was a flash of bright light and a moment where no one could see anything. I saw Dani's car ahead, and we ran up to it, piled in, and Dani floored it.


Sam: We need to get you to a hospital. He seemed panicked.

Me:'ll be hard to explain and we don't have the money...just set it back in place. I don't really want it set back in place though.

Sam: I'm not doing it. He threw his hands up.

Dean: I'll do it. He looked at me with a worried look.

Dani: What the hell was that back there? She looked completely lost.

Sam: Samael...demon...seed of destruction.

Dani: Why did they have Casey?

Me: They needed my blood to bring him back. I pointed to the cut on my head.

Dani: Why yours?

Me: Not specifically mine...there were more guys they took...but they needed blood to bring him back.

Dean: Baby i'm gonna set it...grip something.

I heard him count up to three under his breath. Then, a snap and pain. Lots of pain. I didn't even scream at first. Just leaned forward with my face twisted into a scream. Then the sound came.

Me: SON OF A BITCH! That was a bad idea. I was crying.

Dean hugged me, kissing me. It was comforting...but it didn't do anything for my leg. Eventually i wiped my tears off and decided to just suck it up. I know they can tell i still wanna cry, seeing as my face was so twisted right now.

Dean: Uhh faster! He was looking out of the window.

Dani: Why? The car went faster.

Dean: Samael is following us.

Dani: Shit She floored it.

Dean grabbed the shotgun from under the seat, opened up his window, and shot at Samael. The first shot missed, but the second hit its mark and Samael fell to the ground and rolled back a little.

Me: He wants me... I remembered something from one of Sam's books.

Dean: What?

Me: If he's gonna regain all his power from before...he needs to completely devour the body of his victims...everyone who's blood brought him back...gets eaten.

Sam: He's not gonna eat you Casey He turned around to look at me

Dean: one's gonna eat you...we'll figure out some way to fix this He tightened his grip on my hand.

We kept driving down the seemingly endlessly straight road. Dani had turned some music on, so i was getting sleepy. I put my head on Deans shoulder, and he wraps his arms around me. Dean can be so hard to read sometimes. Looking at him, you wouldn't expect him to be gay first of all. You'd see a ladies' man, athlete...not the way he is with me though. Caring, almost like i'll break if he does anything too hard (which is really annoying...i am a guy too)...and he constantly smells good too.

I must've fallen asleep in the car, because when i opened my eyes, i was in a motel room with a bandage around my leg. I'm getting used to waking up in motel's...which i'm not too sure is a good thing. I can hear Dean and Sam talking in the next room. I turn over and Dani is sleeping right next to me. I get up carefully, not wanting to wake her up. I get to the door and hear Dean and Sam talking.

Sam: And what are we supposed to do Dean? He sounds agitated.

Dean: I don't know Sam, but we can't just do nothing.

Sam: Dean...he is THE thing that goes bump in the night, what are you gonna do? Bump back?

Me: Snap his neck. I say coming in.

Sam: Oddly violent for you.

Dean: Wow...not that i've got anything against that plan He smiles at me.

Me: You throw another flash grenade, someone goes in behind him, and snaps his neck. I know i have a smile on my face.


It's about 11 pm, and we're all getting ready to go get rid of Samael. I'm nervous, of course, but i don't want anyone to get eaten. At least no one else. We don't know how to kill him, but we will somehow. I'm just scared that one of us will...get hurt.

Me: Let's go. I walked out into the "living room".

Dean: Casey...we don't want you to go. He looked worried...or regretful.

Me: What?! Why not? I already know why though...and understand.

Dean: We don't want you to get aren't even fully recovered from last time.

Me: I'll be fine. I don't know why i'm still arguing to go.

Sam: We don't think you will...Dani's staying behind too.

Me: Fine I'm gonna sneak out and kill him.


Dani: Why are we doing this? She sounds scared and pissed off

Me: Because...we'll never get better at hunting unless we actually hunt

Dani: Right...but all we have are kitchen knifes She's bitching

Me: If you're gonna bitch at can go back to the motel, i didn't force you to come along

Dani: Alright alright, but do you have a plan She's curious.

Me: Yea... I don't though...i'm actually just gonna wing it.

Dani: What is it?

Me: We stab at him till he bleeds to death.

Dani: We're gonna die aren't we? At least she's not crying.

Me: It's not guarenteed...we could die though. I smile back at her


Dani: It feels like we've been walking for hours. She is still complaining

Me: It's been like 30 minutes!

Dani: Look...we're at their HQ She's holding her knife up like she's about to stab someone.

Me: Maybe the kitchen knifes weren't such a good idea I gave her a regretful glance

Dani: Too late! She pointed behind me just as a hooded man ran at me.

I, with my cat-like reflexes, got my face punched in (the reflexes thing was sarcasm...get it?). Fuck that hurt. I got up and kicked the guy in the face, and Dani stabbed him. He slowly started dissipating into sand, which surprised the hell out of us. It's weird though, i can feel my instincts take over, knowing what to do and everything. It's weird.

Dani: I stabbed someone... She looks bewildered.

Me: Definitely not a person...come on. I grab her arm and pull her along with me.

Dani: What next?

Me: That stabbing thing seems to be working for us.

Dani: Alright Slingblade.

Me: Hilarious...great time to joke around by the way.

Dani: There's another. She pointed to a hooded man.

I walked up as quietly as i could, which, apparently, isn't very quiet, and the guy turned around. I stabbed out at him, catching him in the gut, making him turn into the sand thing and watch him get brushed away. Suddenly we heard a gun shot and a loud cracking.

Sam: DEAN! Sam was somewhere close.

We started running towards the direction of Sam's voice. Dani stopped to stab one of them on the way. We kept running until we saw Sam in a clearing by himself, shooting at Samael. Dani ran up behind Samael, stabbing him in the calf. He turned and punched her into a tree. I came up right after, dodged a punch and stabbed him in the neck.

Sam: Casey...get away!

Samael punched me and i flew into Dani, passing out for like 5 seconds. When i came to, i saw Dani scrambling away from Samael. Dean came out of nowhere and shot Samael. He fell down from the sky straight into a circle of something white. He couldn't get up. It was a demon's containment circle. Sam set fire to the circle, the lines of it slowly catching fire. The flashing lights from when he was being summoned came back, except they turned into chains, binding him to the circle. He was dragged down into the earth...and then nothing.

Dani: Are you ok? She helped me up.

Me: Yea...i could use a Tylenol though...or 12.

Sam: Are you guys arlight?

Dani: Yea...we're good.

Dean: Casey why the hell did you come?! He was like stomping over at me.

Sam: Dean...don't get mad.

Me: I wanted to help.

Dean: You almost got killed again!

Me: Dean...please don't get mad, i wanna help.

Dani: Yea...we just wanted to help, ease up.

He turned around and walked off. Why is he being dramatic.

Me: Dean! I ran off after him, leaving Sam and Dani behind.

Me: Dean...please don't be mad. I got in front of him to stop him from walking.

Dean: I'm not mad.

Me: So why are you stomping away?

Dean: I don't know. He still sound mad.

Me: Dean, will you please stop walking away? I grabbed his arm and spun him around again.

Dean: Look, i'm sorry i yelled at you like that...but fuck Casey. He grabbed my hand.

Me: What?

Dean: I don't want you to get hurt...i'm not gonna lose you, or Sam...or Dani. He tightened his grip on my hand.

Me: Alright Dean...but you can't treat me like glass. I pressed myself up against him, breathing in his scent.

Dean: Are you smelling me? He laughed at me.

Me: Uh-huh I nodded my head.

Dean: Do i smell good?

Me: Like soggy leaves. I laughed at him and kissed him.


Sam: We've only got money for two more nights here you guys.

Dani: Nu-uh...i could've sworn we had more.

Me: Yea, me too.

Sam: Well, i only counted enough for tonight and tomorrow.

Dean: We'll be fine.

Dani: Is there a way to make money?

Me: We could sell Dani for a couple hundred.

Dani: Ha...good one assplug.

Me: Thank, if you'll excuse me, i have to pee like crazy.

Sam: Ew Casey.

I walked into the bathroom right outside our motel room, and did my business. Washed my hands and walked out. I saw a paper posted on the billboard saying there was a singing competition at the Roadhouse tomorrow night. 1st prize $2000.

Me: Our problems are solved. I held up the paper as i walked back in.

Dean: A singing

Me: First prize is $2000.

Sam: None of us can sing.

Dani: I can! She smiled, proudly.

Me: Yea, and i can play guitar.

Dean: Why didn't you tell me?

Me: Next to the demon dangers and people being eaten, it didn't seem as important. I took his hand and pull him down next to me.

Dani: When's the competition?

Me: In the two days, which is perfect!


Me and Dean were laying on the bed, him resting his head on my stomach. He was telling me about past hunts and other stories.

Dean: And then there was the time with the clown, who really turned out to be a hindu demon.

Me: A clown? I laughed.

Dean: Don't laugh...we almost died.

Me: You always almost die Dean. I laughed at him again.

Dean: Well, he was tricking kids into inviting him inside, which is the only way he could get into their house, and then he'd kill and eat the parents.

Me: Do all demons eat people?

Dean: No, just certain ones. He smiled at me.

Me: How did you beat it?

Dean: We stabbed it with a brass knife...well a steam pipe from the carnival made of brass.

Me: Oooo...where'd you stab it?

Dean: Right here. He put his hand on my lower abs, and started rubbing it slowly.

Me: Did you rub him too? I laughed.

He let out a growl-type sound and rolled over on top of me. I let out a little chuckle and kissed him on the neck. We just kinda lay there, looking at each other, giving each other smiles. Our fingers intertwined.

Me: So, anymore stories?

Dean: There was the time with Jo...when all the blonde girls starting disappearing.

Me: Jo?

Dean: Short friend. He smiled at me.

Me: Well...what happened with the blonde girls?

And he told me the story (which i won't write out because it'd take too long). Somehow i ended up laying on top of him, rubbing his chest and laughing at things he was saying to me.

Dean: Are you ticklish?

Me: No... I laughed nervously.

Dean: Yea you are...where are you ticklish? He got a cocky smirk on his face.

Me: Nowhere!

Dean: Right here? He started tickling my ribs.

Me: No! I yelled out in my laughter.

Dean: You know?

Me: Do you?

Dean: Why do you think i asked?

Me: Well yea...i do.

His hands slid down my back as soon as the words passed my lips. He grabbed my ass and rubbed it. His lips touched to mine, giving me a soft, sensual kiss. Shivers went down my spine and i ground my groin into his, enjoying the moan it brought from him. We broke the kiss for a few seconds and i saw him mouth 'I love you' to me.

Dean: Wanna get out of these clothes?

Me: Yea...lemme do it.

I unbuttoned his shirt slowly, pulling it off of him while i kissed his neck. Next i grabbed his tee-shirt by the collar, pulling it off him as he raised his back to help get it off. I kissed down his chest and grabbed the zipper, pulling it down. I grabbed his jeans and underwear by the waistband, pulling them down at the same time. He grabbed my pants and underwear by the waistband after i unbuttoned my jeans, then my shirt came off.

Me: Right now...put it in right now...please? I think i whimpered.

Dean: Ok He's breathless.

I saw him grab his 8 inch manhood, and pour some lube on it. I can feel his head pressing at my hole. His hands are roaming all over my body, sending ripples of pleasure wherever his fingers touched my body. Finally it started to slide in, slowly...but i felt it all.

Me: Oh god Dean... I can hear myself whimpering.

Dean: you feel so good. His groans were getting louder the farther in he went.

Once he got all the way in, he started pulling out and pushing back in.

Me: Dean...ohhhh...faster, please?

His thrusts got harder and faster. Everytime he pushed all the way in i could feel my body jolt forward. Out of nowhere, Dean (somehow) picked me up with me still on his cock, and swung us around. My back slammed into the wall, making a loud thump. His thrusts were getting more forceful and powerful, actually popping me up a little bit on each in-thrust. My back was sliding along the wall and my hands were groping around for something to hold on to.

Dean: Fuck yea Casey... His head on was my chest, my hands clutching the back of his head, kissing the top of his head.

I came out of nowhere. Probably from my cock rubbing on his abs so hard. He let out a loud groan once i came on his abs and chest. His chin was on my shoulder, biting on my ear and the nape of my neck. My fingers were clutching his back, like i was holding on for dear life. We'd never had sex like this before. This wasn't even sex, this was raw animal passion. I kiss him on the lips, then licked up along the side of his face. I started nipping him wherever i could reach

Dean: Agh..fuck....ooooo ugh! He was about the cum.

We started to kiss like we craved it. Like we needed it to live.

Dean: AGH! FUCK CASEY! He came, and slumped forward.

Without Dean working to keep us up, we both slid down the wall, ending up on the floor. I stood up and gave him my hand, helping him over to the bathroom. We took a shower, with lots of kissing and hugging. The bed looked so warm and inviting, the minute we were in reach, we collapsed. We got under the covers, he came up behind me and spooned me, kissing the back of my neck.

Dean: I love you. His voice was a hoarse whisper.

Me: I love you too.

The End! (of chapter 3)

AHHHH! SORRY! i'm so sorry about the delay. some stuff came up with family and friends. But it's all good now. so...SORRY!

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