Surprise Reemergence

By John Nail

Published on Oct 19, 2009


I woke up to a smell of sausage and hearing George Strait in my cd player singing "Amarillo by Morning."

I put on my sweat pants and went into the kitchen and I saw Jamie with a pretty short negligee on and a light robe and I was seeing her silky sexy legs.

She turned around and said," I couldn't believe it I just woke up with no trouble at 5:30 this morning it must be this mountain air and I am fully rested."

I said," I can't believe how beautiful you are. "

She blushed and said," Thank you John, but you are a stud yourself. You are 5'8" right and about 150 lbs?"

I said," Yeah I am 5'8" and I weigh 165 lbs."

She said," You are a solid man. So what are you doing today?"

I said," Today is light work and probably be back here around mid afternoon. I will be finishing up the sheet rock work at this house it will only take about 5-6 hours I get there by 8 I should be finished by 2 and the rest of the weekend will be free."

She squealed and said," That will be great."

I blushed and couldn't believe what changes life has brought.

I went into my bedroom and put on my carpenter pants and a stained t-shirt and put on my work boots.

When I came back out she said," I don't know when you are sexier when you are just wearing your sweats or when you are in your work clothes. All I know is you better not get any sexier or I may just have to have my with you."

I blushed and said," I never had any woman say that to me before."

She said," Before you say that I didn't have to do this I will tell you I wanted to do this and you wouldn't be able to stop me from doing this."

I couldn't believe this Jamie came up to Cody and now I saw she has transitioned to a woman even though she was still pre-op and not only that she was sexy. She is now cooking my breakfast and she wants me as her boyfriend. I don't know yet I just might end up being her boyfriend but I am still trying to wrap all this in my mind.

She gave me a cup of coffee while I was sitting at the kitchen table and gave me a peck on the cheek.

She said," I hope you don't mind I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable and I know this is so much for you to take in."

I said," No No it doesn't."

The phone rang and it was my best friend Randy

He said," Hey John, is Jamie there?"

I said," Yes she is here."

Randy said," Did I hear you right, did you call Jamie her?"

I said," You heard me right. Why don't you come to my place we are working together today."

He said," OK I want to see if you are losing your mind."

He hung up and than Jamie looked at me with a questioning look.

I asked," Do you remember Randy the guy I used to hang around with?"

She said," Randy he was one of the only other guys who accepted me as a friend."

Well 2 minutes later we heard his truck pull up and he knocked on the door and I called him in.

As he came in Jamie said," Hello Randy."

Randy looked and asked," OK where is Jamie?"

Jamie said," Randy it is me Jamie."

Randy looked and said," No, Jamie? Is that you?"

She said," Yes Randy it is me."

He looked at her in shock and asked," Are you a cross-dresser?"

She said," No I am a full-time woman now. I just haven't had the sex-change surgery yet. I think I will though I am getting more and more tempted. These breasts they are mine and they are real. I went on estrogen treatments in college."

He said," Well I must say you are beautiful Jamie."

Randy chuckled and said," John how can you get so lucky?"

Before Randy got here she got done with breakfast and it was eggs toast and sausage and she and I were eating.

Randy looked at us in amazement and just shook his head.

He said," I can't get over you Jamie. I knew you were excuse me for saying this a bit of a sissy."

She said," No Randy in fact now it is a compliment. I would cross-dress in high school but it was at the privacy of home. When i was at college in my freshman year I would cross-dress for the first time in public and than when I found out about estrogen therapy I started that in my sophomore year. I have been so fortunate that where I work they were so understanding."

He asked," What do you do?"

She said," I am in accounting."

As I was getting done with breakfast I looked at my watch and saw it was time to leave.

I said," Looks like it is time to go Jamie."

Randy said," Come on John give her a kiss."

I walked over and gave Jamie a kiss..

She grabbed me around my neck and we kissed for about a minute.

I said," Oh my pickup is an automatic and if you want to look around Cody you can take it."

I gave her the keys to my truck and she said," John I will probably wait til you get home."

I said," OK whatever makes you happy."

Randy and I walked out and I have been keeping most of my tools and supplies in the house we have been working on.

Randy said as he was starting the truck," I can't believe Jamie did she have to have plastic surgery?"

I said," She says she hasn't had any surgeries yet."

Randy said," I forgot she looked so feminine."

I said," Yeah I know."

Randy said," I have been watching her, I can tell she is just crazy about you. Even when I was talking to her she could hardly keep her eyes off of you."

I asked," So if something further happens between us you won't think I would be gay?"

He said," Are you kidding? Looks like she knows who she is so no I don't think you would be gay."

We got to the house and got started on the finishing of hanging the sheet-rock.

We carefully hung it and making sure all the seams were straight and the sheet-rock was all straight. Than we got out the spackle or mud and since it was going to be on the walls it was going to be smooth.

We slowly started spreading it and since it was on the walls it was going to be smooth.

We started spreading it on the walls and this was going to be 3-4 hour job. We finally got done around 1:30.

Randy said," Hey, John why don't we get a burger after calling in the painters."

I said," Sure that sounds good."

I got on the phone and they said they would be here in an hour.

We got in the truck after picking up our tools and supplies and went to the truck. We left the remaining spackle so the homeowners could do repairs and what not .

We headed to Burger King and went inside.

We got our order and sat down.

I said," Wait a minute I have to make a call."

I said," Jamie, why don't you head down to Burger Kings that is where Randy and I are at and I will pay for your meal."

Within 5 minutes she arrived and I got up from my seat and went behind her.

She smiled and said," John you are too good to me."

She got her order and brought it to the table and sat down beside me. She ate and we all talked and laughed and I finished my lunch.

She got done and we headed out to the trucks and I helped her in the driver's side.

She said," I love this it is a dream come true for me.."

I pulled out and head towards the house and she nuzzled up on my shoulder started dozing. Ater I pulled into the garage 10 minutes later I gently nudged her awake.

I said," We are home."

She said," I love that statement we are home."

We walked into the house and she kissed me goodnight before going into the guest room. I went into my bedroom and stripped down to my boxers.

As I crawled into bed I was wondering if I was falling in love with her. Before falling asleep I decided that was a question for another day.

Next: Chapter 4

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