Surviving Thailand

By gay storyboi

Published on Oct 7, 2002



This story is a complete work of fiction and as such implies nothing about the real life sexuality or personality of any of the people mentioned within. It does contain graphic male/male sex and as such should not be read by anyone under 18, where this is illegal, or by anyone who would be offended by such material. SURVIVOR airs on CBS and is a Mark Burnett production.


It was a couple days later and Ken had managed to put the Jed incident in some perspective. They weren't boyfriends; they'd just had a night of incredible sex. He hoped it might happen again when this was all over, but if it didn't, it wasn't the end of the world. And he was proud of himself for maintaining focus on the game.

He'd also been doing some thinking about how to get Robb out of his pants. The tall lanky smoothchested skater with the tattoos and piercings definitely turned him on. Thinking about how Robb was and how he looked at things, he'd figured out the best way to make it happen. If he was right, it definitely wouldn't be the same as with Jed, and would be a little less satisfying for him personally, but would still be pretty damn hot.

He waited until another storm was almost on the horizon, then asked Robb to go fishing. Robb enthusiastically agreed. Robb did pretty much everything enthusiastically. Not intelligently, but definitely enthusiastically. Jed and Robb had lost the big fishing net, but they still had the smaller one given to them as part of the initial tribe supply.

They rowed out away from shore, Robb rowing like a madman. As usual, they were only in their shorts. "This is awesome, dude! It's a nice clear day! Perfect for fishing, dude!"

BOOM! Thunder cracked in the sky and the monsoons came pouring down.

"Or maybe not," laughed Ken.

Robb cracked up. "Shit! This always happens when I say that, dude! Guess that's why I'm not a metero--a meteor--a weatherdude, dude!"

Ken laughed. "Yeah, I guess so. Look, let's try to make it to that island over there. It's closer. We can wait out the storm."

"You're the boss, dude," Robb said agreeably.

They hit the island and turned over the boat. "We can hang out in that cave right there," suggested Ken.

"Sounds good, dude!"

They headed into the cave. Ken noticed the blanket was still there. Plus, it looked like there was some more leftover beer. This must be where some of the crew hangs out between shifts...or maybe some of them are having sex too, he thought. "DUUUUUUUUUDE!!!" shouted Robb enthusiastically. "Beer! Awesome, dude!" He ran to get it and threw one to Ken. "Dude, catch!"

Ken scrambled and just barely caught it. Robb had cracked his open already and started chugging. Ken opened his slowly and carefully to make sure it didn't explode all over.

"This is so cool, dude!" said Robb as he sat down on the blanket. "We can just chill and have a beer and talk and shit!"

"Yeah," said Ken.

"So, I don't know, dude. I mean, I guess we'll just, you know, agree to disagree, you know what I'm saying? But I still think Shii Ann should have gone instead of Jed. I mean, that dude helped us out a lot with, you know, challenges and shit. And Shii Ann, she's pretty weak and doesn't, you know, do as good. Plus, the chick hates me, dude!"

Ken laughed. "Yeah, I don't think the two of you are ever going to get along all that well. But the thing is, is Jed was only out for himself, while Shii Ann is more of a team player. And you're a team player too, just in a different way. But Jed I think would have been more of a threat down the line, once we hit the merge and we're all out for ourselves. Or if there was a split. He had no loyalty. And he could have won tons of individual immunities. Know what I mean?"

"Yeah, dude, I get what you're saying," said Robb. "But it's just, you know, I got along with him, you know, dude? And now with him gone, I'm like, scared I'm next, know what I'm saying, dude?"

"I don't think that'll happen," said Ken. "You've got me looking out for you."

"Yeah, thanks, dude! I appreciate it! You know, you're, like, the only one on the tribe who doesn't treat me like I'm, like, a total freakshow, dude."

"Oh, no, you're a good guy," said Ken. "I have fun hanging out with you. It's just have such a strong personality that I think people are kind of taken aback by it or don't know what to make of it. But I know you mean well."

"Yeah, exactly, dude! I mean, yeah, that's just, you know, how I am, know what I'm saying? I'm just like, this big, like, kid or something. And it's just, you know, I'm just being, like, me. I just like to like, have fun and shit. But I want to, you know, get along good with everybody and shit and I want us to kick ass as a team, you know? That's what I'm saying, dude."

"Yeah, I know," said Ken. "I could pick up on that from day one. And I think the others will too, you know? I mean, don't forget, Jed went first, not you. You didn't get a single vote."

"Yeah, that's true, dude. Thanks dude! I swear, I don't know what I'd do if, like, you weren't here, know what I'm saying? I'd probably, you know, go, like, freaking nuts and apeshit and shit!"

"Ah, don't worry about it. Like I said, you're a good guy. And good guys have to stick together, you know?"

"Exactly, dude!" said Robb happily. By now he'd polished off half his beer. "Damn, dude, this beer hits the spot, know what I'm saying?"

"Yep," said Ken. "I know what you mean. So hey, do you have a girlfriend back home?"

"Me? Naw, I don't want to settle down yet, dude. But I got a lot of chicks after me. You know, some kind of regular, but it's just fun, you know dude? And I work in a bar and a lot of chicks come in there and hit on me and shit, and so, you know, what are you gonna do, dude? You gotta, like, give em what they want, know what I'm saying?" He held two fingers up in a V and wiggled his tongue in between them. Ken cracked up.

"So how many chicks do you wind up banging in a week?" Ken asked him.

"Now? Oh, maybe, like, three, four a week, maybe. But a couple years ago I was in Cosmo. Did I tell you about that, dude?"


"Yeah! Swear to God dude! I was named, like, Cosmo's most eligible bachelor in Arizona! Oh man, I got a LOT of chicks after that, dude!" he laughed.

"That's awesome," said Ken.

"Yeah, dude! I even had some chicks writing me from, like, all over the country and shit! Got some hot ass pics from them too, dude!"

"So this must be driving you crazy out here, then!" said Ken.

"Oh, fuck yeah, dude!" said Robb. "Dude, this is, like, the fucking longest I've gone without getting my dick wet in for fuckinglikeever! I swear, dude, I'm, like, getting so fucking horny I can't fucking stand it, dude!"

"Yeah, I know what you mean," said Ken.

Robb took a big swig of his beer. "And, dude, I mean, it's not, you know, like, any of these chicks are gonna put out for me or nothing, dude, know what I'm saying? But fuck, dude! Oh, dude, even a good fucking blowjob right now--DUDE!"

Ken laughed. "Yeah, I know exactly what you're saying. You know..."

"What, dude?"

"You know, if you're that fucking horny, I could blow you if you want..." said Ken.

Robb looked at him. "Aw, dude, I don't...I mean, I've never, you know, like, done anything with a, you know, dude..."

"Oh, it's no big deal," said Ken. "It's just us, and you're really horny, and I don't mind. I'm just trying to help you out. You know, like, one good dude helping another, you know?"

Robb thought about it. "Yeah, I guess it's not a big deal. I am really fucking horny, dude. You're sure...I mean, you're sure you don't mind, dude?"

"No! Like I said, I'm always just looking out for you, you know?"

"OK, dude! But wait--do I--I mean, I don't know if I want to, you know--"

"No, you don't have to do anything to me if you don't want to," said Ken. "This is just about you and taking care of your needs. It's whatever you want to do."

"OK, that's cool, dude," said Robb. "Hold on a sec--I gotta, you know, finish this off if I'm gonna do this, you know, dude?" He chugged the rest of his beer. "OK dude! Like, how do you want me?"

"Just stand up and drop your shorts," said Ken.

"OK, dude." Robb stood up and undid his button and zipper. His 3/4 length camos fell to the ground. He stepped out of them. "Now what, dude?"

Ken quickly polished off his beer. "Just relax. I'll take care of the rest."

He moved forward and got down on his knees in front of Robb. His cut cock was still soft, but looked like a pretty decent size. He also had a pair of nice lowhanging balls. Ken opened his mouth and gulped Robb's dick down and began sucking.


Ken kept working on Robb's dick, feeling it grow in his mouth. It didn't take long to get him to his full 8", with Robb moaning his enjoyment the whole way. When he got him to full hardness, he started stroking Robb's cock and transferred his mouth to Robb's balls, taking them in his mouth one and a time and rolling them around with his tongue.

"Awwwwwwww....DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!! those nuts, dude...."

Ken obediently gave his nuts and sac an expert working over, then went to that area between Robb's thigh and balls and started licking and kissing and sucking there.


Ken gave it some good attention, then moved to the other side and did the same thing.


Finally, Ken moved back up to Robb's cock and took it back in his mouth once more. He grabbed Robb's firm, tight ass to give him something to hold onto as he slammed Robb's cock over and over into the back of his throat. He squeezed his ass cheeks with his hands. Damn, this kid's hot as shit, he thought.

"Awwww--Awwwww--Fuck---Fuck---Dude---Awww---Awwww," Robb panted as he fucked Ken's face.

Ken kept giving Robb the suckjob of his life. After awhile, he could feel some precum on his tongue and Robb's cock starting to swell and pulse. He moved his finger to Robb's crack and started teasing his hole. Robb didn't tell him to stop; he just moaned even louder. Ken took this as an encouraging sign and started fingering Robb.


Ken thrust his finger all the way up Robb's tight asshole.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! AWWWWWWWW FUUUUUUUUUUUCK YEAHHHHHHHHH DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!" screamed Robb at the top of his lungs as he shot spasm after spasm of hot cum down the back of Ken's throat. Ken greedily sucked every last drop down until Robb was through. Then he took his mouth off him.

Robb sat down. "Awwwwwwwwwww....awwwww, dude, fuuuuuuuuck," he sighed.

"So you liked that?" asked Ken.

"Awwwww, YEAH, dude! FUCK, you know just how to work my cock! That was like, one of the best hummers I ever got, dude!"

"Good," said Ken.

"And then--oh man--when you started fingering me at the end, dude--fuck, I thought I was going to see, like, fucking stars or something!"

"You liked that?"

"FUCK yeah! I had this one chick who used to like to do that to me. Turned me on bigtime, dude!"

"Cool," said Ken. "I'm sorry--I gotta get out of these, they're killing me--"

He dropped his shorts and stepped out of them and sat next to Robb, his 9" rock hard cock standing at full attention.

"DAMN! You're fucking HUGE, dude!" marveled Robb.

"Thanks," said Ken.

"Let me see that fucking thing," said Robb, putting his hand around it. "Damn! You could kill someone with this thing," he said, stroking it up and down.

Ken moaned.

"You like that, dude?" grinned Robb.

"Oh yeah," moaned Ken.

"Cool, dude! I mean, I'm not, like, ready to do a lot of dude/dude stuff, dude, but this is the least I can do after that fucking awesome blowjob," said Robb as he started to stroke it a little faster.

"Oh God, Robb," moaned Ken, as he reached over and started stroking Robb in return.

"Uhhhhhhhh," moaned Robb. "Fuck, dude, you're gonna make me all fucking horny again and shit!"

"Good," said Ken.

By now, Robb was rock hard again. "Ohhhhh....oh yeah, dude....fuck you get me so fucking horny...."

Ken moaned as Robb kept stroking his cock. "Oh, fuck, Robb, not half as horny as you make me..." He couldn't take it anymore and bent down and started sucking on Robb's right nipple."

"Awwwwwwwwwwww!!! Duuuuuuuuuude!!! Dude, that feels so fucking good..."

Ken kept sucking Robb's nipple furiously.

"Awwwwwwwwww....dude....dude....I'm so fucking horny....FUCK, I need to fuck," moaned Robb.


"Oh, fuck, yeah, dude. I want to fuck so bad."

"You want to fuck me?" asked Ken.

"Awwwwwwwww, duuuuuuuude, yeah! You want to me to fuck you?"

Ken was normally a top, but to be honest, even before this the thought of Robb fucking him had turned him on. Just seeing how much energy the kid would put into it. He bet he was a damn hot fuck. "Yeah," moaned Ken.

"DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!" said Robb excitedly. "Cool! So like, how do we--you know--"

"Well, it's not like I get fucked everyday and you're pretty damn big," said Ken. "Just lay down on your back and let me sit on it first."

"You wanna ride me?" asked Robb. "Awesome, dude!"

He laid back. Ken lubed Robb's cock and his hole up with spit and started to sit down on it.

"Awwwwww, dude," smiled Robb.

Ken grimaced as he sat down harder and harder on Robb's cock, until finally Robb's head popped through. "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!" he screamed.

"Awwww, DUUUUUUUUDE!!!" screamed Robb, and started thrusting.

"NO--NO--wait--" cried Ken. "Let me just--you're really big--let me just--get used to it."

"Oh. Sorry dude." Robb lay still.

Ken began slowly easing himself down on Robb's shaft, moaning as he took it in further and further.

"Awwww, duuuude...dude, that feels fucking goooooooood," smiled Robb.

Ken kept sliding further and further down until he finally managed to take it all in. He stayed still and winced for a moment.

"Awwwww, duuuuude, dude, you're so fucking tight," said Robb happily.

Ken began bouncing up and down on it slowly. "Yeah, and you're so fucking feel so good...."

"Now, dude?" asked Robb.

"Yeah. Go for it. Fuck me," said Ken.

"DUUUUUUUDE!" Robb grabbed Ken around the waist and held him still as he began thrusting up into his tight ass.

"AWWW--AWWWW--OH--YEAH--FUCK--ME," shouted Ken as Robb thrust away.

"Awwwwwwww, duuuuuuuuuuude, you're so fucking tight! You feel so fucking goooooooood," moaned Robb. He fucked him for a couple more minutes, then slowed down for a second. "Dude?"


"Can I like--you know--fuck you for real?"

"You mean--"

"Yeah. On your back, dude."

"Fuck yeah. Go for it." They quickly maneuvered positions. Robb grabbed Ken's legs and threw them over his shoulders. He aimed his cock at Ken's waiting hole and slid it back in.

"AWWWWWWWWW!!!" cried Ken. "Come on, Robb. Fuck me, dude!"

"Awwwwwwww--duuuuuude--you--feel--so--fucking--GOOOOOOOD," shouted Robb.

Ken lay back and closed his eye as he moaned and grunted. He was right; the hot skaterpunk was fucking him like a jackhammer. He knew all that energy would be fucking incredible if it was harnessed in the right direction. "AWWWWWWWWWW!!!! AWWWWWWWWW!!! FUCK!!!! ME!!!!" he screamed.

"Yeah, dude?" panted Robb. "Yeah, you like the way I slam that tight hole? You like that, dude?"

"AWWWWWW!!!! FUCK!!!! YEAH!!!" bellowed Ken.

He reached up and pulled Robb's face down to him. He couldn't help it; he had to kiss him. Robb didn't seem to mind. In fact, his tongue started fucking Ken's mouth as fast and furious as his cock was pounding Ken's ass.

Ken kept on getting the pounding of his life until finally Robb pulled out of his mouth. "DUUUUUUDE!!!! DUDE, I'M GONNA--I'M GONNA--"

"YEAH!!!! YEAH!!!" screamed Ken as he started stroking his cock furiously. "DO IT!!! DO IT!!!"

"UH--UH--UH--AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" screamed Robb loud enough to wake the dead. Ken felt the spasms of cum shoot deep into his ass. "AWWWWWWWWWW--FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!"

Ken simultaneously screamed as his load exploded all over Robb's stomach. "AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!"

As soon as they had both cum, Robb stopped thrusting and they both just panted in exhausted silence for a minute. Finally, Robb slowly pulled out and collapsed next to Ken. "Duuuuuuuuuuuude," he sighed. "Aw, dude, that was fucking incredible!"

"Yeah," panted Ken. "You are one hot little fuck, you know that?"

"Aw, thanks, dude," Robb smiled. "Yeah, so are you! Damn! I didn't know a guy could get me that fucking hot, dude!"

"Thanks," smiled Ken.

"Awwww, dude, man, I wish we could just like, stay here all day and fuck and shit," said Robb.

"Yeah, I know," said Ken. "Me too, believe me."

"Can we do this again, dude?" asked Robb.

"Sure, if you want," said Ken.

"Oh fuck yeah dude!" grinned Robb. "But now it looks like the rain stopped. We'd better get out there and catch some fish for real, know what I'm saying?"

"Yeah," said Ken. "Good call."

They went out and washed off in the ocean, then turned the boat over and headed back out.

As they dropped the net and waited, Ken asked Robb, "So, you're sure you're OK with that? You're not freaked out or anything?"

"Oh, no, it's all good dude," Robb reassured him.

"Good. Because, I mean, I meant what I said about looking out for you and not doing anything that would make you uncomfortable."

"Oh, no, dude. That was fucking hot as shit. And I want to do it again, dude, definitely. But just--you know, I know I'm not gay, dude. I'm really not even attracted to dudes, tell you the truth. But with you, it's like, I don't know, I just, like, feel really, like, comfortable with you, dude. But it's like, the thing is, dude, I don't know, like, how soon it will be before I like, feel cool with, you know, like, blowing you or like, taking that monster up my ass, know what I'm saying, dude?"

"Yeah, I hear you," said Ken.

"I don't know. We'll just, like, see what happens, you know, the next time, dude," said Robb. "But dude, be straight up with me. You're gay, dude, right?"

"Yeah," said Ken. "Is that--"

"Oh, no, it's all good, dude," said Robb. "I mean, I didn't like, even know or anything before, you know, but when you, you know, like, started gulping down my cock, I could tell you, like, knew what you were, you know, doing, like, really well, know what I'm saying?"


Robb gave him a hug. "Don't worry dude. It's all good," he said, and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "But this will just be like, you know, between us, dude, right?"

"Oh, yeah," assured Ken. "It's nobody else's fucking business."

"Cool, dude," smiled Robb. "Exactly. It's nobody else's fucking business. Now let's hope we start catching some of these fuckers. We're all starving back there, dude!"

Ken laughed. Yeah, this had pretty much played out exactly as he planned. Except Robb was even cooler with it than he thought. He was sure he could blow him, and he had a pretty good idea he might be able to get him to fuck him, but he was surprised Robb let him finger him and, in some ways, even more surprised that he got into kissing him. He was pretty sure he would be like "Dude, I don't, you know, like, kiss other dudes." And he was glad Robb seemed pretty comfortable with the whole thing. And Robb was right--they'd just see what happened from here.

Comments, etc., welcomed at . Thanks for all the compliments I've gotten already! I got a lot of requests for some Robb action so apparently I'm not the only one who finds him hot; hope you liked it! I do have one more chapter in mind with things as they stand now, but the rest will depend on who gets voted out in what order; I'm trying to make things plausible with the events on the real series.

Next: Chapter 3

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